90 days of spring are passing by

Chapter 141: Duplicity


Ji Liyou and the storyteller left the Beihedu tribe shortly after Wei Lang left the Beihedu tribe. As he said, he had no intention of returning to the Southern Wei Dynasty. However, Ran Ran was not willing to follow Wei Lang, who wanted to go first. After a trip to Southern Wei and then to Donghu, he could take her back with him, but Jimo Ran refused to follow Wei Lang.

Anmuda decided to send her back to the Southern Wei Dynasty after spring, but Jimo Ran refused to let her go. The two of them have not reconciled because of the medical trip. Ranran said he was not angry anymore, but in fact When he met Anmuda, he still remained silent.

After Wei Lang and Ji Liyou left, Jimo Ran and An Muda talked less and less. Most of the time, she would rather go riding horses and herding sheep with Wu Ya and the others.

Ranran woke up early in the morning and vaguely remembered that when she was in a daze, someone seemed to have approached her, touched her forehead tenderly, and sighed in her ear.

She felt like the sigh of a wandering doctor, but she wasn't sure, and felt a little embarrassed. If she just dreamed of him, it meant that she was thinking about him day and night. She still missed him in her heart, and Ran Ran didn't want to admit it. thing.

Anmuda asked her during the day if she wanted to follow her back to Lord Wei's headquarters first, but Jimo Ran thought that the high priest had taken action against her, so she didn't dare to go back.

On the first day of spring, Jimo Ran, Wu Ya and the others had been riding horses all day. Just after everyone had rested, a fire suddenly broke out in the tribe.

The fire spread rapidly, and the flames were like thousands of golden snakes flying. In an instant, the tribe was surrounded by a sea of fire.

Anmuda hurriedly wet the quilt and wrapped it around his body, wrapped his head and rushed out. He only heard a "swish" sound. Just after leaving the tent bag, a cold arrow flew out. Fortunately, Anmuda He hid quickly and was not hurt by the arrow.

While running up and down, she called Jimo Ran's name. She always called her Ran Ran, and only used her first and last names when she was extremely dangerous or angry.

There were people everywhere bringing water to put out the flames. Anmuda crossed the wall of fire and heard loud noises all around. The tents collapsed in the flames.

Anmuda braved the fire and finally ran to Jimo Ran's tent.

But when she lifted the quilt, the bed was empty. Anmuda's blood surged for a moment, and he looked for her in the crowd like crazy.

Smoke filled the air and figures surrounded the Southern Wei knights outside the tribe. Their fangs were gradually exposed in the fireworks, and they were densely packed and unknown. When these warriors saw someone rushing out of the fire, they shouted in an uproar and rushed forward one after another to kill the prairie man. Chop into minced meat.

Bei Hedu led more than 900 tall men from the tribe to emerge from the fire. Anmuda also wanted to stand with them, but Bei Hedu retreated to the ranks of women.


"Don't move. Can you take the sword that Wei Lang left for you?"

Anmuda stroked his waist and nodded slightly.

A woman holding a long whip got off the horse and slowly walked towards them.

"Who are you?"

The woman said, "You have no chance to hear my name." She jumped up suddenly, passed through with her sword, and stabbed a transparent hole in Bei Hedu's throat.

Anmuda's eyes suddenly turned red, and she clenched the hilt of the sword in her hand.

At this time, I was still praying in my heart that Jimo Ran ran out of the tribe out of fun, so that he could escape this disaster.

It would take six hours at the fastest for the news to reach Shiwei's headquarters. Soldiers sent by Bei Hedu had already gone to deliver the message.

The red-armored woman waved her sword and shouted: "Anyone who stands in my way will die!"

The killing generals went out like a whirlwind, like a tiger coming out of the mountain, unstoppable, followed by thousands of cavalry.

The grassland people shouted loudly, and each of them fought closely with these uninvited guests.

Anmuda's sound transmission spell was not as good as Wei Lang's. He could transmit it a hundred miles away, while Anmuda could only transmit it three to seven miles away at most. Only then did she regret that she was not good at the spell.

What is the use of mind reading? Can it kill people? Anmuda smiled bitterly. As a goddess, she couldn't learn anything except this skill.

Even if he died here tonight, he might not be able to kill a hundred people, let alone protect Bei Hedu's tribe.

Just when the enemy's butcher knife was about to hit Anmuda, a man rushed out. Anmuda was about to take action when he saw seven or eight highly skilled cavalrymen all killed by one man. Anmuda Da took a closer look and saw that it was Ijige.

He took Anmuda's hand and said, "Follow me!"

Anmuda said stubbornly, "I won't leave. I want to kill them all and avenge Bei and Du."

