A Big Loser

Chapter 117: Shopping




Wankang woke up in the morning, and the yard had been jumping up and down, and the weather was good.

Walking into the stove, there was breakfast left in the cauldron, and Wan Kang came out to eat in twos or twos, and went out to look for Lin Xiaofang. Lin Xiaofang was washing clothes, her hands were flushed with cold.

"Let's go." Wan Kang leaned on the threshold with a cigarette in his mouth, alive and well.

"Wait, just have two more." Lin Xiaofang accelerated the speed of rubbing clothes.

"Isn't it cold?"

"Cold." Lin Xiaofang didn't look up, hula la washing her clothes, "then you have to wash it too."

After the clothes were washed, Wan Kang went to help twist them and let them dry.

"All right." Wan Kang said, "Hurry up."

"The pigs haven't been fed yet." Lin Xiaofang ran into the stove and carried a bucket of pig food.

"What time is this before feeding the pigs?"

"I fed it early in the morning, just a little bit less, now I'll make it up."

Looking at Lin Xiaofang’s busyness, Wankang suddenly felt a sense of steadfastness. A woman like this is called steadfastness. That’s why every time I think of Lin Xiaofang, I always feel warmth in my heart. Wankang didn’t understand it before. Why, I understand now.

Stopped a walking tractor at the head of the village and got on the shuttle bus in the town. Lin Xiaofang was very excited, as she could tell from the look in her eyes. "Xiaofang, let's buy a house in the city in the future. How about living in a building?" Wan Kang embraced Lin Xiaofang, "Buy a big house."

"Okay!" Lin Xiaofang couldn't hide the joy in his face, "but that will take a long time."


"Grandpa, grandma, and dad are at home."

"Let's take it together." Wankang said, "No, let's buy two sets and let them also pass."

"They might not want to leave the village." Lin Xiaofang said, "When people are old, they don't want to go anywhere."

"Oh, it's too early to say that." Wan Kang said, "But I can't stay in the village. I have to do some things. I want to make a lot of money."

"It's okay, just go out, I'll be waiting for you at home!" Lin Xiaofang leaned her head on Wankang's shoulder, "Kangzi, in fact, you are outside all day, and I am reluctant. There are many beautiful women outside."

"No matter how much and no matter how beautiful it is, it's useless, I'm just you a wife." Wan Kang said not very powerfully.

Lin Xiaofang stretched out his arm and hugged Wan Kang tightly.

Wan Kang's heart trembled, and he felt that he suddenly rose up, "Xiaofang, don't worry, I won't be sorry for you!"

The shuttle bus entered the station, and Pang Dahai and Lin Daqiang were waiting at the exit.

When Lin Daqiang saw Lin Xiaofang, he greeted him with a smile, "Sister!"

Lin Xiaofang's heart warmed, tears rolled in her eyes, "Daqiang, are you homesick?"

"Hehe, think about it." Lin Daqiang smiled brightly, "but it's good to be outside, Kang said. It's good to earn a few years outside and then go home and marry a wife."

"Yeah, good." Lin Xiaofang raised his hand to touch Lin Daqiang's ears, "Be careful when you work later, don't hurt."

"It's okay, it's okay." Lin Daqiang smiled. Looking at Lin Daqiang's intention to continue, Wan Kang interrupted quickly, "Okay, let's walk around the county and talk."

Next to Pang Da Hai also said, "Get in the car!"

Lin Xiaofang didn't believe that Wankang bought the car, and Wankang didn't explain much. There are some things that Lin Xiaofang doesn't need to understand.

Wankang asked Pangdahai to go to the mall first, buying two fully automatic washing machines, two large LCD color TVs, and a brand new electric bicycle. "I put a washing machine and a TV in the same house. You can ride an electric car. You will learn a driver's license and buy a car for you!" Wan Kangdao, "Also, in the future, you can buy anything you need!

Lin Xiaofang's heart was beating fiercely, even a little flustered, she felt that she was suddenly rich, and like a princess. "No, not so many." Lin Xiaofang said, "One washing machine is enough, and one for two houses is enough."

"That's enough, one side is more convenient." Wankang said, "Go back and pay my dad immediately, push the old house and build a two-story building, then the refrigerator, air conditioner, etc. will be all added!"

Lin Xiaofang was just like dreaming, she really couldn't believe what Wan Kang said. "Kangzi, you, what are you doing outside?" Lin Xiaofang couldn't help but asked, "You didn't do anything bad, right?"

"How can it be." Wan Kang said, "Do you think I'm like a bad guy."

"Then why do you have so much money?"

"What, you, according to you, rich people do bad things?"

Lin Xiaofang lowered her head, "I felt it was too sudden, very unexpected, I didn't even dream of it."

"Heh, where is this?" Pang Dahai smiled, "In another year or two, then you will be more surprised if you watch it again!"

Lin Xiaofang stopped speaking and looked up at Wan Kang. Everything came too suddenly, without any psychological preparation, she really couldn't imagine what her own man was. "Kangzi, why do I suddenly think you are strange?" Lin Xiaofang asked in a low voice.

"Do you feel that I am mysterious?" Wan Kang shook his eyebrows and grinned.

"Yes, right." Lin Xiaofang was a little flustered.

"Don't think about it." Wankang said, "I happened to help a big money in the city. He thanked me and introduced me some small projects. I found some people to do a few and made some money. That's it. "


"Why do you lie to you?" Wankang said, "Now I am about to set up a company, and then I will continue to make money and make a lot of money!"

"Kangzi, you, you have a lot of money, don't you want me?"

"Are you stupid?" Wan Kang frowned, "What are you talking about?"

"I'm not stupid, I just said what I thought."

"How is it possible?" Wan Kang covered Lin Xiaofang's shoulders, "There is only one daughter-in-law, Lin Xiaofang!"

Wankang took Lin Xiaofang to the clothing store and bought a down jacket. After that, Wankang took a fancy to a mink fur coat and wanted to buy it again. Lin Xiaofang looked at the price of more than 30,000, so why didn't he want to buy it? . Wan Kang did not listen, and Lin Xiaofang cried.

"It's useless, why are you crying!" Wan Kang was a little angry. Lin Xiaofang held Wan Kang's arm, wiped her tears, and said nothing. Wankang sighed, "Well, don't buy it."

I didn't buy leather clothes, but nothing else. I bought several sets of sweaters, underwear, pants, and shoes. Lin Xiaofang wanted to say no, but Wan Kang stared so hard to speak.

In the end, Wankang bought a mobile phone for Lin Xiaofang again, "It's all right now, just call me if I have anything to do, and I can call if you want."

Lin Xiaofang was holding the phone, her palms sweating.

Washing machines, color TVs, and electric cars are too big to fit in the trunk, so I rented a small truck. Wan Kang sat in the car and led the way. Now he didn't want the villagers to say anything. Anyway, he had already told the village chief that he was engaged in social practice. When the village chief speaks out, he will have authority, and others will not talk nonsense.

When Wan Kang was about to leave, Lin Xiaofang yelled him aside, and took out the 10,000 yuan that he covered warmly, "Kangzi, you can take this money with you. There are more places to do things outside."

"It's not bad to use money." Wankang pushed the money back, "I will buy more delicious food and drink for the old people. They have worked hard for a lifetime, and it's time to enjoy it."

Lin Xiaofang bit her lip and nodded.