90 days of spring are passing by

Chapter 168: Leave love and worry


At night, a light on the street was still on.

The storyteller looked at this lonely lantern for an unknown amount of time, until his eyes became sore.

Ji Liyou walked downstairs and saw that he was still sitting there, "Sir, it's late at night, why aren't you sleeping yet?"

The storyteller slowly retracted his eyes and said with a smile: "I'm not sleepy, you can go to sleep."

Ji Liyou didn't seem to notice the reluctance in his smile and said, "Sir, you are always waiting for someone. Who is it?" In fact, he knew in his heart that it must be his grandfather. He was waiting for his grandfather to come back, but he was already gone. After all these years, why would I come back

The storyteller said, "I am not waiting for anyone."

"But sir, he looks like he is waiting for someone. Otherwise, why would he be sitting there all the time, looking outside."

The storyteller said lightly: "Many of the things I do have no reason, and even I can't explain it myself." His eyes looked like knives in the night, and Ji Liyou looked like this every time he saw it. There was a hint of fear that he was about to get angry.

But he continued, "Some people will never come back. Even if you light a hundred lights to illuminate the entire street in the capital, they will not come back."

The storyteller just smiled and said, "I know, so I'm not waiting."

Ji Liyou looked at him for a long time, slowly lowered his head, and said sadly: "I will never understand you, sir. Maybe only your grandfather can be your friend."

The storyteller smiled and said, "How jealous are you?"

"Maybe it's my grandfather's jealousy," he said.

"Ji Fuwei is dead. I won't wait for a dead person."

Ji Liyou didn't believe it, "Then who are you waiting for?"

The two of them looked at each other face to face, and no one said anything.

Scattered drums could be heard in the distance, as distant as the sound of the snow breaking plum branches a hundred years ago, making a heartbreaking sound.

Ji Liyou's bright eyes were filled with mist, and he turned around and went upstairs, "Sir, please rest early."

There were no stars or moonlight in the sky, and it was foggy.

The storyteller suddenly smiled again and said, "It's foggy. It must be good weather tomorrow."

"Who knows?" he said.

"Liyou—" He stopped him, but couldn't say any more.

He felt as if something was blocked in his throat and he couldn't even make a sound.

Ji Liyou stopped and said, "Sir, what did you say?"

He didn't say another word. A shadow flew past the door. The storyteller hurriedly followed him. Before leaving, he said, "It's late at night, don't come out. It's dangerous."

Ji Liyou was left alone, standing motionless in the darkness.

His people have become one with the darkness.

The storyteller passed through the streets and alleys, only to realize that this man was really agile. If he didn't want to be caught, no one would be able to hold a piece of his clothes.

I chased him to a house and saw the slender figure of a person reflected in the window.

There was something familiar about this figure, and the storyteller's heart suddenly contracted.

The people in the house were facing the window, as if they already knew someone was watching him outside.

The storyteller suddenly opened the door.

He opened the door and saw this strange man. He pushed the door open, but with all his strength, he was stuck at the door, unable to move another step.

He turned around suddenly, pretended to be surprised, and said with a smile: "Why are you here?"

The storyteller took a long time to say, "Who are you?"

He found that his voice seemed so far away that even he could not hear it clearly.

The man smiled and said, "Who am I? You can tell at a glance?"

"There is only one Ji Liyou and only one Ji Fuwei in the world, so who are you?"

"You thought I was dead and you would be frightened when you saw me, right?"

The storyteller calmed down and said, "You are not Ji Fuwei, but Ji Liyou. Am I right?"

He didn't say yes or no.

"If you don't answer, I will treat you as Ji Liyou."

He smiled, "If I am Ji Liyou, then who is the boy in the teahouse?"

The storyteller was silent.

"You can't explain why there are two Ji Liyou, so I am not Ji Liyou."

He took the storyteller's hand and said, "If you insist on asking me who I am, it would be pointless. Are you right, sir?"

His hands were soft and warm, enough to brush away all his questions.

But the storyteller shook off his hand, "Your eyes are different from his. Tell me, what happened to you?"

Ji Liyou's eyes moved, and he asked, "What look?"

