90 days of spring are passing by

Chapter 66: Both good and evil


"Why doesn't father ever mention her?"

"That's between your father and her, how should I know?"

Ji Liyou was about to continue when he heard Wei Lang's voice outside the door.

"Brother Ji, how are you? I've asked a doctor downstairs. If you wake up, just call me and I'll have someone come in to treat you."

"The Sixth Princess is here, please retreat quickly."

I don't know which eunuch shouted, and the palace attendants in both rows automatically turned their backs and faced the mottled palace walls.

The road was not easy to walk at night, so the palace maid lit a lamp and whispered to the supervisors who carried the sedan chair to be careful.

The girl in the sedan was very quiet, only the silver bell on her wrist broke the silence.

As soon as people outside the sedan moved around, the bells would jingle and float far away in the wind. The girl was holding a snow-white cat with smooth fur in her arms. It was taking a nap on the little girl's lap obediently. This cat palace Everyone here knew that he was very vicious, except for the sixth princess who refused to catch him and followed the little princess around the palace all day long.

Someone outside the sedan saluted and said that the Sixth Princess is a thousand years old. The white cat breathed heavily and smelled the stranger's breath. The Sixth Princess stroked its soft white hair to calm it down.

Soon, the sedan chair moved farther away, and the voices of the two men could still be heard.

One of them was Master Xia's son. As for the other one, the Sixth Princess couldn't hear his voice, as if she had never seen him in the palace before.

They said that outside the palace, except for the capital, everyone was at war. Refugees were coming in waves towards the capital. Soon, the capital would be in chaos. If they refused to accept the refugees, the king would lose his benevolence and accept them. It would be difficult to ensure the stability of the capital.

However, their voices soon disappeared from her ears, and they walked quickly towards His Majesty's palace.

The palace attendants walked outside the sedan chair with lanterns.

The Sixth Princess patted the wooden shaft three times, and a personal maid who had served her for many years stepped forward and asked, "What does Your Highness want?"

She pointed to a fallen kite by the palace river.

The palace maid's expression changed, "Your Highness, if you want a paper kite, I will go to the palace minister to make it tomorrow."

She was still pointing at the paper kite, insisting that it had fallen into the water and had been torn in half.

The palace people regretted taking this road. The palace river connects the outside of the city. Now many refugees are blocked outside the city gate and have no food. They even exchange their children for food. I heard that many people commit suicide by the river outside the city. The water is already It's extremely unclean, how can you touch the princess's jade body.

Ji Liyou followed her, wondering what this little girl wanted to do.

The palace man had no choice but to fish the kite up and offer it to him with both hands.

The little princess chased the cat to her feet and reached out to take the kite. The water in the palace river was cold, and her hands were wet by the kite.

"I wonder which naughty palace man put the kite here. If he catches it tomorrow, he will be severely punished." The palace man said in the ear of the Sixth Princess.

She shook her head slightly, returned the kite to the palace man, and pointed to a big stone next to it.

The palace man understood what she meant, spread the kite on the stone, and let the cool breeze blow it dry.

Soon, there were rapid footsteps behind him. The people around the little princess were startled and hurriedly blocked the princess.

The Sixth Princess took a closer look and saw that it was the two people who were saluting just now.

She knows Mr. Xia's son.

"Please see Princess Mingkang." He saluted, but the man beside him did not.

The Sixth Princess's gaze fell on him. The young man was sallow and thin, but his eyes were like the bright morning sun. It could be seen that he had suffered some torture, but the suffering had not taken away the brilliance in his eyes.

Xia Yu pulled him and knelt down together. He leaned at her feet, but there was no sense of humility on his face.

The sixth princess clapped her hands again.

The palace attendant said, "Princess, please raise your heads and speak."

The man raised his head slightly, his eyes shining brightly in the night.

"Your Highness, I am a distant relative of my minister Xia Yu. I am Li Wen, whose name is Xiuning. My master's family is thousands of miles away from the imperial city."

The sixth princess gave another high-five.

The palace man said, "What does the princess want to ask you for?"

Li Xiuning remained silent, but Xia Yu leaned over and bowed his head and said, "I know this is an overstep. If your Majesty learns of what happened today, we will be crushed to pieces. However, we care about the people. This matter can no longer be postponed, His Majesty has sent General Feng to protect the city, but it can be predicted that Huadu will be captured soon, and peace is now the last resort."

The Sixth Princess had known about this a few months ago, so she was not surprised.

With her bare feet, she slowly walked to the palace road, with the white cat following her feet. The long and fluffy hair covered half of the little princess's white feet.

The two men glanced at each other and quickly looked away. Xia Yu did not dare to speak rashly. He could not tell whether the sixth princess was angry or worried.

Li Xiuning had never seen such a girl before today. She was noble and delicate. Any harm to her would be like blasphemy.

Until she walked up to them, Xia Yu didn't dare to say another word.

