A Big Loser

Chapter 16: Luo Ying


【016】 Luo Ying()

When Wankang arrived at the police station, he did not cooperate with the police's inquiry and softly resisted. The police were very annoyed, but they were helpless. Of course, they didn't believe it more. Is a hairy boy really so powerful

"You did it alone?" the tall policeman asked.

"Isn't there a video at the entrance of Mingxing Community, is there a second person?"

"Little mouth is not forgiving!" The tall policeman shook his head, "What about the delivery worker?"

"It's me too."

"Very good." The tall policeman said, "Have you practiced?"

"No." Wan Kang shook his head, "What's the practice? What's the use of having a well-developed limbs and a simple mind in the end?"

"I know a lot of truth, but why can't I do things?" the tall policeman said, "name?"

Wankang does not answer, nothing. The police had a way. Shi Gengyu, who was brought in afterwards, was trembling in the next room, knowing that he should most say "don't know".

The police's divorce plan was useless. They told Wan Kang that Shi Gengyu had confessed, and now they are giving him a chance. It would be better to take the initiative to speak out.

"Ah, did you say all the old stuff?" Wan Kang pretended to be extremely surprised, "I said my name and age?"

The police nodded.

"Even my home address and my parents' names have also been said?" Wan Kang's eyes widened

The policeman nodded again and smiled triumphantly, "I can give up now, just say it quickly, and strive for leniency."

Wan Kang smiled in his heart, knowing that the police were lying to him because he had not told Shi Gengyu his home address, only that he was from Nanshuang County, let alone his parents' names.

"He said, let him say, the old hanging man has no spine!" Wan Kang lowered his head and smirked.

The police were dumbfounded, the situation took a turn for the worse, the situation changed too quickly, and the initiative suddenly changed positions.

"It seems that you don't want to fight for leniency." The policeman said, "Don't tell me?"

"Don't tell me." Wan Kang shook his head, "I'm right, what did I say?"

"It's not wrong, we will pay you back innocence." The policeman said.

"Then if you come to my house to investigate and cause a bad impact, can you make up for it later?" Wan Kang said, "Will you beat the gongs and drums to give me a reward for righteousness and bravery to justify my name?"

"Bullshit, pure bullshit." The police were annoyed.

"Oh, the police are swearing! The police are swearing!" Wan Kang excitedly pointed at the swearing policeman, making an exaggerated facial expression, "Don't tell, don't tell, just don't tell!"

The police are confused and a little worried. "Is this kid crazy?" A fat policeman said with concern, "If he is crazy, then we can't eat and walk around. As soon as the parents tell it, the child will go crazy when he enters the police station. Who of us can get off?"

"Do you want to report to the leader?" the tall policeman asked.

"I can't use it. Don't cause trouble to the leaders." The fat policeman said, "Let them go, and look for them when they need it. If you don't have a'crazy' storm, it will be really troublesome."

"No way." The tall policeman said, "When they ran away, where would they find it? Besides, I don't think this kid seems to be crazy at all. He's shrewd, just pretends, just shut down for fifteen. day!"

Closed for fifteen days, it's okay! Two fifteen days are enough, as long as you don't make things happen to the village, you can do whatever you want. It doesn't matter if Wan Kang holds this attitude.

However, the woman from Mingxing Community reappeared without closing.

The security called the police, and the police found the woman while investigating. It was the clue provided by the woman that allowed the police to find Wankang and Shi Gengyu at the street. Maybe she felt sorry for them, and came to help and say something.

When Wankang and Shi Gengyu walked out of the police station, they knew that the woman had helped.

"Oh, elder sister, you are so nice!" Wankang had some hippie smiles, "Next time there is something to be hauled, even if you find us, it is free, absolutely free!"

The woman smiled without teeth, nodded and said, "Well, that's a good idea."

Wan Kang tilted his head to look at Shi Gengyu, raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Old Shi, is my proposal okay?" Shi Gengyu was originally depressed for fifteen days of detention. After being rescued by a woman, he felt like he was pardoned by the emperor. , Don’t mention how great the gratitude is, of course it’s okay to say again and again, as long as he still kicks three rounds, he will keep going for free.

"Oh, eldest sister, you don't think it's easy to handle this matter." Wan Kang scratched the back of his head and looked at the woman's inadequate face, "I haven't bought a mobile phone yet, so it's not easy to connect, just in case. When you want to find us, I'm afraid you won't find it in a while."

The woman frowned and smiled: "Why, do you want me to buy you a mobile phone?"

"Oh, it's not that interesting!" Wan Kang waved his hand straight, "Sister, where do you want to go, you can't be so unkind, you get us out, it is already a great favor, how can you still let you Buy a mobile phone again? God doesn’t allow it! I mean, can you leave a number, me, I’ll buy a mobile phone in a few days, and send the number to your phone at that time, so you don’t have me Isn’t it convenient to find us to haul things at that time?"

"Oh, this is a good way." The woman nodded, took out a pen and a note from her bag, wrote down her mobile phone number, and signed it:

Luo Ying.