90 days of spring are passing by

Chapter 27: No bones remain


Zhao Lanyin said, "Father has known about this for a long time, hasn't he? The damn one is the one from Prince Jingsi's Mansion. You don't dare, so you have to let him be the scapegoat."

Zhao Qingyun asked left and right to go further away.

"You're talking nonsense."

Hearing her father's indifferent tone, she was even more sure that the whole family had something to do with it. Sun Qingchen happened to hit this juncture and wanted to avenge Zhao Lanruo's loss of virginity. Even if her father didn't know about it at first, he was filled with anger. , now that I know, he will make mistakes.

The Zhao family will never plead guilty.

When she understood this, her heart almost fell into the ice cellar, "You asked someone he knew well to kill his heart and make him completely lose his faith in living. Father, how can you be so decisive!"

"Cut the grass and root it out, it's always been like this." The jade beads in Zhao Qingyun's hand began to rotate slowly again.

Her eyes were red, "I'm going to report to the police, tell the truth, and make him innocent."

Zhao Qingyun didn't stop him, "Unless you want your sister to go to jail, and you want the Zhao family to become the laughing stock of the entire Changzhou."

After hearing this, she hesitated.

She is not a saint, and annihilation of relatives is as heavy as a mountain in front of her. As long as she is the daughter of the Zhao family, she and the Zhao family will both suffer and prosper.

There are hundreds of people in Li'er's Zhao family, and there are hundreds of people in Bolu's grandfather's family. Such an incident is enough to destroy the reputation that the entire Zhao family has accumulated for decades.

She retreated.

She didn't dare.

However, guilt followed her like a shadow.

No matter what, she couldn't get rid of him. She saved Sun Qingchen's mother, but she injured her head. The doctor said she might never see the light of day again.

She couldn't talk to Sun Qingchen and said that his mother had become blind. Even if she bit off her tongue, she couldn't tell him such a cruel thing. Just thinking of his painful expression made her blame herself unbearably.

She stood between the Zhao family and Zheng Zheng, in a dilemma.

However, just one day before Sun Qingchen was to be executed, news suddenly came from Liangzhu that Princess Yongshuo was born. His Majesty was overjoyed and granted amnesty to the world.

After saving Sun Qingchen's life, he was eventually sentenced to exile and was never allowed to set foot in the Central Plains again.

Before he went on the road, Zhao Lanyin came anyway, and the fourteen-year-old girl finally made a decision.

She said to Sun Qingchen, "If hatred can keep you alive, please keep hating me. But this matter is all my fault. It has nothing to do with my sister or the Zhao family. If anyone has to pay for this, Life, please come back alive, you are strong enough to take my life away easily, this is my agreement with you, I am waiting for you to take my life."

Among the dozens of people who were exiled, all of them were vicious men who committed crimes including burning, killing, and looting. He was the only one who was still a young man of fifteen or sixteen years old. He was isolated and helpless, with injuries all over his body, and there was an anger in his eyes that shouldn't be seen at this age.

Sun Qingchen did not see his grandmother for the last time, nor did he see his mother for the last time. He could not see the most important person in his life again in this life. How painful it was.

This blood feud made it difficult for him to sleep at night, and he would bite his lips and teeth with hatred just thinking about it.

The exile team finally moved forward.

Sun Qingchen suddenly went crazy and rushed towards Zhao Lanyin, but she did not hide.

Shengsheng bit her shoulder through her clothes, and the pain made her fingertips tremble. She stopped in place, suffering from his resentment at this moment, until his teeth penetrated into her bones and blood and pierced her shoulder.

The jailer in custody was frightened and stepped forward to pull the crazy young man away.

He said, "Today my family has been destroyed. No matter what I have to go through, I will make the Zhao family pay a hundred times a thousand times."

Zhao Lan held back the pain and said proudly, "It's just a joke, what power does it have?"

He looked at her with anger and resentment.

Later, this look appeared in her dreams all night long.

The bodies that were eaten by wild wolves were sent back to their hometown half a year later. It is said that the exile team was passing through Donghu. When passing through a swamp, a group of foraging wolves stared at them and gnawed until only a skeleton was left. .

He was hastily rolled up in a mat and sent back.

She looked at the tragic body, squatted on the ground and covered her face and cried bitterly. What should she do? He was dead. She originally wanted him to live no matter what, but he died.

He did nothing wrong, and it had nothing to do with him.

But he died innocently. Everyone in the Zhao family is a murderer, and so is she.

She was stained with the blood of the Sun family, and she had a premonition that she would never be able to wash away her sins in this life.

The woman who couldn't see the light asked her every day where her son was and how far he was from Diaoti. Zhao Lanyin didn't even dare to cry in front of her. She said in the same tone as usual, "I heard that I just passed Donghu. Farewell." Worried, I gave some gifts to the jailer and asked him to look after Mr. Sun."

She touched Zhao Lanyin's hand several times before she touched it, "Thank you so much, girl. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't know how I would survive."

Zhao Lanyin comforted her and said, "It's only seven years. I heard that he can come back from the place of exile in seven years. You must take care of yourself. Before leaving, Mr. Sun repeatedly said to be relieved. You are the only one he has." My dear ones, please take good care of yourself."

She didn't dare to leave her for a moment, for fear that she would hear from her neighbors that Sun Qingchen was dead, and if she knew, they would tell her how to survive.

Her father asked her to stay at home and was not allowed to go out again.

Zhao Lanyin knelt down in front of him, "Father, don't you feel that you are in debt? At night, when you think of the tragic situation of the Sun family, you don't toss and turn and can't sleep?"

Zhao Qingyun's expression changed, he pointed at her and cursed.

Zhao Lanyin said, "If no one dares to bear the responsibility, I will go to atone for the Zhao family's sins. Even if I spend my whole life, I will stay by the side of Sun Gongzi's mother, take care of her every day, and treat her as my biological mother. This is what I owe her."

She no longer cared about what her father said. He said that if she went to the Sun family to take care of the blind man again, she would never go back to the Zhao family again.

Three years later, the queen perfected the female official system. A woman who passed the palace examination was like a man who passed the imperial examination, and could obtain a higher rank. She traveled thousands of miles to Liangzhu, where she entered the Liuxuebo Civil Service Female Prison, and took her granddaughter to the school. Take care of her daily life.

Later, he entered the palace and entered the inner literature hall, where he was in charge of teaching the concubines and palace servants to write the Zhengliu Pin Gongzheng.

Three years later, Zhao Lanyin died for her. She was overly worried and thought about her son all day long, crying and missing him all the time. Zhao Lanyin would feel heartbroken every time she saw this.

Before she died, she held Zhao Lanyin's hand and sighed, "It's a pity, I can't wait for him to come back."

This sentence made Zhao Lanyin unable to stop crying. She held her hand and said, "Mom, I'm sorry."

She apologized one after another, but nothing could be redeemed.

"Silly boy, you didn't do anything wrong, you don't have to explain to me."

"Mother, I... was very wrong... but I can't look back..." She cried and apologized to her.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, mother." Her tears fell on the back of her hands.

The woman smiled, "You have been by my side for many years, and I have always trusted you the most."

But she lied to her, never told her the truth, and didn't dare to tell her her identity.

"When your minister comes back, tell him that I have lived a good life these years and never lacked for anything. I just miss him."

(End of chapter)