A Big Loser

Chapter 102: Model house


This is a lot of trouble with the right hand of the head of the tiger.

After Pangdahai was taken away by the police, there was no news. Wankang couldn't find a way, so he approached Pan Biao and asked him to find someone to investigate.

Pan Biao was also very sincere. He thought of a way to find out that Qi Yao had asked someone to ask him, saying that although Pang Dahai is not the real murderer, he still has the courage to deal with it.

"Minister Pan, I was the one who caused the problem. Can you find someone to relax." Wan Kang said, "Help Pang Dahai dredge. Money, it's easy to say."

"Wangkang, this is not a question of money." Pan Biao said, "If only money can be settled, then of course I don't say that now I am not the one who lacks money, but you should know that there are some things that money can't solve. , There is still a relationship, in the final analysis it is power, and more directly it is power."

that power

Wan Kang knew that Pan Biao didn't have that ability. Among the people he knew, perhaps only Luo Ying could help. Wan Kang hadn't planned to find Luo Ying, he was really not too embarrassed to speak up. It was troublesome for several times, and he never smashed his face. When he heard that Dafahai might have been sentenced to more than ten years on the crime of intentional injury, he was shaken, and he felt that it was time to find Luo Ying. Otherwise, he will be jailed for ten years, and after the huge sea comes out, he may have nothing and he should not be allowed to bear so much.

Wankang has told Luo Ying about everything, and has been guilty all the time, "Sister Luo, this is the last time I beg you to ask someone to help you talk. If you can miss a sentence by a few years, you will be sentenced for a few years."

"You seem to have a mentality of being lucky if you fall and kneel." Luo Ying smiled.

"I was impulsive, but I didn't expect serious consequences." Wan Kang said, "If it weren't for Da Hai, then I would be really upset."

"You are pretending to be pitiful in front of me." Luo Ying smiled, "Don't say it's not."

Looking stubbornly at Luo Ying, a look he had never seen before, he really felt Luo Ying's unfathomable for the first time, "I, I don't know, I just feel sorry for Da Hai."

"You have to remember one sentence, everything is possible." Luo Ying said, "As long as the strength is strong, even diamonds will break."

"Sister Luo, that's what I said, but this time it's a bit ill-conceived." Wan Kangdao, "There may be a better way to solve the problem, but I chose the most stupid way."

"What is passionate youth?" Luo Ying chuckled, "As a man, you must be a little bit bloody, but you must have a brain. If you can realize that you are not thinking now, it is not in vain to be arrogant. Also, that The woman named Evel should be very happy."

"I'm with her..." Wan Kang suddenly felt that this time was not suitable to talk about the relationship between him and Evel. Besides, he didn't know what Luo Ying would think. "My relationship with her may not be what you imagined. That way."

"Do you know what I think?" Luo Ying smiled frankly.

"Oh, Sister Luo, let me tell you this way, I think the most delicious woman in the world is you!" Wan Kang said, "I imagined how to be like you, but I know that is almost impossible, but I didn't give up either."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"I don't know, just want to express what I have always thought." Wan Kang said, "Maybe you are afraid that you know the relationship between me and Evel, you will be angry and ignore me."

"Hehe." Luo Ying smiled heartily, "Wangkang, in some aspects, you still need to exercise."

Wan Kang looked at Luo Ying with incredible eyes again, he really couldn't understand her thoughts. But now is not the time to ponder this matter. If Da Hai's problem is not resolved, he has trouble sleeping and eating. "Sister Luo, I was really unpredictable for a lot of what you said, so I will slowly think about it when I go back." Wan Kang said, "Just talk about Pang Da Hai, can you help?"

"Pang Dahai." Luo Ying said, "Did anyone see him when he did it?"

Wan Kang hesitated, "No, there should be no."

"That's good." Luo Ying said, "You let Da Dahai bite his mouth, saying that he didn't do the thing."

"No torture to extract a confession?!"

"When the two parties are equally powerful, fairness is relatively fair." Luo Ying said, "But I can't guarantee that Da Hai will be fine. The strength of the other party must be considered, and the psychology of Da Hai must also be considered."

"As long as I meet him, there is definitely no problem with Da Hai." Wan Kangdao, "Sister Luo, don't be too hard on this matter. I mean, a sentence of one or two years is fine, but it must not be long. ."

"This kind of thing should be simple, nothing is okay." Luo Ying said, "Unconsciously, it can only make things worse."

"Sister Luo, can you let me see the big sea?"

"I try my best. If not, just spread the word." Luo Ying said, "Grow up quickly through experience, and this is success."

At this moment Wankang felt that everything Luo Ying said was the truth, except for nodding or nodding.

In the morning of the next day, Wankang arrived at the police station in the area under its jurisdiction. Pang Dahai looked a little tired, but it was okay. Wan Kang told the matter to Da Dahai, stood up and withstood it, and everything was calm when he didn't do anything.

Pang Da Hai believes in what Wan Kang said, and it can be regarded as spiritual support. With this backing, Pang Da Hai has shown incomparable strength. At the same time, Gong Ping, deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, is also trying his best to deal with it. Luo Ying told him that there should be no accident in Dahai. She fully believed that Gong Ping had the ability to settle it. As for who he looked for, it was his business.

