A Big Loser

Chapter 122: Villa




Wankang asked Pangdahai to send Shi Gengyu and Lin Daqiang to Nanshuang County and settle down.

"President Wan, it seems that this time the matter is very serious." Da Dahai was a little panicked when he came back, "It's nothing serious, just in case."

"That's good." Da Haidao said, "Would you like to find someone to prepare some guys?"


"At least get a shotgun." Dahaidao said, "If you don't hurt people, you can defend yourself when it's critical."

"If it's passive enough, the shotgun won't work." Wan Kang said, "Don't live in this house, change a place, wait until I hear from me, and then come back. If you can't wait, then forget it."

"Then where are you going?"

"I'll take action tonight, and we will know the difference between success and failure." Wan Kangdao, "I'm not sure."

Not sure to make people highly vigilant.

That night, Wankang came to Shengting Hotel and looked for Leizitou. The skinny head and hands were completely scrapped, but Qi Yao still had a conscience, and he was still raising him so that he would be responsible for the order of the underground parking lot in the hotel.

When Leizitou saw Wankang, Wankang shook his eyebrows, which made Leizitou feel terrified. He had seen this expression, which meant this tyrannical.

"What are you doing!" Xiaozitou emboldened himself.

"Are you panicking?" Wan Kang chuckled, "Ask something, where does Qi Yao live tonight?"

"I do not know about this."

"No memory." Wan Kang said, "Your two feet are good, do you want to be the same as your hands? In that case, you are really useless."

"Don't mess around!" The scorpion head moved to the center of the probe, "There is surveillance, do you dare to move me?"

Wan Kang grinned and took out a pair of silk stockings, "It's not a problem to cover your head."

"I, I really don't know." The head of the Qizi said, "It might be okay before, but now I'm here, there is no news."

"There is always a way." Wankang said, "You have brought your little brother before. They are on it. You should know."

Knowing that he would not be able to avoid this, Leizitou sighed and said, "Let's take a look at Fenghua Villa, it should be there."

"Don't cover me?"

"Don't you say I dare?" The head of the scorpion said, "Qi Yao has just become a college student these days, he should be there to mess around. He gets women there to have fun."

"Specific directions."

"It's easy to find," said the head, "the easternmost row, and the second one in the south."

"What kind of protection is there?"

"The wolf dog, the security guard, there are surveillance on all sides of the fence." Lezi headed, "There are also two guys with him, who are unusually skilled."

"Is there a better way?"

The skinny thought for a while, "Yes, sometimes he will come out alone in the middle of the night."

"Oh, does he dare?"

"Send the woman back." The scorpion head said, "He never keeps a woman overnight, usually in the middle of the night. He will drive by himself when it is sent. He said that he likes the feeling of being secretly alone."

"It's a dog, perverted." Wan Kang snorted, "Okay, you did a good job of this. Don't wait for me to leave and do anything wrong, then you are not smart."

"I won't say anything nonsense." The skinny shook his head.

Wan Kang believes that Lepzitou didn't tell a lie, and he has no room for maneuver.

The Fenghua villa group belongs to the upper-class residential area in Huanhong City, and the largest scenic river in the city is adjacent to its east. Hidden in the large green belt by the river, you can clearly see Qi Yao's villa.

The first and second floors are all brightly lit. Wankang concluded that Qi Yao was here to have fun with the female college students, and waiting for the opportunity to appear shouldn't be a problem.

After squatting for a long time, Wan Kang couldn't stand it, so he quietly turned around the villa. He wanted to find a suitable place to enter and climbed directly into the second floor. This idea is not just thinking. Wankang feels that the protection of the villa will not be superb. After all, Qi Yao is just a rich man, and he is far from being vigilant at every moment. Of course, the most important thing is that there is a small slender window on the second floor, and there is no security window.

The security guard also had two entourages, who didn't care about them. They would definitely be paralyzed for a few days, but the wolf dog should pay attention to it. The thing is more loyal than people.

Throwing a few stones around the villa, the wolf dog just barked in the southwest corner.

The only thing left to be solved is infrared monitoring. Wankang went to the green belt and broke a large branch. The branch was used as a cover, and the two probes facing each other behind were covered with a bush.

The fence was not high, and Wan Kang jumped over it gently. It is not easy to climb to the second floor. There is almost nothing to hold on. There is only a drain pipe, just next to the small window. As long as the window is unlocked, you can go in. Wankang held the sewer pipe in both hands and swam up like a snake.

Fortunately, the small window is not locked. After Wan Kang entered, he squatted under the window sill without moving for a long time. He wanted to slowly blend into the new environment. After a while, the eyes adjusted to the very dim light, and Wankang began to observe. In fact, this is just a lane, which is not a room. There are several coils of rope on the wall, the thickness is suitable for hand grasping. Wan Kang thinks that this should be used by Qi Yao to escape. In case the door is not blocked, it should always be easy to escape, which is why the window is not locked. Not looking for the key temporarily also wastes time.

Turning back to the window, he reached out and touched it. As expected, there was a hook to tie the rope. Wan Kang smiled, took a roll of rope from the wall, tied it to the hook, and gently put the other end out of the window. It would be easier when he could go.

