90 days of spring are passing by

Chapter 128: Just a stone's throw away


His Majesty's health suddenly began to deteriorate. Not long after the Mid-Autumn Festival, one night, he suddenly had a high fever that wouldn't go away. However, he was still young and took some medicine. Although he felt uncomfortable, he was able to get over it.

But the high fever lasted for two days before it subsided. From then on, his health became worse day by day. People in the palace had long tongues, and everyone said that it was the good and beautiful women who had weakened your majesty's body.

On ordinary mornings, His Majesty usually does not have breakfast. This is his habit. But on the morning after the high fever subsided, he asked people to pass the meal in a hoarse voice. The beautiful woman sat at his hand, and there were four eunuchs waiting on him. On the left and right, there were two tasting dishes and two picking up the dishes. No matter what dishes the eunuch gave the beautiful lady, she ate them with gusto.

He felt desolate in his heart, and his bleak mood could only be compared to the early morning.

After only a few bites, he dropped his chopsticks.

When the emperor was angry, the people in the palace bowed their heads.

He looked at her, but if he didn't speak, she would never speak.

Qianqiang was furious. When he saw her obediently putting down her chopsticks and listening to his instructions, he smiled again, held his head and said, "Are you angry with me on purpose?"

His Majesty stayed sick for several years. When he celebrated his twenty-fifth year, everyone was celebrating, but he wrote in the celebration letter: "I would rather follow the world than get involved with me."

He saw the moonlight on the bed at night and stepped on the ground with his bare feet. As if he remembered something, he pulled her up from the bed and said, "Go, step on the moonlight with your bare feet and let me take a look."

Mingkang rubbed his eyes, he still hadn't woken up.

She was pushed by him and stood on the cold ground for midnight. It wasn't until he fell asleep that she curled up at the foot of the bed and fell asleep again.

He slept for a long time, but always had nightmares.

The water leaked far and near, and he finally dreamed that he would never sleep in peace. When he woke up, he saw her sleeping next to his hand. He stepped forward and held her little finger tightly, as if he had found a treasure.

The next day, under the lavender morning sun, he looked at her profile and felt an extremely strange feeling for some reason.

The next moment, his heart felt as if he had been pricked by a needle, and he was so painful that he could not straighten his back.

He wanted to step forward and hold her hand, but Mingkang sidestepped him and watched coldly as he gradually fell to the ground, covering his heart.

She rummaged around in her sleeve pocket for a while, then took out a piece of candy and quietly stuffed it into her mouth, as if she was getting a lot of sweetness.

After your Majesty's death, the Beiqiu royal family had no successors, and the country was in chaos. At this time, Liangmei was diagnosed with a dragon fetus.

The queen would never believe this, but His Majesty's "edict" has come out. If the beautiful lady is pregnant with a dragon fetus in the future, she will make the beautiful lady's son the heir apparent, and there will be no doubts in the court and harem.

"Reading under the covers, be careful not to damage your eyes." Li Xiuning took the book from her hand and said.

She got angry and opened the quilt to take the book back. Li Xiuning quickly returned the book to her and covered her with the quilt, "It's cold at night, so don't lift the quilt randomly."

While he was talking, Mingkang pointed to a noise outside. Li Xiuning smiled and said, "Now the palace and the court are all my people, what are you afraid of?"

He said with a smile, turned off the lamp, turned around and lay down next to her.

Someone outside the palace door said, "Princess Liang, the Queen Mother has asked her servants to come and inquire. The Queen Mother can go to the new ceremony tomorrow. If the Queen Mother is willing, the Queen Mother will have the palace chariot prepared early."

The palace attendant beside Mingkang slowly opened the door of the palace, and was not surprised to see Mr. Li sleeping next to her. He asked in a low voice, "Can the empress go tomorrow?"

She shook her head and yawned.

"What's the point of staying in this palace every day? Why not go out for a walk?"

She wrote on the palm of his hand, "Is there any good performance this year at the new ceremony?"

His face didn't look good.

The palace man lowered his head and said, "This slave will go down first."

"Just say that she has been feeling unwell recently and is unable to go. Thank you Queen for your kindness."


He murmured something in her ear, and Mingkang felt calm in his heart, like a shallow pool of water, but he couldn't help but vomit after a moment.

He was secretly frightened, and his heart was filled with darkness.

The imperial doctor was called overnight, but he naturally avoided the situation in the inner room. He heard the imperial doctor say that the dragon fetus was stable and his head was throbbing.

