90 days of spring are passing by

Chapter 86: The blue bird sends beads


After walking out of Sanqi Teahouse, it was still dark. The tea doctor standing guard in front of the counter closed his eyes and asked, "Where are you going, young shopkeeper?"

Ji Liyou opened the door of the teahouse and looked around. A gust of cold air penetrated his clothes. He quickly closed the door. At this time, there was someone on the street who got up early to make pastries. Grandma Wang and her family got up early to make noodles. Not far away, the short A warm thin light shines through the wall.

Ji Liyou shook his head, why did the teahouse always feel unpopular despite so many customers coming in every day

As long as people left, everything would be cold and icy. He thought, maybe it was because the air was heavy at this time, the fog was misty, the dew had not yet dried, and the cold was striking.

Ji Liyou breathed into the palm of his hand, "Uncle Jiu, aren't you cold?"

Dr. Tea has been coming to Sanqi Teahouse for many years. When his father became seriously ill, he happened to come to the teahouse and took care of a lot of things. If he hadn't helped to support the teahouse, Sanqi Teahouse would have been gone long ago. . His father called him Jiu Xu, and later he called him Jiu Shu. He was also considered the housekeeper of the Ji family these years.

Dr. Cha arrived at the back kitchen, and Ji Liyou thought he was going to take a nap. Unexpectedly, half an hour later, he came out with hot cakes, "Let's eat some to warm yourself up."

Ji Liyou rubbed his shoulders and said, "Thank you, Uncle Jiu."

He stood behind Ji Liyou and asked, "Is this here?" He rubbed his shoulders for him.

"Yes." He nodded while holding the cake in his mouth.

Dr. Tea whispered, "It's so insignificant."

I don't know who he is talking about.

Ji Liyou's face turned red after hearing this, and he couldn't eat the cake in his hand.

"I'm not talking about you," he said.

Fortunately, he only said these two words. If he continued to say it, he might never be able to raise his face to look at him again.

During the stalemate, Ji Liyou heard someone calling outside the door that had just been closed. It seemed to be a little girl, and her childish voice sounded pitiful.

"Whose child came here early in the morning?" Ji Liyou was about to open the door.

Dr. Cha grabbed him and said, "You've eaten half of the cake, don't you want to eat it?"

Ji Liyou had already opened the door.

If Dr. Cha wanted to stop him, he couldn't stop him. He just sat on the mountain and watched the tigers fight. If the trouble didn't happen to him, he would stop talking.

Sure enough, he saw a little girl standing at the door, sobbing and crying. Ji Liyou carried her into the house and said, "Come in first to warm her up."

Then he asked Dr. Tea to move the stove.

"Whose child are you?" Ji Liyou asked.

The little girl didn't answer, just stared at the cake on the table. Ji Liyou thought that Xu was hungry, so he broke off the place where he had bitten and gave her a new half.

"Eat. Just wait here for your family to come to you. There are many people coming to my place every day. I will welcome the guests at dawn. Then go and ask if there is any news about your family."

She took a few bites, then suddenly stopped eating and stagnated in place.

Ji Liyou turned around to get tea, "Did you choke?"

In an instant, the little girl, who was less than his waist height, opened her mouth wide, revealing her fangs, and her eyes were red.

She was about to pounce on Ji Liyou, but Dr. Cha threw a hard cake and smashed her open.

The little girl was annoyed by Dr. Tea, so she turned around and bit Dr. Tea with her mouth open, full of sharp teeth, as fierce as a beast.

Dr. Tea was not in a hurry. He sat in front of the counter and tapped the table with his fingers, singing a little tune in his heart. He thought to himself, what kind of thing is he, he dares to act wild here.

Ji Liyou intercepted her halfway. He thought he could restrain the child by grabbing his shoulders. Unexpectedly, she turned around and stared at Ji Liyou, broke away from him effortlessly, jumped up and threw herself into his throat. .

Later, she seemed to have bitten off his neck. Ji Liyou's eyesight turned black and he heard a muffled sound on his neck. Blood flowed out like a spring from his neck. He glanced at Dr. Tea and saw that he was fine before he slowly stopped. Close your eyes.

He struggled and told himself that he could not be a coward or die, and forced himself to cheer up. He was blurry, as if he had just woken up in the early morning. The surroundings were hazy and everything could not be seen clearly.

Someone rushed down from upstairs. Master Ying called out to the young shopkeeper, and even the woman was attracted by the sound.

Among the blurry figures, he was the only one whose face was clear. Ji Liyou couldn't see anything but him.

In the splendid pavilion, the woman was imprisoned. She opened her eyes wide and looked at Ji Liyou intently. She did not open her mouth, but Ji Liyou actually heard her voice.

