90 days of spring are passing by

Chapter 166: All living beings suffer


In the blink of an eye, more than half of the time has passed, but Cui Ying still hasn't come back.

But she was not in a hurry because she expected Cui Ying to come back to find her.

Sure enough, after waiting for a few days, he came back. Nanxiu was steaming steamed buns and making steamed buns at home. She was already in his arms before she could see his face clearly.

It seemed that what the man said was true. Cui Ying really didn't know that she was dead.

Nanxiu counted the days and decided that no matter where he went, she would go with him so that she could spend more time with him.

He was afraid that she was seriously injured, and after looking around he found that she was unharmed. Nanxiu hurriedly explained that although she had been whipped that day, luckily it was not serious and she had recovered.

She deliberately avoided the sun and was afraid that Cui Ying would find out that she was no longer human. But when she said she was just afraid of getting tanned and wanted him to make her an umbrella, he made one and gave it to her the next day.

He was so nice, Nanxiu felt even more guilty.

On the day Ruan Xiu Niang came to see Cui Ying, she specially brought plums from her hometown. She knew that Nan Xiu died at her hands and was buried by her own hands. Thinking of Cui Ying being alone and losing his beloved wife, she could not help but feel pity.

Find a time to visit.

Unexpectedly, she actually saw Nanxiu resurrected from the dead.

She didn't believe her eyes at all, so she rubbed her eyes, only to find that Nanxiu was really alive.

Later, Cui Ying caught her and asked her to listen to Nan Xiu's words. She didn't hear what Nan Xiu said clearly. She just felt like she had fallen into an ice cave and had seen a ghost.

She was worried that if Nan Xiu and Cui Ying were kept, they would definitely take revenge on her in the future. Ruan Xiu Niang wrote to Bo Lu overnight, telling the county official that Nan Xiu was still alive.

The county official sent Yu Li to find out what happened. If he found Nan Xiu still alive, he would kill Nan Xiu on the spot.

She took Yuli to Nianyu Shop, and happened to find a break when Cui Ying was going to the market, and Nanxiu was looking at the shop alone.

Ruan Xiu Niang pointed at Nan Xiu and told Yu Li that that was Nan Xiu. She was not dead at all, thinking that she could get another reward.

However, Yu Li felt that this man had gone crazy. The counter was empty and there was no one there.

He knew that his visit to Li'er was in vain, so he took out his knife and stabbed Ruanxiu Niang to death, so as not to stain the ear of the Duke.

Cui Ying met a man who was setting up a stall to tell fortunes on the street. There were too many people on the street, and someone pushed him. He knocked down the stall.

He would pay for this man's loss by taking out his money.

But the man smiled and said, "No need, just ask me to help you tell your fortune, and today's matter will be over."

This is the first time I met someone who was rushing to tell someone's fortune.

Cui Ying was not in a hurry, sat down and said, "In that case, please help me tell my fortune."

"Master, write down a word and let me test it."

He thought for a while and wrote "embroidery".

The fortune teller looked at this word and said, "If you take this word apart, you can see that a man and a woman are entangled in one place because of love. This man has a male-female appearance, and if he is beautiful, he will suffer internal injuries. This woman has a bad life and is beautiful." Bad luck."

Cui Ying panicked after hearing this, "Are you telling the truth?"

"If you believe it, it is true; if you don't believe it, it is false. Mr. Cui, take care."

He wondered, "How do you know my last name?"

He shushed slightly and closed the stall.

After taking a few steps, he was bumped into by another person. Cui Ying was completely dumbfounded this time as he bumped into another warlock.

This man also knocked his jade material into pieces.

How could the charlatan have any money to compensate him for the jade material? He waved his hand and said no.

But this man was exactly the same as the man just now, saying he wanted to tell his fortune.

Cui Ying had no choice but to be pulled aside by him.

This warlock was even stranger than the man just now. He actually said that Nanxiu had died long ago and that the people in the house now were ghosts and not humans.

Cui Ying was so angry that he vomited blood, and was about to grab him by the collar and beat him up, when he remembered that the man just now said the same thing, saying that Nan Xiu was destined to be a beauty.

At these times, Nanxiu is indeed different from before.

