90 days of spring are passing by

Chapter 136: Momentary anger


"I will settle accounts with you when you get better. Anyway, now is not the time to settle accounts with you."

"I have a lot to say to you." He said this to Ji Liyou for the first time.

"You can tell me slowly in the future. After all, if the storyteller of Sanqi Teahouse still has stories to tell, then the young shopkeeper of Sanqi Teahouse will always be there."

He lay on his lap and slowly closed his eyes to rest.

Ran Ran walked out of the tent, feeling relieved. She looked up at the sky, ran to Wei Lang and An Muda and said, "The snow seems to be getting heavier and heavier."

"Yes, I guess we will have to wrestle in the snow tonight."

"How about we build a snowman together later?"

Anmuda put his arm around her shoulders and said, "Okay, the snow on the top of the mountain is the cleanest. How about the three of us go to the top of the mountain over there to build a snowman?"

At this time, Doctor You came out of his tent not far away and saluted Wei Lang, An Muda and Ran Ran.

Wei Lang asked, "Did you just treat the Bada family's youngest son?"


"how is he?"

"It's okay. I have drained his blood and he will recover immediately."

Ran Ran walked over and asked him, "We are going to make a snowman later, will you go?"

"No, I still have a lot to do."

"It's okay. We can help you and just play for a little while. Your master won't blame you. Otherwise, I'll help you and beg your master."

Ijige looked at her black and white eyes and said, "Dedu doesn't need to ask the master for me. I don't want to go myself."

Ranran said, "My name is not Dudu."

Anmuda was helpless, "Dedu is Shi Wei's word, which means little girl."

"So that's it. You really don't want to go with us?"

"No, I'm rushing to see a doctor in another tribe. I have to rush back after dark, so I have to leave first."

Ran Ran was a little disappointed, but still said goodbye to him with a smile, "We'll see you when we wrestle that night."

Before the wrestling, Anmuda and Wei Lang had something to do. Ranran followed them and took a look. They saw the people in the tent sitting around cooking a pot of copper clamps. Ranran took a deep sniff and smelled the aroma of meat. She I asked Anmuda why he boiled the copper clamps. Is it because whoever loses in wrestling at night has to drink the water boiled from the copper clamps? Wei Lang and An Muda were both busy working, and no one told her.

Seeing that the snow was falling less, Ran Ran ran to Ji Liyou's tent and was about to shout, "It's almost snowing..."

Ji Liyou reached out and covered her mouth, "Shh."

"What's wrong?" She stared, as if asking him.

"He's asleep, let's go out and talk."

Ran Ran told him about the people in the tribe who were boiling water, "Is this some ancient ritual?"

Ji Liyou stroked his brow, "Cooking copper and iron clamps?"

"Yes, it's cooked a lot. It's cooked in broth."

"People on the grassland are really smart."

Ran Ran asked, "Why do you say that?"

"It snowed heavily during the day. Did you see the wolves surrounding the mountain on the far side of the tent?"

Ran Ran shook her head, "Let's go build a snowman, and I didn't see a wolf either."

"Unfortunately, I met one when I went to the back mountain."

"Ah? Are you okay then?"

"It doesn't matter, I just thought that after nightfall, wolves might gather here. Wei Lang said that before this tribe immigrated, it was a place where wolves gathered. Wolves are a kind of people who have a strong sense of belonging. Beasts, no wonder they are always around here, and the people in the tribe are not surprised."

"But you still didn't tell me why they boiled the copper and iron clamps in broth."

"Idiot, I made it so clear."

"What do you mean?"

"It means that before nightfall, people will bury the clips cooked in broth in the nearby snow. People in the tribe will inform each other of the burial place to prevent people from stepping on them. The wolf's sense of smell is not generally sensitive. When they If you smell the meaty trap under the snow, of course you bite it. A lone wolf will not dare to attack the tribe easily, unless it is a group of wolves. As long as one wolf bites the trap and makes a sound, the tribe's night watchman will be alert. Then the wrestling warriors can go and capture the wolf.”

Ran Ran was taken aback and said, "Capture wolves, why do you want to capture them?"

Ji Liyou said, "I remember when I read "East Hu Zhi", I once said that some tribes on the Shiwei grassland have the custom of bride snatching, and the men who can participate in the bride snatching must be prairie warriors with the ability to catch wolves. "

"I can't blame Anmuda for saying that if we stay until next spring, we will still see a bunch of brides and grooms. What she was talking about was bride-robbing."

The hunting dog next to Anmuda barked wildly when it saw Ran Ran and Ji Liyou approaching. Ranran was so frightened that she hid behind Ji Liyou.

Ji Liyou looked at the dog, turned around and said to Ran Ran, "He was barking at me. It has nothing to do with you, so don't be afraid."

