90 days of spring are passing by

Chapter 132: Deep in the sea


Ran Ran also wanted to come down, "Brother Liyou, if you don't leave, I won't leave either. I came to find you in the first place."

Wei Lang raised his eyebrows, indicating that she was doing a good job, and pushed her out of the carriage with his shoulder.

Ran Ran accepted his signal and stepped off the carriage.

Li You said angrily, "Go up and follow Wei Lang out of here."

"I don't want it." She jumped down and grabbed the hem of his palace skirt.

Ji Liyou sighed, "I can't protect myself now. How can I go find him with you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, someone answered, "Who are you looking for?"

He was suddenly in a trance, standing there blankly looking at him.

Ji Liyou slowly raised his head and pushed back the tears that were swirling in his eyes.

When Ji Liyou left the Jambu world on this day, he didn't ask him what happened next. He didn't ask him how he escaped from there after he left, and whether he sank into another Jambu world again, suffering. Struggle, unable to extricate myself.

He had killed him too many times. Even if he stopped and suffered all this on other people, Ji Liyou still couldn't accept it. He really felt the despair and resentment in this body. For a moment, he couldn't distinguish it. Is she Ji Liyou or Princess Mingkang

She was very smart. Even if she did not trap them in this world forever and make them tortured for life after life, cracks gradually appeared between them. Princess Mingkang knew that there were already many holes between them, and she just opened up the cracks. Tear them open and expose all the wounds to the sun, where they will grow into maggots.

She hid in a place where no one could find her, secretly observing the person she hated most in the Six Realms.

She wanted to watch Li Xiuning, whom she had loved with all her heart, completely lose the love in her heart, and wanted him to taste the feeling of being abandoned and far away from the one he loved.

A woman's resentment is the most urgent and best hidden. She hides in Ji Liyou's soul. When he sleeps at night, when he laughs with him and dances with his sword, she engraves every plan in her heart, always preparing for this. One day comes.

The man next to the carriage bowed his head and saluted as soon as he saw the storyteller's face.

But there was no title on his lips.

He escaped from Li Xiuning's body easily, but Ji Liyou still occupied Princess Mingkang's body.

He was about to say a word to Ji Liyou, but Ji Liyou had already got on the carriage and asked him to jump into the air. His fingers stopped in the air, unable to grasp anything.

The storyteller looked at his back and smiled helplessly.

"Please come this way." The man said to the storyteller.

Ji Liyou didn't say anything, but Wei Lang asked first, "Where have you been, Mr. Wen, and we can't find you?"

He secretly looked at Ji Liyou, but the latter leaned aside and closed his eyes, as if he was extremely tired.

This dream after another has made him exhausted mentally and physically.

He naturally knew that Li Xiuning was the storyteller. For no reason, his intuition told him that the man entangled with Princess Mingkang was him.

Princess Mingkang once loved him deeply, but also hated him deeply.

He couldn't tell if it was jealousy, but perhaps what was deeper than jealousy was the mixed emotions of fear, hopelessness, unwillingness, and helplessness.

"Stop talking about this, I really can't help but involve you all in this situation. I will never forget your help today. I will definitely repay you in the future." said the storyteller.

He gently opened Zi Qing Yanyu and gently fanned the people around him.

Wei Lang accidentally glanced and realized that Ji Liyou's neck was full of sweat.

"Is this Mr. Wen's old friend?" An Muda also noticed that something was wrong with Ji Liyou. He had been silent since he got in the car. No, maybe something was wrong from the beginning. He had become less talkative since he came back. a lot of.

The storyteller chuckled lightly, "Old friend? Not really, but I still want to ask...please take me to see your god." He said to the man sitting in the corner.

"The Lord God also had this intention." The man stopped his sly smile and frivolity.

Ji Liyou slowly opened his eyes, "Don't you want to return to Bolu?"

The storyteller said with a smile in his eyes, "Yes, let's not go back to Bolu first, let's go to Shiwei first."

Wei Lang asked, "Mr. Wen, are you going to send us back to the grassland first?"

"I don't want to go back to the grassland." Ran Ran muttered, "That old witch is so scary."

She wanted to complain to Ji Liyou about how the high priest bullied her and wanted her life, but when she saw Ji Liyou's expression was not good, she did not nag.

"As you wish." He said three words lightly and closed his eyes and mouth again.

"Tired?" he asked Ji Liyou.

Liyou didn't answer.