She said, "What's the difference between you and me?"

After hearing this, a chill suddenly appeared all over her body, and the woman had tears in her eyes, as if she wanted to say a few more words to him, but he still couldn't hear what she wanted to say later.

In the darkness and cold, a moment seemed like an eternity, and he felt like he would be trapped in this illusion forever.

A voice came from nowhere, "Liyou..."

The sound was distant but clear, one after another.

He finally woke up slowly, and Master Ying patted his face, "Young shopkeeper, what's wrong with you?"

Everything that just happened seemed like a dream.

The girl didn't bite his neck off, it was just his own delusion. It was ridiculous to think about it, how could he think about a little girl biting off his neck.

Ji Liyou looked at the storyteller intently, "Why are you down?"

The storyteller had his back turned to the girl.

As soon as Ji Liyou saw her, he immediately understood that he was not dreaming, "She... She doesn't seem to be human... She came up to attack us just now, and I couldn't hold her back with a single hand."

The storyteller ignored him. Master Ying rubbed his earlobe and said with a smile, "You got up too early and haven't woken up from your dream. You are just a little girl."

Seeing Ji Liyou's pale face, Master Ying felt a throbbing pain somewhere in his heart. He rubbed harder, with a kind smile on his face, and said, "The child is frightened. If he loses his soul, just rub his ears and come back." "

Ji Liyou said it was okay, "Maybe I was asleep."

He looked at Dr. Tea, who was cleaning the table. Before Ji Liyou asked him, he heard him say on his own initiative, "You said you woke up early and felt a little dizzy, so he lay down on the counter and fell asleep for a while. I watched the little girl not run around."

Ji Liyou's mind alternated between chaos and clarity.

The child ate but stayed in the teahouse and refused to leave. Ji Liyou was a little scared of her. Although she looked like a normal child, she was really frightened just now.

Ji Li was tired of worrying. He sat at the table where the guests were sitting and looked at this group of people. For a moment, he felt infinite sadness in his heart. These people were the owners of Sanqi Teahouse.

Then what is he

They were all waiting for someone. Ji Liyou didn't know who this person was, but when he saw the cold face on the storyteller's face, he knew that this person was an extremely important person. The more critical it was, the calmer his face became. It seems that he is deliberately concealing the movement and momentum.

In just one night, they were completely different people.

Ji Liyou wasn't sure who the person who talked to him and showed him the walking beads last night was. Could it really be the person who didn't even look at him

"It was foggy this morning, and it was also foggy last night. It seems that today will be a good day, and there will be more guests than yesterday." He said deliberately, trying to attract the storyteller's attention.

"There won't be many guests here today." said the woman wearing a butterfly-patterned skirt.

"How did you know?" Ji Liyou deliberately argued with her with a bit of resentment. He suspected that it was because of her presence that the storyteller stopped saying a word to him.

Yan Shuangying didn't know that Young Master Ji was angry, so she explained, "It's going to rain."

"Nonsense, the stars were very good the past few days and it was sunny. It will definitely not rain today."

After saying this, there was pattering outside the door.

Ji Liyou scratched his nose in embarrassment and whispered, "You have some foresight."

It started to rain in the house. Ji Liyou raised his head to look for where the rain was leaking. "It's time for the teahouse to be renovated. It leaks when it rains."

Drop by drop, he touched it and found that it was ink-colored water, "Ouch!"

Ji Liyou was startled, "Why is the rain so dirty?"

The storyteller was amused by his words, "It's not dirty rain."

"What is that?" He looked down and saw that the ink-colored water turned into a ball and slowly turned into a human form.

Then she heard that something was about to move underground. A proud smile appeared on the girl's face, and she waited for reinforcements to arrive.

Ji Liyou was five or six steps away from the storyteller when a big hole opened in the floor. Before he could see clearly what monsters were in the crack, he saw water gushing out from the crack. With a "crash", the water flowed out. It turned into a water column and rolled towards Ji Liyou.

The fan in the storyteller's hand flew out and cut the water column in the middle. In an instant, the water column gathered again. However, during the gap between the water gathering, the storyteller had already protected Ji Liyou behind his back.

Ji Liyou picked up his robe, "What kind of monster is it?"

The ink-colored water wave transformed into a man. Ji Liyou felt that he looked familiar. He turned back to look at Yan Shuangying and immediately understood who it was.

Yuhua Chang Yanliang.

The clear water column seemed to have the fishy smell of sea water. It was divided into three groups, two men and one woman. Together with the little girl from Sanqi Tea House, Chang Yanliang had four helpers.