She doesn't like the sun or candlelight. She becomes more energetic at night and always dozes off during the day.

The sorcerer also said that Nanxiu's art of returning Yang only lasted for ninety days. Now that the spring is over, Nanxiu will soon take his life. Only by killing him can she live.

Cui Ying looked at this man blankly.

He thought Cui Ying was frightened and told him a solution.

Cui Ying nodded and ran to the medicine house not far away.

The boy was grinding medicine, and there was a smell of herbs in the room. Cui Ying said, "Give me three ounces of arsenic."

The young man raised his head and said, "Master, have you thought about it?"

Cui Ying suddenly felt that the boy had figured out his purpose, so he nodded firmly.

After taking the arsenic, the boy held his hand and said, "Life is precious, please think about it."

Cui Ying said, "It's just a matter of death. It would be good if I can stay with her when we get there. Otherwise, how will I survive if I am left alone in the world."

The boy let go of his hand and patted his shoulder, "I hope you don't regret it."

The darkest time of the day is also the time closest to light.

Just at dawn, a guest came to Yaolu.

At this time, the boy in the medicine house was still grinding the medicine, and it seemed that he could never finish grinding the medicine.

It seemed like he was just looking for something boring to do to pass this hard and dark time.

The first ray of sunlight broke through the darkness and shone right on the guest.

The boy didn't even raise his head, "What medicine?"

"I'm not here to get medicine."

"Really?" The little boy's gentle eyes stayed on him, but there was a little more worry in his eyes.

"What are you?" he asked, as if he wanted to know the answer, but also as if he didn't care at all.

On the street under the morning light, the crowd has not yet gathered, and the long street is silent.

The boy's face was pale, and it was only then that he took out his breath and murmured: "What am I... I really don't know anymore."

"Stop talking nonsense and lying to me."

He said sadly: "Is this the only thing you and I can say?" His voice was choked and his eyes were red.

The warlock looked at him and couldn't help but step forward to look at him, as if he had really known him a long time ago.

The young man suddenly held his hand and said, "Don't you think you and I hit it off right away?"

There was a flying fan in his sleeve. The boy sealed his divine source with one hand and put away the fan easily with the other hand.

The warlock seemed to have thought of something, "You know me, right?"

He nodded.

"I don't know you yet, but I will know you one day, right?" He has always been very smart.

The boy leaned close to his ear and was about to say something, but was pushed away by the warlock.

"How do you know where my divine source is?"

He smiled and asked, "Didn't you tell me yourself?"

"Me?" The storyteller was surprised. When did he reveal his destiny in such a simple way? Wasn't he looking for death

He didn't do anything, he just left. It wasn't until he was far away that the restrictions on the warlock were automatically released.

Ji Fuwei outside the door said calmly: "Sir, have you found a lover?"

These words were like the powder in a woman's makeup box, which instantly stained his face red.

"Nonsense." The storyteller refused to admit it.

"Since we know each other, why not take him back to the teahouse and talk slowly?"

The storyteller looked at the fan on the table and said, "Maybe now is not the time. He must not want to come with me."

"Did you recognize who he was?"

"No, but he must understand who I am."

This place is very close to the Naihe Bridge. There is always a thin layer of ice on the Naihe Bridge. The color is darker than the ice on earth. Of course, the naked eyes of mortals cannot see this layer of ice. Ji Liyou sat by the bridge, a piece of ice A piece of Sansheng stone was thrown down, causing small holes in the ice to crack.

It is said that this is the condensation of tears left by passers-by. The heart-chilling tears turned into the ice of the water flowing under the Naihe Bridge.

Finally he found the person he wanted to wait for.

Cui Ying smiled and said, "So it's you." At the beginning, the man who told his fortune must have wanted to help him overcome his calamity, but he didn't accept it.

Ji Li worriedly said: "The Immortal Official failed to overcome the tribulation, and he has to start over again this time."

He handed over a bowl of soup.

Cui Ying looked at Nan Xiu next to him, his face reflected in the soup, "Can you not drink it? Forget her, it will be too difficult to find her again."

"Immortal official, don't make things difficult for me. As long as you have strong determination, there is absolutely nothing you can't do in the world!" Ji Liyou said.

