90 days of spring are passing by

Chapter 157: The snake shape is revealed


At that moment, although Wei Lang no longer stood up, his face was stern and his expression was extremely ugly.

When he heard that it was snake venom, his face was as cold as snow that would not melt. The imperial doctor was so frightened that he fell to the ground, but he did not dare to lie. The venom was so fierce that it damaged the fetus and even damaged the woman's fundamental health. , I am afraid that it will be difficult to have children in the future.

She thought he would immediately cause trouble for her, but it was not until evening that he sent someone to Qin Tian Prison.

When the girl in white saw his cold face, she couldn't help but sigh slightly and said, "Hey, what does this mean?"

Wei Lang got straight to the point, "Is that you?"

"You are too weird. Who am I?"

"The queen was bitten by a poisonous snake. The bouquet in her hand was carefully inspected by the palace staff. How could a snake get in?" Wei Lang was still holding back his anger.

"Yes, it's me, so what, you want to kill me?"

Wei Lang didn't know why she was uncharacteristically having a temper with him, like a completely naughty child.

"Why on earth are you doing this?"

"As for the reason, it's just that I love you from the bottom of my heart."

After finishing speaking, the palace was extremely silent.

The national master of Donghu said that she was in love with King Donghu.

"Why don't you accept my infatuation?"

It took Wei Lang a long time to squeeze out a sentence, "You said... you are in love with me?"

"Otherwise, why do you think I bother Bara to help you do this or that? Am I a fool for not asking for anything in return?"

Wei Lang was completely helpless, "You've helped me a lot, I know that, but it's all about the same thing. I've never had any feelings for you as a man or a woman."

"What about the princess in Beiqiu?"

"We have already held a wedding ceremony, and have heaven and earth to witness the wedding and become an official couple."

"I just ask you, are you in love with her?"

"She is already my queen. I can no longer treat her so indifferently. It would be too callous."

Seeing that he was speaking with reason, the girl in white felt a little impatient, so she shouted sharply: "You can speak wisely, but are you such a man? I ask you something, and you answer me something else."

"What do you want to hear from me? That I truly love her? No, I will never fall in love with any woman again."

"Then why do you want to sleep with her, why do you hug her and kiss her?"

Wei Lang thought for a while and said, "Maybe you don't understand that we humans are very complicated, especially men. Even if they don't love a woman, as long as they marry her, they still have to respect her, pamper her, and protect her. "

But the girl in white still said coldly: "How long do you want to respect her and pamper her?"

"Until I die."

The girl in white sneered: "You dare to say these things, I will make you unable to eat and walk around in circles."

After she said the cruel words, she sneaked over to see what kind of expression he had after hearing this.

Wei Lang was unmoved, "You hurt her body, I should punish you, but you are kind to me, and I can't hurt you."

As he spoke, he summoned his sword and slashed his wrist, causing blood to flow immediately.

The girl in white clothes stood aside, shocked by his words.

Wei Lang continued and said, "Originally, since I didn't like her, I shouldn't have gotten married to her. But now that we've gotten married, we've established a relationship as husband and wife, so we can't have anything to say. Someone." Tell me, both men and women should abide by this word of loyalty."

After saying that, the girl in white jumped up like a child, threw herself at his desk and shouted: "Jimo Ran told you this, right? She couldn't keep her virginity on her wedding night. Is it okay to say such a thing? Isn’t that what you people call hypocrisy?”

Wei Lang's eyes suddenly became fierce. He had never shown such a terrifying expression in front of her.

It was like a thunderbolt struck from the sky, shocking the girl in white for the first time. No matter how eloquent she was, she couldn't say a word.

The girl in white stopped talking and said no more. Jimo Ran said nothing.

These words are indeed a bit poisonous, but they have already been spoken and there is no need to make up for them.

However, from the perspective of the girl in white, seeing Wei Lang's expression in her eyes, one can imagine the sadness. He himself didn't understand how much he missed Jimo Ran.

During this distraction, the girl in white thought of the connection between Princess Beiqiu and Jimo Ran. From the time Wei Lang cared about Jimo Ran to now being responsible for Princess Beiqiu, it was he who had their bodies.

This must be the case for him to want to protect them.