But Mingkang was bouncing in her chair, the strands of hair around her ears bouncing, and the bright purple jade bracelet on her wrist was swaying, her face was childish, she was always so heartless. Li Xiuning was wondering whether she was so unconcerned when she saw His Majesty's body.

Seeing that he hadn't come for several days, she waited for him in the corridor not far from the lower court. Seeing him approaching, she held his hand without sincerity, without fear of others seeing her.

"You didn't ask me to come to the palace to see you. Why did you come to me on your own?" he said.

It was a sunny day, her face was full of sunshine, she smiled with white teeth and cherry red lips.

She was smiling and waving his hand carelessly to please him. Even if she was hiding evil intentions, who could blame her

He looked up and saw that the sky outside the palace was cloudless.

"It's a nice day today."

She nodded.

"Do you want to ride a horse?" he asked.

Before she could react, after a slight hesitation, she was already taken away by him. She looked at his profile. He had a high nose and long eyelashes. His complexion was white and rosy. He was wearing a blue court uniform. He was a very upright man.

When he gets angry, he puts one foot on the chair, blocking her way, forcing her to coax him. When he is happy, he pats his knees and laughs loudly, like a boy who has not grown up.

She almost relented.

The two of them left the palace, and he put a long gauze hat on her to cover her face. He told Mingkang that he had collected many horses outside the palace.

Mingkang wrote on the palm of his hand, "Do you have any collection of beauties?"

He frowned and became angry again, and bent his knees to let her get on the horse from his knees, "Your Highness, please get on the horse."

Everyone calls her the Dowager Empress, but he is the only one who still remembers that she is Princess Mingkang, and he is the only one who now calls her Your Highness.

"Don't worry, Your Highness. It's not easy for me to go to the palace to see you every day. I don't have the energy to look for other women."

She nodded and did not continue to embarrass him.

She looked at him on the horse, and Li Xiuning glanced at her unintentionally, "Your Highness, are you looking at me?"

Mingkang was a little embarrassed and lowered his head shyly.

He smiled and said nothing. He held the saddle and got on the horse neatly, holding her in his arms for protection.

In the silence she could only hear her own heartbeat. It took a long time to slowly realize that they had walked out of the long street for a long time.

He didn't know that the consequences of being easily tempted would be eternal disaster. He had learned from the past, he didn't believe in evil, and he had to rush to risk his life for her.

Whether it was her charming face, her good handwriting, or her silent plan, which step seduced him.

The day Princess Mingkang gave birth to her child was also the day the Li Mansion was in trouble. Everyone said that Mr. Li drank too much and couldn't wake up that day. If he had been alert, he would have escaped this disaster. It seems to be destiny. Return.

She was holding the baby, already very weak.

The Queen Mother's relatives rebelled. She held herself up and handed the child to the palace people, and used the power of the imperial army to fight against the two thousand people gathered by the Queen Mother's relatives.

Mingkang stood on a high building in the palace and looked at the rebellion from a distance.

She knew that if he didn't die, he would definitely come.

Sure enough, he led the imperial army guarding outside the imperial city and broke into the palace. Two men and horses fought in the narrow and endless palace road.

Mingkang knew that he would always win, but this time, it might not be so easy. The fire should have hurt him badly.

Thinking of this, she sighed slowly.

Then, he slowly raised the bow and arrow in his hand, his eyes cold and firm.

Just when he killed all of the Queen Mother's relatives for her, he raised his sword high and knelt on the palace road, an arrow came with the wind and pierced his heart.

"Master Li!"

"grown ups!"


"grown ups!"

Everyone was surprised to follow the direction of the arrow and saw the bow and arrow in the hands of the concubine.

She stood in the corner of the tall building, as cold as a stone statue.

Soon, the maid next to Mingkang came over and said, "The Queen Mother has decreed that all these rebellious officials and traitors will be killed."

The imperial guards following Li Xiuning were helpless at this time. Li Xiuning was dead and they were leaderless. There was only one prince in the palace.

"I am willing to eradicate the traitors for the concubine."

Someone suddenly said something, and the rest of the people knelt down and followed suit.

The maid returned to Mingkang and asked, "What should I do with Master Li's body?"

Mingkang tapped the bow and arrow three times on the railing and wrote on the pillar beside him, "Chop it into pieces and scatter it in the deepest goldfish pond in the palace."

The maid looked pale and took the bow and arrow in her hand tremblingly, "I obey your order."

Seeing her moving lightly, she never looked back at Li Xiuning among the dead bodies on the ground.

