90 days of spring are passing by

Chapter 149: Don't conspire against each other


The main part of Wei has become a desolate scene.

It seems that Wei Lang will come back, and Shi Wei's revenge plan is quietly unfolding.

The night when Wei Lang sneaked into the tribe where the high priest was imprisoned, the moon in the grassland was blood red, just like the tens of thousands of soldiers of the Wei tribe who were killed.

The high priest slowly walked out of the tent. Wei Lang was lurking in the grass, always ready to rescue the high priest. The Donghu soldiers guarding outside the tent saw her walking out and drove her back with spears.

However, she slapped them to the ground with a long sleeve. If they struggled again, she cast a spell to point a spear at their throats and told them to kill her.

The high priest stood up under the moon. The sacred deer pattern on the black robe was shining with golden light. Wei Lang didn't know why. It was rumored that the high priest's magic had been abolished. But looking at her now, she looked the same as before, even the magic. Even more so.

Under the starlight, his hands were closed, and their fingers suddenly hooked together. In an instant, the mysterious wind under the black robe suddenly rose, and the blood-red moon shuttled through the black clouds.

Wei Lang's eyelids twitched rapidly and he hurriedly ran out of the grass, "Master, I'm back."

The high priest turned a deaf ear and continued her spell with both hands.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

The high priest then opened his eyes and said, "I have been waiting for you."

"Master, my disciple is back late, but I will definitely avenge the loss of Wei. Master, please come with me first."

"When Anmuda died, I, a mother, did not see her for the last time, and I did not even predict her fate. I don't want to not see you for the last time when I die."

"Master, what are you talking about? I'm back and I'll take you away."

"Where else can I go besides losing Wei?"

"Master, listen to me. I will rescue you and Mo Heduo and send them out of Donghu. You go and hide in Li'er first. When I kill Yijige and take back Donghu, I will bring you back."

"Do you think that as long as you kill the current King of Donghu, you can push Mo Heduo to the throne? Those old nobles in Donghu are smarter than the foxes on the grassland. Except for Yijige who sent people to find your whereabouts, there is no other Donghu tribe. Chasing you is just a gamble on the last move. They are waiting for you to come back and kill Ijige, and then they will reap the benefits. You cannot defeat them with your own strength."

"Master, no matter what, I will kill Ijige."

"Killing him is not the most important thing, don't you understand?"

"My disciple is stupid."

"Mo Heduo is dead, and Shi Wei's people are also scattered. If we want to cheer up Shi Wei again, we need a new king."

"Yes, master, I will go find some princes and choose one from them."

"There are only two sons of Mo Heduo left, and they have all been expelled from Donghu. You can't bring them back for a while. Besides, they are not ordered by the king."

Wei Lang seemed to have guessed what the high priest would say next.

"Neither is my disciple."

"There is an ice cave on the top of Shiwei Nan Mountain." The high priest looked into the distance.

"Disciple knows."

"Anmuda is there too."

"They dumped all the bodies of the Siwei people there."

Wei Lang's eyes turned red, "Do you want me to bring Anmuda's body back?"

"No, she will come back on her own."


"You will soon know what to do as a teacher."

She closed her eyes, opened her closed hands suddenly, and recited a spell in her mouth.

"This is a curse. Master, you said that we are strangers and should never touch this curse," Wei Lang said.


Far away on the top of the Nanshan Mountain, a group of dead corpses opened their eyes, and their rotting bodies came to life again.

"Master, what are you doing?"

"Ninety thousand Yin soldiers, are they enough?" the high priest asked.

After finishing speaking, before Wei Lang could react, he saw the high priest's body gradually turning into a point of light.

Wei Lang burst into tears, "Master—"

She looked at Wei Lang, her eyes no longer filled with compassion.

He left the last words, "Shi Wei will become the master of the world."

Wei Lang knelt down in front of the high priest's remaining clothes and kowtowed, "Yes, Shi Wei will become the master of the world."

That night, 90,000 Yin soldiers began to follow Wei Lang day and night. Wherever the Yin soldiers passed, there was no grass growing, and the putrid smell of corpses reminded the living people everywhere in Donghu that a catastrophe was about to come.

Anyone who stands in front will be torn apart by the Yin soldiers. They only obey the orders of one person, Wei Lang, the high priest of Shiwei.

The Yin soldiers overran the Southern Wei army and the Donghu army stationed in the capital of Donghu. When their weapons pierced these strange enemies, when they saw the gray eyes of these enemies, when they saw that the wounds of these people were covered with maggots, They finally knew that these were 90,000 dead soldiers.

