A Big Loser

Chapter 120: Kill two birds with one stone



Kill two birds with one stone

Xiao Guang said that the chairman of Lihua Company is Hou Jianbo's brother-in-law, or his dear. Wankang was really surprised, "There is still this thing, why did you not hear the wind? After all, I also know a few people at Lihua Company."

"That's a secret." Xiao Guang said, "That is, I was planning something with you, so I let you know. Even Xiao Ming didn't know about this. It was my own brother and I didn't tell him."

"No wonder, Hou Jianbo seems to be very embarrassed, so he has so much confidence."

"Why do I bother to collect some powerful evidence?" Xiao Guang said, "It doesn't work at all. Only when his brother-in-law feels that Hou Jianbo is an out-and-out black sheep can he achieve the goal. ."

"The difficulty is not small." Wankang meditated. He remembered that Hou Jianbo had told him that he was quite sure that he could give him the job. In other words, just starting from him is not enough to get it. Strong evidence.

"Of course it won't be that easy." Xiao Guang said, "I have to admit that I am not his opponent for purely playing ghost tricks."

"It seems that I heard that the three of you had a good relationship before?"

"What is good, let's use each other." Xiao Guang said, "It's like that in the business field. You are friends with everyone, but you are enemies with everyone. Otherwise, Hou Jianbo will use you to play tricks on Qi Yao?"

"It's really good." Wan Kang nodded, "I can't say such things. I don't have that high level of thinking."

"Don't be humble, what kind of person are you, I can still watch one or two." Xiao Guang said, "Why can I tell you so much?"

"Mr Xiao believes in me." Wan Kang said, "I try to dig out some evidence from Hou Jianbo. If it doesn't work, I will think of other ways."

"Okay, keep in touch secretly."

During this conversation with Xiao Guang, Wan Kang's heart was ups and downs. He really did not expect Hou Jianbo to hide so deeply, a guy who cannibalize people without spitting out bones!

When Wan Kang saw Hou Jianbo again, he looked like a ghost in human skin.

The psychological contrast is extremely high, and the expression cannot be completely concealed. Although Wan Kang tried to conceal it, Hou Jianbo still noticed something.

"Wang Kang, it seems to be restless, what's the matter?" Hou Jianbo asked.

Powerless denial is stupid. Wankang will not do that. "Yes, there is something, but I am embarrassed to say it because I feel that I am insatiable."

"Oh, there is greed?" Hou Jianbo laughed, "It is not necessarily a bad thing. Only when there is greed, there will be inexhaustible motivation, so that you will always have a full spirit to fight!"

"But I am so greedy that it makes people angry."

"Why is it so greedy that it makes people angry?"

"Mr. Hou, why did you say that you all work for Lihua Company, how do you think about that?" Wankang lowered his voice, "We are working together inside and out, and we continue to collect some money, what's the matter?" Wankang said. It was intentional, he wanted to see Hou Jianbo's reaction.

"That's it." Hou Jianbo condensed, "I'm afraid it's not so good."

"What's wrong?" Wan Kang smiled, "Except for you and me, I don't know what to do, what's wrong?"

"How much do you want?"

"How many companies does Lihua have?"

"Oh!" Hou Jianbo smiled angrily, "Your kid is really a bit greedy, do you want to eat Lihua Company?"

"As long as it is possible, why not?"

"Too ruthless, really hateful!" Hou Jianbo laughed haha, "It's good to be ambitious, but it must be realistic. Do you think that with the strength of the two of us, how much trouble do you think?"

"It's just a joke." Wankang also laughed, "but it shouldn't be a problem for us to spend tens of millions. The assets of this Lihua company, if not to mention, can be hundreds of billions. What is the capital flow in a year? It’s not impossible for us to get tens of millions."

"There is no impermeable wall." Hou Jianbo said, "If something goes wrong, wouldn't it be a whole life? Take your time, don't think of being a fat man in one bite."

"Risk and reward go hand in hand." Wankang said tremblingly, "You don't understand this."

