A Big Loser

Chapter 38: Teaching


"Twenty is not too late," Qianzhong said, "With your potential, if you practice again after ten years, you won't have to worry about nothing."

"I didn't practice my head." Wan Kang shook his head, "I'm going to marry a wife and have children in a few years, so what can I do?"

"Then you don't want to eat this bite of rice." Qianzhong said, "The cell phone used to call on your cell phone tonight is very clean. No one has contacted you except you. Think about it, if the employer kills me, I will kill you. Smash your throat, throw it into a ditch next to you and bury it along with the woman, and then start construction here to bury you deep in the ground. Do you need any explanation?"

Wankang listened silently for a long time, and lit a flue: "Guinzhong guest, I owe you."

"Some opportunities are only one time." Qianzhong said in a courteous manner. "Actually, I don't take your legs. It's also because you have good qualities. I hope you can stick to it. No matter what path you take in the future, try to be a good person."

Qianzhongke disappeared into the night.

Wan Kang touched his forehead, "The sun is dead, just like the movie, it scares me to death!"

Evel, who had been silent for a while, ran over, cried with Wankang, and said sorry. I am sorry? Wan Kang dumbly patted Evel. He thought it should be him who should say sorry.

Who hurts who

Walking back, the two of them didn't speak much. Wankang has been thinking about the words of the guests from Guizhou.

"Big-eyed girl, I think I should do something else." Wan Kang said, "do something serious."

"I support you." Evelyn said, "what do you want to do?"

"I don't know." Wankang shook his head and said, "Come slowly, Minister Pan is not bad to me, and he can't just leave, find a suitable opportunity." Wankang thought, it has been more than three months since he came out. After a while, the school should be on holiday. When the time comes, I will meet in the village, and when I come back in the next year, I will ask Pan Biao to leave. At that time, regardless of whether Pan Biao agrees or not, he will leave.

Wearing the clothes of anti-fighting, Evely stuck to the side obediently, and suddenly said, "I want to be your second woman."

Wan Kang was taken aback, "How old are you?"

"Twenty-two, two years older than you." Evel said, "because of this, I will treat you selflessly."

"What an unselfish law?"

"I'll give you the key to the room. You can come and leave as long as you want. I will definitely not pester you." Eveler said seriously.

"My day, the harem!" Wan Kang grabbed the back of his head, "Big Eyed Girl, I can't answer you this question yet. When you get it, see what kind of person my wife is. If you look closely at me, it's like anti-thief. That's it. Ah, but I’m surprised, why are you being so selfless to me?"

"I think you have something rare and precious, and you have captured me." Evelyn said, "It's a strange feeling."

"That means, do you think I am a good person?"

"It's not just as simple as a good person." Eveer said, "You have love and a sense of justice, and you can stand up at critical moments. This is very important for us women, because this is a man who has a responsibility and dares to take responsibility. That's the case. Of course, your ability and charm are fascinating. You don't know that our sisters all worship you as a hero."

"Anything else?" Wankang listened with gusto.

"Yes." Evel looked at Wankang, "it looks pretty good."

"Female nympho!" Wan Kang laughed, but his heart was delicious.

"This life, maybe just for you nympho." Eveler said seriously, "You are like an oak seed, no matter where it falls, you can grow into a towering tree with luxuriant branches. And I want to be a bird that can perch on a silent branch."

"What do you do for such a poetic feeling!" Wan Kang smiled, "I didn't think I could become a towering tree. I am at a loss now, I don't know what it will be in the future."

"There will be one day." Evel said, "As long as you persist, because in you, I see the power and power of the seed."

"Okay, don't let me froze." Wankang said, "Tell me about you, don't you want to go back to your hometown to open a clothing factory? Or else, wait someday when I develop, I will fully support you to go home to develop!


"It's true, but the premise is that I'm developed." Wan Kangdao, "but what counts as developed, I'll talk about it then."

Evel smiled, "Where are you going back tonight?"

"Hotel." Wan Kang said without hesitation, "Big Eyed Girl, let me tell you that before I get married, I must stop being so ambiguous with me, otherwise I will rely on you!"

"Just ask you where to go back, the reaction is so big." Evel pouted, "I am not right in my mind..."

"Hey." Wan Kang shook his head, "Big Eyed Girl, do you say that doing that is particularly comfortable?"

Yi Fu'er looked at Wan Kang with a confused look. She really didn't understand Wan Kang, who kept on keeping her body like a jade, and asked this ambiguous question. "I can't answer you this question." Evel said, "You will criticize you for any answer."

