90 days of spring are passing by

Chapter 133: Gathering the remaining souls


Just after the storyteller slowly opened the purple light mist, the water waves became extremely calm again, and the silver waves disappeared for a while.

The butterfly-patterned man came out and saluted, "My master said it is inconvenient to meet, but if the deity wants it, just come with me."

As he walked, he said, "This young master's body has been resealed with mermaid beads from thousands of years ago, and it is no different from the original."

"Go back and say thank you to him for me."

"My master has predicted what you said. He asked me to tell you that this is what he owes Mr. Ji."

Ji Liyou didn't understand, "What does your master mean by this?"

The storyteller said, "He returned Liyou's body to us. This way, we no longer owe each other, and we will never see each other again. If he appears again, I will definitely—"

"The Lord is joking, we are all smart people. If you respect me a foot, I will respect you a foot, it will do no harm to us."

Ji Liyou knew that they were playing riddles, and the storyteller was determined not to explain to him.

He didn't care much. Who this person was had nothing to do with him.

Entering the inner room of the temple, Ji Liyou saw his body lying in the center of the inner room. This sleepwalking feeling made him feel a little dazed, seeing his body lying in front of him.

He slowly walked over and looked at his palms and fingers, only to find that the skin was intact and there were no scars.

He was obviously seriously injured in the fight before his death, and his fingers and palms were all scarred.

Now it seems that the Storyteller has helped him repair his body and is just waiting for the day he comes back.

He turned around and looked at the storyteller, who was staring at Ji Liyou's unharmed body. After a moment, he frowned.

It took the storyteller two hours to separate Ji Liyou from Princess Mingkang's body.

Ji Liyou was still angry. When he returned to his own body, he walked a few steps on the ground. After he got used to it, he turned around and went back to Wei Lang and the others.

He didn't even notice the storyteller's face as pale as paper and the cold sweat on his temples.

After he left, the man waiting in the corner approached the storyteller and said, "The deity showed his kindness, but Mr. Ji didn't appreciate it. It's ridiculous and sad."

The storyteller chuckled, "Although my energy is severely damaged, I can still kill you more than enough."

After saying that, the person in front of him smiled back and said no more.

Ji Liyou quickly walked up to them, about ten steps away from them.

Without any warning, waves rumbled around, and the water from Haizi poured into the place. This cover was purely a decoration.

What was even more dangerous was that the water waves turned into ice arrows, and thousands of ice arrows were mixed in the water waves and rushed toward them.

This lightning-fast blow shocked everyone into a circle back to back.

Wei Lang opened five or six talismans and was ready to go, while Anmuda turned into a staff with his bare hands and held his breath.

Ice Arrow is coming.

Ji Liyou flew into the middle of them with a single step, and everyone surrounded Ran Ran, who didn't know any martial arts.

Just when the ice arrows were about to beat a few people into a sieve, a landscape fan flew out from the sky, opening up a barrier from end to end, condensing all the ice arrows in the air, and landed a few feet away from everyone. of the head.

He suddenly closed his hands and intertwined his fingers, and all the ice arrows turned into powder.

Ji Liyou looked at the storyteller, "What's going on?"

The storyteller walked to Wei Lang and Ji Liyou calmly, "The business has not been settled yet."

"What business?" Wei Lang asked.

Several people here were still talking, and the butterfly-patterned man and another man in green robes walked out of the temple.

"What do you mean?" Anmuda asked angrily.

But these two people said nothing at this time, and each held a long sword towards Wei Lang and his party.

The storyteller stood in the front, raising and lowering his hand to fan.

The butterfly-patterned man's arm was cut off by his fan.

Blood sprayed on Ran Ran and Wei Lang, making Ran Ran scream out in fright.

The storyteller turned around and saw that Ji Liyou's sleeves were also stained with blood, and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, I scared you."

After a moment, the man with the butterfly pattern's arm grew back again.

Wei Lang was surprised, "Does he have three heads and six arms?"

"No matter how many heads or arms he has, if he dares to come forward, I will break his arms and smash his head."

Ran Ran was in shock and her body was shaky. Ji Liyou helped her steady and said: "Don't be afraid, pretending to be a ghost is just a trick. We will leave here soon."

Ran Ran tugged on his sleeve, "Brother Liyou, your body is back."


She wanted to ask where the body of the beautiful Princess Mingkang had gone, but now was really not the time to talk, so Ran Ran had to let go and stop grabbing his sleeves.

She lowered her head, feeling something sweet in her throat, and suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood, with black blood stasis. Anmu Da's eyes quickly hugged the unconscious Ran Ran.

Wei Lang saw something was wrong, flashed the talisman in the air, and shouted: "She was poisoned, was it you?"

The butterfly-patterned man said: "This is the underwater area of Haizi. Logically speaking, there is no methane gas. But in order to welcome Mr. Ji and the Lord, my master specially excluded this place from the water. The ancient city dried up and methane gas started to appear."

"Why is it that we are all fine but she is the only one who has been poisoned?" Anmuda asked.

