90 days of spring are passing by

Chapter 167: Life and death are irreversible


In the morning, the sky outside the window is bright.

The storyteller woke up, and slowly opened his eyes. The scent of tea from the strange man seemed to still linger on the pillow, but when he woke up, he was the only one beside the pillow.

He forgot that he left yesterday.

An indescribable loneliness and sadness suddenly surged into his heart, and his eyes gradually closed again.

He still remembered what he said in his ear: "Everyone is you, but none of them are you."

As soon as the words were spoken, it was so tragic and painful.

Maybe, this person is just looking for someone who looks like him.

The meaning of this sentence should be what he understood.

"I don't want to leave, but I can't help but leave." He murmured softly, thinking he was asleep when he left.

The wind rustled the window paper.

The wind was too cold and it started to rain outside, but when he left, he didn't bring an umbrella.

The storyteller listened to the sound of the wind outside the window. He was still holding Mrs. Tang in his arms, but his whole body was cold.

The smoky white morning mist rises from the autumn grass, which is still covered with dewdrops from last night. A yellow mud path winds through the fields.

Pale face.

He is always walking, and there is not much difference from one Jambudvi world to another.

Seeing everyone looking at him with surprised expressions, Ji Liyou was not too sad, but his heart felt a little sour. What he looked into his eyes was just a stranger.

Time flies by, and I have been injured for too long, and I can’t remember how long I lived.

Every time he took the initiative to leave him.

"Can you tell me why you look at me with such sad eyes?" he asked Ji Liyou.

In response to this sentence, Ji Liyou felt a tiny thorn running along his ear, slowly piercing into his annoyance.

When a person is too empty and weak, he often wants to go crazy.

He wanted to ask him how he had survived thousands of years of loneliness, but he could no longer see him again.

He would always miss him. In the first hundred years of the first Jambu world, he felt that he would die if he could not see him again. Every day made him feel like an abandoned person.

Then, his emotions gradually calmed down, and in the second hundred years, his heart gradually stopped being crazy.

In the third Yanfu world, he saw "him", but he was just beside Ji Fuwei.

He looked at him across the crowd and thought of various things, their past, his arrogance, his arrogance, his gentleness...

I remembered that he had put him on a horse and taught him how to ride and shoot archery.

As he hugged a body like his own, he suddenly felt lonelier.

Someone advised him, "It's in the past, why can't we forget everything in the past?"

Now he knows that some things can never be forgotten. The more you want to forget it, the more it will break into your heart.

He couldn't help but think of what he told him before leaving, telling him not to wait too much, and to find someone else who would satisfy him when he couldn't wait.

Suddenly, all his thoughts turned into poison, and he realized that there was no cure.

"If he can't find me, he can find someone else, someone who is more suitable for him than me, and he will soon forget about me."

If a person wants to feel at ease, he will always comfort himself.

The wound in his heart soon formed a scar, and the scar was hard, hard and numb.

"Since I have already chosen, why bother to read it again?" He smiled and shook his head.

The autumn colors are more intense.

The distant mountains are withered and yellow, and under the blue-grey sky, there is an ancient and sad beauty.

Ji Liyou walked slowly through the mountain. Although he walked slowly, he never looked back. Because he stopped, a door appeared on the mountainside, and he walked in without looking back.

There are cracks on the wall, and when the wind blows on the window lattice, it keeps "rattling".

On a cold spring morning, Sun Qingchen got up very early just to plug the hole in the window to prevent the elders in the family from drinking the cool breeze and getting cold.

The sun shone in from the window, shining right on Sun Qingchen's young and tender face.

A clean and resolute face.

Ji Liyou stood in the sun with his hands behind his back, staring at the man.

Such a young child is still shining brightly.

Sun Qingchen raised his hand to cover his mouth, coughing lightly. He got up too early, and before he had a sip of hot tea, he was blown by the cold wind. The sun shone on him without any warmth.

When the wind stopped, he turned around and was about to burn firewood to cook for his mother.

On the wooden table, there is a piece of paper.

"Don't get close to the Zhao family."

Of course Ji Liyou knew that everything would flow like a stream according to its original route, but he was wondering if there might be one time, even one time, that could change the predetermined ending.

Ji Liyou hoped that if he had been reminded earlier, he would have been able to avoid future disasters.

