90 days of spring are passing by

Chapter 31: Tears filled sleeves


The colleague sighed and propped his head up to watch her boring movements. The silver bell on his wrist rang, "Since you want to wipe it, please help wipe this gold-plated auspicious stone."

Looking at the auspicious stones in all directions, she took them and continued to rub them.

The colleague said, "I heard that this stone can pray for blessings and accumulate merit for the next life. I don't really believe it, but today a fortune teller stopped me on the street and offered to sell it to me for three cents. I looked at the patterns on it. It looked pretty good, so I bought it.”

"Yeah." She didn't even raise her eyes.

On the Lantern Festival in Liangzhu, it was the third day after Lan Ruo went crazy. The first time she entered his mansion was to look at her. Zhao Lan couldn't believe her eyes. Growing up, her sister had been arrogant. Willful, strive for the best in everything.

At this moment, she saw that there were bedbugs on her quilt. Winter had not passed yet, so logically there should be no such bugs, but they were all over her house, crawling on the floor and on the windows.

Hearing her voice, Lan Ruo sat up and giggled at her. After she finished laughing, she put her fingers in her mouth and licked them one by one. No one was tying up her messy hair.

She was once such a proud rich lady.

She is a girl whose eyes never look down.

Sometimes Zhao Lan was fed up with her to the extreme and would always take the opportunity to bully her. She also had a habit of lying and hitting others. She had red lips and waxy teeth, and she could say black was white.

Such a bad little girl.

He was so angry that his teeth were gritted.

Zhao Lanyin slowly walked up to her and wanted to dress her up. She struggled, "I don't want it, I don't want it..."

She took out a piece of milk candy from her pocket and put it in her mouth. Then she calmed down and let her comb her hair.

Zhao Lanyin knew that what she was most afraid of was bugs, which were ugly and dirty. He was really troubled by the bed bugs in this house.

When it comes to torturing people, no one is as good as him.

There seemed to be children running around laughing and holding lanterns in front of the mansion. It was the Lantern Festival, and the whole street was lively. Even the road in front of the noble mansion was filled with laughter from the people.

She put her to sleep and quietly walked out of the house.

I saw him as soon as I went out.

"How is it? Are you satisfied?" he asked Lan Yin.

Zhao Lanyin didn't answer and walked straight past him. He got angry and quickly grabbed her arm, "I asked you a question, why didn't you answer it?"

She suddenly smiled, not a fake smile, but a sigh of relief, "Would you like to go for a walk on the street with me and watch the lanterns?"

He had never expected that she would smile at him like this.

Come to think of it, this was the first time she had ever smiled at him.

He couldn't figure out what she was thinking, but he still agreed with her.

I originally thought that the two of them could not talk about each other and just enjoy this moment of joy.

It is the joy of thousands of people on the street, and it is also the joy of the whole floating world at this time of Yuan Ye.

But joy and sadness are still things that exist. Some people are happy and some are sad.

They still said those words.

"My father is dead. The Zhao family will no longer make trouble. All privileges have been stripped away. From now on, no one from the Zhao family will be allowed to enter the official career."

He sneered, "It's such a pity that you are still a female official. The Queen is still protecting you."

"Lan Ruo has been driven crazy by you. You can kill her without any effort. Waiting until today means that you want to slowly torture her to death. How about giving her a good time? I just wanted to kill her and end her life. But in the end I couldn’t do it.”

"She died easily, so who should I avenge for all these years?"

Zhao Lanyin said bluntly, "Tell me, how far do you want to go?"

"Your father's life is considered to be the life of my grandmother. As for your sister, until the day she dies in my hands, it is considered a human life. It is worth my mother's life. One life is exchanged for one life. Your Zhao family Isn’t it unfair to trade two human lives for two from my Sun family?”

She nodded and said, "Fair enough."

During the Lantern Festival, there are no iron flowers in Liangzhu, but as night falls, Liangzhu has a more beautiful flower - fireworks.

The sky is filled with bright fireworks, one after another disappearing.

Sun Qingchen said, "It really looks like the iron flowers that filled the sky in Changzhou ten years ago."

She responded, "Yes."

They tacitly didn't mention the accident, the accident when he held her in his arms.

After looking at the lanterns and walking halfway, Zhao Lanyin said, "Can you go to the lantern shop we passed by just now and buy me a lantern, a red lantern with a moire pattern?"

He was silent for a long time.

Asked, "Why do you want me to buy you lanterns?"

"Ten years ago, I first met you at the Lantern Festival. You said, 'You have to get drunk to enjoy the lanterns, and you may not be able to attend this event next year.' At that time, I wanted to ask you for a lantern."

If a woman wants to take the initiative to ask a man for lanterns, what does she mean without him having to think too much.

"Why didn't you say anything then?"