"Brother Liyou, don't come so close. What if it bites you?" Jimoran still remembered Anmuda saying that this dog had killed a person before.

"What are you afraid of? It's just a beast." Ji Liyou looked at the dog and said.

Anmuda leaned down and whispered a few words, and the dog suddenly stopped barking.

"Does it understand what you say to it?" Ran Ran was curious.

"I told it that if it dares to bite you, I will stew it."

"It seems to understand." Ji Liyou said.

"Mr. Wen didn't come?"

"He is sleeping and feels unwell. He will be fine after a few days of rest."

Ran Ran nodded, "Mr. Wen looked very bad when he came back that day."

Even she could see it, but he didn't pay any attention at the time.

Ji Liyou sighed softly, and Ran Ran took his arm and joined Wei Lang and his group, not noticing that he was not in high spirits.

The men in the prairie are all good at wrestling. Those with red belts and yellow belts on their waists are in one team, and those with black belts and blue belts are in another team. Ran Ran doesn’t know how to wrestle, so she follows the girls on the fire. Dancing and eating meat.

Wei Lang patted Ji Liyou on the shoulder and greeted his friends on the grassland. Anmuda saw that some of them were disdainful and said, "Although Mr. Ji has no experience in wrestling, he has been practicing martial arts since he was a child. Don't underestimate the enemy."

One group was headed by Wei Lang, and the other group was headed by Anmuda's cousin and aunt's eldest son Dali.

Anmuda said in Da Li's ear, "You definitely can't beat Wei Lang. Why don't you let me and Wei Lang fight first? I'll use up all his energy so you can win the next round."

Dali has been unable to play with Anmuda since he was a child, so he naturally listens to her in everything. Everyone says that Dali is respected by everyone. In fact, everyone knows that Anmuda is the only bloodline of the high priest Shiwei. It is the bloodline of a divine messenger.

Dali was afraid that Anmuda would be injured, so he spoke first, "Wei Lang, we all only know the simple wrestling skills. We don't know the spells you learned, and we don't understand the martial arts of the Central Plains people." He looked at Ji Liyou.

Wei Lang said it was easy, "We just wrestle. Anmuda and I don't use witchcraft and spells, and Brother Ji doesn't use Central Plains Kung Fu. How about it?" He asked Ji Liyou for his opinion.


He was sleeping when he heard someone's footsteps approaching outside his tent, getting closer and closer. He smiled and said, "Aren't you going to wrestle? Why, you can't bear to leave me?"

"Still worried, would you like me to go with you?"

The person came and said, "You are injured."

The storyteller slowly opened his eyes, "How did you find me? Chen Hao."

He saw the injury on his shoulder with his own eyes, "The injury cannot be healed. Have you lost the power of not being injured?"

"Yes, so don't look for me again, I can't go back."

"That person named Ji Liang, is it because of him?"

"What does it have to do with you?"

"We have been looking for you for thousands of years. Is it worth it for you, a mere mortal, to end up like this?"

"Get out of here. If he sees it, I have to explain to him. It's very troublesome."

"Shangzun... you will not lose your divine power after leaving the Nine Heavens, nor will you lose your immortal bones, but... you are in love, so now... you are about to become a human."

"I know."

"Everyone wants to practice Taoism and become a god or immortal, but the Supreme Being wants to take the initiative to experience the world of mortals. It's ridiculous!"

"You should find another master. I can no longer return to my original position."

Ji Liyou defeated five or six prairie men in succession. He only watched Wei Lang and another team's wrestling process twice before learning their rules.

Anmuda knew that he was destined to lose, so he proposed to have a wrestling match with Ji Liyou.

"What, you don't want to?"

Ji Liyou smiled and said, "Not really, I'm just afraid that you'll cry."

Anmuda stepped forward and grabbed his waist, "I'm afraid it's you who is crying."

Ji Liyou held her shoulders and gently pulled her to the side. He tripped and fell her to the snow.

"Come again." Anmuda refused.

"Forget it, forget it." Dali was afraid that she would suffer a loss.

"go away!"

Wei Lang glanced far away and saw that Ranran was having a good time with the girls. He retracted his eyes with relief and continued to wrestle with everyone.

A girl touched Jimo Ran's bun and asked, "How do you tie your hair?"

"My brother arranged this for me."

"Who is your brother?"

Ran Ran pointed at Ji Liyou who was not far away, "He is wrestling over there. Look, none of them are his opponents." She looked proud.

"Are you all from Liangzhu, Southern Wei Dynasty?"

"Yes, we are from Southern Wei."

"Is the emperor of Southern Wei good-looking?"

Ran Ran thought of his beard, "It shouldn't be good-looking. His Majesty is old. He is only majestic, not good-looking."

"You girls from Southern Wei are all delicate, aren't they?"

Everyone started asking questions one after another.

