A Big Loser

Chapter 107: Left eye


As long as you are always prepared, the opportunity will come easily. One afternoon about a week later, Wankang was preparing to end the sewage pipe project. Pan Biao called and said that he had seen Qi Yao in the No. 9 Mansion.

Wankang immediately stopped work on the construction site, saying that the workers' wages were paid according to their wages, they went home and rested, and worked on the next day, and then drove away with Pang Dahai.

Mansion No. 9 is destined to not be so peaceful this afternoon.

Wankang knew that a surveillance probe was installed at the entrance of the mansion, and he wanted Da Dahai to destroy the probe first. Pang Da Hai did the job directly, picked a brick, walked behind the probe, threw it out and knocked it down, and then ran away. The people in the mansion had no time to react and had to give up.

There are no probes inside the mansion. This is also to reassure those who come here for consumption and save any handle or evidence.

With no worries about monitoring, Wan Kang began to act.

At the door is still a good welcome lady. In fact, the museum is heavily guarded, and the strong security guards are nestled in inconspicuous places. Only when things happen, they can't be seen. They are usually not seen. Looking around, only occasionally, they are all beautiful women. It is a must to be such a place. If you come in and see big guys, some kind of interest will be greatly reduced. Of course, the opposite is true in the female guest recreation area, where majestic security can be seen everywhere, which is also a must.

Finding Qi Yao is not easy, there are too many areas, and the passage is tortuous. Wankang intuitively said that Qi Yao should be in the place where he moistened his feet. That service item is really good.

Qi Yao definitely had such a catastrophe when the hit was arranged.

When Wan Kang passed by casually, he noticed that there was no security nearby. At this time, Qi Yao is enjoying the comfort brought by moisturizing his feet with his friends from other places. "This service may only be available in Huanhong City, you have encountered it elsewhere." Qi Yao was extremely relaxed, almost flattening his chair, closing his eyes and laughing.

"Don't tell me, there really isn't."

"Hehe, I will take you to rest again, maybe it will be more beautiful." Qi Yao smiled dazzlingly.

From the crack of the opened door, Wan Kang saw that Qi Yao was not wearing a jacket. It is estimated that even if he brought a gun, he should be in his jacket or purse.

You can do it safely.

Very fast, Wan Kang walked quietly to Qi Yao, grabbed his hair with one hand, and pulled his neck with the other. He immediately folded his body to the front, and then took advantage of the trend and rammed directly into the tea table next to him.

Originally wanted to hit a few more times, but Wan Kang realized that Qi Yao was weakened after only one hit.

Qi Yao was creating a tea table in his left eye socket, and Wan Kang saw that besides the blood, there was also a black-gray stream. Wankang's first reaction, Qi Yao's eyeball burst, this was an unexpected result.

Let go of Qi Yao, Wan Kang turned and slipped away. Qi Yao's friend closed his eyes and enjoyed it beautifully. Hearing a "gudong", he thought Qi Yao was doing something and didn't care. The waiter who helped Qi Yao run his feet outside the hole felt that Qi Yao's feet were moving a little, but as a rule, he didn't ask much.

Just like that, Qi Yao passed out for a few minutes before being discovered by a friend who opened his eyes. At this time, Wankang was walking out in great strides, and there were too many twists and turns, and it seemed that he couldn't finish it all the time.

Wan Kang was a little scared in his heart, and it was too blatant. It was not the first time that everyone came in to do things in such a big crowd. Fortunately, no one saw it at the scene of the incident. This is the root of denial.

How can we make things more perfect

Walking to the not-so-wide hall, Wankang did not go out and went straight to the bar. "I took a look at the pool just now. There were not many people. I will play this today." Wan Kang handed out the consumption card he had brought from Pan Biao.

The waiter came to lead the way, Wankang followed. In the distance, faintly, there was an exclamation.

"What's the matter?" Wan Kang asked.

"Oh, I don't know this yet." The waiter was very gentle, "Sir, there is nothing wrong with you here, and it won't prevent you from swimming."

"I know." Wan Kang smiled, "just curious."

The police came and took Qi Yao, who was unconscious, to the hospital. The incident was not trivial. Qi Yao was a person in Huanhong, and he was blinded for unknown reasons. It was shocking!

What was even more shocking was Guan Yuti. She would never have thought that someone would dare to mess around in her restaurant, and the target was Qi Yao!

If the incident did not happen in Mansion Nine, it is estimated that the investigation will be overwhelming. Guan Yuti was only told to cooperate with the case.

Cooperation means not preventing the police from visiting the mansion for investigation and providing convenience. Guan Yuti was really unwilling to really cooperate, because Qi Yao was not with her. Besides, she also knew that Wan Kang did it.

"Sister Ying, tell you something, I don't know if it is good or bad." Guan Yuti called Luo Ying almost as soon as he knew it.

"what's up?"

"Your little man."

"Wankang?" Luo Ying blurted out, "What happened to him?"

"Haha..." Guan Yuti laughed, "I finally admitted it."

