90 days of spring are passing by

Chapter 21: Enjoy this life


Seeing her coming, he greeted her with a smile, "How about it, I said so? He won't give it to you."

What answered him was the hairpin, which was waved silently and without hesitation, piercing his heart.

"Does it hurt?"

she asked Baili Fuen.

"Are you crazy?" He blocked her with blood on his hands, and finally pushed her away with great effort.

"This is what you promised me."

"I promised you, and you can kill me?"

Xin He smiled bitterly, "Yes, I forgot that you are a person who breaks your word."

After that, she took something out of her sleeve.

Baili Fuen took a closer look and saw that it was actually a ball of red light.

She held the beam of red light and stared blankly at the palm of her hand, as if her mind was finally clear of distractions.

He said that later, the child came back. The child said to the Bodhi tree, this time I spent all the money I exchanged for the branches, but I still couldn't cross the sea. Can you help me again

The Bodhi tree said yes, please cut down my trunk and leave only a stump.

The child did as she was told. She made a boat out of the thick tree trunk and rode the wind and waves to a distant place.

Xin He pulled out the dagger from nowhere, "I should fulfill my promise and dig out your heart."

Baili Fuen's face was pale. He didn't know if his heart had been pierced, so he covered his heart and shouted at her, "How dare you assassinate a member of the Baili family?"

Xin He said, "I have never cared about family status. It's just that you talk about Baili Family again and again, and you are proud of it. I have never said that I regard Baili Family as the sky above my head."

She stabbed again, Baili Fu'en stretched out five fingers to block her, but all three fingers were cut off by Xin He's sharp dagger.

He fell to his knees, groaned in pain, and begged Xinhe not to kill him.

Xin He looked at him with all kinds of disgust in her heart.

She looked at him from top to bottom. At this moment, she seemed to not recognize him. In just a few days, he had become so unbearable to her. Maybe he had always been like this, but in her eyes, she fantasized about this person. His appearance put him in a perfect cover, and I never thought of seeing the real him.

When Xin He had a heavy beating object in her hand, she smiled and said, "It turns out your heart is also red. I thought it would be black."

She smiled and said, "You made me a joke, so using your heart to compensate me is not a loss."

Shaking away the gradually cold body behind her, she walked towards an unknown place without looking back. Before she walked out of the gate of the Prince's Mansion, she casually threw her heart on the roadside.

The other one is firmly installed close to the heart.

She still didn't understand why she got not joy but a heart full of pain even though she had given her joy.

Does Zhi Kong give you joy

He said that joy was pain, but she was still indestructible. Xin He raised her head and saw outside the prince's house in front of her.

She walked to the street and followed the watchman. It was dark and there were no people on the road.

The watchman asked her, "Why don't you go home? What are you doing here?"

"I'm following the lights I can see," she said.

She just looked down at the light that could be seen at her feet, but never looked up at the full moon.

"Where is the girl going?" the watchman asked her.

Xin He said, "Go and find happiness."

The watchman said happily, "If you are looking for happiness, you will naturally go there."

Over the years, she went to the corner that everyone called the happy place.

The lights were brightly lit there, and she no longer had to follow the light. There was laughter and laughter, and people were coming and going. Men were laughing, and women were laughing too. It seemed that they were all very happy.

Xin He was extremely lonely in this bustle. She couldn't wait to ask one of the women why you smiled so heartily and got joy so easily.

The woman told her that she was going to ask the benefactor.

Later, she asked many benefactors, and they were happy with her. Everyone liked her very much because she was young and beautiful, and her bright eyes hid the coldness on the iceberg.

They all said they liked her very much, but she was not happy at all.

The woman who was traveling with him said that she would have to wait until she knew what joy was.

The black silk in the mirror is gradually turning white, and one cup after another of cold wine is drunk. Everyone is intoxicated by the wine and the beauty. Everyone has a smile on their face. Who comes here not for fun.

She put on the step-wags one by one from her bun, and her head was covered with pearls.

She took off the golden hairpins one by one from her bun, and half her life had passed.

She learned every woman's smile, and she learned it perfectly. There were women in the Happy Land who were more beautiful than her, but no one was as cold as her. She was smiling, but her heart was not happy.

She looked at the sky, and the men, covered in sweat, asked her what she was looking at.

Xin He said, nothing.

No one knew what she was looking at. Even if she accidentally looked into a man's eyes, it seemed like she was looking at grasshoppers or ants.

Many new girls came, some were as beautiful as she was when she was young, and some were as aloof and cold as she was.

One of the girls asked her why she stayed here.

She said, I want to be happy in this life.

The girl asked her, are you satisfied

She shook her head, no matter where I was, I was never happy.

The girl said, maybe you have never met a person.

Xin He said, I have met many people, seen them cry, and heard them laugh.

The girl said no, haven't you ever met someone who is willing to give you his heart

Xinhe said, I forgot.

The girl said to Xin He, is her sister taking it lightly now? If you take it lightly, you won’t ask for more.

Xin He said, I have forgotten the reason for asking too much, and I have also forgotten why I have looked down on the world. Living in a muddle or dying early tomorrow morning, it makes no difference to me.

She's still looking.

When she closed her eyes, she remembered an old thing that was pressed under the box and asked someone to take it out. The person said that it was an epiphyllum, but it didn't wither, like a flower that had just bloomed.

She put the flower into Xin He's hand, and the white flower suddenly turned into a bunch of red light.

Her hair is now as white as this epiphyllum.

Xin He remembered what that person said many years ago.

The child returned to the Bodhi tree many years later. The Bodhi tree was no longer there, except for a small stump.

Bodhi Tree Stump asked her, have you seen the scenery you want to see

The child said that after seeing it, it was actually not as beautiful as she imagined.

The Bodhi tree sighed, I have nothing more to give you, I only have a bare stump.

Xin He smiled, tears dripping from the corners of her wrinkled eyes, and fell on the pillow. She slowly closed her eyes and whispered, "I don't want to go anywhere, I just want to rest against the tree stump."

Recently, a new storyteller came to Sanqi Teahouse. He held a folding fan with "Eighty-five Years" written on the front and "Don't Know Joy" written on the back.

This storyteller is in his early twenties. He is not only a smooth talker, but also good at telling fortunes and reading fortunes.

"Dear listeners, today I will tell you a new story. It is said that there is a family where the husband and wife took several pots of medicine when they were young, but it did not work. It was not until they were in their forties that they had a little girl who was as beautiful as a flower. , the couple’s eyes are as precious as the child, but this child is a little weirder than the other children.”

"What's so strange?" asked a young man upstairs.

This person is none other than the new shopkeeper of Sanqi Teahouse, Ji Liyou.

The storyteller smiled, everyone, listen to what I said slowly.

(End of chapter)