"Can you kill all these people? Even if Wei Lang and Ji Liyou are here tonight, you may not be the opponents of these people."

Seeing that she still refused to leave, Yijige said, "Jimo Ran seems to have not appeared since night. She must have been captured by them. If you don't run away now, you will die if they catch her. How can you save her?" If Jimo Ran is alive, you can rescue her. If Jimo Ran dies, you can still avenge her. The way you are now is just throwing an egg at a stone."

After hearing this, Anmuda followed him forward to fight. He was about to break out of the encirclement when he suddenly heard the woman shout: "Go away, I'll get her. Is she the daughter of the high priest who lost Wei?"

As soon as someone arrived, they could hear the whistling of the wind and the rustle of fire in the grass, and a whip shadow rolled up and swept over.

The woman bowed and moved, and the long whip passed over Anmuda's back.

Yijige risked his life and rushed forward to pull Anmuda away from the whip. Unexpectedly, the woman's whip technique was very flexible. She quickly retracted it and the tip of the whip rolled back. This time, she hit Anmuda squarely. Anmuda's clothes were torn, and a bloody streak appeared on his back.

Fortunately, the whip was swept out and then pulled back. The force of the whip was already weakened and the force was not strong, so it did not hurt the muscles and bones. However, Anmuda still vomited blood, which shows that this person's whip skills were superb.

After being hit by this whip, Anmuda's figure was inevitably a little sluggish, and he was already at the end of his strength.

The man's tip of the whip turned, and he whipped three times in a row. The shadow of the whip flew like a whirlwind, sweeping towards the ground. Anmuda knew that if he rushed forward desperately at this time, he would definitely suffer a loss, so he had to calm down. Holding back the pain, he used moves, leaps, dodges, and body movements to resolve the whip strokes, while looking for flaws to offset the gap, and used Wei Lang's long sword to cut off the opponent's whip.

From the moment the whip broke, the woman had a smile on her face and said, "The kung fu is good, the sword is also good, what is the name of the sword? What is your name?"

"You don't know who I am?" Anmuda said.

"I only know that you are the Miko Queen, but I don't know your name."

"You won't know anymore." Anmuda said.

The man couldn't help but feel a shiver in his heart. He didn't expect that the woman in front of him was extremely agile, and her martial arts skills were definitely not inferior to hers.

The long sword cut into her long whip. The long whip was actually thinner than paper and was easily chipped.

"My name is Meng Taofan. If you escape from me today, we can still be friends in the future. I have never seen anyone who can break my whip."

"You don't deserve it!" Anmuda gritted his teeth.

But she had just been whipped by her, and she saw Bei and Du being killed. Her liver blood was agitated, and she was inevitably at a disadvantage. After several attacks, dangers abounded.

She was gritting her teeth and fighting hard, and the sword in her hand was stained with blood.

Suddenly there was a chill on my back -

Ijige behind him raised his sword across the board, flicked his wrist, and thrust the dagger diagonally towards Anmuda's back with a gust of cold wind.

Anmuda had just relaxed his caution towards him, and did not expect him to make this move at this time.

The dagger plunged straight into Anmuda's heart, and it was so fierce. Anmuda didn't know why her mind-reading skills didn't work this time. This time, her mind-reading skills actually deceived her. She could know the other person's psychology just by touching it, but she couldn't understand it. He held her hand just now, but she didn't realize that he had any intention of betraying her.

Or maybe the feeling of betrayal just arises suddenly.

Meng Taofan swung his long whip, crackling, and knocked off Yijige's dagger.

"What are you doing?" she said angrily.

"Kill her for you."

She was furious, "I want to kill her. This is Lord Sikong's order, but I can only kill her. You are not qualified."

Ijige suddenly sneered and said, "If I didn't take action, would you take the initiative to kill her?"

There was a "pop" sound, and the long whip made a false strike, but he caught the whip.

The next step he made was to slide forward and snatch Meng Taofan's long whip away.

It was too late, but soon, the man behind Meng Taofan shouted: "Stop!"

Only then did the man and woman stop.

Meng Taofan took a breath of cold air, and in a moment she lowered her head and saw that a sharp silver needle had pierced her skin. It stayed within an inch, and her skin already felt cold. However, the strange thing was that Meng Taofan Apart from a cold feeling, Tao Fan didn't feel any pain, nor was his body numb. Only after the person behind him shouted to stop, he realized the feeling of the silver needle belatedly.

After a moment, her arms hung limply.

The man behind him hugged her shoulders and said to Ijige, "The mission is not completed yet. You are just one of our pawns. Why don't you take out the antidote?"

Meng Taofan's plain face was already covered with a layer of black air, which was dark and lifeless. With a scream, black blood dripped from his mouth, which showed how terrifying the poison of the silver needle was.