Ran Ran pursed her lips. Although the carriage was not too small, it was in such a closed place that it was impossible to whisper to An Muda and Wei Lang. Everything they said could be heard clearly.

The storyteller didn't get an answer from him, so he explained to him by himself, "Your body should be stored under Haizi. I'll go get it. You may not be used to using this body..."

"How do you know if I'm used to it?" he said.

"I just..." He just knew that he didn't want to see this woman's face for the time being and recall the terrible things that happened to him.

"You are always self-righteous, which is really annoying."

As soon as the words came out, everyone present exchanged glances and were all shocked.

Ran Ran had never thought that Ji Liyou would say such things about Mr. Wen. He had always respected him and he was his mentor and friend. He had always been.

This time when he came back, his treatment of him was different from before. Ran Ran didn't know what happened to them these days, and she had an intuition that Ji Liyou was in a bad mood now.

Anmuda poked her waist and raised his eyebrows.

Ran Ran also replied once, and the two stopped talking to each other.

He was the only one talking to him in the entire carriage, and no one else interrupted.

"If you want to stay in her body, that's not impossible."

"Damn it, I thank you so much, thank you so much for letting me live in this woman's body for so long, and experiencing the feeling of losing my country and my family, and being unable to die. Thank you for letting me become a woman. , gave me this appearance of a moon-shy flower."

"You're welcome," he said.

"There are thousands of ways to save me, why did you choose the most heart-wrenching one? What were you thinking when you asked the people at Sanqi Teahouse to kill me?"

"Do you want me to kill you myself and then take out Mingkang's soul?"

"You can't do it?" Ji Liyou sneered.

The storyteller lowered his head for a moment and flapped his fan lightly in the palm of his hand a few times, as if he was finalizing an idea.

"Who am I? Can you tell me now? I no longer want to know who you are. I don't care if you are a human, a ghost, a god, a monster, a devil or a monster."

The storyteller raised his face and looked at him and said, "Who are you? You don't know?"

"Am I Ji Liyou?" He seemed to be asking him, but also seemed to be asking himself.

"Of course you are Ji Liyou. Besides Ji Liyou, who else in the world can talk to me like this?"

"Heh... you put all this nonsense into my soul, and how dare you say that I am Ji Liyou?"

"So what if it's someone else's remnant soul, you're still you."

"No, no, I... what I want is the original me, you tell me... you tell me who I am."

"Ji Liyou." The storyteller still insisted.

Wei Lang sat aside and understood. The authorities were confused. Ji Liyou still didn't understand. The storyteller made it very clear.

Accompanying these broken souls was Ji Liyou.

The real Ji Liyou was incomplete from the beginning. What kind of magic did he use to piece together such a person

No wonder Ji Liyou was right in front of him when he was doing divination for him, but he seemed to be far away.

Thinking about it now, it should be that the main body of the broken soul in his body is not here, and is calling for a part of the soul in a distant place.

The real Ji Liyou, why is his soul incomplete? Wei Lang didn't understand that the people in the underworld still hadn't found the dead Ji Liyou, maybe it was because of his incomplete soul.

Logically speaking, even a small piece of it could turn him into a person with dementia, blindness, or deafness, and his perception would be much weaker than that of ordinary people. But Ji Liyou was not the same. He had good hearing and vision, and his body was also very agile.

Wei Lang couldn't help but secretly wonder where he came from. It seemed like he was not an unknown loose immortal in the ninth heaven.

"Why do I have the memory of Princess Mingkang and enter her body just to be in this world?"

"Just... a coincidence."


Ji Li was worried about his headache. He rubbed his Qingming point and sighed, "Are you treating me like a fool?"

"there has never been."

"Then why are you unwilling to be honest?"

"Whatever you want to know, I will tell you when we return to Bolu."

"Can I trust you?"

"I told you I wouldn't lie to you."

"You have lied to me many times, and it doesn't matter to you if you lie to me a few more times, right?"

The storyteller's throat tightened as he tried to explain that he never meant to lie to him, never meant to hurt him, but the damage had been done and he couldn't undo it.

Ran Ran felt tired after hearing this. She sighed deeply and opened the curtain of the carriage to look outside. This sight didn't matter. She was so frightened that she couldn't sit still. Fortunately, Wei Lang held her arm tightly.

When she looked, she saw the horse and the entire carriage galloping up into the sky, running recklessly on the road of the dead covered by dark clouds.

"We... we... we are in heaven now." She couldn't believe it.

