A Big Loser

Chapter 121: Gun




The opportunity to meet Xiao Guang will never be gone.

Two days after Xiao Guang's disappearance, he was found lying naked in his car in the wilderness. Several used sets on the seats. After the test, the contents of the sleeve belonged to Xiao Guang himself.

Officially, collapse caused death.

Upon hearing this, Wan Kang had a foreboding the seriousness of the matter. Xiao Guang told him so many inside stories that he felt Xiao Guang's sophistication and sophisticated, but he didn't expect that before he had time to envy him, Xiao Guang was dealt with without a trace.

I didn't intend to tell Luo Ying about these things, but now I am desperate, Wan Kang knocked on the door of Luo Ying's house and talked about this series of things restlessly.

"Sister Luo, according to my inference, Hou Jianbo is the one who really kills two birds with one stone."

"should be."

"But Xiao Guangye knows so clearly?"

"Xiao Guang and Hou Jianbo are fighting in secret. The two are always watching each other's actions. Xiao Guang can guess it. It's normal." Luo Ying said, "From a certain perspective, you are a complete one. They are all outsiders, so it is surprising that Xiao Guang knows these things."

"Damn, what's the matter, why I'm so unlucky." Wan Kang sighed, "It's time to meet."

"Actually, it's not accidental." Luo Ying said, "Everything that seems normal is not normal, and there are true and false in it, and it is natural that you can't notice it."

"You mean, everything is arranged?" Wan Kang looked at Luo Ying dumbly.

"At least from the time you set foot in Lihua Real Estate Company, you came into his sight by accident, and then you were selected as a good gun, and he began to arrange it." Luo Yingdao.

"Hou Jianbo is a dog, I am a good gun, take the gun to fuck his mother!" Wan Kang gritted his teeth and stood up abruptly, "I want him to look good! Nothing else, just Lao Shi and Da Strengthening the account is enough for Hou Jianbo to endure it!"

"I can give you a gun now, can you go and blow his head to blossom, okay?" Luo Ying looked at Wan Kang quietly.

Wan Kang slowly lowered his head and sat down, "Sister Luo, I'm sorry, I'm impulsive."

"It's not good for young people not to be impulsive, but before you really want to act, you should calm down." Luo Ying pushed the water cup in front of Wankang, "You can sit down quietly, it means you have done it, not bad."

"Then what should I do?" Wan Kang said, "I can't watch Hou Jianbo so freely."

"Your key goal now is not Hou Jianbo, but Qi Yao." Luo Ying said, "First, solve the matter on Qi Yao's side properly, and then you can turn your head to deal with Hou Jianbo. Moreover, I always feel that Hou Jianbo kills two birds with one stone. It doesn't seem to be that simple."

"What else can there be?" Wan Kang said, "It's nothing more than the grievances between the three of them. Now he is alone, Hou Jianbo."

"Hou Jianbo used Qi Yao to get rid of Xiao Guang, it's nothing." Luo Ying said, "But using you to consume Qi Yao, there seems to be a hidden secret behind it."

"What's the matter?"

"I haven't figured it out yet." Luo Ying said, "Xiao Guang also told you that only a few people know that the boss of Lihua Company is Hou Jianbo's brother-in-law, but that's only in name, and it's not actually that."

"Anyone else?"

"It's Hou Jianbo himself." Luo Ying said, "Some of the company's decisions are secretly passed on to his brother-in-law, and his brother-in-law will give orders, and his brother-in-law usually telexes and doesn't come forward directly."

"Oh! That's really strange!"

"What we have to figure out now is who on earth is Hou Jianbo?" Luo Ying said, "you must figure out his identity, maybe you can see the clues."

"Don't even Xiao Guang and Qi Yao know?" Wan Kang said, "Isn't the relationship between the three of them unusual?"

"What's the matter?" Luo Ying said, "They didn't grow up, they met on the way, and no one had a sincere heart. How much can they know?"

