90 days of spring are passing by

Chapter 165: Hold Angelica in your hand


The fire burst into the sky, and she didn't know who was responsible for the fire at first, but like a madman, he grabbed her hand in the dark night and asked her to go with him and leave the county mansion.

Nan Xiu hesitated for a moment, but decided to play dumb to the end. She asked him why he wanted to leave the county government.

At least for now, she doesn't want to leave here.

In order to let her leave, he took the initiative to tell Nan Xiu that his wife had concealed the news that Grandpa was seriously ill. He knew that Grandpa was Nan Xiu's only relative. If it was because of Grandpa, she would definitely follow him. But he underestimated Nanxiu's deep love for the county prince.

Nanxiu thought, what's the point of living if she can never see the prince again.

The next moment, he suddenly revealed the name of the Duke on his shoulder to her. It was like taking off his clothes in public and standing naked in front of her. This move undoubtedly took the initiative to tell Nanxiu that he was just the Duke's plaything. .

Nan Xiu stared at his appearance in the light of the sky. With such a beautiful face, no wonder the county guild fell in love with him every day.

With such a strong heart, no wonder the Duke has not tamed him to this day.

Nanxiu smiled secretly, and she thought of a way to make the princess look at her.

So she told Cui Ying that she was willing to leave with her.

When she said yes, her tone was so sincere that Nanxiu herself was almost deceived by the deep affection in her words.

He thought this was an elopement between her and him, an eternity that only belonged to them, but Nanxiu knew better that this was just an unrequited love that he was willing to have.

Nam Soo doesn't love him.

They left Bolu all the way and came to Li'er. At first, Nanxiu was worried that the Duke would not be able to find him here, but after thinking about it carefully, as long as Cui Ying was here, how could he not find him? The Duke would not let him go even to the ends of the earth. drive him.

They opened a jade grinding shop in Li'er. Cui Ying's hands were indeed the hands of gods. Whether the customers wanted Guanyin or jewelry, the jade carvings were exquisite.

She was idle every day and relied on him to support her. She didn't have to wait on people like she did in the county government before, and she had to embroider every day.

Cui Ying's hands were often injured because he always had to grind jade, but Nan Xiu didn't care. The same was true for the jade grinding shop nearby, and the hands of the clerks were always scarred.

Until one day, the bowl at home suddenly fell to the ground. Nanxiu was about to reach out to pick it up. He also bent down to pick it up under the table. Her hand touched his while picking it up, and he also shook it when he held the edge of the bowl. Holding her hand, Nan Xiu suddenly found that his palm was so rough.

She remembered the time when she was in the Duke's Mansion. At that time, the Duke held him in his arms and fed him, fearing that he might do something bad. His daily food had to be tried before being given to him. Even the clothes were the softest. Madam liked it. He used gold and silver threads to embroider on Cui Ying's clothes, but the county official privately told the embroiderer not to use gold and silver threads to embroider patterns on Cui Ying's clothes, lest they hurt his skin.

Now, his hands are full of small wounds, but he still enjoys them.

For a moment, Nanxiu was very tired of being like this. She had never been sincere to him, and she didn't want his sincerity even more. She was just using Cui Ying, trying to manipulate him to manipulate the head of the county.

For a long time, she didn't speak.

Cui Ying thought her hand was too rough and rubbed the back of her hand, so she smiled sheepishly.

This was not the first time Nan Xiu had seen his flattering smile, but she was even more upset.

He was like a nursing dog waiting for her to reach out and stroke her head. His eyes were so trusting and clean that he had no doubt that Nan Xiu was a kind girl.

They have been here for so long, and as long as Nanxiu tilts her head slightly, he will stop coming forward. How many times he wants to kiss her, but just because she turns her eyes away, he will no longer force her.

The next day Nanxiu went to Nianyu Shop to deliver food to him. He was sweating profusely. When he saw her coming, he grinned like a child. He smiled at whoever smiled at him.

After he washed his hands and finished eating, Nan Xiu got another basin of water and asked him to wash it again. He didn't know, "I just washed it."

Nam Soo nodded.

He did it anyway.

No matter what she asked him to do, he would do it. Nanxiu felt that if she told him to die at this time, he would do it immediately.

He sat obediently next to her, and when she asked him to stretch out his hands, he did so.

Nanxiu applied the wound medicine she bought at the drugstore to him and said, "This hand is very beautiful. If it gets injured again, it will be serious."

He smiled and said, "It's okay, I'm a man, and I don't need to be fair and white..." As soon as he finished speaking, I don't know what he thought of, and his face turned pale.

Nan Xiu understood in her heart, so she diverted her words, "Apply it and wait until the medicine dries before continuing to carve."


