90 days of spring are passing by

Chapter 131: Extremely stupid


He spit out a large mouthful of blood and fell to the ground, "Who is it?"

Wei Lang sighed, shook his head and said, "I shouldn't have saved you, but..."

After saying that, he stepped forward to hold his shoulders and gave him a medicine.

"It can only temporarily delay the toxicity. If you feel slightly relieved, take out the antidote and feed it to her, and give it to yourself as well. Live well, why are you seeking death?"

He was still murmuring: "Who is Ji Liyou?"

Wei Lang turned around and looked at him and said, "Ji Liyou is Ji Liyou. You don't know him, so why do you keep asking?"

Something changed, and this time he and she were extremely different.

Later, Ji Liyou thought that he had been trapped with him seven times, and he killed him six times. The last time he lost his life, but the storyteller never told him that he had not survived the first six times. It is often said in the world that Although he and he were not married once for the seventh life, they had also experienced killing each other seven times.

When they met the next day, Anmuda brought news that the body was indeed her own, and now she used Mrs. Liu's body.

Wei Lang found the antidote from Li Xiuning's body, but Princess Mingkang was not yet awake.

Ran Ran sat next to her and stared at her face, "Wei Lang, is there really such a beautiful person in the world?"

"If Ji Liyou wakes up and hears you saying this, I will cut out your tongue."

She quickly covered her mouth, "Is she really brother Liyou?"

"There shouldn't be any lies. I can't imagine why the owner of the engraving would lie to us." Wei Lang said.

After thinking for a while, he asked, "Anmuda, how did you regain consciousness from this body?"

Anmuda shook his head, "To be honest, I don't understand either, but when I was angry at the time, I suddenly thought of being bullied by Tuta on the grassland when I was a child. I beat Tuta to tears and made his nose bleed, and then forced him to I drank my own nosebleed."

Ran Ran was shocked, "You still have such a past, you are just like a little boy."

Anmuda suddenly wanted to say something to her, so he opened his mouth, but still didn't say anything.

Wei Lang turned a Buddhist bead on his wrist and said, "I don't know where Mr. Wen is. We only found Liyou. I heard that this world of Jambu is layered within one another. Fortunately, we have not been sucked into other Yamas." In the floating world, if Mr. Wen lives alone in Jambu and loses the ability to defend himself, he would be extremely weak and in danger now."

Ran Ran nodded, taking it seriously, "Didn't you say that Mr. Wen was struck several times by lightning? I'm afraid just thinking about it, if a person was struck by lightning, he would turn into a roast suckling pig."

The two of them were talking nonsense.

I don't know which sentence she said, but Princess Mingkang suddenly opened her eyes and asked, "What's wrong with old man Wen?"

In this world, he is probably the only one who can call the storyteller Wen Old Man.

Ran Ran walked over slowly and stretched out her hand in front of her, "Who... are you? Brother Liyou?"

The man on the bed had a pain in his head. He rubbed his head and said, "Ranran, why are you here?"

Looking carefully, Wei Lang and Anmuda are also there.

"Are we in Liangzhu, Southern Wei?" he asked tentatively.

Suddenly, I realized that my voice had become that of a woman.

"I… "

"How could I..."

Anmuda threw a mirror over at the right time. He took the mirror, touched the beautiful face and said, "This is not me."

Wei Lang was surprised, "There are rumors that Princess Mingkang is mute. Now that you have regained your consciousness, you actually speak in her voice?"

Ran Ran came closer and asked, "What are the rumors?"

"I went to get some gossip." He pushed her head away.

Ji Liyou had just woken up. He only remembered that he was trapped by the woman who lost Wei and was respected as the high priest. Later, when she wanted to completely destroy him by Haizi, a wave of water suddenly appeared in Haizi. The sword stabbed at her, and he took advantage of the chaos to escape.

He was bodyless and weightless, and he couldn't figure out where he had drifted to. He couldn't remember what happened next, but when he slowly thought about it, what happened to Princess Mingkang actually entered his mind one by one, as if These things were all experienced by him personally.

Wei Lang saw that he was dazed, so he briefly told him what happened during these times.

Ji Liyou was still angry, "He asked someone to kill me, and then he rescued me, right? That's ridiculous. Do you think I'm a three-year-old child?"

Wei Lang sat on the edge of the bed, handed him the wet handkerchief, and asked him to wipe his face, "I know you don't believe it, but I know some rumors. I did know that he wanted to use the Soul Escape Technique to destroy your body." Drive out the remaining souls."

"What do you mean by saying this?"