The palace servant brought the pen and the little princess wrote on the paper, "The Lord and He will die."

After just three words, Xia Yu's face turned pale, his forehead was pressed to the ground, and he did not dare to say another word.

Just as the little princess was about to get back on the sedan chair, she heard him say, who had never spoken, "Is the princess the princess of His Majesty alone, or the princess of the great cause?"

The cat next to the Sixth Princess showed its teeth and flashed a cold light.

The little princess touched it with her foot, and it had no choice but to return to her.

"Great cause," the princess wrote.

Li Xiuning continued, "In that case, please ask the princess to save the cause."

The old nun who had been silent for a long time beside the princess suddenly smiled.

Standing in front of the princess, he reached out and took out the palace whip and threw it on Li Xiuning's back. There was a clear sound of hitting, and the whip was strong enough, as if it was going to kill this impudent person.

The old aunt is the queen's wet nurse and the one who has taken care of the Sixth Princess since she was a child. The Sixth Princess's daily meals and daily writing books will all be delivered to the Queen's hands without fail. They have all passed through her hands. .

He was a tough guy, and no matter how cruel the old nanny was, she couldn't make him bow his head. His delicate face was covered with scars, and blood flowed down his cheeks.

If the Sixth Princess looked carefully, she would definitely find that there was no fear in this man's eyes. He was not afraid of death.

The sixth princess was anxious and stepped forward to block her, but was stopped by several palace servants, who surrounded her in the center, even blocking her sight.

She couldn't speak, so she cried as hard as she could, a strange cry coming from her throat.

The old aunt stopped the whip when she heard the princess's cry, but Li Xiuning seemed to have been beaten half to death, and she was still kneeling on the ground covered in blood.

The old grandma hurriedly wiped away the tears of the sixth princess, "It's cold. If the wind catches the wind, what should I do if my face gets chapped."

At the same time, he waved his hand and asked people to send these two people to the queen for disposal.

The sixth princess shook her head and tried her best to hold her nanny's hand.

Mammy said, "Even if the servants don't say anything, there are many spies in the palace, and the two of them will be severely punished. They used the Highness to go to His Majesty to deceive others. If the Queen knows it, Your Highness will also be punished."

She stood in front of them with her bare feet, preventing them from reporting the news.

The old mama knows that the Sixth Princess is gentle and gullible. These two people are really hateful. She wants His Highness to know the chaos inside and outside the city. She is a little girl and it is difficult to stand in the waves of the palace. Even if she is a little bit in front of His Majesty, Honor and favor, how can you get the ability to intervene in the war

She has been well clothed and well-fed since she was a child, and the two countries are at war. Although Daye has fallen behind now, in a few years, Daye will definitely be able to defeat Beiqiu. Even if the war continues for years, the princess has the protection of the royal family and the favor of her majesty and queen, so she does not need to know about the sufferings of the world.

I don't know when these people with evil intentions wanted to take advantage of the princess's kindness and righteousness to cause trouble. The princess was innocent and had difficulty distinguishing right from wrong. In addition, she was a little young and had never seen the wind and rain. These people saw this clearly and talked nonsense to the princess. .

Ji Liyou was among everyone, like an outsider but also like a person in the game. He always felt that he was one of them, but he didn't know when he had this memory. Or maybe, this was also Ji Liyou's. Fu Wei's memory.

"He fell asleep."

Ji Liyou heard the voices of the two people outside the door and suddenly woke up from his dream. He felt that this place was more and more strange. When he fell asleep in this hotel, he had strange dreams every night. Those people and things seemed as real as yesterday. Things, he seemed to have experienced countless years.

"Brother Wei, I'm fine, I'm just a little tired, so I slept a little longer." Ji Liyou put on his clothes and walked to the door to talk to him.

The storyteller stood aside with no expression.

A moment ago, he was at war with this man named Wei Lang. This man was not a kind man, but he pretended to be elegant and modest in front of Ji Liyou. The storyteller wanted to teach him a lesson, but he guessed that Ji Liyou would Guessing what he was thinking, he quickly put on his clothes and came out.

The storyteller opened the door and walked in.

Wei Lang asked him in a low voice, "You were injured last night. I wanted the doctor to go up to you, but your master said you were fine."

Ji Liyou knew that he could hear it, so he nodded and said, "Yes, I am indeed fine. Thank you Brother Wei for taking the trouble."

Wei Lang said, "As long as you are fine, I will leave for Donghu in the afternoon. I don't know when I will see you again."

"Going so fast?"

"Yes, it's just for some personal matters. I have to meet Brother Ji. I'm lucky in my lifetime."

Even the disgusting words coming out of Wei Lang's mouth seemed very sincere. Ji Liyou now believed in what it means to feel like friends at first sight. He and Wei Lang didn't know each other before, but in just a few days, the two of them seemed like good friends who had known each other for many years.