"That also depends on whether it's worth it." Hou Jianbo said, "We have been able to achieve our goals in a few years. Why should we rush for success and take the risk? Is it worth it?"

"Are you afraid that Xiao Ming will play tricks?" Wan Kang said, "How about I shovel him?"

"How to shovel?"

"Squeeze him out completely, no matter what method is used." Wan Kang said, "both positive and non-positive tricks are used, I don't believe him, Xiao Ming doesn't know he is afraid of death!"

"You have to deal with Xiao Ming, I really don't have much to say." Hou Jianbo said, "From your point of view, if you deal with Xiao Ming, it is definitely good for you, but from my point of view, it is not very good. , After all, my relationship with Xiao Guang is still there. His brother has something wrong with the company, how can I explain it? A dilemma."

"Mr. Hou, I don't know if I should say something inappropriate?"


"In my opinion, Xiao Guang didn't treat you as a friend." Wan Kangdao, "Didn't I tell you, Xiao Ming wrote an anonymous letter, and his sinister intentions are visible. Not only can I take care of me, but also It may also involve you. It stands to reason that Xiao Guang should understand this matter, and perhaps it was he who instigated it, otherwise, with Xiao Ming's head alone, he might be able to do such a thing."

"I don't judge Xiao Guang." Hou Jianbo bit his teeth hard while Wan Kang lowered his head.

"Understand, because you haven't regarded me as a trustworthy friend." Wan Kang smiled, "Mr. Hou, do you have such a friend?"

"Why did you ask so?"

"I think you are hiding too deeply." Wan Kang said jokingly, "No one can see through you."

"You are running on me." Hou Jianbo laughed. "You live a lifetime. Don't harm others, but you can't be harmed by others."

"How tired you are." Wan Kang chuckled, "but tired is tired, and it works. Unlike me, I never watch out for people, but the disadvantages are also obvious. It is easy to be used, but I don't notice it at all. Still happy and contented."

"You are kidding." Hou Jianbo said, "Who can use you, that would be surprising."

"Hey, I think so too." Wan Kang shook his eyebrows, "Hou President, didn't you just say something, there is no airtight wall, there will always be conspiracies and tricks. I am not the kind that can bear. People, if I know the truth, I will retaliate frantically and use ten times, a hundred times more cruelty to dispel hatred!"

Hou Jianbo's face sank, he lighted a cigarette, hesitated for a while, "Xiao Guang found you?"

"Why ask?"

"Your performance is extremely abnormal." Hou Jianbo said.

Wan Kang admitted that when he spoke just now, his heart was enough to pounce on Hou Jianbo and tear Hou Jianbo in half. "I behaved abnormally, has something to do with Xiao Guang?" Wan Kang also closed his smiling face.

"Well, since you said that, then I will open my heart and have a good talk with you." Hou Jianbo stood up slowly, pacing, "You said that I am very defensive and don't let others see through, don't you?"

"I'm not."

"You denied it, you are dishonest." Hou Jianbo said, "Although you didn't say something, I know."

"What's the matter?"

"A big deal." Hou Jianbo said, "Why don't you tell me what happened between you and Qi Yao? You hurt him."

"I hurt Qi Yao?" Wan Kang frowned, "How would you know?"

"How would I know, because there is a *** in it!" Hou Jianbo said, "I didn't want to interject this matter, but I think you can't see clearly in some places. Why did I say Xiao Guang I've been to you, don't you think there is a problem in it?"

"Mr. Hou, let's be honest, I'm really not good at guessing puzzles."

"Presumably you already know the relationship between me and Xiao Guang and Qi Yao, Xiao Guang must have told you." Hou Jianbo said, "Xiao Guang has a hatred for me and Qi Yao."

"Does hate have something to do with me?"

"You are his gun."

"I was used by Xiao Guang as a gun?"

"You were used by guns on the spot. It is also accidental." Hou Jianbo said, "Because of your accidental grievances with Xiao Ming, Xiao Guang gradually understood you. He felt that you should be an absolutely capable person, so he wanted to use you to achieve his purpose."

