90 days of spring are passing by

Chapter 62: Misfortunes are coming


Ji Liyou was still cursing, and the woman hissed. Ji Liyou couldn't say anything, so he had to ask the storyteller for help, staring at him without blinking.

At night in the hotel, the shopkeeper cooked a pot of beans and added goat's milk. They were half-cooked at this time, and the strong smell of milk floated around, which was in sharp contrast to the tense atmosphere.

"What do you want?" asked the storyteller.

The woman gathered her clothes to cover her slightly exposed body, and the guests around her also stopped looking. If no one looked, no one would find that the narrow door of the hotel had been closed, and there were only seven or eight remaining guests. The turtle in the urn.

There was only one woman, the girl holding Ji Liyou's head with her delicate fingers.

Wei Lang remained motionless, folding his arms and leaning against the carved window on the second floor, waiting for the situation to change.

Everything happened so fast that no one seemed to understand why the woman was holding Ji Liyou down, but no one was stupid. They could see that this woman had a relationship with the storyteller that ordinary people didn't know. In other words, she was using Ji Liyou's hand. Threaten him.

Looking at the threatened person, he was rubbing the end of his brow with one hand, as if he had a headache.

He reached out and placed the fan on the table.

The woman restrained Ji Liyou with one hand and combed her hair back with the other. In a blink of an eye, she turned into a man. Some of the guests screamed in surprise.

Ji Liyou was pressed on the table. The greasy table seemed to have not been wiped clean. He could smell the old oil deep in the wood cracks. He thought to himself, when he returned to the teahouse, he would have to order someone to clean the table. This After lying on it for a long time, the smell was too bad.

He couldn't see the changes in the people behind him. He only saw someone screaming and covering their mouths. Ji Liyou was curious about what they saw.

"Monster-" a man among the guests shouted.

The waiter sighed, "It's so noisy."

After snapping his fingers, the screaming man suddenly fainted and was unable to speak even a single word.

She turned around and turned into a woman, wearing a fiery red phoenix flower hairpin on her temples, a red hairpin on her black hair, and a red red hairpin on her lips.

Ji Liyou was pressed on the table with his head tilted. He glanced at the waiter out of the corner of his eye and was speechless. It turned out that he had been deceived by a woman.

"You know what I want." The voice of the 'woman' behind Ji Liyou changed into a man's voice.

"No way?!" Ji Li was worried to death. He was actually fascinated by a man's transformation into a female body, and he even looked at him several times just now.

"Let go." The storyteller glanced at Ji Liyou and said to the person who was restraining him.

"I know what you want. If you give me what I want, I will give it back to you."

Ji Liyou interjected quietly, "Am I an object?"

"Shut up." The man who was choking Ji Liyou suddenly used clever force. His hand moved too fast and easily crushed Ji Liyou's shoulder blade.

Ji Liyou was a person who yelled fiercely over trivial matters, but remained silent when big things happened. He knew very well that yelling now would only upset the storyteller and disturb his thoughts.

However, he was in really severe pain. He heard a bone break somewhere in his body. Not only was it painful, but even the breaking sound was really terrifying. He looked away and tried not to look at the storyteller. If he saw him at this time, he would You might cry.

The storyteller moved his fan horizontally, flew around in the air, and swept past "Xiao Er". However, Xiao Er seemed to be a phantom, and the fan did not hit the real place. As soon as it touched the woman's body, she turned into a burst of red. The smoke returned to the man's body.

The two become one.

"I have no grievances with you, why don't you just be so generous and let me go?" Ji Liyou said in a low voice.

"You have nothing to do with me, but you are related to him." The man said close to Ji Liyou's ear, "You can still joke with me even if your bones are broken. He is such a tough kid."

Ji Li was trembling in pain, but still smiled playfully, "I have been trained by my master for many years. I don't fight well and get beaten well."

The storyteller raised his head and said sadly, "I gave it to you, so what can I do?"

"Why do you need to care about me? It's all my fault." The man said with a sad smile, "Are you any better than me?"

The storyteller shook his head. Zi Qing Yan Yu was in his hand, and the folding fan scratched it. A scar appeared in his palm, and blood dripped down. In a moment, the wound closed on its own. Before the wound healed, he raised his hand and wiped out the blood. Splashing out, a few drops of blood floated in the air.

The man reached out to catch it and let go of Ji Liyou, "I'm sorry."

He carefully covered a few drops of the storyteller's blood in his hand.

As he was about to rush out, the storyteller's voice followed him from a distance.

The storyteller said, "From now on, there will be no ties between you and me."

The man did not dare to look back, only feeling that a few drops of blood in his hand made his palm ache.

He knew that he was so angry that he would definitely kill him the next time he met him.

Ji Liyou opened his mouth and felt pain spreading throughout his body.

The storyteller did not help him up, but turned around and opened the door of the hotel. The strange fragrance of milk mixed with the smell of beans in the room gradually dissipated. A breeze blew in, and everyone in the hotel slowly fell down.

Only Wei Lang walked to Ji Liyou's side, "How about it? Can you still stand up?"

The storyteller touched his lips with his fingers, like a request, but more like a warning. If Wei Lang told what happened today, there would be hundreds of ways to die.

Ji Li stood up like a worried person, enduring the pain and said to Wei Lang, "Brother Wei, go up first. It's my own unlucky fate that happened to me today. I ran into an unclean monster somewhere."

After that, he was about to say a courtesy and say that he should go back to his room to rest first, but he was unable to bend down. The pain behind his shoulder was so severe that it was difficult to lift his arms. He had no choice but to lower his hands and said that he wanted to go back to his room first.

Wei Lang wanted to help him, but he looked at the storyteller for a moment, and an unspeakable threat forced him to give up the idea.

Ji Liyou thought that there seemed to be a lot of monsters in this hotel, and wondered whether the bed he slept on might also be transformed by scorpions and poisonous snakes. He hesitated whether to lie down on it and catch his breath.

Someone pushed the door open and came in. Ji Liyou knew it was him without looking.

"Take off your shirt and let me see the injury."

Ji Liyou said no, "It didn't hurt anything, it was just to scare me."

He put the hot water on the table and closed the door with his backhand.

Ji Liyou was lying on the bed. He didn't know that there was a scar on his back, which was caused by the claws of a wild beast.

After he took off his clothes, Ji Liyou tilted his head and looked at the pillow, at a loss what to do, "You're not trying to pick my bones, are you?"


"Broken bones in my hands and feet need to be reattached. I think my shoulder or the bones behind my shoulder are broken. How do you reattach them?" He seemed to be talking about someone else's business.

The storyteller put one leg on the bed and turned him slightly on his lap.

He could feel that he had cut the skin on his back, but strangely, he felt no pain. It was not yet dawn, so he whispered, "Old man Wen, is the fermented rice balls I eat poisonous?"

"No." The storyteller dripped blood into his wound and picked out the broken bones bit by bit without any carelessness.

He didn't let him look back because the clothes on Ji Liyou's back were soaked with blood.

(End of chapter)