A Big Loser

Chapter 37: Under the overpass


"Don't think that you can blind the past." The other party said, "The same sentence, ten minutes, start timing from now."

The phone then hangs up.

Wan Kang frowned slightly and opened the door.

The overpass in the eastern district has a span of at least two hundred meters. Underneath is the highway to be built. Today it is just a flat, unused site.

Wankang got out of the rental at a distance of three hundred meters and touched it carefully. He didn't know if the other party was in ambush, so he had better observe it in the dark.

The street lights on the overpass are very bright, and the light under the bridge is not weak. Three or four figures hovered under the tallest pillar, nothing else. Just when Wankang was about to show up, the mobile phone that was adjusted to vibrate suddenly broke out, which shocked him. "Mom, call me again." Wankang looked at the number and walked out with his mobile phone, "Come on!"

A few people walked over, the head of the scorpion was inside. One of them turned back, walked to the parked car, and turned on the headlights. Where the headlight illuminates, is the tied back Evel, she sits leaning on a pillar.

Wan Kang stepped forward and saw the blood oozing from the corner of Evel's mouth, flowing down to the lower jaw and lowered to the chest.

The clothes on the chest are messy, and the left chest is exposed, with clear fingerprints on it.

"I didn't say your phone number." Evel's eyes were firm.

"Stop talking." Wan Kang took off his jacket, covered Eve's body, and knelt down to untie the rope.

"Too anxious," said the head, "Don't understand the rules?"

Wan Kang stood up slowly, "One-on-one?"

"Of course." The skinny sneered, "but it's not me."

The skinny's head flashed over his body, and a capable man appeared. With the help of the car headlights, Wan Kang estimated that this person was around thirty-five years old. The spirit is sturdy, the eyes are divine, and the skin is dark, like sauced beef. Although there is no vigor for growth, it is full of energy.

"Sure enough, the hero was born a teenager." Ban Cun's voice was gloomy.

"Is your phone number just now?" Wankang was familiar with this voice.

"I never let anyone touch my phone."

Wan Kang breathed in secretly and had to adjust his breath. The appearance of Eveler just now made him confused. "Whose handprint is on her chest." Wan Kang was slightly calm and pointed to Evel.

"That's the next thing." Ban Cun had no expression on his face, "but you must beat me. If you lose, everything will be meaningless."

"Let her go first." Wan Kang looked at Evel, "This matter has nothing to do with her. The person you are looking for is me."

Ban Cun looked at Wan Kang and snapped his fingers at the head of the skinny man, "Let her go."

Eve's instinctively let out a cry of horror, in addition to pain, but also humiliation.

"Lipzitou, your mother gives birth to you a rotten seed, I will chop off your right hand!" Wan Kang's eyes were filled with anger.

"Young man, control your anger." Bancun set his feet apart, "Let's start."

Wan Kang returned his eyes and stared at Bancun. If it weren't for him, would there be these things now? Anger is unavoidable when young and vigorous. "Go to your mother's anger!" Wan Kang almost roared, "If it weren't for you, where would my anger come from!"

Before the sound fell, Wan Kang had already bounced, flying kick opened the way, and the whole person pierced Bancun's chest.

"Fast speed!" Bancun yelled, swiftly twisting his body to avoid it, and at the same time he sent a punch to the waist of Wan Kang.

Wankang has no fighting experience. The so-called master moves, avoiding and attacking is almost instantaneous. When avoiding defense, it must attack, and when attacking, it must think of avoiding defense. If Wankang is more experienced, it will easily avoid the punch of the board inch. However, Wankang relies only on speed and responsiveness, and it is reasonable to recruit dangers.

When Bancun’s punch rushed out with the force of breaking the bamboo, Wan Kang had a panoramic view. He stretched out his hand to press Bancun’s fist and clasped his five fingers tightly, trying to grasp Bancun’s wrist, and then threw it smoothly with the momentum of flying. Out. However, Ban Cun is not a muscular man. When his fist is pushed down and deviated and loses the target, he retracts in time.

Wan Kang grabbed a hole, but it didn't let the wind fall. This was considered a trick, and it was a tie.

After the two settled in shape, they were three meters apart.

"Don't fight, I'll give you money!" Evel, who took off the rope, ran over and shouted to Ban Cun, "I'll give you fifty thousand!"

A sneer at the corner of Bancun's mouth, his eyes did not leave Wankang.

"Evel, you go home!" Wan Kang looked solemn, and didn't even look at Eve. Left hand, but she understood that the strengths and weaknesses of today's matchup were obvious, and she couldn't resist the enemy. However, her remarks didn't work, and women couldn't participate in some things between men.

"If you want to chop off his right hand, pass my level first!" Ban Cun took the initiative this time, moving his footsteps left and right, floating towards Wankang.

No matter how fast the figure is, Wan Kang can see clearly. When the board is moving, he can defend with both hands and feet, and he can attack at any time, but he waits for a flaw, and then the thunder strikes instantly.