When the carriage started running just now, she didn't even feel any bumps at all. Maybe she was too fascinated by the quarrel between Ji Liyou and the storyteller.

"That's nothing." said the man leading the way.

Ranran sat closer to Wei Lang and Anmuda, "I'm scared."

Soon, the carriage sank to the bottom of the sea, but the people inside were unconscious until the man said to Ran Ran teasingly, "Girl, please look outside."

Ran Ran shook her head, "From heaven to underground water, I really don't want to see which one it is."

Anmuda opened the curtain and saw the clear sea water outside.

As the carriage went deeper and deeper, Anmuda pointed to the deepest stone and said, "The stone carvings over there look like a roof."

Upon hearing this, Wei Lang hurriedly turned his face to look, and sure enough he saw stacks of stones. Looking further down, he could see clearly that it looked like an ancient capital, hidden deep under the water.

The golden sunlight on the water passed through the water waves and turned into lightsabers, which were inserted into the sea one by one and reflected on the blue and black boulders.

A square stone arch with a "Xiang" carved on the top.

Wei Lang and Ran Ran were both shocked, "Is this the boundary between Haizi and Wuwanghai?"

The man nodded to Wei Lang, "You two are right. It seems you know this place."

Ran Ran looked at the ancient words carved on the stone and asked, "What is that word?"

"Enjoy." Anmuda wrote on the palm of her hand.

Ji Liyou watched An Muda's action from the side and looked at it several times before taking it back.

"What is enjoyment?"

"It is rumored that there is a residence of gods on the land of Shuwei Haizi, where Haizi and Wuwanghai are connected. Wuwuhai can connect the gods and demons, but not everyone can enter Wuwanghai, a branch of Weishui. It flows through the Wuwu Sea, and if anyone touches it, his soul will be destroyed."

"Please wait here, my master has important matters to discuss with these two in detail." said the butterfly-patterned man.

"Can't we go into the city to see how God's people live?" Anmuda wanted to go in. Shiwei only once mentioned that the legend mentioned that Tengger lived in Xiang, and Xiang was here more than two thousand years ago. Sinking into the sea, no one can find it.

"God's people?" He seemed to have heard a joke.

Wei Lang noticed that his smile was cold, "Is Xiang an empty city?"

The man shook his head, "How can a city with an owner be considered an empty city?"

"Except the master?" Ran Ran asked.

The man shook his head, turned to the Storyteller and Ji Liyou and said, "This way, please."

The body Ji Liyou was using now made him out of breath after walking a few steps, so he had to slow down.

The storyteller also gradually slowed down, walked a few steps, and suddenly turned around and picked up Ji Liyou.


"There is still a long way to go. If I hold you, you won't be too tired."

"I don't need your help, who are you pitying?"

"What do you think?" he asked him.

"Do you love me or feel ashamed of me?" he asked him in a low voice.

"I feel guilty about her, but I never feel guilty about you."

Ji Liyou sighed again.

"You have already sighed five times. Ji Liyou doesn't sigh all the time." He said.

"Sorry for upsetting you."

"Is that what I meant?"

"Is not it?"

He was so angry that he put him down, "You insist on quarreling with me and finally come back safe and sound, can't you be a little more docile?"

Ji Liyou was furious when he heard the word "docile", "Who do you think I am? Princess Mingkang and Zhao Liang who are at your mercy?"

"I didn't mean to do this..."

"I mean don't always say things that you and I will regret."

"What does it mean to regret something too late?"




He called him several times, but he didn't answer.

The storyteller couldn't see his smile, and felt increasingly uneasy.

Could it be that his Ji Liyou, the person he created with all his heart and the person he liked the most, could not come back to him after all

Ji Liyou never looked back at him and followed the man leading the way away.

The storyteller followed up, hiding Zi Qing Yanyu in his sleeve, and wanted to hold him with his free hand.

Ji Liyou avoided it calmly.

Even if the man didn't look back, he knew something was wrong with the two of them.

"I'm going to report this, please. Please wait here."

Ji Liyou and the storyteller were waiting outside.

The ancient city has continuous cornices and flying dragons holding beads on the roof. Unfortunately, this ancient city looks like a dead city. The water waves avoid this place and a crystal cover tightly covers this place.

Just when Ji Liyou raised his head to look at the dome above his head, the water waves suddenly changed direction, and the dark bottom was sparkling.

The storyteller was also sensitively aware of the unfamiliar presence approaching. He took a step forward and got closer to Ji Liyou.

(End of chapter)