90 days of spring are passing by

Chapter 124: The Art of the Emperor


The old king dies and the new king succeeds. Mingkang became the new king's beauty again, a mere beauty, the lowest-ranking among the palace concubines. The new king announced to the world that Daye and Beiqiu would make peace and have a good relationship for thousands of years. From now on, Daye will be the territory of Beiqiu. The people of Daye will also be the people of Beiqiu and will not be classified as slaves.

This is what the people of Daye are most afraid of. When King Beiqiu said this, Daye was convinced and respected him as the new king.

In the morning, the eunuch opened the window and could vaguely see Princess Mingkang standing in the courtyard looking at the plum blossoms through the frost-covered glazed window.

At this time, there was sparse snow falling in the sky, and the ground and eaves were all glistening white.

There is also snow on the flower branches, making the plum tree appear slightly bloated.

It seemed as if the flowers on the branches were about to fall down the next moment. Long ice picks hung under the eaves, which were sharp and shivering with chill, making people's hearts feel chilly.

"When did she get up?" His Majesty asked.

"After attending bed last night, the beautiful lady stood outside the courtyard waiting to see the flowers as the sky turned bright."

He sneered, "Go and call her in."

There are no footprints on the snow, no one is following the beautiful lady, and no one has swept the snow on the ground. Your Majesty is worried, and he often tosses and turns in sleep at night. Even if he is asleep, the slightest movement will disturb him. Therefore, who is snowing in the morning? No one was scanning.

Seeing that His Majesty looked good, the eunuch winked and asked the palace servants to come forward and wait on him. There is no need to go to court before and after, and His Majesty can rest better at night.

Mingkang walked in, and the snow on his shoulders melted as soon as he entered the warm palace. She wanted to shake the snow off, but when she saw him glancing at her sideways, she had no choice but to stay still.

He said, "In such a severe cold weather and cold morning, the princess can be so elegant. It is really not something ordinary people can do. You want me to notice your unworldly detachment and make people pity you, don't you?" "

The deerskin shawl on Mingkang's shoulders complemented the white snow, and the wind was blowing wildly outside, but her face was filled with contentment and no worries at all.

"What should I do? Gu wants to destroy whatever you like. Otherwise, Gu will ask someone to pull up the tree?"

Mingkang didn't look up at him, he held his hands in a daze, his eyes fluttering like little lanterns.

She was always so rude and he knew she couldn't speak, but he couldn't bear this lack of reaction.

He lost his temper and said, "What's the point of destroying the tree? It's better to destroy you."

Mingkang yawned. It seemed that he didn't sleep well last night and got up too early this morning.

He became even more angry, "How about destroying you on the bed?"

Mingkang knelt on the ground humbly and performed a palace ceremony.

He didn't know what she meant, so the maid who served her carefully said to His Majesty, "The beauty is saying that she is going back to rest. It is a farewell gift."

He resisted the thought of smashing the cup at her and changed his mind and said, "How about waiting a little longer? Mr. Li is going to the palace today. You are old acquaintances after all, why don't you meet?"

Mingkang raised his eyes to look at him, his eyelashes moving like butterfly wings.

He laughed angrily at her, "Is Gu being too kind to you? You are not afraid of Gu at all, and you can't even mention his name in a thousand words?"

Mingkang lowered his eyelashes, and there was silence again.

A small wooden box measuring three inches wide and five inches long flew out immediately, causing her face to be covered in blood.

The blood dripped from his forehead and down his eyelashes. Gradually, his face became bright red. Only the eye circles were not red, and his eyes were still cold and calm.

Even though he used the most majestic imperial technique with her, he never got the satisfaction of being an emperor from her, so he was naturally very angry.

When Li Xiuning came, the blood on her face had dried. The two of them passed each other in a hurry outside the palace, but he didn't even look at her, and she kept her head down.

He should have felt guilty towards her, but now he didn't even greet her politely.

She didn't care about it, and she didn't feel any regrets. I just drew circles in my mind silently, one after another. In the circles were my brother's severed hand, the sword with which my father committed suicide, and the jade bracelet that my mother smashed on the ground when she was about to die...

It was not her fault, it was her fault that she became the loser and her fault was that she was unable to resist. She now had no right to demand an apology from these enemies, nor did she have the right to express any dissatisfaction with any of them.

The Queen is always polite, generous, gentle, graceful and noble. Everyone praises the new queen in this way.

However, only Mingkang felt that this was actually a kind of revenge he gave her, a kind of dull pain and torture of a slow knife cutting flesh. In the past, these compliments were the praises of others who respected their mothers. Now, they have become their high-sounding words. honorific.

If possible, she would die immediately and never see anything here again. But this kind of thought suddenly appeared, but it was like a floating thread, looming and difficult to catch.

She is anxious, she is annoyed, but she cannot vent. So I can only be a fool.

She was waiting anxiously and helplessly, waiting for the best time.

Hatred can blind people's eyes at any time. They are bound by a dream, unable to escape once, and then fall into another dream, endlessly, life after life.

The empress said that there were some special cases where she asked a good lady to go and get it in person, and she was asked to make a long diagonal trip from the northeast to the southwest in the palace in the wind and snow. It was just because she was the one who stayed in bed last night, and she felt resentful in her heart, so she had to torment her.

Mingkang drank the cold wind and coughed a few times, but still kept his coughing low and his tone low.

Sure enough, the Queen Mother said, "He is indeed a delicate person. He is cold even after walking a few steps." There was majesty and dissatisfaction in her words.

Mingkang looked at the queen speechlessly and did not salute.

The Queen said, "Now that you see me, you can't even greet me?"

She remained motionless, and the maid serving beside her whispered, "Beauty, please kneel down quickly and apologize."

Kneel down and apologize quickly? Kneel down and apologize quickly? Her heart suddenly overflowed with sadness.

Mingkang had the blood of the Zhao royal family flowing in her body. These people were just savages from a barbarian land, and their dignity made it difficult for her to kneel at her feet to say goodbye.

The maid whispered in her ear, "Beauty, please bow quickly, otherwise we will all die."

She hesitated for a moment and then performed the palace ceremony respectfully.

The queen was shocked. She didn't expect that she would give in so quickly.

Mingkang lowered her head, anxiety welling up in her heart, but she quickly suppressed it.

It snowed heavily again in the afternoon, and His Majesty called her over.

Ming Kang happened to meet him again when he entered the palace. The fine snow on her body immediately turned into crystal water droplets when encountering the warm heat in the room. The snow on her eyelashes also hung crystal clear between her eyelashes.

The imperial doctor was taking His Majesty's pulse at the side, "When the heart Qi is calm, the spleen earth will flourish, so the heart fire is the elixir of the spleen earth..."

This imperial physician used to be the most trusted imperial physician of Emperor Daye.

Mingkang calmly turned his eyes and looked out the door at the vast snow.

His Majesty smiled and said deliberately, "Why, don't you want to see him?"

Mingkang and Yantang looked at each other for a moment, averting their eyes tacitly, as if they were two people who had never known each other before.

In fact, he had never said a word to her. It was the first time she saw him that day at the Queen Mother's Sufu Palace, but she always felt that she had known him for many years, as if she had known him well many years ago. She seemed to be two people who would definitely get to know each other many years later. She didn't know where this strange feeling came from.

(End of chapter)