"After thousands of sails and seeing all the vicissitudes of life, my eyes have become numb to suffering."

Ji Liyou was stunned.

After a while, his tears slowly flowed down, and he lowered his head and said, "I shouldn't have come to see you at all. You are still you, but I am no longer me."

His hands clenched tightly, as if he had crushed his heart.

The storyteller said: "Why did Ji Liyou become like this? Tell me, what happened after a long time?"

"Do you think I can say it?"

"If it doesn't work, tell me, what should I do to help you?"

He smiled, "Kill me or the Ji Liyou of Sanqi Teahouse, only one of us will survive."

The storyteller looked at him quietly, as if he had never understood him before.

Ji Liyou said coldly: "Kill him and I can live by your side, isn't it good?"

"You... what do you mean?"

"The meaning is very simple. Don't you know it very well? There can only be one Ji Liyou in a time wheel. Now there are two. If he sees me, then both him and I will disappear. If you kill If I don't exist, I can be with you. Of course, if I don't exist, he can live well. Which one do you choose?"

The storyteller looked at him, "What do you think?"

"I won't kill him after all. You can't keep me, so why are you chasing me and pestering me?"

"I just want to find out whether the people you killed were just a way for you to create suspicion and attract me into the game." The storyteller asked.

"I didn't kill anyone, but it was fate. It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not."

Only then did Ji Liyou realize that these questions were all questions he had asked him before, and he gradually understood that whether it was Cui Yingnanxiu or Twelve Niangs and Jin Tanger, they did not die at the hands of the storyteller.

It turns out that everything happened because the storyteller followed his footsteps and entered one game after another.

Ji Liyou said quietly: "Together, they become an unbreakable circle."

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, I'm just curious, should you keep me or him?"

Instead, the storyteller became quiet and said: "Without him, you will disappear. Don't try to lie to me. How can a person not have a past? You want to trick me into killing one of you, but in this way, both of you will disappear. Don't Treat me like a fool."

"I'm so sad that I can't fool you sir."

"You said you wanted me to kill you or him, and I was already suspicious. Ji Liyou never asked me to kill him. He would only beg me to spare his life."

He smiled and said: "I never want to see you kill anyone, but if you kill me, I will be happy."

"Who taught you these words?" The storyteller did not believe that the real Ji Liyou would say such words.

No matter what happened, he would always treat him as a child. Ji Liyou felt suddenly sad, his voice was trembling, and he gritted his teeth and continued: "I have become a ruthless and greedy person. Don't kill me." I, you will be in endless trouble in the future, it is better to take action early to avoid trouble in the future."

The storyteller said slowly: "I don't believe it."

Ji Liyou turned around, biting his lips to bleed, and said word by word: "So what if you don't believe it, I am already a walking corpse."

The storyteller smiled sadly and said, "You have had a hard time these past few years, right?" As he spoke, he walked towards Ji Liyou, walking very slowly, but with firm steps. She hugged him and patted his shoulders again and again, as if coaxing a child.

The lights flickered.

The flashing lights reflected Ji Liyou's pale face, but he never turned around, clenching his fists and closing his mouth.

After a while, he said: "It's so sad to miss someone. Besides, I can't kill myself. Why don't you do it for me?"

The storyteller closed his eyes and said in a trembling voice: "Actually, what you miss is not me, but another me. I understand."

Ji Liyou's long eyelashes covered his eyelids, and he lowered his eyes to look at the purple mist in his sleeves, a ruthless weapon, cold and sharp.

"If you still think of me as Ji Liyou, just kill me. I don't want to forget my past, because then I will really become a corpse with nothing, but I can't continue to think about him. I thought that as long as I If I endure it, I will soon be able to weaken the pain, but it doesn't work."

The storyteller stared at him.

A sad smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he said: "Forget love, leave your worries. Without love, you will be worry-free. I originally wanted you to grow up without worries, but I have put you in this situation."

Ji Liyou clenched his hand tighter, his knuckles turned white and veins were exposed on the back of his hand.

The storyteller said sadly: "I can't kill you, and I can't kill him. If there is a way to alleviate your pain, you can tell me."

