90 days of spring are passing by

Chapter 151: Came a long way


The Southern Wei Dynasty traveled thousands of miles to attack Donghu. The battle lasted for nearly half a year, but the Southern Wei Dynasty still did not gain half a cent.

Lu Bi was defeated steadily by the Donghu army.

After several days of travel, the remaining 30,000 Southern Wei troops arrived at the coast of Beitai County.

It was the cold winter, and the river beside the ferry had frozen over, and the ice surface was solid enough for the army to pass safely without taking a boat.

After this place is Yeshan, continuing to the north is the border of Donghu, and not far to the south is the territory of Beiqiu. Beiqiu and Donghu were already collaborating, so the Southern Wei people would have crossed the border if they went further south. Crossing the border meant another fierce battle.

These more than 30,000 people were arranged in a neat formation, with towering mountains directly in front of them.

It was rare for the people of the Southern Wei Dynasty to see such a majestic national wall. While admiring it, they also felt sad. During the war in Donghu, the repeated defeats had made everyone want to return home.

Looking in front of me, there were only barren pastures, endless snow, and hungry wolves that might appear in the next moment.

General Lu's tiger eyes glanced at everyone coldly, with a cold light that would scare even a wild beast.

Since Donghu surrendered, the Southern Wei people have not fought against Donghu for hundreds of years. The most recent time was when the Southern Wei people raided Wei and caught the grassland people by surprise. However, when the actual war started, the Southern Wei people were still unable to do what they wanted. I don’t know if it was the commander in chief. The guidance was poor and the soldiers were still weak and timid.

General Lu is also very worried. The situation of the world being unified and all people serving one king has been maintained for hundreds of years and cannot be destroyed now.

He paused and pointed his horsewhip to the east, "The imperial court has sent reinforcements. We are waiting for reinforcements at the border between Donghu and Beiqiu. As long as we can endure it, we will be able to avenge our shame and beat the people of Donghu to death!"

His eyes met the tired soldiers in front of him one by one, his eyes as sharp as eagles.

Everyone followed his back, roaring toward the mountains in front of them on their horses, and no one looked back in the process.

Now it is snowing all over the sky again, and it is completely white. There may be swamps that are hard to find hidden under the heavy snow. One careless move could cost the lives of the remaining 30,000 people.

Although General Lu had sent people to capture two local herdsmen in advance to serve as guides, these two men only led the way for one day before disappearing without a trace under the cover of night.

The mountains are quite far away and everyone knows they are lost.

The sky and the earth are white over the desert grasslands. Many people have lost their eyesight due to looking at snow for a long time and have become temporarily blind. The remaining people are almost exhausted.

General Lu had no choice but to urgently call all the generals to the tent and ask who could clear the way. He looked at the veterans with a glimmer of hope, but they all shook their heads.

How could the people of the Southern Wei Dynasty know the terrain of Donghu clearly? Moreover, the heavy snow covered the trees, grass, and not even a living creature could be seen on the high mountains.

The pioneer officer said anxiously: "What should we do? Once we take the wrong road, we will wander around the mountain and consume our energy. But if we rush into Beiqiu rashly, we may run into the defenders on the border of Beiqiu. If we accidentally break in, The nearby grassland tribes have met the grassland people. If they ask Donghu Liangzhou for help, we will be in a dilemma."

The deputy commander was indifferent and raised his thick eyebrows: "What are you afraid of? If you meet the Beiqiu people, kill the Beiqiu defenders. If you meet the grassland people, kill them all. See how they report the news."

There was a lot of discussion in the military tent. After talking for a long time, there was silence for a while.

"Follow this map and you will find a place where the army can rest away from the Beiqiu and Donghu armies!" The sound of a man's falling jade suddenly came from outside the tent.

Everyone looked towards the door and saw a man shaking the snow off his fur robe as he walked towards the tent.

His face is as smooth as jade, and a touch of pretty color between his brows makes this man even more handsome.

"How dare you break into my—"

The man raised his head. General Lu stared at him for a while, then looked at the token on his waist.

"Master Ji, it's you." He hurriedly saluted forward.

Ji Liyou responded, "It's not like I'm intruding. I'm not that capable of moving in and out among 30,000 soldiers and horses. It's just with this token and His Majesty's token that everyone gave way to me."

General Lu stroked his beard and said, "His Majesty asked you to come and support me?"

Ji Li worriedly said yes.

He looked behind Ji Liyou and saw that there was no one around.

Ji Liyou saw what he was thinking, "General Lu, you don't need to look any further. I didn't lead any soldiers."

"Your Majesty, what do you mean?"

Ji Liyou said calmly, "It's just me."

