A Big Loser

Chapter 108: Anonymous letter


Qi Yao hasn't heard anything about it, and Wan Kang has also been uneasy, because Luo Ying hasn't given an exact explanation yet, and everything is still in flux.

The construction of the sewage pipe laying project is considered to be completed. There was an episode during the period. Some people reported serious violations of the project, the excavation was not in place, and the amount of work was far below the standard requirements, and there was a problem of malicious deception of construction costs.

"Which dog day?" Wan Kang was a little anxious in Hou Jianbo's office, "Hou President, isn't this purely making trouble."

"Is there anything like that?"

"How is it possible?!" Wankang was not only anxious, but also very angry, "Mr. Hou, this is the first job I have done at Lihua Company. I want to be a good example, so I work day and night. I was busy working on the project, while grasping the speed of the project, I did not reduce the quality requirements at all. I still hope to establish a good image through this project. What do you say I can do?"

"That crooked idea didn't really move?"

"No!" Wankang said, "I haven't thought of it yet! If I knew this could be done, I would definitely come over and discuss with you, you have to decide if you can do it or not."

"The company may have to re-acceptance after a period of time." Hou Jianbo said, "If there is a problem, it is estimated that the remaining project funds will be a little suspended, unless the rework is resumed."

"Then I won't die at a loss!" Wankang almost cried out. In fact, he knew in his heart that the 600,000 project fund allocated in the early stage was enough! According to the contract, the price is 1.79 million, and there is 1.19 million!

The profit is considerable!

"So we have to deal with the re-inspection." Hou Jianbo said, "Now the company is also very embarrassed, how to re-inspect it?"

Yes, re-acceptance is difficult. This Wankang has been prepared for it, otherwise it will not "excavate" in the front and then pave the road and harden the road surface.

There is no proof!

Would it also break the hardened road surface and dig out the pipe to have a look? Even so, how can it prove that there is no excavation in place? It's all backfilled, and there is no way to verify it.

There is also a way to verify, that is, to find the construction staff to investigate. Casual workers can't be found, they are all people who are looking for people from the huge sea. He will use various reasons to say that no one can be found.

Those who drive excavators and transport vehicles can find them, but those few people have been gagged by Wankang. When they drank the celebration wine, they each gave an extra 5,000, and they also had entertainment and found a lady.

Therefore, Wankang is more assured, he believes that there will be no problems in the re-examination.

At the same time, Hou Jianbo suggested that Wankang should go directly to the general manager's office and talk about the matter.

"I promise to do it according to the requirements." Wankang stated in the general manager's office of Lihua Company, "Just because someone slandered me with bad intentions, the company took it seriously? The engineering is already technical and the acceptance is qualified. Why don’t you trust your own people and trust an anonymous letter? Re-acceptance is not impossible, and I welcome it, because it is a re-affirmation of the quality of my project, but the company’s losses are miscalculated? Excavation, re-filling, If the road is hardened, no money is needed? And there are lighting and heating pipelines under the road now. If the digging is broken, it will be an additional cost."

These remarks are of great use. The general manager thinks over and over again. In one sentence, the results of the first acceptance shall prevail, and no further review will be made. However, 200,000 yuan must be left for the project payment settlement, which will be appropriated one year later as a quality guarantee deposit.

Wan Kang is drunk, even so, it means that the ninety-nine thousand five hundred and ninety-five thousand can be successfully obtained!

However, we still have to do it. Wankang complained everywhere in the company, sadly saying that the gross profit of this project was more than 100,000, and the deduction was 200,000, and it was a loss for one year!

Of course, no one believes that Wankang will lose money, just make less.

The victory came a little too lightly. Wankang was a little dazed by holding the million deposit, and temporarily forgot about Qi Yao, just thinking about how to spend the money.

"Ocean, you have to change a car!" Wankang said, "You rent a modified car. It's okay to sit and sit, but it's really shabby when you want to talk about things."

"Buy a new car?"

"Yes." Wankang said, "No more than 200,000 yuan at most. The remaining money is easy to do, and you can do other things. Or else, what do you do for nothing?"

Two days later, I bought the car, a Ford coupe, and it sold for less than 200,000 yuan.

The excitement gradually subsided, and Wankang felt that he should call Luo Ying and ask what happened to Luo Ying.

Luo Ying said it was okay. She asked her acquaintances in Mansion No. 9 and it seemed that there was nothing wrong. Luo Ying didn't want Wankang to know too much, at least not yet.

Wan Kang didn't think too much, since Luo Ying said it was all right, should he worry about it? He had an unspeakable trust in Luo Ying, and he had no doubt.

Qi Yao's affairs stopped, but Wan Kang was still unable to calm down. The anonymous letter that reported him still made him worry. The question of whether to re-inspect or not was busy some time ago was inseparable. Now it's all right, it should be clear.

Wu Duoyu was the first suspect.

Wu Duoyu's injury was still not clear, the appearance of Wan Kang almost collapsed him, "What are you going to do?"

"What are you talking about?" Wan Kang chuckled and put down the fruit in his hand. "I can come to your house, but I didn't plan to do anything. I just want to say something to you. Don't fight me again in the future. The anonymous letter is considered the end."

"anonymous letter?"

"Oh, didn't you do it?" Wan Kang smiled, "Manager Wu, it's okay, I don't care about this, don't pretend to be very innocent, let's do it for myself in the future."