Ji Liyou's hands began to tremble.

Lights went out.

The room is dark.

"Don't be tempted by him, and don't let him be tempted by you."

The storyteller did not speak, but in this desperate darkness, his eye circles gradually turned red, "So the cause of your pain is because of me? If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be alive like a ghost, would you?"

The darkness is boundless.

He left and said before leaving, "I promise you. If it can make you feel better, I will promise it."

The lights in the teahouse were still on, and scattered drums were heard in the distance.

It’s the fourth update.

The long night was coming to an end when a figure suddenly appeared in the thick fog.

His eyes were as bright as the cold stars on an autumn night.

Ji Liyou recognized him and met him at the door, "Sir, where have you been?"

Looking at his clear eyes, the storyteller suddenly said, "I went to meet an old friend."

Ji Liyou couldn't help but let out a deep sigh. My husband went there once and was so haggard.

There was no expression on his face, he looked so cold.

Ji Liyou pointed at the hole in his clothes, "Where did you scratch, sir, to make a hole in his clothes?"

He shook his head and didn't answer.

Ji Liyou followed, "I've been waiting for you sir for a long time."

The storyteller still didn't respond.

"Forget it, take off your clothes and I'll mend them for you sir."

The storyteller suddenly said, "The holes in my clothes can be mended, but can you mend the holes in my heart?"

Standing opposite him was Ji Liyou, who was fifteen or sixteen years old.

He is very handsome and has a pair of flexible eyes that make him look smart and sharp.

But the other Ji Liyou seemed to have learned to endure all the hardships without even complaining. Being down and out is like a ghost wandering around.

Tears appeared in the corners of Ji Liyou's eyes, "If sir needs it, I will try my best to repair it. No matter where the hole is, I will try to repair it."

I don’t know how long it took, but the storyteller raised his head and said, “No need.”

Ji Liyou was a little frustrated and said softly: "Sir, what's wrong with you?"

The storyteller turned and went upstairs.

Ji Liyou bit his lip and followed up, "What did I do wrong?"

The storyteller felt like a needle pricking his heart, "No, you did nothing wrong."

Ji Liyou was silent for a long time, then sighed softly and said, "I like sir, but he doesn't know." Suddenly there was an indescribable cunning look in his eyes, and he said, "It doesn't matter, I'll tell you Sir, starting from today, Sir will know.”

The storyteller frowned and scolded: "Don't talk nonsense!"

Ji Liyou wanted to explain, but in the end all his words turned into a long sigh. He only wants to pretend to sleep. Who can wake up a person who is pretending to sleep

Ji Liyou smiled and said, "Sir, there is no need to reply to anything. I have my own plan."

The storyteller's face turned even paler, and he suddenly stood up and said with a straight face: "It's almost dawn, why don't you go to bed?"

Ji Liyou suddenly came closer, "What are you afraid of? Can you tell me?"

The storyteller slowly closed his eyes, put his forehead against his, and suddenly opened his eyes. Forget it. If forgetting can alleviate all the pain, then don't remember it again. This is the best choice for everyone.

When Ji Liyou reacted, he was already standing at the door of his room and said with a smile: "Why am I here so late? Am I sleepwalking?"

The storyteller watched Ji Liyou go away, his eyes full of pain and pity.

Ji Liyou was his life, and from the day he stayed with him, he was destined to protect him forever.

The period before dawn is always the darkest.

The darkness also passes, and finally a glimmer of light appears in the east.

In front of the teahouse, a figure gradually appeared.

He stood there motionless for an unknown amount of time, and his hair was almost soaked with dew.

A ray of scorching sun broke through the morning fog, making the sky brighter. This person disappeared.

The waiter looked around sleepily, rubbed his eyes, and murmured: "Who was that person just now? Why did he disappear? Did he see a ghost?"

After saying this, the storyteller went downstairs.

The waiter smiled and said, "Sir, are you staying in bed today?"

He looked at the place where the man stood and said, "It's dawn, and everything has to continue."

The man smiled and said, "That's right. Nothing changes in this world day by day."

Full text summary

(End of chapter)

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