A Big Loser

Chapter 28: Evel


Xu Deliang rushed to the door, pushed open the glass side door of the hall, and rushed out.

Not far from the door, where the taxi lays down, a few young people are walking around Evel.

"After get off work, are you tired than tired?"

"It doesn't matter if you are tired. Carry forward the spirit of hard work and resentment, and then play with us?"

"Play with your mother!" Evelle replied loudly, raising her arm to block a hand that touched her chest.

"Hey, fuck, fucking pretend!" A young man with a teapot lid on his head haha, raised his hand and slapped Evel's neck.

"Five thousand times, just play if you can!" Eve's touched her neck that was so hot, "My mother will accompany you!"

"Five thousand?!" The lid of the teapot opened his eyes wide as if he had seen an alien. "You fucking made of pearl agate?" After he waved his hand, "Take her to me and look under her." What the hell does it look like!"

Several people grabbed Evel and rudely tore at her few clothes.

Evel screamed.

"It's really bad luck for the sun to die, why did this happen to me!" Xu Deliang jumped in a hurry at the entrance of the hall, but he couldn't get out of a nap, and some things couldn't be avoided. When he raised his foot to go down the stairs, he didn't forget to take out his cell phone and make a call, "Minister, quickly send someone to reinforce it. Someone kicks the field!"

Eve's over there has only a cover left on her upper body.

"Stop it!" Xu Deliang finally stood up bravely, "I have already called the police, don't mess around!"

"Call the police?" The teapot frowned, "Do you still know the rules?"

"There are no rules in my dictionary, only safe and sound!" Xu Deliang touched the rubber roller around his waist, "I'm on duty today, everybody, everyone looks good!"

"Fuck me." The teapot lid lowered his head and shook his head, sneered a few times, "How much do you count for a bad day? Give you face, where is our face?" After speaking, he slapped Xu Deliang and put on Xu Deliang The neat security helmet knocked over to the ground and rolled out a few meters away.

It's honor, and you can't slack off. Xu Deliang immediately ran to pick up his hat, but before his waist straightened up, the lid of the teapot greeted him, "Knock him up!"

How could Xu Deliang escape this battle? All of a sudden, his fist and club made him bloody.

"Set it up!" The lid of the teapot shook his head, and the two attendants, one from the left and the other, pulled Xu Deliang by the arm.

Before the teapot was closed, he unfastened the rubber roller on Xu Deliang's waist and shook it twice, "Fuck, it's Jinhao, the hardness is strong enough. Does this guy hit you on your head? Does it hurt?" Xu Deliang's forehead, "Boy, don't you still scream?"

Xu Deliang panted sharply, blood dripping from between his eyebrows. "As long as I still wear this suit, and as long as you fucking dare to make trouble, I'll be blaming you!" At this moment, Xu Deliang seemed to have changed, his eyes showed stubbornness.

"Fuck, it's righteous Lingran!" The teapot lid loosened Xu Deliang's forehead, "I was moved by you accidentally, like a man."

Before the words fell, the arm of the teapot cover holding the rubber roller was raised high and slammed towards Xu Deliang's shoulder.

With great strength, the rubber sticks arc in the air. With this stick down, Xu Deliang's shoulder blades are estimated to be shattered.

A figure appeared ghostly, flashing in front of the teapot lid with a cold breath.

The lid of the teapot felt his arms numb, and when he looked intently, the rubber stick in his hand was gone, and there was an able-looking guy beside him.


Teapot Gai was taken aback, but it didn't look like it looked like an ordinary person.


Wankang, who had been watching from the doorstep, felt that Xu Deliang was an interesting person after all, and he had been enthusiastic before. There was no reason not to help, even if it could not help much, because Wankang didn't know how much energy he had.

But in any case, the emergence of Wankang caused a sensation. Especially the young lady who timidly hid behind the glass door in the hall, her thoughts soaked in the flesh and money trade, was extremely shocked by Wan Kang's amazing coming forward, as if all of them felt that she was born in the era of great heroes.

Including Evel, the two men who had been in a mess in her eyes just now suddenly turned gorgeously, almost admiring her.

"Hey, brother, don't do things too terribly." Wan Kang carefully put the rubber stick under his feet, took out the cigarette and arched his waist and walked to the lid of the teapot, "Come on, smoke a cigarette, and discuss something. Why bother to fight."

The teapot lid has been guilty of his heart. Seeing Wan Kang come over so sullenly and softly, he was amused, "Fuck, it really frightened me, I thought it was an expert from the world!"

"A worldly expert?" Wan Kang chuckled, "That's a lie in the novel and TV series."

"Yes, that's the case." Teapot Gai smiled triumphantly, "Why, do you want to be nosy or do you want to be brave?"