Wei Lang added, "If you pass by Donghu in the future, you can come to Shiwei Grassland and I will take you to see Haizi."

"what is that?"

"It is the sapphire on the grassland and the lifeblood of the lost people."

"In this way, I always have to see this sapphire. If we are destined, I will definitely go to Donghu to find you and see the sapphire you mentioned." Ji Liyou said with a smile.

"Brother Ji, if you need help, you can write to me and I will definitely help."

Ji Liyou thought for a while, "I don't know if something will happen in the future, but there is something going on right now. I wonder if you can help me?"

Wei Lang sighed, "What you ask for is not difficult for me, but I want to know, why do you have to know?"

"Brother Wei really has some ability to predict the unknown."

"Prophecy is an immortal method of God. I only have a superficial understanding of it. If you want to know, why don't you ask your master?"

Ji Liyou glanced at the door and said, "I won't ask him. Who knows if it's true or false."

The door closed automatically with a click. Ji Liyou stood outside the door, looking at each other with Wei Lang.

Wei Lang smiled, "It seems that you have made your master angry."

Ji Liyou said it was okay, "He is angry every day. It would be strange if he was not angry with me one day."

The two of them went to Wei Lang's room with a smile.

Wei Lang took out a copper bowl carved with lotus flowers and swimming fish and turned it upside down on the table.

Ji Li asked with a sad smile, "You don't need a turtle shell?"

Wei Lang shook his head, "This is a shooting technique, which is different from yours in the Central Plains."

Ji Liyou corrected him, "After passing Li'er, how can Bolu still be considered a Central Plains person?"

Wei Lang moved the bowl from left to right, "What do you think is under this bowl now?"

Ji Li was very happy, "Are you kidding me by taking the empty bowl?"

"No, there is something." Wei Lang looked serious.



"How do I know what's in it?"

Wei Lang was helpless, "Didn't I ask you to think about it? What do you think is there?"

Ji Liyou looked at the upside-down bowl and said suddenly, "Silver bell."

Wei Lang put his hand behind the bowl and tapped the bottom of the bowl with his fingertips.

"What if it's not a silver bell?"

"Cherry ice and snow." He said.

"Cherry Bingxue?" Wei Lang was surprised.

His hand trembled and he continued, "Besides Silver Bell and Cherry Ice and Snow, there is a third thing. Can you tell me what it is?"

"Pieces of armor." Ji Li said worriedly at the fragments of the warrior's armor.

Wei Lang opened the copper bowl, and there was only a broken hairpin underneath.

"None of them." Ji Li said worriedly.

"I'm asking you to guess. I'm not asking you to guess clearly. I just want you to think."

"Then now that I think about it, what can you take advantage of?"

Wei Lang's brows were tired, "Maybe it's not a good thing, it's very confusing. I can't see your destiny clearly right now, and the strangest thing is, I don't know where you are at all?"

"What's the meaning?"

"It means that you are in front of me, but the result of my divination is that you are not here."

Ji Liyou was confused when he suddenly heard the storyteller outside the door saying, "The carriage has arrived, let's go back to the teahouse."

Ji Liyou stood up and said, "Forget it, you can't see clearly, and I won't force it. I don't believe in such things as life. I just want peace of mind."

"If what I say today makes you feel uneasy, will you still listen?"

Ji Liyou frowned and replied with a smile, "Then don't tell me, you have to think about living a good life. If you say those things to me that make me unhappy, if I feel sad when you think about it in the future, that's not good. ”

Wei Lang nodded, "That's the truth. It's okay if you don't know. You will have to look forward and backward every step you take in the future. You must know that no one can accurately predict what will happen in the next moment, or what will be discovered in another world. These thousand There are thousands of Ji Liyou like you in thousands of worlds, they don’t know anything and they live a very good life."

He was hinting at him, and of course Ji Liyou understood it.

"You have to be careful about the one outside." Wei Lang reminded.


"He is not an ordinary person, but believe me, he is definitely not an immortal. If he is a monster, it is difficult for me to judge. He has no evil spirit."

Ji Liyou said, "Of course he is a monster. He is an old monster. He has been hiding in the Sanqi Tea House for many years. Even if he goes out often and goes far away, he still has to come back." He was not afraid of him.

Seeing that he didn't listen to the advice, Wei Lang added, "It's okay to treat him as a friend, but it's best not to treat him as a friend."

"What do you mean?"

"You're in love with him, aren't you?" Wei Lang hit the nail on the head.

"so what?"

"He is not as simple as you think. He is both evil and good. If possible, it is best to stay away from him to avoid harming you and the people around you."

Maybe the storyteller heard, maybe not, and he turned silently and walked away.

Ji Liyou said, "That won't work. Without him, Sanqi Teahouse will no longer be Sanqi Teahouse, and Ji Liyou will no longer be Ji Liyou."

He said goodbye and hurried to catch up with the storyteller.

"You're walking too fast, wait for me..."

(End of chapter)