After asking, he smiled bitterly and said, "That's true. Back then, I was afraid I couldn't even afford half a lantern."

She said she wanted him to buy a lantern, and he seemed to have remembered it. At that time, she stared at the lantern in the hand of the lantern vendor behind him for a long time. He did not expect that she actually wanted him to buy one for her.

"Can you buy me one now?" she asked again.

"Of course, wait for me here." He turned around and ran to the lantern shop he had just visited, Moiré Lantern.

Zhao Lanyin looked at his back and heard the sound of a carriage passing by on the street. She heard a woman on the carriage laughing and saying, "My mother has made an agreement with his family and we will make a marriage contract soon."

The woman in the car must be very happy, Zhao Lanyin said with a smile.

Once upon a time, she had a chance to be like her.

That was her engagement with him. If nothing unexpected happened, she would become his wife, study with him, the two of them would write poems and essays, and plant trees in the yard. When he went to take the exam, she would dress up as a man and accompany him. When he goes to the imperial city to take the exam, he must be careful not to be looked at by the girls from Liangzhu.

Sadly, a marriage contract is not a marriage contract, it is a reminder.

Others' marriages were so happy, but hers was a life-changing one.

After thinking about it, she took out her colleague's gold-plated auspicious stone from her sleeve, which was square, and stuffed it into her mouth with a smile.

She took dozens of small steps forward, not daring to walk too fast for fear that he would not find her in the crowd.

The jade hairpin in green clothes fell quietly.

An old woman opened her lips and teeth and saw with her own eyes the piece of gold blocking her throat. She wanted to save her, but she couldn't get out the piece of gold. She said loudly, "Come here, doctor, come here quickly." A girl committed suicide by swallowing gold!”

Everyone gathered around.

He pushed away the crowd and the cloud-patterned lantern fell to the ground, with no one picking it up.

Sun Qingchen hugged her tightly and smelled the clean scent on her body again, the scent that could calm his mind and that he had been obsessed with on the battlefield for many years. Even in a battlefield with the smell of blood, as long as he thought of the orchid grass and ginseng, With this smell of medicine, he will no longer feel uneasy.

But that aura disappeared and she became cold.

Everything is gone.

"If I say two lives, you will give me two lives. Why don't you keep your promise like this before?" He said to himself.

"If you keep your promise, why don't you keep your engagement?"

What did he get? Only one body was found.

She and he were dead and injured, but Sun Qingchen didn't know whose fault it was.

Like a giant python wrapping around a small beast, he held her tighter and tighter, as if he was carving into his body and becoming one with her.

The crowd gradually dispersed, and words were everywhere.

Some people say, it’s a pity that such a good girl can’t think of her like this.

Others said that the man must have cheated on her, so she would seek death.

Only a man holding a landscape folding fan shook his head, "You've done evil..."

Keep moving forward.

Every time he took a step, the woman behind him would follow. At the same time, the silver bell on the woman's wrist would ring.

She said, "I've already helped you, but I still haven't taken off the dog bell!"

The man said, "Be polite, maybe I'll consider it."

"Wen, don't think I'm afraid of you. If you don't untie me... I..."

He waved his sleeves and the woman turned into a boy of eighteen or nineteen years old.

"Just wear the bell, it looks good." He smiled.

"You! I will kill you, believe it or not!"

"You are much noisier than Ji Feiyu."

"You dare to call my grandfather by his name?!"

"I dared when he was here, and I dare even more now that he is not here."

Ji Liyou was angry and said, "Sooner or later, I will remove your broken bell for you."

"I hope you do it soon."

"You old goblin, I curse you to die early."

"Curse it, I'm worried that I won't die."

"You tell me that you are so needy and you are not dying day by day, God is not open to you!"

"Why am I lacking? I do one good deed every day for decades. Who can do it?"

"Don't think I don't know. I saw the past lives of Zhao Lanyin and Sun Qingchen. The auspicious gold nuggets engraved with square patterns were their love tokens. In this life, you actually let her commit suicide by swallowing gold. It's really vicious."

"The ending has already been written somewhere."

"Bullshit, just talk nonsense!"

"Why do children speak so harshly?"

"Let me tell you, I have something worse than this. If you don't take off this dog bell, I will find black dog blood to splash on you."

"You said this bell was worn by a dog. If you are wearing it now, aren't you a dog?"

The cloud-patterned lantern that fell to the ground was blown several times by the wind and fell into the bushes. The lamp was extinguished and the words on the lantern were faintly visible.

It's written on the paper.

On Lantern Festival last year, the lights in the flower market were as bright as day. On the top of the willow tree in the moonlight, people meet at dusk.

On Yuan Ye this year, the moon and lights are still there. I can't see anyone from last year, and my spring shirt sleeves are filled with tears.

You must not have imagined that I had already thought about the ending of the third story when I was planning the second story.

(End of chapter)