"Ah!" Luo Ying was a little surprised, "It really got you in."

"The sets you drill have a certain degree of authenticity." Guan Yuti chuckled, "You said, haven't you tempted a little bit?"

"Stop kidding." Luo Ying smiled silently, "How do you know about Wankang?"

"He was in my restaurant and blinded Qi Yao." Guan Yuti said, "I really can't tell, that kid did have two shots, but I think the key is cruel, you have to be careful, this way People are not so easy to raise."

"Who raised him?" Luo Ying said, "Yoti, serious, what is going on."

"He had someone smash the probe at the door, and then pretended to be a guest to come to the mansion, quietly entered Qi Yao's room and blinded his left eye, then came out and went swimming casually." Guan Yuti said, "It's spicy enough."

"Who saw it at the time?"

"No one." Guan Yuti said, "but I secretly arranged a few probes and I saw them."

"Wipe it." Luo Ying said, "Keeping it is always a hidden danger."

"I know you are going to do this, don't worry, and make sure that nothing will happen." Guan Yuti said, "Sister Ying, you said it's weird. The police said that even Qi Yao didn't know who did it. He was comfortable lying down there. After dazzling, I felt like I hit the south wall and passed out. When I woke up again, I was blind in my left eye."

"No one next to Qi Yao?"

"Yes, Qi Yao came with a friend." Guan Yuti said, "but his friends didn't see it either. Hell."

"He is as agile as a leopard." Luo Ying said.

"Who?" Guan Yuti paused, "Wankang?"

"Yes." Luo Ying said, "Yoti, I told you a long time ago, he has a rare good physique, and he is intelligent by nature, and he can keep up with the guidance, and he will accomplish great things."

"Your vision can't be wrong." Guan Yuti said, "No, it shows great potential before it's very good."

"That's not true. The understanding of a person will never be so comprehensive and thorough." Luo Ying smiled, "Yoti, you must erase the monitoring records, and if he goes to consume, you should follow People who talked about it said that they hadn’t met that person, and all the records related to consumption were also dealt with."

"I told you to rest assured that I have done everything that should be done, and I have removed all the probes." Guan Yuti said, "If you don't let the police find out, that's not clear."

Luo Ying fell into deep thought after the phone call. She couldn't figure out why Wankang had such a hatred of Qi Yao, so she still called to explore.

Luo Ying asked how Wankang was doing things recently. Wankang was very pleasantly surprised, "Sister Luo, you still asked about it yourself, so caring about me really makes me unable to sit still."

"You haven't answered me yet." Luo Ying said, "how did you do some engineering last time?"

"It should be said to be okay." Wankangdao, "a project is undergoing acceptance. If it is completed, you can earn some points."

"How many?"

"Hundreds of thousands."

"Oh, that's okay. It's been so smooth at the beginning. It's a good sign." Luo Ying smiled, "Is nothing wrong recently?"

"No." Wankang said, "How can there be anything to make money."

"Well, that's good, just like that. Tell me if you have any difficulties, maybe I can still help." Luo Ying was a little lost when she hung up the phone, and Wan Kang didn't tell her the truth, and was a little disappointed.

Wankang was also meditating over there. Luo Ying called him at this time, which seemed a bit unusual. Think about it again. It should be that a little bit of wind in the mansion on the 9th has reached her ears. He knows that Luo Ying is a guest there. Someone must have told her about Qi Yao, but can he doubt it

Thinking of this problem, Wankang slapped his thigh, and he thought he was clever and did things too sloppily. Regarding Qi Yao, as long as the police conducted an investigation and called up the consumption records of the day, they could make a list of suspects. He must be included. Qi Yao knows this list as long as he looks at it, and everything is clear. This kind of understanding does not require the police to do it, Qi Yao is enough to do it, then he will definitely have a lot of troubles that are hard to guard against.

Wan Kang hurriedly picked up the phone and called back, "Sister Luo, I, let me tell you, something might be a big deal."

"Oh, you said." Luo Ying suddenly felt relieved.

"I injured Qi Yao in Mansion Nine. It would be great if I didn't show up there that day." Wan Kang said, "Are you familiar with the people there?"

"It's okay." Luo Ying said, "I will understand the situation later. Wankang, why did Qi Yao bother you?"

"Oh, this matter is a bit long-winded." Wan Kang said, "When I was at Jinhao, he provoked him. He also found a master to destroy me. Fortunately, that person was kind and didn't treat me. What's the matter. Later, didn’t I go to Beijing, and the matter came to an end. This time I came back, because his scorpion head was more or less implicated, especially the small sewage pipe laying project at hand. , Clashed with him again, and as a result, he took action and injured Lao Shi and Lin Daqiang."


"Yes." Wankang said, "Perhaps knowing that it is a little difficult to deal with me, so he started on them, which is a warning to me.

"How are they?"

"Lao Shi had a finger cut and Da Qiang lost an ear." Wan Kang said, "Sister Luo, I can't help it, so I acted rashly."

"Oh, that's it." Luo Ying let out a long sigh.