He said that he alone could defeat thousands of troops. After hearing this, General Lu wanted to laugh, but the ice and snow almost froze his face, and he couldn't laugh even if he wanted to.

Ji Liyou took General Lu out of the tent and came to the crowd. He rubbed his hands gently and said, "You are going along this road now. If nothing unexpected happens, at this speed, you will soon encounter the Beiqiu army on the road." He He pointed at the map and said.

General Lu didn't believe him, "How do you know this clear route? Even the local herdsmen may not be able to accurately judge the route in the ice and snow."

Ji Liyou smiled and said, "Since His Majesty sent me to help, General Lu please rest assured."

He was still very worried: "Our rations are limited. If we can't find a place to escape the wind and snow and the two teams of people in time, we will starve to death in the snow!"

Ji Liyou smiled slightly, looked at him and said, "I'm just giving you an idea. You have to ask the general to decide whether to advance or retreat."

Everyone looked at General Lu. He thought for a moment and said decisively: "Just follow Mr. Ji!"

Seeing that the coach was so determined, everyone had no choice but to risk their lives to accompany him.

The mountain road winds for thousands of miles, and groping along the path is like crawling on the back of a snake, with nine twists and turns.

In order to boost morale, General Lu rode at the front of the team and was the first to bear the wind and snow. He set an example and hoped that the soldiers would leave here in one go.

According to the original plan, it would take three days to arrive at the uninhabited land of Dongzhonghu and Beiqiu, which was rumored to be located on the back of a mountain, shielding the wind and snow from the wind and snow. In this way, there must be living things among the grass, and everyone could still replenish food.

But unfortunately, the food and grass are about to be exhausted.

Looking at the heavy snow in the sky, someone suggested killing a group of auxiliary horses and eating horse meat to satisfy their hunger.

General Lu didn't agree with anything. In the past few days since entering the snowfield, the road has been covered with snow. Many war horses have fallen ill. If this continues, if horses are killed to satisfy hunger and horses die of illness, even if they find a resting place, , there are not many horses left.

Just when they were at a loss, the pioneer officer suddenly rode over to report that a group of yellow sheep had been spotted ahead.

General Lu was overjoyed. Thousands of yellow sheep were enough for two days of rations to support them out of here.

He immediately sent his general and his men to hunt the yellow sheep together, hoping to return home with a full load.

The general grew up on a pony, so it was no problem to round up these yellow sheep.

This group of yellow sheep all have shiny coats and full bellies. They must have just had a feast in a nearby pasture. This is a great opportunity for hunting.

He and another general divided their troops into two groups, each forming a half-month formation, and surrounded them from both sides.

Based on his past hunting experience, he knew that to round up a flock of sheep, he must first kill the leader. Without a leader, it's time for the hunt.

After careful observation, he had locked the head sheep, shot an arrow over, and shot the head sheep on the spot without any deviation.

After the death of the first sheep, the whole flock screamed in terror. The sheep were leaderless and at a loss.

The two groups of men and horses opened their bows and fired arrows at the same time. The yellow sheep's bellies were so full that they could not run fast at this time and had no way to hide under the hail of arrows.

There was no head sheep, and the rest of the sheep were running in an even more disorganized manner. Everyone saw these idiots bumping into each other and trampling on each other.

The encirclement was getting smaller and smaller. Some people continued to shoot arrows, while others held spears and drove the yellow sheep into a large circle.

Ji Liyou was in another tent, planning his next trip, when he suddenly heard that General Lu's men had discovered a large number of yellow sheep.

Ji Liyou asked, "How many are there?"

"Thousands of them."

He immediately opened the map and looked at the terrain here. It happened to be a groove. Why were the yellow sheep concentrated here

"Did you see a wolf?"

The soldier said no. "The general said there would be no wolves. If there were, these yellow sheep would have been eaten long ago. How could they be left to us?"

Why did so many yellow sheep suddenly appear

It is not uncommon for yellow sheep to appear in groups, but it is very strange that thousands of them appear at the same time without alerting the wolves.

The direwolf's sense of smell is even better than that of the prairie wolf. Why didn't they discover these delicacies that came to their mouths

Ji Liyou's throat tightened, "Oh no... tell them to evacuate!"

"What do you mean, Mr. Ji?"

"It's a trap."

Just when the general ordered everyone to dismount, carry the prey onto the horse's back, and prepare for a delicious meal, a deep howl was suddenly heard rising from the ground and rising into the sky.

Soon, terrifying howls came from all directions, tightly surrounding the hungry Southern Wei army.

broken! The general was shocked, these are wolves!

He turned around and looked around, and sure enough, a large number of gray figures emerged from all directions, rushing toward them as fast as lightning, with the potential to "hunt" the Southern Wei army!