Ji Liyou looked at the purse around his waist and saw the mermaid bead was still in it. He had drank the storyteller's blood many times in the past. Weilang and Anmuda were both wandering monks from Shiwei, and the methane from Shiwei had no effect on them at all.

Only Ran Ran is an ordinary person, and she has no fish beads to protect her body.

The storyteller took her pulse and said, "It didn't go into my heart, so I can feel at ease."

Anmuda continued, "I remember that the clear dew from the Medog flowers is needed to resolve methane gas, but where can we find the clear dew now?"

The butterfly-patterned man smiled, "We have some here, but... why should we give them to you?"

Anmuda shouted: "If we can't get the antidote, I will kill you!"

"That's not a small tone." The person next to the butterfly-patterned man said.

"You also brought a helper. Are you determined not to let us leave alive today?" Wei Lang said.

Ji Liyou walked to Anmuda and hung the purse on Ran Ran's waist, "There are mermaid beads in it, which will do no harm to the body. Of course, if there is an antidote, the solution will be faster, but if there is no antidote, there will be no mermaid beads." It’s a serious problem. It can cure hundreds of poisons. You and Wei Lang can help the mermaid beads’ spiritual energy penetrate her acupuncture points, and the effect may be faster.”

After Wei Lang heard this, he sat with Anmuda, and the two of them were busy removing the sewage gas from Ran Ran's body.

Anmuda said, "We are not that big, but we have a lot to do."

Wei Lang said, "Stop talking and start practicing your skills quickly. Mr. Wen and Liyou may need our help."

The man with the butterfly pattern sneered. When he jumped up, he touched Ji Liyou's shoulder. The storyteller immediately cut off his arm.

Ji Liyou had goosebumps, "What are you doing?"

The butterfly-patterned man smiled and said: "Holy Lord, you are already dead, do you still need to hold on in front of him? You have almost used your last breath just now, right? You must not have the strength to stop us now."

Ji Liyou slowly came to his senses, "He deliberately let us find my body, and then waited for you to become weak after casting spells before taking advantage of it?"

The storyteller said: "What are you afraid of? I will take care of him."

"Why did he say you were breathing your last breath?"

"He's talking nonsense." The storyteller smiled.

The storyteller expected that Ji Liyou had something to say, but held his hand firmly. Ji Liyou saw his eyes and nodded silently.

Each other had their own concerns, but for a while, they reached a consensus.

"Honored God, you and our master are close friends. Why don't you sell your favor today?"

"Who do you think you are, working as a lobbyist for him?"

The man said: "If the god died here today, wouldn't it be ridiculous? We don't want to let the world spread that the god is a phoenix that fell to the ground and is worse than a chicken."

Ji Liyou was stunned for a moment and said, "What exactly do you want?"

The butterfly-patterned man said, "Excuse me for being presumptuous, Mr. Ji, all we want... is you."

Ji Liyou didn't expect that he would go straight to the point as soon as he said, "You want me?"

"Yes. To be precise, it is you we want."

The storyteller gritted his teeth and sweated more on his face.

Ji Liyou smiled bitterly and said, "I'm just a mortal, I don't need to go to war against you."

"Brother Ji, maybe there is something you don't know. No, maybe there are too many things you don't know."

Ji Li was worried and said: "What you are saying is..."

Turning his head, he saw through the storyteller's panic, and immediately changed his words, "It's okay if I don't know!"

"The sooner the cancer is removed, the better. The sooner the secret is known, the less likely it will be hurt too deeply."

When Ji Liyou heard what he said very sincerely, he couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart and said: "The vicissitudes of the world are unpredictable. Even if there are secrets that I don't know, I believe that one day, the person I love will tell me To be honest, this is my confidence in him.”

He glanced at the storyteller and noticed that he looked unhappy.

The man with the butterfly pattern said to the storyteller, "Why is the god so silent? Is it because the villain said the wrong thing?"

"Brother Ji, is there something I shouldn't ask? You seem to have great admiration for the person next to you?"

"That's true." Ji Li said worriedly.

The storyteller felt warm in his heart. Hearing his words, going up the mountain of knives and going down the frying pan was a life worth living.

"I see that Brother Ji is soft on the outside and strong on the inside. There is one thing I want to tell Brother Ji. The person you admire is the God who created you with his own hands."

Ji Liyou didn't understand it at first.

He slowly connected all the things that happened during these times and gradually figured it out.

The butterfly-patterned man continued, "Your soul is pieced together here and there. The reason for this pieced together is the selfishness of the god beside you. He gathered the soul he desires most in this world. In a body for him to drive, enslave, and play with."

Unexpectedly, Ji Liyou asked him very calmly, "Is it true?"

The storyteller didn't nod, but he didn't shake his head either. He stood still and didn't make any explanation.

"In addition to Princess Mingkang, I also have Ji Fuwei in my body, right?"

"Yes." He answered honestly.

"I don't have a soul of my own at all, do I?"

"No, you do. It's just that your soul is incomplete. I'm repairing it with other residual souls."

Ji Liyou laughed and said: "Since it is damaged, how can we force it? You use their souls to repair it, is it your selfish intention?"

"What do you think it is?"

"I don't know, that's why I asked you."