When the palace maid recalled how well Master Li had treated her in the past, she felt cold in her heart.

The two men among the guards slowly raised their heads.

Ran Ran whispered to Wei Lang, "What should we do now?"

"You ask me, who should I ask?"

"We have sneaked into the palace, but how can we find Mr. Wen and Brother Liyou?"

"If I guess correctly, the person who just shot Li Xiuning was Princess Mingkang."

"Who is Princess Mingkang?" Ran Ran didn't know.


"You're the fool."

"Once, Liyou's body suddenly woke up. In fact, a woman took over his body. That woman might be Princess Mingkang."

"how do you know?"

"I did some divination and saw some of that woman's past, and I know she is Princess Mingkang. The woman I saw is the person you and I saw just now."

"Your divination is quite useful, but what's the use of finding Princess Mingkang? Can we follow her to find brother Liyou?"

"I don't know, but Princess Mingkang must have some connection with Liyou that we don't know about."

"How about you take possession of it again?"

"Wherever I can keep occupying it, the secret must not be leaked. My life is almost exhausted."

"Princess Mingkang is so beautiful." Ran Ran sighed.

"You..." He was speechless.

"Her eyes are like brother Liyou's eyes." Ran Ran said suddenly.

Wei Lang's heart skipped a beat.

"Why did Princess Mingkang take over Liyou's body? Although the mermaid beads can preserve the body, not just any soul can be revived by his body, and generally the human body will be repelled to a certain extent if the body is entangled by the soul."

"What are you talking about?" Ran Ran heard him mutter.

"Why on earth would Princess Mingkang use his body as if she were using her own body?"

"What is your body, my body?" Ran Ran asked him in his ear.

Wei Lang suddenly turned his head and bumped heads with hers.

This collision knocked him clearly.

"Is it possible that when Mr. Wen and Li You enter this Jambu world, they will no longer be the same people we know?"

"What's the meaning?"

"Princess Mingkang is most likely Liyou."

"Huh? But, she is a woman."

"I know, I'm just guessing. I don't know anything now, so I can only guess."

The two of them were talking quietly at the back, and suddenly they heard people not far away gradually stand up. Wei Lang quickly pulled Ran Ran to stand up, and the two of them walked out of the palace again.

Eating wontons on the street, Ran Ran held a bowl and her hair was messy. "I gained nothing after going to the palace." She took a sip of the soup and said.

Wei Lang watched her hair go into his mouth and pointed helplessly at her face.


He sighed and reached out to pull the hair out of her mouth, "You ate your own hair."

"Thank you."

"Where should we go next?"

"We are not going anywhere. The most important thing now is to verify the relationship between Princess Kang and Liyou."

"Princess Mingkang... But she and brother Liyou are obviously two people."

"Maybe not two people."

"I don't understand anything you say."

"One night, the night when Mr. Wen brought Ji Liyou's body back from me, he said something."

"What words?"

"Probably coming back."


"I didn't understand it at the time, but now that I think about it, he might be talking about returning to the soul."

"Forget it, I'll just eat my wontons. I don't understand what you're talking about."

"Ran Ran, do you know that you have three souls?"

"I not only have a soul, I also have a soul," she said.

"you know?"

"This is what the old people say. People have souls and souls. When the soul dies and the body dies, the soul dies and the spirit disperses."

"Who did you listen to?" Wei Lang was surprised.

"It's just the nun in the palace."

"You are right. But Liyou is different from you."

"What's different about brother Liyou?"

"His soul is broken. I already felt it when I told his fortune."

"what does that mean?"

"It means, maybe, he is not a normal person."

"You put it simply."

"Perhaps, his soul is mixed with other souls."

"Are you saying that Princess Mingkang's soul might be mixed with brother Liyou?"

"That's what I mean."

"So, is it possible that the current Princess Mingkang is brother Liyou?"


She put down the bowl and laughed, "Are you kidding me?"

"Forget it if you don't believe it."

"It's not that I don't believe it, it's just that what you said is too similar to the resurrecting technique mentioned in the storybook."

"There's also something strange about it."

"Everything you say is strange."

"Except for Princess Mingkang, there seems to be a part of Liyou's soul that I can't see clearly. It seems that there is a shadow of another person hidden."

"Wei Lang, are you lying to me?"

"What are you lying to?"

"Can you really tell fortunes and see other people's souls?"

"Yes, but not all of them can. There are some that I can't see clearly, such as Ji Liyou."

"Then take a look for me."

(End of chapter)