Nanxiu asked, "Does it hurt when you apply this medicine?"

He said it didn't hurt, "As long as it's from Nanxiu, everything is the best."

Nanxiu looked at his chapped hands and sighed helplessly, "I'm leaving. I'll wait for your return at home."

He said he would go back after finishing his work today.

"Little brother, is there any milder wound medicine here? My... my brother has too many small wounds on his hands. When this medicine is applied, his wounds will turn red."

The man brought her a new bottle of medicine, "Take this, it won't hurt too much."

"Thank you. How much is it?"

"Twenty cents."

The person in front of me took the money and said, "The girl's face is not good, and her hall has turned black. I saw that the girl will suffer a bloody disaster not long after."

Nan Xiu was delighted, "How dare you not only give people medicine, but also do fortune-telling and fortune-telling?"

"Girl, what the villain said is true."

"Oh, if it's true, how can I avoid it?"

"There is no way to avoid it," he said.

Nanxiu said impatiently, "Okay, I'll take the medicine and I won't read the photo. Thank you for your concern."

The man opened it from a compartment in the medicine cabinet and said, "Angelica sinensis. This is what I want."

On the day Cui Ying gave her the wedding dress, she actually wanted to refuse, but for some reason, when she saw his expectant eyes, she didn't want to refuse, so she turned around and changed into the wedding dress.

Forget it, if he wants a bride, she can give it to him. Since she can't give him her heart, she can give him a beautiful memory.

That night the two went to the church to get married.

Maybe Cui Ying wanted to tell her all about his past experiences before the wedding, and wanted to be honest in front of her, but seeing him hesitating, Nanxiu didn't want to embarrass him, so she kissed the back of his hand.

She already knew why he needed to be honest.

Cui Ying thought of her too simply.

Later, when she was lying in his arms, she heard Cui Ying say as if he was swearing, "I will never let him down in the years to come."

Nanxiu's heart suddenly hurt and she almost shed tears.

He wanted to entrust his fleeting years to her, but he didn't know that she didn't value it, and she didn't care at all for the stable fleeting years he gave her now.

Finally, Nanxiu got her chance.

One day it rained heavily, and Nan Xiu's old acquaintance Ruan Xiu Niang came to take shelter from the rain.

Cui Ying was very cautious. After discovering that it was Ruan Xiu Niang, he quickly reacted and ran away with her.

But Nanxiu deceived him again, "Sister Ruan is my best sister, she will never betray me."

She kept Ruan Xiu Niang for several more days, already thinking about what was going to happen.

She will definitely report back to Bolu, so that the Duke can easily find her and Cui Ying's whereabouts.

Nan Xiu hadn't seen the Duke for a long time, and she suddenly missed that fierce man.

Nan Xiu is not an enthusiastic person. She is kind but distant to everyone. Everyone thinks she loves to giggle, but she only purses her lips when she sees the Duke.

After Ruan Xiu Niang left, Cui Ying was completely anxious and wanted to take her away as soon as possible.

Nan Xiu calculated that according to the time, the person who sent the letter should have already delivered the letter to the Duke.

She said calmly, "How about we pack our things first and leave tomorrow?"

Cui Ying couldn't resist her and stayed for one more day.

As expected, he arrived very quickly. Nan Xiu was blindfolded and brought to the Duke, and Cui Ying was also caught.

Listening to the Duke's heavy breathing, she knew that he must be furious at this moment.

Suddenly there was a surge of excitement in Nan Xiu's heart, which was a rare emotion in Nan Xiu's mind.

She wanted to leave more impressions on him, good or bad. As long as he could remember her, so what

The Duke used her to intimidate Cui Ying to go back with him. He struck really hard and stabbed her back with a dagger. Nanxiu frowned in pain.

But at the same time, his hand grasped her neck, and Nan Xiu felt the warmth of the Duke's body for the first time.

He obviously wanted to kill her, but she didn't care. She had no regrets even if she died in his hands.

He wants to kill her.

But Cui Ying roared angrily, "If she dies, I will live alone."

Nanxiu's eyes actually became wet.

This fool still doesn't understand that she was the one who brought the Duke into trouble. If she and him had escaped earlier, and if Ruan Xiu Niang had not been left behind that day, none of these things would have happened.

He thought that the Duke was the most hateful, but in fact, Nan Xiu was not innocent.

Such a fool, being played around by her, she didn't care about life or death at all.

Later, the madam came, and she took her to the backyard and decided to beat her seriously and then take her back to Bolu. In this way, her death on the road would not be counted as death at the hands of the county government.

When Nan Xiu was taken away, she heard Cui Ying banging her head on the ground so loudly that he didn't care about his dignity or his life. He just wanted to protect her life.