Ran Ran said, "No, we are not weak at all. I have several sisters who are top-notch in archery. They are even better at hunting in winter than my brothers."

"Archery? You can also shoot arrows?"

"Of course, we can also ride horses."

"Lying, only girls from the grasslands know how to ride horses. People from the Central Plains don't know how to ride horses." A girl said in a stumbling Southern Wei language.

"You are the one who lied. We girls from the Southern Wei Dynasty can ride horses."

"We don't believe it."

Ran Ran was furious, "Do you know that you are sitting in a well watching the sky?"

"What does it mean to sit in a well and look at the sky?"

Ran Ran said helplessly, "A group of frogs."

Hearing her calling them frogs, the girls stepped forward to fight Ran Ran.

Ran Ran was not afraid and would fight with them if she spread her sleeves.

The girl who deliberately provoked trouble just now said in Shiwei's words, "She is Anmuda's distinguished guest. We cannot beat her, otherwise Anmuda will not spare us."

"Then how should we teach her a lesson?"

"How about scaring her?"

"Okay, if you say so, we will agree with you."

Ranran said, "What are you talking about? They are not going to unite to beat me. They bully the minority with more people. How can you be considered a hero?"

"Our sister Wuya said she wants to compete with you on horseback."

Ranran felt guilty. She wasn't good at riding horses in the first place. It was already dark now and there was still unmelted snow on the ground. However, she said unforgivingly, "Okay, let's compete. Of course I'm not afraid."

"Let me remind you, there is a wolf trap buried nearby. You first follow me out of the wolf trap, and then we will compete with who can ride faster."

"Where are we riding to?"

"How about just going to Yueshan?"

"Where is Yueshan?" Ran Ran didn't know the terrain here.

"Aren't you going to build a snowman with Wei Lang and the others today?"

"Oh, that's Yueshan, okay, I get it."

The sky was getting darker and colder, and the cold wind on the grassland made Ran Ran's nose and tears flow from her horse, but she would never admit that the women's riding skills in the Southern Wei Dynasty were worse than those of these grassland women.

Ran Ran rubbed her tearful eyes, feeling a little afraid in her heart.

At first, the two of them rode together and rushed to Yueshan Mountain. When they reached the bottom of the mountain, Wuya disappeared.

Ran Ran smiled and said, "Are you afraid of me? Are you admitting defeat?"

In an instant, among the snowy grassland on the mountain, the bright green eyes opened leisurely, and Ran Ran felt cold all over. She thought she knew that she had gotten into a big trouble, and she was afraid that her life would be put in danger here.

But she still didn't give up, "Wuya, where are you? There are wolves here..."

After calling several times and still not hearing a reply, she panicked completely.

Tears fell rapidly, "Brother Liyou, Wei Lang, Anmuda, where are you?"

A string of wolf paw prints pointed to Yue Mountain. Ji Liyou and Wei Lang were at the foot of the mountain. After observing for a moment, Wei Lang said, "I'm afraid the wolves have surrounded this place. Now they are hiding in Yue Mountain." around."

"Try your tracking technique again, maybe you can find her specific location." Anmuda was anxious.

Wei Lang was also a little impatient, "If it could be used, I would have used it long ago, but this is Yueshan, and I can't cast any spells at all. Don't you know that too?"

Ji Liyou stood between them, "Don't get confused yet. At least for now, we didn't see any blood or hear Ran Ran's cries."

Several people found a stick of incense and suddenly heard the sound of sharp weapons clashing in the northwest corner.

Wei Lang and Ji Liyou looked at each other and said, "Let's go quickly."

Get to her first before the wolves find her.

Under the moonlight, Ran Ran's nose was still hanging on her face. She was holding the stirrup in one hand and holding the horse with the other hand. From time to time, she knocked on the heavy saddle, making a sound similar to the collision of weapons.

Wei Lang breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately you still remember my words."

Seeing everyone coming, she cried and stepped forward to hug Ji Liyou, "Brother Liyou, why did you come here? If I had come later, I would have been eaten by wolves."

"Aren't you still fine?" Anmuda said.

Ran Ran said as if claiming credit, "I'm smart. I used the sound of these imitation weapons clashing. Wei Lang once said that wolves are somewhat afraid of copper and iron weapons. Hearing the sound of weapons clashing, they will be temporarily frightened."

Anmuda sarcastically said, "This is your smartest move this night."

At this moment, Ji Liyou suddenly threw Ran Ran down, "Danger."

Ran Ran fell to the ground and watched helplessly as a prairie wolf flew over their heads. If not for Ji Liyou's quick eyesight and quick hands, their throats would have been bitten by the wolf at this time.

The wolf failed and hid in the darkness and went back into the mountains.

The mountain road was difficult to walk. At this time, the snow and mud were mixed together, and several people were already a little tired from going up the mountain.

(End of chapter)