Ran Ran interjected, "Wei Lang said that you do not have a complete soul and soul, your soul is incomplete. Wei Lang also said that your residual soul is mixed with other people's souls."

Wei Lang continued, "Maybe this is the reason why you often have nightmares in Southern Wei and Bolu. At that time, I thought it was just dirty things that were haunting you. I wanted to exorcise evil spirits for you, but I didn't see any evil spirits around you. , Besides, I know that Mr. Wen has great magic power, he must know what is going on with you, so I don’t care much."

"Where did he go?" Ji Liyou wanted to find out personally. Even if he died in his hands, he had to find out the cause of death.

"He..." Wei Lang hesitated and did not tell him what happened by Haizi. He hid his selfish intentions and hoped that even if Ji Liyou knew, he would know later.

But Anmuda spoke out and told him about Mr. Wen's lightning disaster for him.

Ji Liyou was silent for a long time after listening, and everyone on the side didn't know what to say.

He suddenly felt that he was having one dream after another. Until now, he couldn't even tell whether he was in a dream or outside a dream.

He stretched out his hand and asked Ranran to come over.

"What's wrong?" Ran Ran didn't know why.

Ji Liyou suddenly pinched her face, causing her to burst into tears.

"Why are you screwing me?"

"It seems to be true." He said.

"The top priority is to get out of here." Wei Lang said to everyone.

"But we came in from Anye. Now that Anye has been closed, how can we go back?" Anmuda asked him.

Ji Liyou was the only one who remained silent.

Wei Lang saw what was on his mind, "We didn't find Mr. Wen. Let's go back and slowly discuss how to find him. The location of the Yanfu world has been determined, and everyone corresponds to each other. When we come here, Some kind of balance must have been broken. If you don’t leave, I believe a disaster will come soon.”

Ji Liyou nodded, his face still confused.

The butterfly pattern that the engraver made when he left glowed faintly in the dark night, and a group of people discovered it only when they passed by.

Ran Ran still thought about the scholar lying in the inn, "What should we do with him? We leave him here alone?"

Wei Lang looked sideways at her, "How about you stay here with him?"

Ran Ran said no, "I don't want it. But what if those people say that he is with us and refuse to let him go?"

"Stop meddling in other people's business." Anmuda said to her.

There were more people, and they were as lively as they were in the Southern Wei Dynasty. Only Ji Liyou still seemed like an outsider, standing aside without saying a word. If Ran Ran hadn't heard him speak just now, she might have thought it was him at this time. This body of his cannot speak.

Wei Lang slowly approached along the light on the pillar. He opened his hands and opened the butterfly pattern barrier. He smiled and said, "It is indeed like this."

"Wei Lang, what does that butterfly mean?" Ran Ran asked him.

"In the Shiwei dialect, butterfly means the dead. It is said that the first messenger of Tengger was the incarnation of a butterfly and served beside the gods. Since we came in from Anye, we had to find a path of the dead. I I originally thought we should find a road leading to Fengdu, which is the middle limit of the ghost realm. After passing Fengdu, I will clear the way and lead us back to the original world."

"So that's it. Why is Tengger's first messenger a butterfly?"

Wei Lang shook his head, "Ask Anmuda."

Anmuda spread his hands, "Although I am a Shiwei and a member of the Wu tribe, I still can't understand it. The legend says that there are five envoys in Tengger who can convey the divine orders. Each of the five envoys has his or her own duties. My duty is to protect the people of the lost Wei tribe and keep them safe from all kinds of poisons."

As he spoke, the butterfly on the pillar emitted golden light, which reflected on the ground, and a door rose from the ground.

Everyone did not doubt his presence and walked in step by step.

Wei Lang walked in the front, followed by Ji Liyou. Ranran pulled the corner of Ji Liyou's clothes, followed by An Muda.

It's just a door at first, but when you walk in, you find a lot of things.

The wilderness was silent, the night was filled with yellow sand, and no one could be seen at all.

As they were walking, a gust of evil wind blew in front of them. There were whispers of souls in the wind, flying directly towards a few people.

Wei Lang swept out three feet, pointed his toes on the ground, and a crane rose into the sky. His body was lifted up like a solitary smoke, and three exorcism spells flew in the air.


Unexpectedly, this curse did not drive them away, but more and more souls gathered, all rushing in their direction. The sound of dense footsteps was like a downpour falling on the stone slabs, making people's scalp numb. .

Ji Liyou walked to Wei Lang and said, "Use the exorcism spell to have Yang Qi to help you in the human world. They are afraid, but here, it is obviously their world."