The hawking sounds in the streets and alleys rotate year after year, and the seasons change, but the status of the Zhao family in the world remains unchanged.

The daughter of the Zhao family, Zhao Lanyin, has entered the harem as an official, reaching the rank of envoy.

Ji Liyou held his chin up and counted the time day by day.

There was a scar on Sun Qingchen's back, which went straight from the back of his neck to his waist. If he hadn't been lucky and if the enemy hadn't been exhausted, this knife would have split him in half.

After the war, he saved his life. Thinking of the situation when the sword was struck, cold sweat could not help but flow from his palms.

Sometimes he would be awakened from his sleep and dream of his mother and grandmother crying miserably. All this is because of the damn Zhao family.

He rolled up his sleeves, and his arms and shoulders were all wounded from the battlefield.

There is wine on the table. He sat down, poured a full glass for himself, raised his neck and drank it, feeling drunk and filled with hatred. One day, he will take revenge and make the Zhao family pay the price.

A blind middle-aged woman was groping forward, hunched over and walking slowly.

A pair of warm hands supported her.

"Where are you going, madam?" the man asked softly.

"I'm going to find my son," she said.

Ji Liyou smiled gently, "Where is your son? I'll look for it for you."

"In... in... maybe in Changzhou."

He said, "But this is Liangzhu."

The woman sighed, "I forgot...why did my son come to Liangzhu?"

"Who else is Madam looking for?"

"No, no, my daughter is coming back. She is a maid in the palace. She will be back in the evening. I have to wait for her at home."

Ji Liyou nodded, "Do you want me to take you back?"

"No, no, no, I can find the way back."

Ji Liyou suddenly said, "Wait a minute."

She was puzzled, "What's wrong?"

Suddenly I heard someone riding a horse galloping past on the street behind me.

Ji Liyou looked at the man on the horse and said, "It's nothing. General Yitong's second son came here. I was worried about bumping into Madam, so I held Madam back. Madam has difficulty with her eyesight, please walk slowly."

The mother and son passed each other, the horse and the rickety back facing in two directions.

Ji Liyou sighed in his heart and said, "It turns out that it really can't be changed."

In fact, he knows better than anyone else.

When Ji Liyou was waiting for the old lady by the bridge, he saw that her eyes had improved and asked, "Madam, do you still remember me?"

I remembered it as soon as I heard the voice, "Were you the one who helped me walk that day?"

He smiled and handed the soup over, "Madam, if you drink this soup, I will find a good place for you to go. Please go to reincarnation slowly."

There were many wrinkles on her pretty face, and she had no expression. She just said deeply: "Where am I going?"

"I can't reveal this."

She took the soup but did not drink it immediately, "My son, Qingchen, have you ever seen him here?"

Ji Liyou shook his head, "He didn't come."

So she smiled, "That's good, he's still alive."

Then I worried again, "He is alive now, how is he doing?"

Ji Liyou couldn't answer, she was asking about living people.

"Forget it, since it's inconvenient to answer, I won't embarrass you." He raised his head and finished the soup.

He walked slowly behind Ji Liyou step by step.

Ji Liyou stood on Liangzhu Street, the wind blowing the colorful lanterns on the street. It was obviously a wonderful Yuan night, but the world seemed to be filled with constant sorrow.

A few steps away, a table by the window of the tavern suddenly said: "Come, come and have a drink too."

The girl didn't refuse, she walked over silently, filled a cup for the storyteller first, and then poured a cup for herself.

Ji Liyou's hands were shaking.

He looked at the two people in the tavern with pity in his eyes. What he pitied was not others, but himself.

"Old man Wen, when are we going back?" The girl was impatient.

The storyteller lowered his head and said, "Wait until I feel better."

"Then you change me back to my original self first. I don't want to be a girl."

"How beautiful," he teased.

The girl looked up and sighed, and said: "If you hadn't forced me to enter the palace to get close to the man named Zhao Lanyin, I wouldn't have to be like this. If you bully me again, I will go back to my father's grave and I will definitely file a complaint."

The storyteller made a gesture of invitation, "As you wish."

As if remembering the good times in the past, a smile appeared in the corner of Ji Liyou's eyes and said: "Everything is done step by step, there is nothing wrong with it."

The storyteller smiled and said: "Don't think that I don't know. You are afraid that after I turn you into a girl, you will no longer be able to go to liquor stores and brothels. How old are you, you go to brothels everywhere."