"Ji Liyou would never ask me this question before. He would only believe me." The storyteller spoke more and more eloquently, and the hands behind his back trembled slightly.

"But I am Ji Liyou now. I regard you as a friend who is worthy of deep friendship, a mentor who is worthy of trust, and a lifelong confidant. I also admire you very much. I even wonder if I don't have fate in this life. I will also find you in the next life, and we will never be apart from you in all our lives.”

Seeing that he was choking and seemed unwilling to talk any more, the storyteller's eyes turned red. He raised his eyes for a moment and regained his clarity. "This is good. I will be your mentor and your lifelong confidant. This is all very good. You are still the same as before." Believe me, I will still be with you as before."

After getting the Mermaid Bead, and with the help of Weilang Anmuda to help her with her martial arts, Ran Ran's strength gradually recovered, and she woke up a few moments later, feeling like a normal person.

She and Wei Lang Anmuda walked from a short distance behind Ji Liyou.

Wei Lang whispered to Ji Liyou, "Don't be seduced by this man's sweet words. Mr. Wen is not that kind of person. The residual souls in your body are not only Ming Kang but also Ji Fuwei. The last time I discovered the residual souls in your body, The soul is very complicated, Mr. Wen must have found a remnant soul that suits your soul to repair it for you, don't think too much, he must not be just for Princess Mingkang and Ji Fuwei."

After hearing this, the storyteller laughed and said, "Don't get involved with him. I'm just a simple person."

"For what reason?" Ji Liyou asked carefully.

"In order to have someone to accompany me in this world." He said to Ji Liyou.

"So it's either Ji Fuwei, Ji Liyou, or Princess Mingkang?"

He sighed, "Why don't you understand?"

"You turned me into a fool, and you want me to see through your mind in everything. Am I that smart?"

"If I want Mingkang, I will stay in the world of Yanfu and find her again. If I want Ji Fuwei, I will go against the principles of heaven and earth and keep his life. But I don't, I don't stay in the world of Yanfu, I am not captured. Trapped, because as long as it wasn't you, I wouldn't be trapped in that dream-like illusion. I also didn't force Ji Fuwei's life, because the life and death of others has nothing to do with me."

Ran Ran was extremely moved and whispered to An Muda, "Brother Liyou's master is too kind to him. I have never had such a master."

Anmuda replied to her, "You only see the deep love between master and disciple?"

Ran Ran asked back, "What else?"

Wei Lang sighed, "Stop talking nonsense. Now we are on someone else's territory. Whether we can get out or not is still one thing."

The man with the butterfly pattern rushed towards Ji Liyou again, reaching out to hold his shoulders and bring him to his side. The storyteller had quick eyes and quick hands and crushed his pipa bones immediately.

The butterfly-patterned man fell backward and was caught by his companion.

The two of them fought side by side, as if they were determined to keep Ji Liyou here today.

The man shook his head and sighed, and said: "The God is a rare talent, but unfortunately his Taoist heart is unstable and he has gone astray. Once a person with too much desire goes astray, no one wants to help him. It can't be saved. It's a pity that the deity lost all his immortal bones."

The storyteller said, "In this case, it's better for you to do this for me?"

"Of course, if we take Mr. Ji away, we will definitely not disturb your practice anymore, and I'm afraid it will be extremely beneficial to you."

The storyteller laughed heartily and said: "Although your relationship with me is not very deep, we are still very sincere friends. Today, you sit back and watch me fall into the trap set by his men, but you say it is for my own good. This is also laughable. Losing big teeth.”

Ranran pursed her lips and said, "Why did they take brother Liyou away?"

Wei Lang said, "Stop talking nonsense to them, go straight up, kill them all, and then we leave here. It seems that this is not a land of gods. The real god of Shiwei is Tengger. Tengger will never You did such a despicable thing and put yourself in a urn, do you think we will really just sit back and wait for death?"

Anmuda clicked his tongue, "Mr. Wen, do you think they are your colleagues?"

"Them? Not worthy yet."

Anmuda smiled and said, "Then we will eradicate these two monsters today."

"They are the attendants of the lost god," the storyteller added.

Anmuda was shocked, "I... Wei Lang and I are followers of Tengger. We can't do anything to the gods' attendants."

Wei Lang also hesitated for a moment.

"No need for you to interfere," the storyteller said.

Ji Liyou saw a woman's figure slowly walking out of the temple.

When she walked in front of a few people, Ji Liyou was stunned.

"Isn't this the body of Princess Mingkang just now?" Ji Liyou asked the storyteller.

Princess Mingkang stood beside the butterfly-patterned man and made a great ceremony to the storyteller and the others.

Ji Liyou asked, "It turns out that there is not only me in that body, but also you. As long as I leave, you can take back your body."

Princess Mingkang stretched out her hand and said, "Liyou, come to me."


"I am you, and you are part of me."

Wei Lang smiled and said, "Your Highness, are you saying the opposite?"

Anmuda also laughed, "I heard that you are Princess Daye. To put it this way, you died hundreds of years ago, and now you have come back to life. It is also a blessing."

(End of chapter)