As a matter of fact, the girl in white also knew her own secrets and had already shown her to the other party.

It's better to use charm, like them.

Maybe as soon as she used this charm, no matter how respectful Wei Lang was to her in the past, he would later become soft and soft, and he would bow down under her pomegranate skirt.

Once the girl in white had made up her mind about this idea, she put away her unwilling expression and smiled sweetly at Wei Lang.

Wei Lang felt dizzy, so he wanted to get up again and left towards the door. But when he only took a step or two, a fragrance that could not be described in any words hit his nose.

Once it reached his nose, it was divided into several thin strands and slowly sent to his limbs.

Every time I reach a place, the muscles in that place feel a little relaxed, and besides feeling soft, there is also a bit of soreness and tingling.

In the end, the whole body was limp and weak, as if it was about to melt.

When the Imperial Master was talking to the prince, no one was left in the palace, and Wei Lang was never on guard against her.

In his mind, Wei Lang gradually became a little blurry.

He turned around unconsciously, and was as tamed as a sheep by the scent. He sat down next to the girl in white and sat down at the desk.

As soon as she saw that he had sat down automatically, knowing that the first step of her charm technique had been successful, she turned back to him, stared at him, and asked with a smile: "Don't you feel irritable? ?”

Although this was just a very ordinary question, when she opened her red lips slightly, there was a fragrance. This fragrance was very special, and it was very different from the ordinary fragrance of lipstick.

At this time, Wei Lang's mind was completely lost.

At first glance, I just felt that she was really a stunning beauty. No matter her facial features, limbs, or temperament, every part of her was in line with the standard of beauty, and every part was extremely beautiful.

His palms were hot and he was sweating all over.

Seeing his expression, the girl in white knew that her charm skills were already very good, so she gently leaned her body towards Wei Lang's arms.

She whispered in his ear, "Have I told you that snakes are obscene? Foxes only seduce people, but snakes can sink people into the sea of desire."

Out of instinct, Wei Lang held her tightly. She then hooked Wei Lang's neck and let out a very soft voice.

Suddenly there was a report from the eunuch outside the palace, saying that the empress had woken up and wanted to see the prince.

Wei Lang gradually came to his senses after listening to the other people's voices.

The girl in white hurriedly whispered in his ear: "You don't want to go, okay?" Another burst of fragrance went straight into Wei Lang's nose, which made his heart tremble and he couldn't control himself.

The eunuch shouted for a while, but when no one answered, he had to stop outside the palace and wait for the prince to deal with it later.

Hearing the sound outside the door fading away, the girl in white put all her efforts into use. She smiled sweetly, then very naturally and very cleverly, she put the tip of her tongue into Wei Lang's ear. Like a snake crawling, it had entered his mind.

The girl in white said seriously: "I am too addicted to you, so you can manipulate my behavior at will. But after today, if you can still control yourself, I will obey you."

Wei Lang couldn't hear what she said at all, he just felt that he was in a very absurd state, and it could be said that his three souls and six souls were no longer with him.

A moment ago, he still held her slender waist tightly and rolled on the ground. The next moment, he seemed to be back on the grassland, back on the horse, listening to the girl shouting for him to ride slower and wait for her.

At this moment, Wei Lang heard a very loud voice, like thunder thundering in his ears: "Wei Lang, don't let others look down on you."

This brought him back from the ecstasy, and his mind became much clearer. He pushed her to the side unconsciously, sat up and said: "Do you think you can control me?"

The girl in white thought she was about to succeed, but unexpectedly something like this suddenly happened.

Her eyes were full of surprise, but also disappointed.

"Wei Lang, please take me." It was almost a plea. She liked him so much from the first time she met him.

Wei Lang glanced at her with his clear eyes, and then said with disgust: "Okay, if this is what you want, I will give it to you, but you will never appear in Donghu again, otherwise I will kill you." you."

After hearing what he said, the girl in white hurriedly sat up from the ground and disappeared in the blink of an eye by the door.

At this time, Wei Lang's mind was clear, and he was about to drink some tea. Unexpectedly, he suddenly heard someone calling outside the door: "Your Majesty, your Majesty has been waiting outside the main hall for half an hour."

Although the girl in white didn't look very happy when she left, her expression immediately changed when she met the princess outside the main hall.