The man couldn't help but shuddered. If he didn't take out the antidote, Meng Taofan would only die.

Meng Taofan gasped in his arms, "Second brother, I... I'm fine."

Ijige threw a bottle of medicine to him, "I am His Majesty's dog, but I cannot be driven by your Meng family."

"You can take care of the rest." Meng Lien picked up his injured sister and turned around to get on the horse.

Ijige bent down and checked Anmuda's nose. When he noticed that she was still breathing, he took out a silver needle from his sleeve pocket and gently inserted it into the top of her head. Soon she lost her life.

Wu Ya could see clearly in the crowd, and felt terrified. She never thought that he would use such a sinister hidden weapon against her own people.

The night was dark, and in the second half of the night, this tribe finally became deserted, with not a single ghost visible, and the ground was full of corpses.

There was silence in the grass, and all Ijige heard was his own echo.

After waiting for a while, he seemed to have had enough of admiring the scenery here. He used Qinggong to get on his horse, left here, and headed towards Donghu Liangzhou.

The cool night wind blew, and Ran Ran shivered suddenly. She slowly opened her eyes, but she was sleeping in the large carriage.

She straightened up blankly and leaned out.

When he turned around, he saw a thick smoke in the sky, and the light of the fire was still faintly visible in the distance. The tents and horses were reduced to ashes in the fire.

Jimo Ran was stunned for a moment, as if his heart was burned by fire, his heart ached, and he jumped off the carriage crying.

Several people with high martial arts skills blocked her way.

"Your Highness, this place is dangerous. Lord Ji asked us to take you back."

Jimo Ran cried and opened their hands, "Is it Bei Hedu's tribe?"

No one answered.

"I am asking you, right?!"

As soon as she saw these people, she knew in her heart that the Southern Wei people had entered the grassland. This was a branch of the main tribe of Shiwei. If the Southern Wei people could find this place, Shiwei might be in danger.

Jimo Ran was never a fool.

"Your Highness, Master Ji is waiting in Liangzhou City. We can't delay any longer."

"Get away! Get away! Get away!" she cried bitterly.

"I'm going back to find Anmuda, she's still there."

In the firelight, there were figures with swords everywhere, and I saw people in the tribe falling one by one.

There were cries of babies, screams of women, and the sounds of men rising to fight, all mixed together to create a hell on earth.

Jimo Ran was so angry that he spit out blood from his mouth in an instant.

She remembered Anmuda telling her to be careful when riding a horse during the day, Wuya's proud face when he beat her, and Bei and Du's soft big hands. She felt like she was in an ice cave in an instant.

After wiping the blood from the corners of his lips, Jimo Ran took out the hairpin and put it against his throat, "If you don't let me go back, I will commit suicide here."

The few people had no choice but to accompany her back.

The fire burned for a long time and was extinguished in the middle of the night.

Jimo Ran saw corpses one after another. Those who had smiled at her, those who were angry with her, those who had greeted her, and those who had given her food had all turned into cold corpses at this time.

When she saw the familiar woman lying on the ground, with a bloody gash on her back and a dagger stabbed across her shoulder, Jimo Ran's angry blood froze for a moment, and her heart stopped beating.

Anmuda's face was stained with mud. She closed her eyes and would never wake up.

She held Anmuda in her arms, unable to say a word or even cry. She still can't believe that Anmuda died here, in their hands.

"Anmuda... I... am Ranran, can you open your eyes and look at me? Anmuda, Anmuda, please... I will never quarrel with you again, okay? I beg you, please Come back, I was wrong, I will never quarrel with you again... I was wrong, I was wrong, it's all my fault... Anmuda, An... Anmuda... Please don't die -" the last word of death Only then did she burst into tears, crying uncontrollably.

Bodies were everywhere and wildfires were burning.

At dawn, the morning light was faint, and a person walked slowly in front.

Everyone bowed and said, "Master Ji."

Ji Shanjing walked to Jimo Ran, knelt down and said, "See you, princess."

Ranran didn't seem to hear what he said. She hugged Anmuda's body and said, "I hug you so tightly, why are you getting colder and colder? By the way, I need a quilt. It's too cold. Just cover yourself with the quilt." It won’t be cold anymore, I’ll take you to find a quilt.”

Ji Shanjing touched her head and said, "She is dead."

Ran Ran stared with blood-red eyes, "No! She won't die."

Ji Shanjing had no choice but to say, "People cannot be resurrected after death. Your Highness expresses my condolences."

"Resurrection? Yes, Brother Liyou will. Brother Liyou and Wei Lang can save her. It will definitely be possible."

As soon as he heard Ji Liyou's name, his expression changed, "What? Is he still alive?"

(End of chapter)