Could it be that these yellow sheep are in their pocket

General Lu also saw the wolves all over the mountain, and suddenly thought that, according to common sense, wolves would not attack people unless they were provoked, such as by robbing them of their delicious food.

Without thinking too much, General Lu immediately picked up his bows and arrows and ordered everyone to prepare for an attack.

But most people had put away their bows and arrows at this time and were carrying the yellow sheep, and they were all in a hurry.

This group of wolves was extremely cunning. They rushed over but did not attack people directly. They attacked the horses first. The horses were frightened and ran away. They actually knocked some soldiers to the ground. The wolves killed the soldiers who fell on the ground without much effort. .

General Lu was about to order everyone to calm down.

Ji Liyou said, "General Lu, get down!"

He hurriedly fell to the ground. Just after he fell, a wolf half a man tall suddenly flew up. Fortunately, he hid quickly, otherwise he would have been caught in the air by the giant wolf.

This wolf actually knows how to catch thieves and capture kings!

Ji Li didn't have much time to worry about, so he quickly drew his sword and helped General Lu to fight with him.

General Lu decided to retaliate in the same way as a wolf and kill the alpha wolf first. Unexpectedly, as soon as his sword was aimed at the target, a gust of cold wind hit him from behind. He screamed, and quickly retracted downwards. However, he was still half a beat too late, and was hit hard by a wolf on the back. His whole body moved forward involuntarily. flutter.

Ji Liyou hurriedly grabbed him and killed a hungry wolf with one sword.

Seeing that Ji Liyou was the backbone of the team, the alpha wolf changed his target, opened his mouth suddenly, and lunged at Ji Liyou's neck while spitting out a foul smell. His fangs were as long as a man's index finger.

Ji Liyou held the sword in his hand straight, pointed it at the big mouth of the alpha wolf, and stabbed it in. The wolf had the sword in its mouth, and its animalistic eyes were staring at him greedily.

Ji Liyou only hesitated for a moment, and his right hand failed to grasp it properly. The wolf let go and the sword immediately flew out.

He stretched out his hand and said immediately, "Return to your position."

Zi Qing Yanyu seemed to sense his call and immediately returned to his hands.

The alpha wolf tightened his breathing and stared at his various vital points with dark eyes, obviously preparing to launch the final fatal blow.

Ji Liyou took advantage of its moment of hesitation, stepped forward through the thick snow, and struck the wolf in the throat with his sword. Suddenly, blood spurted out half of his body.

He didn't care about so many things at all. He kicked the body of the flying wolf with his kick, raised his sword and slashed again, killing the next wolf that rushed up.

General Lu said during the chaotic battle, "Master Ji is not bad at martial arts."

Ji Li was worried about killing the wolf and had no time to reply to his words.

In the end, after a lot of effort, the battle lasted until nighttime, when the snow fell harder and harder, and the remaining wolves were finally driven away.

After counting the remaining people, it was found that as many as 5,000 people were lost in this wolf fight.

The remaining soldiers were also injured to varying degrees.

Everyone was very happy to see that the Yellow Sheep was still there. This way, they would have food rations. But there were too many dead and injured brothers, and even if everyone could have a full stomach, no one would be happy at this time.

General Lu discovered that the back of Ji Liyou's hand was injured and asked the military doctor to treat the wound to prevent him from freezing and damaging his bones. Two deep wolf paw prints were almost carved on General Lu's back. Seeing that he was also injured, Ji Li He said worriedly, "I'm fine, it's just a minor injury. You go and see General Lu for now."

Suddenly someone shouted.

Ji Liyou and General Lu walked over, not knowing why.

Several soldiers originally wanted to peel off the wolf skins so that they could wear more clothes to keep warm, but when they opened the bellies of several wolves, they found notes inside.

The visitor handed over the note and General Lu read it, his eyes not fixed on Ji Liyou.

Ji Liyou was confused, "What's written on it?"

"See for yourself."

After taking a look, it read, "I'm very honored to hear that Brother Ji came from afar. I've prepared a small gift for you. Please accept it."

Looking at the blood and black mud on the white snow, Ji Liyou held the brocade strip in his hand tightly.

"Master Ji, don't you have anything to explain to me?"

Ji Liyou asked, "What does the general want to know? I was among the wolves just now, and I was killing wolves with you. In just a short while, a note caused a rift between the general and me. It's interesting."

"It seems that Master Ji knows who the owner of this note is?" General Lu looked suspicious.

Ji Liyou nodded and said, "I think I do know."

"Please tell me, Lord Ji, who will attack us here with a pack of wolves."

Ji Liyou rubbed his head that was hurt by the wind and snow, and said feebly, "King Donghu - Wei Lang."

Everything was quiet except for the howling cold wind.

(End of chapter)