Wan Kang nodded and let others recommend him. How much does he know about Luo Ying? Shen Ning for a while, then suddenly asked: "Sister Luo, who are you then?"

"Me?" Luo Ying didn't expect Wankang to ask this question suddenly, was stunned for a moment, and then laughed, "Why do you remember asking this?"

"I have always wanted to ask." Wan Kang said, "From when I gave you Simmons, I wanted to know who you are. Until later I really knew you and I asked you so much for help. I always wanted to ask if you were Who. You are so mysterious to me that I totally admire."

"Exaggerate." Luo Ying smiled, "Do you think you might also be used by me, and that's my gun?"

Luo Ying's blunt words made Wan Kang embarrassed, "No, no, sister Luo, I didn't mean that, but I just want to know more about you, otherwise I feel you are not real."

"Then what do you want to know about me?"

"I think you are the only one in your house?"

"I have a husband, he is abroad, and I haven't returned for several years." Luo Ying said quietly, "and there is no phone, no email, no contact."

"he died?"

"Are you cursing him?"

"Yes." Wan Kang nodded, "As a man, how can you bear it?"

"Heh." Luo Ying shook her head and smiled, Wan Kang saw the fragility in her eyes, but it was only a moment. After Luo Ying laughed, she fixedly looked at Wan Kang and asked, "What else do you want to know?"

"No." Wan Kang shook his head, "Perhaps it is better to be more mysterious, just let me surrender to your feet."

"It's not good to say that." Luo Ying said, "Men should have some spirit."

"I have." Wankang said, "But when it comes to you, it disappears. Maybe this is destined. I must owe you in my previous life, so in this life I let you surrender me."

Luo Ying stood up, walked to the side of Wankang, stretched out his hand to hold Wankang's head, and gently stroked his hair, "Wangkang, if you really are my gun, then I also love guns like my life."

Wan Kang raised his arms and hugged Luo Ying's hips and legs, "Sister Luo, don't say anything. In my whole life, even if I make a gun, I will only be your gun willingly."

Silence is also a form of communication. Standing and sitting, hugging and speechless.

A few minutes later, Luo Ying released her hand and Wan Kang also put down her arms.

"Wangkang, I don't want to leave you mysterious." Luo Ying said, "That puts me under a lot of pressure."

"Why do you say that?"

"People say mystery is always associated with the powerful force behind it." Luo Ying hugged her arms and slowly walked to the window sill, "And I don't, I'm afraid that one day I will disappoint you."

"No, because I didn't think about borrowing your mysterious and powerful power." Wan Kang said, "What I have for you is just a man's fascination with a mysterious woman."

"I don't want to talk about the past, maybe it makes you feel mysterious." Luo Ying said, "If it is, it is just a disguise of a weak woman."

"Since you said that, I am not easy to ask your past." Wan Kangdao, "but I can guess that your past is extraordinary."

"I can't talk about it." Luo Ying said, "As far as I'm concerned, it's just a few friends who are more confused."

"Then, is your husband extraordinary?"

"Can I not answer?"

"Yes." Wankang said, "Actually you have already answered."

Luo Ying smiled, "Can you change the subject?"

"No problem at all." Wan Kang chuckled, "Sister Luo, find something to do, or do you have some meat porridge to drink today?"

"This matter?"





"A word is settled!"

"Are you so excited?"

"Hey." Wankang touched his head, "What do you mean by the word'change the day'?"

"Another day?"

"No, no." Wan Kang shook his head, "I understand it as the three words'change into day'!"

Luo Ying frowned slowly and thought about it, and then started again, "Haha, Wankang, have you used all your brainpower on this?"

Wan Kang had closed his eyes and imagined stepping forward to hug Luo Ying and walked towards the bedroom. Luo Ying twisted his back slightly and then drew the heavy curtains, like the night. Luo Ying likes to do it in the dark...