Since it is for emergency use, this lane should be indoors.

The end of the lane does not seem to be sealed with a door, it is just a whole board without a handle. Pulling is not easy to pull. Where there is no effort, Wankang pushed it a bit, but did not push it again. It was OK.

The plank was pushed open a gap, I took a look, and next to it was a bookshelf. He kept pushing until he came out, Wan Kang could see clearly that this was the study room, and the wooden board he pushed away was actually a piece of the bookshelf.

"Qi Yao of the dog day is still arty, set up a study?" Wan Kang thought, turning around and gently covering the secret door.

After listening at the door, there was no movement outside. Pull it away gently, it's the living room.

Standing in the living room, you can hear faint laughter in the east bedroom. The bedroom door was not locked, and Qi Yao didn't expect someone to come in at this time.

Presented in front of Wankang were two naked bodies.

The girl screamed, but Wan Kang was not worried about attracting the entourage and security guard downstairs. This kind of voice would be mistaken for Qi Yao's production on Xingtou.

After Qi Yao panicked, he was calm and slapped the girl into a stun.

"If you haven't guessed too much, you're Wankang?" Qi Yao said it was a guess. Actually, he already knew that although he had never seen a photo of Wankang, he could recognize it.

"Put on your clothes and come out and talk." Wan Kang leaned against the bedroom door, watching Qi Yao pull a piece of pajamas and put it on.

When he came to the living room, Qi Yao lit a cigarette, "You are so courageous."

"I know you are calculating how to fix me, so I came to you." Wan Kang said, "Because I don't want to be killed like Xiao Guang like Xiao Guang."

"It seems that you all understand." Qi Yao gradually recovered his domineering.

"Yes, I understand, you are a fool, and Hou Jianbo has been playing around!" Wan Kang had to focus on his words, and had to suppress Qi Yao's domineering, "You fucking don't know if you don't know?"

Qi Yao hadn't heard anyone scold him for many years, and he was still a little uncomfortable. Wankang took a look and quickly continued, "What's wrong, your words are harsh?"

Qi Yao looked at Wan Kang, a little unsure of what to do, he really didn't know how this guy got in, and how he would deal with him. "I'm very upset when you came in so presumptuously." Qi Yao could only say something so painlessly.

"It's good to be upset, I'm afraid that you won't even be upset then." Wankangdao, "I had a feast with you before, I admit, but that's all in the past. Now I have taken the right path and can make money, which is very good. , I am satisfied."

"Is this interesting?" Qi Yao sneered. "Come to talk to me specifically?"

Wan Kang saw Qi Yao put his right hand behind him, "Is there a gun behind him? Do you want to touch it?" Wan Kang took out the pistol Luo Ying gave him, "If you want to make a bad idea, I will kill you first! "

Qi Yao was taken aback for a moment, and slowly took out his hand, there really was a pistol in his hand. Qi Yao put the pistol on the coffee table, "Well, what do you want to do?"

"You can't be played by Hou Jianbo anymore." Wan Kang said meaningfully, "A series of things were planned by him."

"He planned?"

"Let me ask you first, what do you think of your relationship with Hou Jianbo?" Wan Kangdao, "seems like a friend, but don't you think he hates you deeply?"

Qi Yao was silent. Wan Kang continued, "As far as I know, Hou Jianbo hates you and Xiao Guang, because you and Xiao Guang used to cheat him a lot of money."

"That's not a pit, it's a cooperative share." Qi Yao said, "Hou Jianbo couldn't think of it."

"No matter what you say, it is Hou Jianbo who has a grudge against you two anyway." Wan Kangdao, "I finally felt that the time was right, so I started the plan."

"what's the plan?"

"Killing with a knife." Wankang said, "You come to grab my bid for the sewage pipe laying project. If it fails, that's the introduction."

"Tell me carefully."

"Thanks to that incident, Hou Jianbo sent someone to hurt two of me. One chopped his fingers and the other cut his ears. I mistakenly thought that you won the bid but didn't get revenge." Wan Kang said, "Hou Jianbo thought, that way I could do it. I will kill you and solve his major worry. But what he didn't expect is that I am not a person who can be used so easily, so he thought of another trick to hurt your left eye. Blame me."

Speaking of the left eye, Qi Yao was very excited, unable to suppress his anger. But after taking a deep breath of cigarettes, he calmed down again, "Hou Jianbo showed me a video."

"What video?"

"When I had an accident, you had been to Mansion Nine, and the time just coincided."

Wan Kang chuckled. From Qi Yao's words, it can be inferred that Hou Jianbo had been following him. He must have been secretly filmed when he went to Mansion No. 9 that day. At the critical moment, the reaction must be kept up. Wan Kang laughed and said, "This Hou Jianbo is too shameless. I have been to Mansion Nine many times, and I have asked Hou Jianbo to go there twice. I went to Mansion Nine that day, It was Hou Jianbo who asked me to go. He said that the owner of the mansion owed him 200,000, and the money was not much, but he was very shameless if he owed it, so he asked me to ask the boss for money. He also said that there was a man near the entrance of the mansion. Probe, to be safe, you should smash it first, and then go in."

"Have you really gone?" Qi Yao said, "Didn't you say that it will not be easily used?"