Wankang said he wanted to leave, but Wu Duoyu refused, "I didn't really write the anonymous letter."


"Absolutely not!" Wu Duoyu said, "To tell you the truth, I have already realized that I can't provoke you, and I realized it before you did it to me. You didn't have time to express it, you did it. ."

"Oh, don't say that." Wankang said, "I didn't do that. Didn't you give me a set? As soon as I admit it, when you call the police, you will take care of me, right? "

"Oh, you don't want to get rid of my old man." Wu Duoyu said, "I really can't afford to offend you, so don't tease me. Also, that anonymous letter was indeed not written by me."

Wu Duoyu said it truthfully, and Wankang could hear it. After pondering for a while, he took out two thousand yuan, "Manager Wu, you have to admit that there was a period of time before, you really didn't mean enough to me, but I won’t say something. You take the two thousand dollars. Wait, I'll send someone another three thousand to come over, and you can buy some nutrition."

After leaving Wu Duoyu's house, Wan Kang couldn't think of the source of the anonymous letter. But it doesn't matter, maybe it's just a fuss about some humble competitor.

However, Wu Duoyu's subsequent call made Wankang feel that it was not the case.

"You can observe Xiao Ming secretly about the anonymous letter, and maybe you will find something." Wu Duoyu said just that, and hung up the phone.

Wan Kang didn't ask too much. Some things were done as soon as he clicked. He knew the relationship between Wu Duoyu and Xiao Ming. It would be nice to remind him of this. But Wan Kang couldn't figure out how Xiao Ming would do such a thing, he should not be that kind of person. But people's hearts are separated by their belly, and many people are good at disguising. Wankang feels it is necessary to talk to Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming was at a loss when he questioned Wankang, saying that without that, it was absolutely impossible. Wan Kang saw that he lied from Xiao Ming's expression, but if there was no evidence, it was determined that he did it, and the matter itself was not substantively affected.

"Xiao Ming, this is a bit unclear, but everyone knows it in their hearts. I don't want similar things to happen again in the future." Wan Kangdao, "In fact, I really appreciate you and I am a straightforward person, so am I, so Don’t go around in circles. I’m saying that, you think it’s reasonable. At Lihua Company, you originally had a lot of work to pick up, but I came and got a leg in the middle, which caused you to be unable to pick up. Comfortable, so sometimes I can’t think about it and want to trick me in secret, right?"

"No, I definitely don't have this idea." Xiao Ming shook his head repeatedly, "From the bottom of my heart, I really didn't regard you as an opponent. It may have been at the beginning, but it is definitely not now."

"Okay, Xiao Ming, since you said that, we will still be friends in the future." Wan Kangdao, "In the future, you are optimistic about some of the projects of Lihua Company and tell me, and be considerate of each other, don't everyone have a meal?"

"That's it!" Xiao Ming sighed, "I won't say anything, anyway, you believe I am."

The conversation with Xiao Ming was not bad, Wan Kang didn't hold any grudges, he thought Xiao Ming could forgive him.

To forgive Xiao Ming is largely because he made an unexpected sum of money. Wankang even wanted to take the money back to the village, marry Lin Xiaofang, and start a small business. Life would be very comfortable. But think about it again, if you work for a few years, the hundreds of thousands in your hand may become millions, tens of millions, or even billionaires. At that time, you can go back to the village and buy a big one. A plot of land to build a happy small manor.

"Well, I have to keep working hard!" Wankang sat in the car and said to the huge sea lane that was driving, "Ocean, you have worked hard. I will give you one hundred thousand at the end of the year, so you still like it."

"One hundred thousand!" Pang Dahai laughed gaspingly, "Mr. Wan, more than one hundred thousand, fifty thousand is enough."

"Fuck, I'm not promising, there are still people who don't want to pay too much money." Wan Kang laughed, "I didn't let you die. I'm afraid of burning your hands when holding it?"

"Mr. Wan, I'm not anymore, save some money, and the officer will still need start-up funds in the future." Da Haidao said, "Is this the truth?"

Wan Kang thought about it, nodded and said, "You have to hold this money first, even if you need the start-up capital, it is not worse than this one hundred thousand. But if you have one hundred thousand, it is not the same, right? I think I didn't make any money, isn't there a guarantee?"

"There is no guarantee, if I want to have that idea, I am not a brother!" Da Dahai was very excited.

"I didn't say that you are not brothers enough. You helped me out without saying anything. If you are not brothers enough, you will definitely not be able to do it, but you don't have a wife and children in your family." Wan Kang said, "You can follow me. , But there must be an explanation for them, right?"

Pang Da Hai was so emotional that he couldn't speak for a long time, "Mr. Wan, no matter what happens in the future, just scream, I am not a person if I say nothing in Pang Da Hai!"

"Okay, you have to be loyal, but you must use loyalty when you speak specifically." Wan Kangdao, "the most loyalty is silent action, not shouting slogans."

"I'm sincere." Da Dahai seemed to be wronged.

"I didn't say that you are not sincere, because I know you, but if you change someone else, I think you are a professional shouting professional." Wankang said, "Dahai, you remember one sentence, and you depend on the person when you speak. Speaking lightly, saying more and less depending on who the other person is, it can’t be the same. I say this because of your personality. Don’t be like a straight gun regardless of the occasion. It seems lacking in content, you know."

"Hey, Mr. Wan, got it."

"Just know it." Wan Kang smiled, "Tomorrow you will rest at home and I will do something."