Nanxiu stood nearby and watched, thinking quietly in her heart.

Ji Li smiled sadly: "Miss Nanxiu, did you forget me?"

Nanxiu didn't seem to hear what he was saying at all. When she saw Cui Ying was about to drink soup and forget about her past, the expression on her face suddenly became very serious. She cautiously leaned over and took a sip of the contents of the bowl. It seemed that It’s time to go to the world of mortals together. It’s not enough to be entangled for a lifetime.

"It seems that Miss Nanxiu wants to forget with him." He said.

He took a long breath and said with a smile: "Is the red string for Miss Nanxiu still there?"

Nam Soo says yes. Take off the red string and give it to him.

He divided the red rope into two pieces, but it was not long enough to hold their wrists. Ji Liyou stuck the red rope beside their ears and said with a smile, "Just leave it like this, it will be useful."

Cui Ying forced a smile and said: "I'm afraid only you can think of such a weird method."

"I just want to help you two." He said sincerely.

"Why do you have Yue Lao's red thread?"

He smiled and said, "Stolen!"

"This is against the rules."

"What's wrong with the rules? After drinking my soup, you will forget your sorrow and leave your sorrow. Who would have known that I gave it to you? Hurry up and go to reincarnation." Ji Liyou looked at their backs and reached out to close a book. , seeing the book full of blood and tears, he sighed slightly.

In a small village to the south of the carving title, two families gave birth to women almost at the same time, a baby boy and a baby girl. When they were born, they each had a red mark on their ears. They were born on the same day, same year, same month, and there are such coincidental marks. The two families then got engaged when their children were young. The two grew up in the same place and were childhood sweethearts. The two families are also very close friends. They have prepared dowries and gifts long ago, just waiting for the two of them to grow up. The man will become successful and famous, and the woman will know how to run the house and guard the house. There is no better match. .

Who would have thought that when the older man set off for Liangzhu to take the exam, he fell in love with a girl from another family there and refused to marry his childhood friend. In the man's ears, he recalled all the things he had done in his childhood, and missed the woman's benefits. He refused to let go and took advantage of her.

The person who was named on the gold medal actually wanted to marry a wife and a concubine at the same time. The wife agreed, but the woman was so humiliated that she refused to marry. She also begged her parents to move away and not to be found by this man again. She was determined not to do so. Seeing this unfaithful person again, everything from now on is a thing of the past.

Ji Liyou turned around and saw the next candidate. He suddenly sighed and said, "Where do you want to go?"

She smiled and said: "Beiqiu."

Ji Liyou stared at her and suddenly said, "Do you have to go?"

"I must go." She said these words softly, but with indescribable determination and sadness.

Ji Liyou couldn't help but sigh again, and said slowly: "I've already made a mistake once, why bother making a mistake a second time?"

Twelfth Mother forced a smile and said: "No matter what, I am very happy to have you farewell for me."

"Why do you have to be so stupid?" He felt sad, and no matter how many times he tried again, there would be no result.

Twelve Niang said, "He will definitely be waiting for me in Beiqiu. I have to go see him."

He sighed, "Since it will hurt all over your body and your heart will hurt, I advise you not to go."

"Liyou... Although I don't deserve to call you that, but since you have stayed in my belly, just let me go to Beiqiu."

Ji Liyou agreed, "If it's your choice, I respect you."

"Thank you."

"I still have two of your souls here. The soul of God is behind my spiritual sea." He was about to take it out to her.

"No more," she said.

"I'm just going to be a mortal, what else do I need to do with my soul?"

"There is too much suffering in the world, it is better to turn back as soon as possible."

She smiled, "In that case, why didn't you go to the God Realm earlier? With my soul and his immortal bones, your cultivation is enough, why are you here?"

He also laughed, "My mother is stupid, so my child is stupid too."

She touched Ji Liyou's hair and said, "Keep the soul, maybe it will be useful one day. I have nothing to leave you, I just hope you will suffer less in the world."