Wankang does not give Ban Cun a chance, point toes on the ground, dislocate and avoid like a rabbit, and prevent Ban Cun from getting close.

When the skills are the same, the fight is brute force. Ban Cun couldn't find the best time to attack, he suddenly slashed and slammed his fist towards Wan Kang's neck.

The attack speed of the limbs is much faster than the movement of the body. Wan Kang didn't plan to avoid this slab-inch punch, nor did he have his arm to block it.

Injury the enemy one thousand and self-defeating eight hundred, it is not unreasonable in the time of life and death. Wankang's upper body quickly stretched backwards, and at the same time stretched out the toes and pierced the base of the abdomen.

Ban Cun knew this trick was dangerous, and didn't dare to neglect it. But just like that, the effective distance of punches was reduced, and Wankang's body leaned backwards, and also missed the punches.

The fist flicked between Wan Kang's ears, whistling.

This is the second trick, and it's evenly divided.

There is no gap left at the beginning of the third move. Grasping the favorable situation is often the key to victory. Before the floating body of the board inch, Wan Kang categorically played out a chain of feet before it landed. This is a favorable opportunity!

Ban Cun couldn't hide from Wan Kang's flying feet, only his hands were continuously pressed to withstand the strength of Wan Kang's feet, and with this force, he leaped back in the air and landed on the ground. However, at the moment he landed, he bent his leg and kicked, and rushed towards the world like a whirlwind.

The turning point is changing rapidly, and the favorable opportunity of Wankang disappears.

Ban Cun's attack was not sharp, he just stretched out his hand and grabbed at Wan Kang. Avoiding it is easy for Wankang, but Wankang does not. He thinks that it will not be disadvantaged if you stick to the board. It happens to be a lot of money by taking advantage of the strength, just like throwing it with one hand that night. Like a muscular man.

Experience is combat effectiveness.

Unexpectedly, Wan Kang's stickiness with Bancun brought him an irreversible defeat. After Bancun stuck to Wankang's hand, it locked like a vise, and his body slammed into it like a cannonball.

There was no room for evasion. After Wankang realized that there was no possibility of taking advantage of the strength, the kicking attack had slowed down the beat, so he had to shrink his body to resist the impact of the board.

At the moment of impact, Ban Cun let go of thrust again. Under the huge impulse, Wankang floated out like a leaf, without self-control.

With a "bang" sound, dust splashed in the place of the fall. Wan Kanggang reluctantly opened his eyes, and the follow-up Bancun had already stepped on his throat.

The outcome has been divided.

Wan Kang exhaled a long breath with difficulty, and his tight body slowly relaxed.

"You lost." Ban Cun said coldly.

"I have a request." Wan Kang had difficulty breathing.

Bancun lifted his foot slightly, "Say."

"Let me chop off the right hand of the head first!" Wankang vomited the dust at the corner of his mouth.

"Do you think there is still capital to say this?"

"No." Wan Kang said, "but I still want to chop off the right hand of the head of the tiger!"

The dumbfounded scorpion head on the side, his face anxious, said to Ban Cun, "Guin Zhong Ke, do it now, what are you waiting for!"

The guest of Qianzhong, the nickname of Bancun, beat Qianzhong invincible.

"Qianzhongke, give me five minutes, I chopped off the right hand of the head, and then came back to lie down, and still let you step on it!" Wan Kang was very persistent.

"Why do you have to chop his right hand?" Qianzhongke frowned slightly, perhaps Wan Kang's insistence made him puzzled, "Is she your woman?" Qianzhongke pointed to Evel.

"No." Wan Kang said calmly, "She is not my woman."

"Then why bother?"

"His right hand tarnished the dignity of a woman." Wan Kang said, "Actually, if it is possible, maybe I will chop off one of your fingers, because you are an accomplice and should be punished."

"Hey." Qianzhongke sighed slightly, "How is it like when I was young. Young people, why don't we make a deal."

After breathing, the enthusiasm of Wan Kang, who was already determined, gradually receded, and fear came to his heart. He couldn't imagine how the world would be different if Qianzhongke crushed his throat with one foot? It's just a few people and it's too insignificant, so it's more economical to live on for a weak life.

"What deal?" Wankang replied.

"There are rules, and I can't be too bad. The head of the tiger is with me. You can't chop his hands." Qianzhong said, "Of course, I won't be embarrassed with you." Qianzhong said, Turning back to the skinny man, "You go back first and tell your boss that I can't buy this young man's legs. I don't want the 200,000 yuan."

The head wanted to say something, but the situation in front of him made him just lick his lips and drove away with two helpers.

"Qianzhongke, why did you do this?" Wan Kang had no fighting spirit to escape from the dead, his demeanor and demeanor faded into an inexperienced boy.

"It's a rare good thing. If you practice, you should have a great success." Qianzhong said, "I am afraid that I will take your legs, and I will regret it for life."

"I don't know anything. I just want to earn some money and live a comfortable life." Wan Kang said, "I don't want anything else, and I don't have that opportunity. I'm already 20, so what else do I practice?"