The high priest turned against heaven and used the Yin soldiers to fight against the living army, which was a taboo for those who practice Taoism. Therefore, her soul was gone and she was never allowed to enter reincarnation and completely disappeared from the three realms.

Wei Lang didn't know that he had already sinned so much that he couldn't stop the killing of 90,000 Yin soldiers because he was the leader and nothing could be stopped.

At this moment, he was actually glad that Anmuda was dead, only her body still existed, her soul had returned to the afterlife, and she didn't have to be stained with blood. This was good, this was good. When Wei Lang thought of this, he was not afraid of anything.

The past was all an illusion, and he will bear all the consequences in the future.

For some reason, he silently recited Ran Ran's name in his mouth, like a magic spell, trapped in his mouth. He was not afraid of anything anymore, but he thought of her soft hands during the killing. She was obviously very afraid at that time. But when he was released, she hugged his waist and whispered, "It's my fault, I'll make it up to you."

The Yin soldiers rushed into Liangzhou City like a swarm of bees and entered the Donghu Palace. They moved quickly on the corpses. The soldiers could not stop them and were constantly torn apart. There was no light in the sky above their heads, and Donghu fell into darkness.

The smell of flesh and blood and corpses had disabled Wei Lang's sense of smell. He felt that he had become a member of the Yin soldiers and had no emotions.

The cries and howls of the living people could not make him soften at all, and he even began to enjoy the pleasure of the slaughter. He could not see that his eyes were red and bleeding.

Such a man of unparalleled magnificence was now like an evil ghost coming out of hell.

The killing lasted for twelve days, and the 90,000 Yin soldiers could only last for twelve days.

Wei Lang hoped to see Anmuda's body among the Yin soldiers, but unfortunately, he did not see her when the Yin soldiers disappeared.

His Anmuda, his sister, he could not find after all.

When the storyteller and Ji Liyou arrived, what kind of scene did they see

Purgatory on earth.

Just outside the city, the storyteller turned around and left.

Ji Liyou grabbed him and said, "Now that you are here, let's go look for him."

"He will not die well," said the storyteller.

"Have you ever predicted that this day would come?" Ji Liyou asked.

"I am no longer a god. His destiny is determined by God. How can I see clearly?"

"How will it end now?"

"If you can't stop, Wei Lang will become the most evil demon."

"I'll go find him and take him away."

Ji Liyou was determined, "I can change him back to his original Wei Lang."

"It's too late. You can't dissipate the hatred in his heart. He has killed so many people. Don't you feel horrified?"

Ji Liyou sighed, "Why did it become like this?"

"The world is going to be in chaos, but what does this have to do with us?"

Ji Liyou was startled, but then continued, "Sir, you are right."

He stopped looking at the city and turned to his eyes, "Where are we going now, sir?"

"Going from Haizi to Ruishui, we can avoid the chaos in the world."

"Sir, but..."

"Do you think you can stop this all by yourself?" The storyteller smiled.

"Yes, let's set off immediately."

The two of them traveled for a month and finally arrived at Haizi.

"Where is the weak water? The last time I fell into the weak water, it was because my grandfather pushed me. The weak water is connected to a place outside the Three Realms, which seems to be called the Lost Valley Forest, and my grandfather is there."

The storyteller said, "Don't be hasty."

The purple light mist and rain quickly moved across the sea and quickly immersed in the water.

"Found it," said the storyteller.

"Then what do we do?"

"Weak water has a direction. If we immerse ourselves in weak water, it will take you and me out of this world."

Ji Liyou grabbed his hand and said, "Then let's leave quickly, it's no longer safe here."

The storyteller felt that he was particularly obedient today, and he had no time to think too much, so he was pulled into the weak water.

Ji Liyou held his hand, paused for a moment, and said, "Sir, I can't."

After that, he was decisively sent into the weak water.

"Don't come back again. If the human world is in chaos, how can I protect you?" Ji Liyou said.

"You lied to me!" Ruoshui hugged the storyteller inside without finishing the three words.

Ji Liyou watched the waves gradually subside, then turned around and rode back to Donghu Liangzhou.

He walked into the city step by step and saw everything was devastated.

Most of the people in Liangzhou died, and the cries of children on the streets, the roars of men, and the choking of women all spoke of the cruelty of this massacre.

Ji Li worriedly thought that maybe Wei Lang knew he was coming.

So, is he waiting for him

He wanted to avoid the corpses, but there were too many corpses. In the end, he had to step over them, and the land in Liangzhou turned blood red.

Ji Liyou finally walked up to him on the corpse.

Wei Lang was sitting on the throne of King Donghu. The dead courtiers were lying on the ground, and the living courtiers were trembling and did not dare to look directly at Wei Lang on the throne.