There is a sect in the Chu region of Beiqiu, named Changyue. They practice the way of ruthlessness and seek the method of immortality. The people of this sect are good at disguising themselves and assassinating people, and they are wandering around in the rivers and lakes. The martial arts community in the Central Plains is very worried, just because Most of the members of this sect are women, and it is difficult to eliminate them. Therefore, it has gradually grown over the years. Someone actually entered the Liangzhu Palace and stole something from Princess Huiyou's neck, a colorful meteorite, which angered the Emperor of the Central Plains. Decide to let the Beiqiu royal family destroy this sect soon.

The Changyue Sect began a decades-long confrontation with the Beiqiu royal family, but they were outnumbered. Most of the sect members were strangled by the court. In order to threaten the Beiqiu royal family and attack the remaining weak members of the sect, the Changyue Sect came up with a method of assassination. Choose a pustule from the royal family of Beiqiu to make an appearance, kill the chicken to scare the monkeys, and make the people of Beiqiu dare not act rashly again.

The assassin sneaked into the palace and waited for three years before finding a killer. Unexpectedly, the assassin was captured as a turtle in a jar. The pustule boy did not report the assassin, so he kept the assassin imprisoned in the palace and raised him again. For ten years, he was treated to delicious food and drinks every day. As time passed, the assassin realized that all his martial arts skills had been abolished. This pustule was definitely not an idiot. He had a deep mind and the city was like an abyss. He could never escape like this. Wang Fu…

As soon as he returned to Bolu, the storyteller fell asleep and fell into a deep sleep.

But even when he was asleep, his brain was particularly sensitive and accurate.

When he opened his eyes, the man was looking at him at the door: "I have been watching you for a long time."

The storyteller rubbed his eyes and said, "How did you get in?"

The man slowly approached, walked to him and said, "It's actually very simple for me to get in here. I don't need to explain this to you in detail. I just want to say goodbye to you."


Ji Liyou said calmly: "I owe someone else's debt, and I have to pay it back day and night."

Before the storyteller could speak, he added: "There is still an hour before departure."

The storyteller smiled and said: "The door is over there, and the teahouse owner is downstairs. If you want to drink tea, I can make a pot for you in an hour."

"I'm not here for tea," he said.

He turned over and continued to doze off, "I don't care what you want to do."

Ji Liyou continued to stare at him from the side, as if he wanted to see his heart through this face.

"What do you want to do again?" The storyteller sat up, already a little impatient.

"I said there is still an hour." He whispered: "I can look at you a few more times, wouldn't it be good?"

"What are you talking about?" The storyteller pushed him away, "I don't like getting to know people I don't know at first sight. You'd better not mess with me, otherwise the consequences will be bad."

"I have a problem, that is, I like to talk nonsense." He said.

The storyteller looked at him with wide eyes. This person seemed to be very familiar with him. He could instantly seal his divine source and put away Zi Qing Mist Rain as his own magic weapon. It was really weird.

Tu Mo heard the noise and was in a hurry to go up, but was stopped by Ji Fuwei, "He has great magical powers, who can control him?"

"But above..."

"Alas, we won't be doing business today." Ji Fu looked up at the stairs and said.

The storyteller didn't sleep long. As soon as the man left, Ji Fuwei came, bringing a wine glass and a jug of wine. He smiled and said, "Why did that man leave first?"

The storyteller stood up in an instant and said, "I don't know. I don't know anything about him. Do you believe it?"

Ji Fu said slightly: "Do you need me to help you find his whereabouts?"

The storyteller smiled and said, "I can't tell where he is or who he is even with my magic. How can you find him?"

Ji Fuwei said softly: "It seems like he will never come back."

The storyteller slowly poured two glasses of wine and said quietly: "How do you know?"

Ji Fu sighed slightly and said: "You can see it from his eyes. If a person will never come back, his eyes will be like that. It's not that there is no nostalgia, but a determination after weighing it. This person is unexpected. He has a temper like yours, have you noticed?" He smiled again, "He does look like me. It's really interesting. I don't know who he is. Could he be my child? A person who looks like me has a temper like yours. Man, it’s very interesting…”

The storyteller did not answer, but drank all the wine in the glass, then slowly put down the glass and turned around slowly.

If he won't come back, why bother him? He should have been killed with one sword just now, the storyteller said.

(End of chapter)