The resolution of this turmoil was shocking but not dangerous. Pang Dahai retreated all over, and the attack on the head of the skinny head had only to hang up. But it also left a root cause, Qi Yao hated Wan Kang.

"That little boy, it seems that he can't be destroyed if he is immortal." Qi Yao muttered to himself in the office. He felt that the situation was not so controllable. Even Qianzhongke could not hold Wankang, if he wanted to destroy him directly. , It’s not so easy, you have to use some means.

Qi Yao asked his subordinates to pay close attention to what Wan Kang was doing.

This is not easy to conceal. Wan Kang guessed that Qi Yao would pay more attention to him and then take action, so he was also very prepared.

Wankang invited Xiao Ming to celebrate the work for Pang Da Hai, but Xiao Ming did not come, and the leveling of the site just ended. He did not invite him to congratulate the completion as previously said, but sent him 20,000 yuan and said yes. The price difference between Wankang’s original quotation and cost.

"This kid counts as talking." Wan Kang smiled, "It's just a fucking bullshit, but it's okay, I will live with him once, so I don't need to talk about it later."

Wankang put the 20,000 yuan in front of the huge sea, "The sea, wind and rain show love, you are my friend worthy of Wankang, you take this money."

"What's going on." Da Hai pushed the money back. "This is not a money transaction. If you treat our relationship as a deal, then Da Da Hai has misunderstood the person. Of course, I don't blame you. "

"No." Wankang said, "Now I am alone, and I don't have much use of money, but you have a lot of money."

"You should not be smart when you should be smart." Da Haidao said, "Now that you have just started your career, save some money as a capital, like a snowball. It's better to get bigger and bigger. You are a little looser, what else can you gather? fiscal?"

"Money is earned, not saved." Wan Kang said, "A mere tens of thousands, what can you do?"

"You have this idea, but you are not a real businessman. Maybe you are not born to be a businessman." Da Haidao, "have you educated me, you can save 10,000 in a few days, and it will be one or two million in two or three years. Isn’t that the same. If you save 20,000 in a few days, wouldn’t it be objective if you save it in a year?"

"Yes." Wan Kang nodded, "Dahai, that's how people are, there are mouths saying that others don't speak of themselves."

Wankang collected the money and said it had to tell Hou Jianbo what it meant, even if he didn't collect it, he had to say that at least the thing was done.

The key to giving gifts is to do what they like. Wankang once noticed that there was a stone sculpture on Hou Jianbo's desk, so he went to the collection market and spent more than one thousand yuan to buy a piece of so-called ancient art. The shopkeeper added four zeros after the word "2" when listing it.

In fact, it doesn't matter how much it costs, the key is that this stone sculpture does not have a second piece, and it is definitely not a mass-produced thing. For those who like to collect, this is enough, Hou Jianbo did not refuse.

In addition to this, Wankang has another gain. Hou Jianbo, like Wang Bingming, is also a womanizer, and he can always raise his interest in the opposite sex. The secret was discovered when Wankang helped Hou Jianbo's computer to optimize the system. He saw that there are a lot of things in the hard disk that can be sexually interesting.

Wankang took this matter in his heart, and used it at the critical moment. Now, with a piece of stone sculpture, he can also chat with Hou Jianbo.

"Mr. Hou, when will the power distribution room be built?" Wan Kang asked with a smile.

Hou Jianbo said, "There are too few power distribution rooms, so there is only one real estate. Now the new real estate has just started. I want to open the power distribution room. It's early."

"Oh, disappointment." Wan Kang sighed, "Hou's taking care of this may have cultivated my inertia, so I just wanted to do some light work."

"I think so." Hou Jianbo said, "Do you know the construction of the power distribution room in the last real estate? I kept the price to the lowest level, and it took half a year to give it to the construction team."

"Mr. Hou, the more you say this, the more embarrassed I will be." Wankang said, "Then can you introduce a project to do it, the technical requirements are high."

"Oh, you are very smart." Hou Jianbo smiled, "but cooperating with a smart is also good. Many things are not long-winded to solve."

"Mr. Hou, are you agreeing to help get some more livelihoods?" Wan Kang handed Soft China together with joy.

Hou Jianbo picked up the cigarette holder and put it on, "The board of directors has just studied, and the new real estate wants to decorate three sets of model houses, can you do it?"

Decoration is a good job, the material cost is big, and it is easy to make troubles. "Yes!" Wankang agreed, "Mr. Hou, you can help me with this matter, and I'll settle it down early! But I am really embarrassed to say that. You helped me, and I have no return. It doesn’t seem to have the weight of return."

"I'll let you say anything about turning." Hou Jianbo smiled. "Come over tomorrow and sign the contract."

"You don't have to go to the control department to go to the class?"

"You can go. The decoration of this model house requires a procedure." Hou Jianbo crooked his mouth disdainfully, "I'll go there directly to deal with the things I have ordered with you."

"Okay, then I'll be there early tomorrow morning." Wankang said, "Mr. Hou, how much do you plan to spend on the decoration of the three model houses?"

"Is two hundred and fifty thousand enough?"

"What do you pretend to be?"

"Just look good." Hou Jianbo said, "A model, what the deeper meaning is, you can figure it out by yourself."