It's ridiculous. She doesn't even want her own life. She has become such a lowly woman. What is there for him to risk his life to protect

She heard him cry, and he said, "It's all my fault and has nothing to do with her. She has no fault at all. It was me who wanted to coax her out of the house."

Nam Soo started to regret at this moment, maybe she shouldn't have done this, she should leave with him.

Even if you don't get love, it's good for someone to love you.

What's more, no one has ever been willing to risk their lives to love her and protect her.

Nanxiu used to be disdainful, but when she heard him take Cuo's arms in his arms and kneel on the ground and kowtow, her heart hurt terribly.

She comforted him calmly, "I'm just going and I'll be back soon, husband."

She always calls him brother, but not often when there are people around her. She only calls him when he is in a hurry at night.

This was the first time that he was called husband in front of so many people.

She didn't know why, but she wanted to call him that. She didn't want to anger the Duke, she just wanted to comfort Cui Ying.

In the backyard, Madam asked Ruan Xiu Niang to beat her. After dozens of whips, Nan Xiu felt that her eyelids were getting heavier. Later, she tried hard to open her eyes, but she couldn't.

Before she died, Nam-soo regretted it.

Cui Ying's smile was all in her mind. Those fake smiles that she thought were flattering, but now she thought about them, they were all Cui Ying's sincerity.

How could she turn a blind eye to such a good person, such a handsome man.

She should be nicer to him. She should always look at him when she smiles and let him understand that she also likes him. She should not sleep with her back to him at night. If he wants to hug her, she should turn around and hug her. Hold his waist.

She died unwillingly.

She didn't know how long it had been before she opened her eyes and fell asleep under the shade of a tree in the backyard.

She touched herself, and all her injuries were healed.

Nanxiu was in a hurry to find Cui Ying. She didn't know if he was taken back to the county government's mansion at this time, or if he was injured.

As soon as she walked under the sun, a pair of hands grabbed her, but her hand was already under the sun. With a faint sound, her hand immediately burned and became red and swollen.

She hurriedly backed away from the sun.

When she looked closely, she saw that it was the man who sold her the medicine.

"Who are you?"

"In just a moment's time, someone will come to take you to reincarnation."

Nanxiu was surprised, "What did you say?"

He pointed to a patch of dirt on the ground and said, "You're buried under there, dead."

Nanxiu didn't believe it, "I'm obviously fine, but you're lying."

He stretched out his hand and said, "If you don't believe it, you can try it under the sun."

"who are you?"

"It's not very smart to dwell on this now. You should ask me how you should beg me if you want to stay in this world longer."

Nan Xiu realized that this was a man of enlightenment, "Please give me some advice, sir."

Hearing the word sir, the man was stunned for a moment.

"I have a destiny with you. Take this red string and keep it for you for ninety days. When the spring light of the ninety days is gone, you will pass away."

"But I can't walk in the light."

"Now you try again."

She walked out. Although the sunlight still caused her some pain, she would not be ignited by it after all.

"Ninety days?"

The man said, "I think you are ashamed of Cui Ying. In these ninety days, you must make him understand that you are sincere to him and you must not let him down again."

She said, "What if I want to use these ninety days to find my sweetheart?"

"It's up to you." He looked at the crazy bird on the tree behind him and said, "The birds have to return to their nest no matter how far they fly, because they know that this is a place where they can shelter from wind and rain."

"What do you mean?"

"Me? It doesn't mean anything else, I just think of an old friend."

"One more thing, do I really only have ninety days to live?"

"Yes, during these ninety days, you can only be seen and touched by Cui Ying. You have to avoid others, because others cannot see you, unless you have a strong will to let others see you. , and can only be seen for a moment. Remember, in the eyes of many people, you are dead, otherwise Cui Ying, he doesn’t know, you just need to treat him well. "

"What if I kill Cui Ying?" Nanxiu said suddenly.

The man's face turned cold, "He's been so nice to you, and you want to kill him?"

"I know, so I let him die with me, isn't that okay?"

He really wanted to pry this woman's head open, "You are really vicious."

"Cui Ying, he should be willing to accompany me to death."

"If he dies, I'll leave you in a state of shock."

"I'm not afraid. I heard that the ghost's yang energy will stay longer if it absorbs it, so why don't I just cleanse his yang energy."

The man spread his hands, "If you want to harm him, go ahead. Of course, I promise you won't do that. If you kill him in ninety days, this red rope can help you borrow his life to survive. If you If you really want to, kill him in ninety days."

"Why are you telling me this? Don't you want to see me kill him?"

"No, I'm a little curious. How will you choose? Did Cui Ying really fall in love with the wrong person? I'm very curious about this."

(End of chapter)