"Wangkang, tired?" Luo Ying interrupted Wankang's Man thought.

"No, I want to go into the bedroom with you." Wan Kang looked directly at Luo Ying.

Luo Ying didn't have any waves, and smiled faintly, "There are some things, one time is enough."

"At least three things," Wan Kang said eagerly.

"Well, let's put this aside in advance, let's talk about something else." Luo Ying said, "What are your plans for the next step?"

"Oh." Wan Kang sighed. Regarding this matter, he knew that he could not insist, and he should return to business. "The road construction of the Transportation Bureau is fine. As you said, now we have to consider how to deal with Qi Yao, maybe he is thinking about it. What method should I use to torture me the most to relieve my hatred."

"This time, if you don't do the road construction work, let's not do it." Luo Ying said, "There will be more similar opportunities in the future. I originally wanted you to exercise more."

"Until Qi Yao and Hou Jianbo's problems are resolved, I don't think I will be able to do anything."

"Yes, you have to face it, solve them one by one, don't think about avoiding, you can hide for a while, but you can't hide for a lifetime."

"I won't run away, but it's strange to you to say Luo Jie, I feel that I am a thousand miles away from Qi Yao, where can I pinch him seriously?" Wan Kang said, "Then Hou Jianbo is true His mother was blind and picked me to make such an important chess piece. Isn't that killing my life."

"It's hard to say this thing, as long as you have ruthlessness and ability." Luo Ying said, "Hou Jianbo may just like your ruthlessness and ability."

"That dog, he is cruel enough!" Wan Kang couldn't help cursing.

"Don't move his anger first." Luo Ying said, "Now the key is you and Qi Yao. This may be the biggest test of your life."

"I will do my best."

"It's not difficult to beat Qi Yao." Luo Ying said, "I am worried about the Qi family group. His brother Qi Hui is the controller of the group. He started his business by smuggling in his early years. Many officials in the city have trouble with him. Later, he used these relationships to enter the catering and entertainment industry. He was successful, especially in the entertainment area. Several large entertainment venues connected to Hong Kong were all eaten by him. In the past two years, it seems to have been to Japan to test the waters in the catering industry. It’s said to be very good. Tens of millions of renminbi have been invested in, which is evident."

"Tossing immortal, can bear people!" Wan Kang said, "It seems that Qi Yao's little goods are not as good as his brother's heels."

"Qi Yao is just a guise, the front desk supports the face, the real ability is much worse than Qi Hui." Luo Ying said, "So Qi Yao is not difficult to deal with, the key is Qi Hui."

"How do you feel that I have become a character?" Wan Kang chuckled and sighed, "Isn't this driving me toward the road of absolute destiny."

"The so-called "survival from desperate situation" may be like this." Luo Ying said, "I think it's best for you to talk to Qi Yao."


"Do you still want to fight and kill?"

Since Luo Ying said so, Wankang knew that it was not optional. "Sister Luo, it's not that I want to fight and kill, but Qi Yao wants to do that." Wan Kang said, "Am I waiting to die?"

"There are many ways to fight back and attack." Luo Ying said, "You can be extremely powerful and kill all quarters. However, it is the superior who controls the situation with intelligence. The so-called invincibility of the wise is the reason."

Wan Kang closed his eyes and pondered Luo Ying's words, before opening his eyes after a long time, "Sister Luo, you mean, I asked Qi Yao to be frank and open and negotiate, saying that someone designed to blame?"

"Yes, especially pay attention. You must not admit that you blinded him. That is the premise of peace talks."

"I know." Wan Kang nodded, "With Qi Yao's character, he will not forgive anyone who blinds him."

"Of course, we must also be prepared for the failure of the peace talks." Luo Ying said, "For safety, Shi Gengyu and Lin Daqiang, these two people have to be transferred, and it is best to let them leave Huanhong." Luo Ying finished speaking and walked into the bedroom and took out. One thing, "This is for you."

A pistol, the size of a palm.