90 days of spring are passing by

Chapter 51: Yunni bun


This is a problem. She and her mother can only live in her grandmother's house. If her grandmother is unhappy, she can drive them away at any time.

Grandma knew that she was angry, so she explained, "No matter how long your hair is, it won't be as long as yours. It's hot here and your hair is thick. You may faint from the heat."

Ying'an is to the east of Diaoti, bordering Beiqiu and Li'er. There is less rain and more drought all year round. Further east, approaching Li'er, the climate becomes milder.

Qian Nai has lived in Diaoti for less than half a year. The clothes on her body are getting thinner and thinner, and her hair is getting shorter and shorter.

The mother was in high spirits, and although she had no choice but to raise the issue, she always thought about redeeming the old house and returning to Liangzhu. She would never admit the tragic reality that her family had abandoned her.

The title of the carving has Yousu as the superior surname. Now the title of the carving is the Protectorate of Liangzhu. The old surname of Yousu can no longer be used, so it had to be changed to Su. However, the dignity of the Su family is still there. After all, it is hovering in the title of the carving. The golden-winged Phoenix King has been in the sky for many years.

There is a Wanjing Building in the Diaoti Academy. The children of the Su family often study here and practice martial arts in the martial arts field behind the academy.

While reciting, the children of the Su family looked out and could see the passers-by on the street in the distance. The woman with the carved inscription had handsome features, sunken eye sockets, extremely high nose bones, and the colors of her eyes were all kinds of strange. There once was a princess in the Su family, and her The color of her eyes is the same as the amethyst on the wrist of the concubine in Diaotie Palace.

Songyuan Street is a place where people gather together. Ying'an is not the capital of Qing Dynasty, but the school of the Su family is here. The children of the Su family usually study here until they are eighteen or nineteen years old, and then go to Beijing to take the exam. If they have a title, they can inherit it. Yes, of course it doesn’t have to be so hard.

Su Huating was exactly that kind of person. He was the youngest son of Duke Diaoti, and it was not his turn to inherit the position of Duke. However, his brothers in the family were more than ten years older than him, so he had been the most favored child since he was a child.

His father is in charge of the policy of Diao Ti, and his elder brother is one of the Liangzhu Protectors. Originally, the rule of the Liangzhu royal family was that all the governors of other counties and counties should be Liangzhu officials.

There are thousands of reasons to rebel.

Liangzhu sent waves of officers and soldiers to suppress them every year. These carvers never thought of being beaten. They were beaten to a great extent and their vitality was severely damaged. If they took a break, they would still cause trouble again next year.

The men who carved the title can dance the Hu Xuan dance, and they can dance more dexterously than the women.

Su Huating's brothers from the Ying'an clan practiced martial arts and literature. They were surly in behavior, extraordinary in appearance, and would not refuse anyone who came to play games with prostitutes.

Everyone in the academy looked at the woman on the street.

I saw a woman from the Central Plains, without any decoration, with a beautiful face, a jade face and a lotus face, and a slender willow waist.

Wearing a green gauze and a neon bun, she looks like a beautiful lady in a portrait from the Central Plains.

Everyone felt that their souls were gone. No matter how many women there were on the streets, they could hardly be seen.

Some people recommended Su Huating, "It is better to write a poem about such beautiful things."

Su Huating took the pen and ink and wrote several verses.

People around him knew what he meant, "I'll do it right now, villain."

He hurried to the street and handed the letter to the Bisha girl.

Qian Nai was buying spices with a cousin at home, and she twisted the book and put it on the back of her hand to smell it.

She took a look and used the paper to wrap the spices, "Just right, I think the paper is thick."

The servant went back to send a message, saying that the girl didn't take it seriously.

The children of the Su family laughed for a while. When did Su Huating become so embarrassed? Although he was angry, his expression did not change.

Qian Nai's cousin asked her what was written in the letter, and Qian Nai said, "It's just some witticisms."

The two girls were playing in the street. After a while, they saw a young man riding a purple horse, followed by a little book boy, flying past them. Qian Nai was almost hit, but fortunately a cousin pulled her up.

The boy came back from riding again and stopped in front of the two girls, "I'm sorry."

Qian Nai patted the dust on her clothes, shook her head and said it was okay.

The little cousin said in a low voice, "I'm afraid this is the son of a rich man who dares to ride such a good horse and run wild on the street."

Qian Nai didn't answer. She was about to pay and leave. Su Huating got off the horse and gave her the money, "This is to compensate the girl."

Qian Nai had no choice but to give him the money in her hand, "We don't owe each other anything, so you don't have to compensate me."

She turned around, her skirt swaying, and her cousin was moved when she saw the young man's eyes. However, this little girl in her family was still in love.

"I have offended the girl for a moment. I wonder if I can treat her to some tea to calm my anger?"

Qian Nai said, "You are so boring. I said no, why are you still pestering me?"

Su Huating said, "I'm so lucky to meet a beautiful woman. I just want to talk to her more."

If Qian Nai met such a man in Liangzhu, she would definitely think that he was a prostitute, but the boys and girls who carved the title were very direct, which was different from the people in the Central Plains. People like him were considered to be people who spoke according to some rules. Grandma didn't take the men who hugged her as soon as they saw them seriously. When Qianna saw them for the first time, she was shocked.

Su Huating put a hand on her hand and refused to let her go.

Qian Nai's eyebrows darkened, and she stretched out her hand to push him, "Go away."

The angrier she gets, the clearer her facial features become. The Zhongyuan woman's nose bone is lower than that of the DiaoTi woman. Although her eyes are not as big as the DiaoTi woman's, those bright eyes are filled with spring water and full of charm.

In Su Huating's eyes, Qian Nai's eyes, nose, and mouth were not extremely beautiful, but when put together, they had an indescribable charm. He also unconsciously compared them with those of the women with carved titles. They were beautiful everywhere, put together. But there is a kind of handsomeness with a strong sense of aggression, a sense of male lust, but less feminine softness.

Now Su Huating understood why his father wanted to find so many Central Plains women as concubines.

When they were about to get home, Qian Nai lowered her voice and said, "Sister, you must not talk to your grandmother about what happened today."

My cousin said, "He said his surname is Yousu. If he really likes you and wants to marry our family, that would be a good thing. Wouldn't it be good for you to be the daughter-in-law of the Su family?"

Qian Nai shook her head, "This person is vulgar."

Unexpectedly, this matter was revealed by the cousin. What was even more coincidental was that someone from the Su family came to propose marriage and presented a letter of engagement as a wife's gift.

"Back off." Grandma said.

She feels that the Su family has great abilities and rules. Qian Nai is still young and doesn't understand the rules of engraving. If she is bullied, no one in the family will support her.

But her mother felt that this was an opportunity, a good opportunity for Qianjia to turn around. She pulled Qianna to the mirror and smiled, "Nana, whether we can return to Liangzhu this time and live the same life as before depends on you."

Qian Nai looked at her mother, "I married Su Huating, how can I go back to Liangzhu?"

"Don't worry, when mother redeems the house and gets your father back, I will come to take you back."

She thought that Qian Nai was still a child and could be fooled by her.

(End of chapter)