There were broken corpses on the ground. Ji Liyou looked carefully and found out that it was Ijige. One of his arms fell on the steps, and the other one was being played with by Wei Lang.

Ji Li felt a chill in his heart.

"You're here?" He smiled.

Ji Li couldn't help but smile, "Wei Lang."

"I said I could take revenge. Do you believe me now?"

"Who taught you how to reverse life and death in this way?"


"High Priest?"

"However, it's a pity that she is dead. Who can mobilize the Yin soldiers in a short time?"

"Wei Lang! That's enough!"

"Don't you think I already have a chance to win?"

"So what if you capture Donghu? The Southern Wei Dynasty will soon gather Bolu and Li'er's troops. How are you going to stop them?"

"You forgot, I am not only the king of Donghu now, I am also the successor high priest of Shi Wei. It won't be long before I can also mobilize the Yin soldiers, as long as the corpse of Liangzhou does not rot too much."

"Wei Lang! What are you talking about? You have already caused a catastrophe, and you want to do it again?"

"Liyou, when I become the king of the world, I will let you be my prime minister, okay?"

"Just wake up, you won't be the king."

"How do you know if you don't try it? Maybe it's possible."

"Listen to my advice and don't make any more mistakes. Liangzhou should not become a tool for your revenge."

The girl in white slowly walked out of the pile of corpses and said to Ji Liyou, "Liangzhou is already in Wei Lang's possession. He is free to use it how he wants. You have no right to interfere."

Ji Liyou put the dagger across her neck in anger, "Shut up!"

The girl in white smiled, "Wei Lang took back Dong Hu in such a short time. You are his friend, aren't you happy for him?"

Ji Liyou's anger rose, "Did you turn him into this?"

She gritted her teeth and said, "He has always been so hateful, but you don't know. His sister-in-law died, his master died, and his tribe was massacred. What did you do? You only told him to show his condolences. You Who are you to blame him?"

Ji Liyou held the dagger tightly but did not make a move. He admitted that what she said was right.

The pain did not fall on him, but he persuaded him to let go of his hatred, thinking that if someone hurt Mr. Wen, how could he not hate him.

But is it really right for a revenge to cost so many lives

Ji Liyou disagreed.

After thinking about it, he said to Wei Lang, "You have already avenged the people who died in Wei's death. Even if you lose one life after another, you have already avenged you. Don't continue to kill. Donghu does not belong to you, and the world does not belong to you." Not yours."

Wei Lang dropped Ijige's stump, with a smile on his face, "Then can you tell me, who does this world belong to?"

Ji Liyou wanted to say that he belonged to the Southern Wei Dynasty, but he laughed at himself because the Southern Wei Dynasty had taken over the world from others.

He looked at the corpses everywhere, and suddenly the dagger was pointed at him, resolutely cutting the corner of his clothes.

"Today I break my robe and break up with you. From now on, the brotherhood will be in vain."

Wei Lang said word by word, "Do you really want to be my enemy?"

"Different road non-phase plan."

Ji Liyou turned around and left, never looking back.

Wei Lang was silent for a long time and asked the courtier, "Am I really wrong?"

No one dared to answer.

Only the girl in white said, "No, you are not wrong."

"Why did he break up with me?"

"It's his fault. He doesn't deserve to be your friend. I will be your friend. I will help you whatever you want."

Wei Lang wiped the blood from his face and suddenly laughed loudly. No one knew why he was laughing.

From that day on, Donghu changed the world.

Ji Liyou returned to Ji's family in the Southern Wei Dynasty.

As soon as he came back, Mrs. Ji called him over.

It just so happened that Ji Liyou also wanted to find her.

He knelt down in front of Mrs. Ji and said, "Grandma, Liyou has never asked you to recommend Liyou to the court."

Mrs. Ji looked happy and said, "You have figured it out."


"You go and help your eldest brother. The Ji family will surely grow stronger soon, but you must remember that His Majesty is deeply suspicious and accompanying you is like accompanying a tiger."

"Liyou remembers it."

"I will ask people from the Sixth Academy to recommend you to enter the Sixth Academy first. When the imperial examination comes, you will be on the list, and several doctors from the Sixth Academy will recommend you. Then you can enter the official position with integrity."

"Thank you grandma."

"You haven't told me yet why you figured it out?"

"Nothing else."

Mrs. Ji smiled and said, "You don't have to hide it from me. The news about Donghu has spread to Liangzhu. His Majesty is furious and everyone in the court knows about it."

"Liangzhu is already known?"

"Do you think His Majesty's informants in Donghu have all been killed? It's a joke, every move of Donghu is under Liangzhu's surveillance."

(End of chapter)