"What should we do now?" Wei Lang turned around and asked him.

Ji Liyou was about to take out Zi Qing Yanyu from his sleeve, but found that the woman only had a small purse in her sleeve pocket. He sighed, "Zi Qing Yanyu's spiritual power is amazing. It is Old Man Wen's magic weapon. It is also very effective in exorcising ghosts. It's a pity that he is not with me."

Just when the noise in front of them was helpless, a sound of horse-head bells came in the wind, mixed with the singing of children.

The overwhelming murmurs seemed like the heavy rain had stopped suddenly, and there was silence.

Only the aftertaste of the singing is left, as if still vague in the night wind.

The wind howled in the dark night.

Ji Liyou asked in a deep voice: "Since my friend wants to help, why don't you show up and meet me?"

Although the voice was a woman's, it was full of energy and could speak clearly every word.

After saying these two sentences, no one spoke.

The wind blew the grass on the path, no one could be seen, and no response could be heard.

Wei Lang suspected that it was the handwriting of the engraver, and sneered: "Okay, as long as you are here, it depends on how long you can hide, we will meet again, and then we will definitely thank my friend in person for his great kindness."

Ji Liyou's ears twitched and he suddenly said, "Be careful."

The two people flew to avoid the descending carriage. There was no one driving the horse outside the carriage. There was only a horse with half an arm and a sharp horn on its head. When it neighed, its teeth were bloody and ferocious, and there was an evil atmosphere lingering at the first sight.

Ji Liyou raised his head and looked at the carriage, reminding Wei Lang, "This is a war horse, which was transformed after the death of a war horse on the battlefield. The horn on its head is an inch long, and it represents a person who once trampled to death on the battlefield. With such long horns, he is probably the best among war horses, and he likes to eat people's hearts raw, especially those with strong greed."

There was a person in the car leaning lazily in the compartment, knocking on the window with his hand, and reciting songs in a low voice. It was such a strange voice, half man, half woman.

With half-closed eyes and a smile on his face, he slowly got out of the carriage.

"Everyone is shocked."

There is a bright red butterfly mark on the side of the face.

Ji Liyou smiled lightly and said, "Your Excellency has helped us, what do you want in return?"

"Oh? I didn't say I wanted anything in return from you. I am the most kind-hearted person."

He patted Ji Liyou's shoulder and said with a smile: "Look, I didn't bring a sword. I just want to be friends with you. Being friends with people like you is exactly what I want."

Wei Lang laughed and said: "You can walk sideways in the underworld without the aura of the dead. I am afraid that you are an extraordinary person and no one can match you. I am afraid that we are not qualified to be friends with you."

He blinked and said with a smile: "Master Wei's Duo Kuohuo spell is also unmatched." He continued leisurely: "Although my eyesight is not good, I can use the Witch Clan's spell so well." This is the first time I’ve seen such an exquisite man.”

Wei Lang forced a smile and said: "Ashamed, ashamed."

The man said: "Your skills are failing. If you really take action, I'm afraid there won't be many people who can match you."

Ji Liyou's eyes flashed and he said, "I wonder why your Excellency is waiting for us here?"

He smiled and said: "I have a home all over the world. I have already said that I want to make friends with you, so I am waiting here!"

Ji Liyou pondered and wanted to ask again, but was suddenly interrupted by a voice, "Take them away."

Wei Lang heard the voice again and asked, "Who?"

No one responded, but the smiling man became more serious this time, stretched out his hand and said, "Please come here, I will guide you and take you back to Siwei."

Ji Liyou frowned, wondering what he was thinking.

He invited them to get on the carriage. He thought that the carriage was too small to fit them, but he didn't expect that the carriage looked small from the outside, but it was very spacious inside.

Everyone went up, only Ji Liyou stood still.

The man stretched out his hand and said, "I'll help you get into the car."

Ji Liyou shook his head, "I want to ask you to send these friends of mine back. I still have unfinished things to do, but these friends of mine are involved in this world because of me. If you can, please take them back." , I will thank you in the future." He bowed his hands in salute.

The man had a stern face and said coldly: "Only the stupidest people will stay here."

"Extremely stupid? Maybe, but so what?"

Ran Ran was worried, "Brother Liyou, are you really not coming with us? We finally found you."

Wei Lang finally felt that she said something right, and then said, "Yes, we can slowly discuss the matter of finding Mr. Wen. If he is not here, wouldn't it be a waste of your efforts to go back to find him?"

(End of chapter)