"What's his purpose?"

"Two birds with one stone." Hou Jianbo said, "The person he hurt you was to blame Qi Yao on the spot, let you mutilate Qi Yao, and at the same time secretly frame the blame on me, and find a plausible opportunity to tell you that it is I did it, and then use you to do me too."

Wankang almost fainted. Xiao Guang and Hou Jianbo have almost the same caliber, and both point the finger at each other. Who is the real one? Who wants to kill two birds with one stone? But there is no doubt that he was really taken advantage of, and he really provoke Qi Yao.

A panic swept across his mind, and Wan Kang sighed secretly. He didn’t want Hou Jianbo and Xiao Guang to be the real one. As long as anyone could keep him safe on Qi Yao’s side, he would be on his side, because he I really don't dare to provoke Qi Yao now, otherwise he won't be okay in the future, he doesn't have the strength to compete with Qi Yao. Also, many people will be disappointed, especially Luo Ying.

"Mr. Hou, Xiao Guang said the same thing to me. He said that everything was planned by you." Wan Kang took a deep breath, "To be honest, I don't know which of you is right, and now I am too I don't want to know, I just want to confirm, who can keep me safe on Qi Yao's side."

"Why, are you afraid of Qi Yao too?"

"I'm afraid I can't talk about it." Wan Kang said, "If it really forced me to a certain level, I'm afraid of him? It's just that I think it would be better if I go the other way. You see, now I have my own establishment. Company, make some money, isn’t it a good idea to live a happy life? Why do you have to fight with Qi Yao?"

"You can tell me about this, it's good." Hou Jianbo said, "Now I can't say that I'm telling the truth, because I can't prove it, so I can't advertise myself, but there is one thing you have to know, and it's me. For Xiao Guang's evaluation, he is a conspirator."

"Oh, no wonder Xiao Ming finds some work in the company from time to time. It seems that he deliberately inserted the eyeliner." Wan Kang said so, trying to stabilize Hou Jianbo, although he is not sure that Hou Jianbo is innocent.

"Yes, but it's a pity." Hou Jianbo smiled, "Xiao Guang didn't make things clear to Xiao Ming at all, plus Xiao Ming is a confused melon seed, so he hardly played an eyeliner effect."

"Well, fortunately this is the case." Wankang said, "Fortunately, Mr. Hou, you have a strong insight. You can see that something is wrong with me, and you have analyzed the matter for me. Otherwise, I'm so confused and don't know what to do. What's wrong!"

"Don't talk about that." Hou Jianbo smiled, "Actually, I didn't want to tell you about those things. As long as Xiao Guang is enough, everyone can get by, so I won't say anything, but he is too forceful."

"I can't tolerate that kind of people too much." Wan Kang said, "But I'm worried, if Xiao Guang's villain first sue, what if Qi Yao believes him?"

"He can't have evidence." Hou Jianbo said, "Although Qi Yao is not a good-headed person, he is not a fool, and he will have some trade-offs."

"Qi Yao may be able to weigh with you, but it's different for me." Wan Kangdao, "I have had wickedness with him before, and he also found someone to attack me. The festival was very deep, so he would not I weigh it and I will definitely be merciless to me."

"I told Qi Yao about that, it should work."

"Mr. Hou, you care about me so much, I really didn't go there deliberately." Wankang paused, "I can't return it."

Hou Jianbo smiled, "Wang Kang, I think you are a craftsman. I want to support you. Can I take care of you? I look forward to your return. I will look after you when you are bigger than me. Take care of me!"

"Hey, Mr. Hou, you really value me too much!" Wan Kang touched the back of his head, seemingly embarrassed.

"I think people have always been very accurate. Determine the goal and do it!"

The conversation with Hou Jianbo was really unexpected, and Wankang did not expect this result. Wankang felt that he should meet Xiao Guang again and verify the matter again, and perhaps there will be new discoveries.