As soon as he arrived in front of her, the girl in white said smugly: "Wei Lang is a good husband. If he marries you, he will be responsible for you to the end. But he has his own wife, and no woman like you can match him." It's his, it's useless for you to just fall in love with him, and the empress won't be able to have children in the future, so it's better to think more about the prince and get him a concubine as soon as possible."

Princess Beiqiu clenched her fists and said in a deep voice, "Master Imperial Master, don't worry about this matter. I will consider it for the prince. This is a matter between us and our husband. Master Imperial Master has crossed the line."

The girl in white knew that she was just holding on, so she shook her head with a smile and walked away. Not long after she walked out, she heard a sobbing sound, which gradually went away again, and some of it could no longer be heard.

Sure enough, she is still a little girl and has no means. She can make her cry with these few words, which is really meaningless.

At this moment, the eunuch came forward and said: "The prince said he is not feeling well today, so he will not see the empress. He will visit you tomorrow."

The princess looked at the back of the Imperial Master, and then thought of the embarrassed look on the eunuch's face just now, and suddenly realized: "I came at the wrong time."

The eunuch sighed, "Your Majesty, you'd better go back early. I'll rest in bed these days to recuperate my energy. I'll take good care of myself in the future. The prince will still be there."

The princess froze in place, already imagining a scene in her mind.

A woman was lying on the bedside of the prince's bed, next to his body. The woman climbed up on the bed, revealing a flower-like face. Who could she be if she wasn't the Imperial Master

The supervisor was silent after speaking, and saw her lonely figure gradually disappearing, unable to straighten up.

Such things are never uncommon in Donghu Palace.

When the eunuch approached the prince, he saw memorials everywhere. His Majesty's coat was still on the ground, and His Majesty's clothes were spread out, revealing his snow-white collarbones. His wrists were still bleeding, and there were a few spots of crimson on his neck.

Wei Lang put on his clothes and asked, "Has she gone back?"

The eunuch thought that the prince was talking about the imperial master, so he said, "My lord has left, do you want these clothes to be returned?"

Unexpectedly, Wei Lang's expression changed, "I'm talking about the queen."

"Your Majesty...she stood outside the palace for a while. After the villain finished delivering the message, she left."

"Didn't you lose your temper?"

Her temperament is so similar to Ran Ran. If Ran Ran were her, she would have rushed into the palace and smashed everything.

"Not really, it's just that... he looked very disappointed... The Imperial Master and the Queen spoke a few words outside. After hearing this, the Queen cried for a while."

Wei Lang was silent for a long time.

He looked at the clothes and said, "Burn them."

"But these are the clothes of the Imperial Master."

"Gu said, burn it."

"yes… "

The princess returned to her bedroom and sat in a daze by the window. She was stunned for a while before she heard someone calling her.

She turned around and saw the man who was talking to her today.

"Your Highness, have you seen the prince?"

The princess shook her head, "I'm not going."


"I am afraid."

The man smiled, "You are the queen of Wei Lang and the mother of Dong Hu. What are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid to see his appearance and see the mark left by another woman on him. If I see it, I will never want to see him again."

The man stepped forward and said, "You guys are really—"

The princess looked at the person who gave her the antidote. Today, the royal doctor thought that their medicine had worked. In fact, for some reason, this person came to her bedside and stuffed an antidote into her mouth. She finished eating the antidote. Yaocai felt that the pain gradually disappeared from her body, so this person was her savior. He could come and go freely in Donghu Palace. He must be a martial artist with strong martial arts skills.

"I saved you, not because I wanted to see you complain."

The princess asked, "What do you want to see from me?"

"I want you to fight."


"Yes, can you win for Wei Lang's heart?"

"The person in Wei Lang's heart is not me, but the Imperial Master."

The man smiled, "If I say that he has never fallen in love with the Imperial Master, do you still dare to fight?"

"It's impossible. The prince is extremely indifferent to me. If he didn't have someone else in his heart, he wouldn't be like this."

"So you insist that you are a national master?"

"Not her, or who?"

"If you want to know, I can tell you."

"Is it someone I know?"

"How could you possibly know her? Have you heard of Princess Tangshuo of the Southern Wei Dynasty?"

(End of chapter)