Ji Liyou sighed, "We can't do business today."

Master Ying said yes, turned around and closed the door.

"How did you find this place?" Shuangying asked.

Yan Liang said, "I have been waiting for you at home for several days, thinking you would come back. If you didn't come back for a long time, I would come out to look for you."

"You go." She said.

The storyteller felt bored and leaned against the counter in a daze.

"Hey, old man Wen, look at that man who can turn into the shape of water. Is he a water monster?"

"Shark man."

"What?!" Ji Liyou's eyes widened when he heard this, "Is he the same shark who burst into tears?"

"Not only him, but the others behind him are all from the Sharman clan."

The two of them were talking quietly, and were suddenly attracted by the sound of beads falling to the ground.

Seeing the pearls all over the ground, Ji Liyou was surprised, "Did he cry? How many days and nights could he have so many tears?"

"No, only a few of those on the ground are his tears, the rest are beads in clam shells." said the storyteller.

Shuangying yelled at him, "Is it because I brought the beads you gave me that you found me?"

Yan Liang did not answer.

"Didn't I tell you to divorce me so that you and I can live in peace," she continued.

They hadn't seen each other for several months, and the two closest people were also very estranged from each other. When they met face to face, she sadly could only complain about him.

She asked a lot of questions, but he didn't answer. Finally, Shuangying got tired and said, "Why are you still pestering me?"

Yan Liang answered this one, "You have been gone for a long time, I miss you."

He said it so casually that she had no idea whether it was true or false.

But he said that he missed her, Shuangying lowered his head, and hot tears came from his eyes.

Ji Liyou had never seen a woman smile like this, with tears in her eyes. It was a kind of hopeless love that he had never imagined.

The tip of my heart was also shocked.

Shuangying said, "I will ask you one last question, and you can only answer me yes or no."

She wiped away her tears, "Do you love me because I wear a pleated butterfly skirt?"

He didn't bother to explain.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Shuangying smiled again, "This question is too tricky, I'll ask a simple one."

"Who lives in the Pearl Pavilion?"

He didn't answer either.

"Since you have already invited others to live in, why did you invite me?"

He didn't answer.

The minds of women and men are never the same. Ji Liyou realized this only now.

From the man's point of view, he thinks that Yan Liang is not necessarily merciless to her, but from the woman's point of view, what she wants is an explanation, but he doesn't give it. For a man, silence means careful consideration, but for a woman To me, silence during questioning is recognition.

Ji Liyou guessed that the reason for his silence was that he was indeed involved with another woman, but that woman was not necessarily more important in his heart than Shuang Ying. Shuang Ying was too persistent and refused to give in.

Poor girl, she didn't understand that by forcing him, she was also forcing herself.

In this way, she will only become more and more paranoid that he has someone else in mind.

"Come here, let's go home. I'll talk to you when we get home." Yan Liang took a step back.

She relaxed a little and took a step forward.

Ji Liyou looked at the storyteller's face and always felt that he had a bad premonition. Why should he meddle in this nosy matter? Master Ying said that he never did anything meaningless.

If he had a purpose in everything he did, then what exactly did he want to do when he brought Shuangying back? Ji Liyou couldn't help but speculate.

In the teahouse, even Shuangying stopped talking. The couple was completely quiet. Ji Liyou even thought that maybe Shuangying was also talking to him in their home. His intuition told him that Shuangying was a lively and talkative woman. But Yanliang is like frozen spring water in winter, stagnant and motionless.

Just when he was thinking wildly, a blue bird entered the Sanqi Teahouse with a pink pearl in its mouth.

Ji Liyou subconsciously looked at the beads discarded by Shuang Ying on the ground, and sure enough he saw a pink bead of almost the same size among them.

"Two beads?" Ji Liyou quickly understood and sighed secretly, "If you give two similar beads to two people, even the gods can't save you."

Shuang Ying felt cold in her heart as she watched the messenger bluebird put down the beads on the table and fly away as if it had never appeared just now.

She waited for an explanation.

But he said nothing.

Because what she saw was all true. He did give the two women the same beads, and it was indeed because she was wearing a pleated Qiandie Luo skirt that he moved his mind.

What's even more frightening is that he actually invited other women into his pearl pavilion.

Unfortunately, she refused to go in, so no one lived in the Pearl Pavilion.

How could he lie to her? That he has never been attracted to other women and that he only loves her from the beginning to the end

Big tears rolled down her face.

If she were also a mermaid at this time, I am afraid that the pearl would really fall to the ground.

She knew his identity, and that didn't stop her from staying with him. The only thing was that she couldn't bear the fact that he had another person in his heart.

(End of chapter)