"Nothing!" Wan Kang shook his head, "What's the point of fighting and killing, how good is He Shun Shun!" After Wan Kang finished speaking, he stretched out his fire. The lid of the teapot was not polite, stretched out his mouth and lit it, and sucked it comfortably.

Such a different performance by Wan Kang also made the ladies who had been in high spirits feel disappointed, and they felt that the hero had fallen. Eve's was also very surprised. Just now, a young man with a pear blossom pressing on a begonia suddenly turned into a solitary leaf on the ground.

"Okay, I'll give you a face, and somehow it shocked me." The teapot lid shook his head and spit out smoke, "Forget the smelly security guard, don't care about him, you just take it away."

Wan Kang turned his head to look at the desolate big-eyed girl Evel, and said to the teapot, "Where is she?"

"Don't think about her, she deserves to be touched today." Teapot said, "Brothers are all caught up in it too, take them home and be happy, with a warning, there is no guarantee for doing things in Jinhao!"

"The warning has been effective, and people will stay." Wan Kang smiled, "Who doesn't have a brother or sister, how can you be so messy?"

"Messy?" Teapot Gai snorted, "You are so stupid, look at you! Just stay as you are, don't let me be angry with you, otherwise you won't even let it go."

"Haha." Wan Kang himself lit a cigarette, he really didn't know what to do next. Maybe things are not absolutely wrong or right. There must be a choice as to how to do it, but now Wankang finds it difficult to choose.

"No!" Xu Deliang raised his head and looked at the lid of the teapot viciously, "Leave people behind!"

"Oh, really a tough guy." The teapot lid sneered, "It's OK to stay, but there are some things for you, and those stinky chickens in the hall to take a look and see!"

The teapot lid tilted their heads, and the two holding Evere immediately laughed slyly and tore Evere again.

The screams of horror, humiliation and furious resistance shook away immediately.

The chaos ended at the moment when the lid of the teapot flew out like a broken sack.

That is the dedication of Wankang.

Ten thousand antigens leaped up and curled up, kicked in an oblique position and exhausted all his strength, kicking on the chest of the teapot lid. The teapot lid flew out parallel and hit a commercial vehicle six meters away behind him with a loud "bang".

At this time, Wan Kang, like a fierce wolf standing alone on the wasteland, raised his head and screamed, and stepped forward with his shoulders sideways. Everyone was dumbfounded, watching Wan Kang grab the teapot lid by the ankle, drag him to the steps of the hotel entrance hall, then lift him high and throw him out.

The lid of the teapot was carried by his men and fled in embarrassment.

swift and fierce!

For the young lady hiding behind the glass door, it was the return of the hero. All of them came out to surround Wan Kang, and greeted Evel, "Evel, thank you for not coming!"

Putting on the clothes that had been torn off, Evel went to Wan Kang with big eyes flashing, her chest heaving deeply, "I can give it to you anytime!"

Wan Kang raised his eyelids, looked at Evel, who was a little taller than himself, looked down at her high heels, and straightened his waist.

The corner of Evel's mouth was slightly raised, and a dimple appeared. She saw Wan Kang's mind, and deliberately collapsed her waist and dropped a bit short.

"No." Wan Kang shook his head, turned and walked down the steps.

"Eh!" The ladies booed, but they were not malicious, just a laugh. Evre tilted her head and smiled, "Fucking dishonesty, I saw him upside down!"

Wan Kang ignored them and walked to Xu Deliang to look at his scalp. The taxi driver also leaned over, and the Hengrou driver looked embarrassed, "It's really shameless, I didn't dare to come up to help you."

"Why do you help?" Wan Kang smiled, "Doesn't the wife and children of the family still rely on you to support? If you provoke them and make you unable to rent out afterwards, who do you want to cry? It is estimated that many renters are about the same as you. It’s not that you’re uncomfortable to come out after you’re full, so someone will come to lie down in the future, and everyone will take care of it and don’t push others out."

The Hengrou driver was said to lower his head, "Brother, what you said, I will take it!"

The name of the little brother naturally sounds comfortable. The ladies at the back also learn, "Brother, how about our sisters asking you to have a supper?"

"Will it be done another day?" Wan Kang looked back at the some happy ladies, then turned to point to his smashed taxi, "My fucking car was smashed, I'm not in the mood."

"Super brother!"

"Brother Rental!"

"I'll come here every night at any point from now on, we will pack it up!"

The ladies chatted.

"Fart!" Xu Deliang touched the blood on his face, "I didn't have time to say it all night. I want to recommend it to the minister and recruit him to our security department!"

"That's better!" The ladies continued to jump for joy, "I will be a colleague from now on!"

"Fuck!" Xu Deliang groaned while touching his scalp, "Which dog would kick my scalp in leather shoes on a day."