A Big Loser

Chapter 15: Justifiable defense


【015】 Justifiable Defense()

"Stop it, stop it, it's dead!" Shi Gengyu was the first to recover, ran over frantically and hugged Wankang again.

The lead delivery worker has passed out, and that face is no longer good.

"It's good to be killed!" Wan Kang held the wooden board, even if he was hugged by Shi Gengyu, he was still majestic.

"I beg you, don't fight anymore!" Shi Gengyu was frightened and tears. Wan Kang didn't care, broke his hand again, and turned to look at the delivery man who was stupidly standing by. When he saw the delivery man, he trembled and ran away.

"Mum, you still want to run?!" Wan Kang chased out, ten meters away, one jump, and he jumped onto the guy's shoulder.

He fell a dog and gnawed shit, but the guy was still sober, "Brother, don't hit me, or no one will wipe your ass!"

"Which ass?" Wan Kang stepped on the back of the delivery man.

"They were beaten like this by you. What should I do if you report the case?" The delivery worker who was stepped on by Wan Kang lamented, "The police will definitely have to deal with it when they arrive. You can't get rid of the relationship at that time. If the forensic medical appraisal is injured, even if it is minor Yes, you will be taken in, fines will be imposed, and stains will be left in your files."

Wankang listened to it, and pondered that it was really that. I just forgot all about it on a whim. If it was really like the delivery man said, it would be a little troublesome.

As soon as the delivery worker saw the results, he said again, "You can think about it. If you leave a stain, it will be a big loss. Whatever happens in the future will be a recidivist. Moreover, what kind of political trial or visa you want to go abroad? Affected!"

"Keep your mother's mouth!" Wankang squatted down and slapped the delivery worker on the back of the head. "You say so much, don't let you say it in vain. Let's do it, I won't beat you, you will treat them two obediently. Take it away, don’t call the police, or I’m sure to pull out all of your teeth!"

"If you don't call the police, you will definitely not call the police." The delivery worker nodded repeatedly, "I will push the tricycle immediately and drag them away."

Wankang looked back and found that the other two guys really couldn't walk, and one of them was still in a coma. "Go, I'll give you a few minutes. If you can't get the two away, you will fall down with you at that time!" Wankang said.

The lucky delivery man got up and stumbled away.

"It's a big trouble!" Shi Gengyu walked to Wankang in a panic, "Little Wankang, go quickly! I'll take it down if something happens."

"Where are you going?" Wan Kang chuckled, "Old Shi, it's okay, and that kid doesn't know how to play tricks."

"It's better to take precautions, what if he runs away and calls the police?" Shi Gengyu said.

Wan Kang shook his head, "I don't see the look in his eyes."

While speaking, the sound of police sirens came from a distance. Shi Gengyu's calf trembled, and he almost sat on the ground, "I'll just talk about it, I'm afraid of it, Xiao Wankang, you go quickly, I'll deal with it."

"What can you deal with." Wan Kang smiled, "The police are here, you point to the two people on the ground and say you did it, who believes it."

"Then you won't ruin it!" Shi Gengyu frowned.

"You crow mouth!" Wan Kang laughed and cursed, "I was bluffed by the kid who ran away just now because of impulsive IQ. I'm completely justified in defense and don't get in the way! I also want to be rewarded for righteousness and bravery!"

The police came, looked around, and walked straight towards Wankang and Shi Gengyu.

Wankang knew that he could not hide, so he took the initiative, and raised his hand to say hello, "Comrade policeman has worked hard, and the police are dispatched very quickly!" After finishing speaking, he pointed to the two delivery workers lying on the ground, "I don't blame me for this. Just for defense, someone can testify and get them to do it first. If I don't fight back, it might be worse than they are now!"

The police frowned upon hearing this.

It was not the delivery man who ran away who called the police, but the security guard of Mingxing Community.

Facing another "masterpiece" of Wankang, the attending policeman scratched his head, "This guy, it's not easy!" The taller policeman said, "Let's go, go to the place, and talk about it."

"What's the matter?" Wankang didn't understand yet, "I said, just for defense."

"The matter at the entrance of Mingxing Community is also a legitimate defense?" The tall policeman said sternly, "The surveillance video is very clear, it is your fault!"

"Ah!" Only then did Wankang become sober, it turned out to be the matter of Mingxing Community.

"Gangling?" The tall policeman tilted his head, "Get in the car."

"That was the thing they provoke me first." Wan Kang was willing to persuade me, "They bullied me first. I was out of anger before moving their hands."

"Anyway, I'll talk to the place!" The tall policeman couldn't bear it, and stepped forward to pull Wankang.

Shi Gengyu now knows a little bit about Wankang's temperament and ability. If he doesn't remind him in time, he may be attacked by the police, and it will really come to an end. Shi Gengyu stretched out his hand and pulled Wankang vigorously, "Little Wankang, listen to the police, and go to the police station to say it!"

Shi Gengyu's tugging, as well as the urgent look in his eyes, made Wan Kang calm down and sighed and got into the police car. A policeman was left at the scene and continued to investigate the delivery work. However, the tricycle drivers in Hou Street had done justice this time and unanimously proved that the delivery workers were beaten when they came to look for work. And the delivery worker who ran up in a panic while pushing a tricycle, also said that they were looking for something on their own, and the police on the spot simply took a note and left.