The girl did not deny it and said with a smile: "Most people, as old as me, are already married."

"Why don't you imitate Ji Fuwei and clean yourself up?"

"Don't mention grandpa, I learned how to go to brothels and drink wine from you. You have played with fewer women than me. You are not a good person, but you have the nerve to accuse me of being a low person."

The storyteller laughed and said, "It seems that I have indeed taught you a bad lesson."

She rolled her eyes and said, "Of course."

"But I want to indulge myself because I have had enough life. What can you learn from me!"

She drank like him, "I've had enough."

The storyteller laughed again and said, "You are still talking big words at such a young age."

As soon as the second glass of wine was filled, the storyteller saw a familiar figure passing by, but could not see his face clearly.

People on the street rushed forward in a swarm. It turned out that a woman had committed suicide by swallowing gold.

Sun Qingchen's pupils were shrinking, and he rushed into the crowd desperately, holding the lifeless woman in his arms.

He desperately asked her why she had to use her own life to make up for the mistakes of others. Even if she died, he would not let the Zhao family go.

Sun Qingchen hugged Zhao Lanyin tightly and cried like a lost child who could never find his way back.

The storyteller and the pretty girl didn't say anything, just mingling with the crowd and watching the fun.

People of all kinds said different things, "You did evil and drove a good girl from another family to death. Now it's better."

"I think these two are the children of a wealthy family. Look at the extraordinary clothes. They must be the young master and young lady who eloped from the family. What a pity."

After listening for a while, the girl said: "We have been here for a long time. It is very cold in Liangzhu. It is better to go back to Bolu as soon as possible, sir."

The storyteller smiled mysteriously and said, "Wait a moment."

The girl quickly continued: "What are you waiting for? Isn't Zhao Lanyin dead?" She didn't know what the storyteller was up to.

After waiting for a while, the crowd gradually dispersed, and the storyteller said: "Let's go."

"Why don't you wait again?"

"It's just that suddenly... I don't want to wait anymore..." he said.

The cloud-patterned lantern rolled around on the ground several times, and the words on the lantern - "On Lantern Festival last year, the lights in the flower market were like daylight." were stained with dust.

A pale hand picked up the lantern and blew away the dust on it.

The storyteller turned around and looked at the back of the crowd.

The girl asked, "What are you looking at?"

The storyteller shook his head, "Nothing, let's go, Liyou."

Looking at Sun Qingchen by the Naihe Bridge, his face was full of grief and anger, he gritted his teeth and said every word: "She can't escape."

Ji Liyou said calmly: "Whether she can escape or not has nothing to do with you."

Sun Qingchen said coldly: "You'd better tell me where she is."

"As soon as you enter reincarnation, cause and effect will occur. Don't restrain your heart with obsession, otherwise you will just repeat these tragedies again and again."

He raised the bowl and drank it all in one gulp, then continued: "Although what I did to her was not aboveboard, if I could go back many years ago, I would still do it again."


"If Zhao Lanyin doesn't love me, I will let her hate me. No matter love or hate, there must be one."

Ji Liyou suddenly smiled, a strange smile, looked at him with a smile, and said, "I finally know why you can't return to the fairy world."

"You want to say that I am too obsessed?"

"No matter what, please get on your way."

"One more thing." Ji Li said slowly and worriedly.


After saying these words, Sun Qingchen's vision became blurry, and those memories flew past his eyes quickly and turned into nothingness.

Ji Liyou said, "She doesn't hate you, she asked me to tell you...she will wait for you."

But it was too late.

Sun Qingchen has disappeared.

I don't know why Ji Liyou didn't tell him from the beginning.

He looked at the empty bowl in his hand and thought of the hot eyes behind him on the long street. After all, he did not turn around to look at him, otherwise everything would disappear.

A helpless smile appeared on Ji Liyou's lips, "Maybe I am the one who should drink."

He helped those who had hatred, those who were reluctant to give up, and those who were unwilling...He helped them forget one by one. Watching them live and die again, Ji Liyou felt desolate in his heart.

His punishment, he now understood, would never be forgotten.

It hurts whenever I think of it, but I can't look back. I can only keep walking forward, carrying all the heaviness and leaving a lonely shadow as my companion.

The previous chapter has been blocked and I am revising it.

(End of chapter)