"If you want to be complicated, you will feel comfortable if you feel comfortable, and if you feel uncomfortable, you will feel uncomfortable, so what can you say

"Then I can only tell you, sometimes it's comfortable, sometimes it's not."

"Nonsense!" Wan Kang tilted his head, "Big Eyed Girl, you are also very hypocritical, and you are still ashamed to answer this matter."

"A woman is always a woman." Evelyn said, "Brother, I also advise you not to ask me these questions in the future, otherwise I will rise up, don't blame me for breaking your real body!"

Hip-hop for a while, is to relieve the extreme nervousness just now. Wan Kang sent Evel upstairs, followed by a cat downstairs for a while. After confirming that there was no accident, he returned to the hotel to sleep.

Didn't fall asleep all night. The more Wankang thought about it, the more he felt that the vice minister of the hotel’s security department could not do it. Qianzhongke’s words were inspiring for him, and he also remembered Luo Yingwen’s reaction after hearing him do this.

"It doesn't matter until the end of the year." When it was light, Wan Kang turned over and went to sleep.

The next day, Wan Kang approached Xu Deliang to explain his idea and let him see if it was appropriate. Xu Deliang thought about it for a long time, and said that it was actually quite simple, just as Pan Biao meant. Xu Deliang suggested that Wan Kang should explain things thoroughly to Pan Biao, and leave a live button anyway. It is impossible to come back.

Wan Kang thinks that Xu Deliang makes sense. As the saying goes, business is not a friendship. How can I say that I have taken a lot of money at Jinhao. This is all due to Pan Biao. Although it is also based on his own ability, it still depends on others. Gave a chance.

But it's still early, so don't rush to say.

The next month or so was very calm, with almost no major incidents, a little trivial, but there was no need for Wankang. This is mainly because the Holy Court stopped. After the "failure" of the Qianzhong Guest Action, although Qi Yao hated Wankang even more, he did not put dealing with Wankang on the agenda because of important business matters. Come up. In addition, because Wankang is a powerful character, Qi Yaohua has introduced 200,000 people to invite guests from Guizhou, but they are powerless in front of Wankang. Of course, we must consider the long-term. For this, I would also like to thank Xiaozitou. After he came back, he didn't mention the truth, but said that Qianzhong Ke couldn't resist and left in shame. Leizitou didn't dare to say otherwise. The might of Qianzhongke made him afraid. If he tells the truth, once it reaches the ears of Qianzhongke, he is afraid that he will die in a dream.

In short, Wankang is very comfortable, just wandering around every day, wherever you love. It was Evel who had the most contact during this period, and in the final analysis, it was a colleague relationship. Wan Kang said that he owed Evel a hand and would return it to him sooner or later. Evre was afraid that Wan Kang would cause an accident, and she resolutely did not, but Wan Kang swears that she has forgotten that matter, and she also promised the guest from Guizhou that she could not return. Wan Kang had nothing to say. After thinking for a long time, he said that he would chop off his head and left hand. Anyway, it was all hands. Evel thought that Wankang was joking, and didn't take it to heart.

I can't feel the passage of time in the leisure days, and the end of the year is coming soon. Wan Kang found Pan Biao and told the truth. He believes that Pan Biao is a lover of personality and can be more understood by telling the truth.

"There's still such a thing." Pan Biao frowned. "That means you have to go home and pretend to be a little bit like. If you don't go home during the holidays, you can't justify it. If you work part-time, you have to start the second semester. begin."

Things are much simpler than imagined.

On the day back, Pan Biao called a car to send Wankang to the bus station. Sitting in the car, Wan Kang had a good mood. When he came back, he greeted Shi Gengyu and Yi Fuer, but he was not alone with Luo Yingdao.

There is no perfect thing, Wan Kang comforts himself so much.

As the car dashed and moved closer and closer to home, Wan Kang gradually became excited. Very familiar environment, ditch river, small road, and two big white fruit trees at the head of the village!

"Kangzi, you are back!" Zhuang Lin greeted Wankang enthusiastically when he saw Wan Kang.

"I'm back." Wan Kang carried a cheap black bag, nodded cheerfully, and hurriedly ran home, staying outside for a long time with a guilty conscience.

Wan Chuanyi was very excited. He couldn't keep his mouth at dinner. One would ask how big the school was, another would ask what he had eaten at school all day long, and whether the school was beautiful and messy, which made him stutter. Randomly answer.

The next day, the village party secretary also came. As the only undergraduate college student in the village, Wankang was very flattered, "My nephew, what did you learn in science and technology?"

"Technology is great." Wan Kang smiled, "I learned technology, high technology."

"Have you learned computer?" said the village party secretary, "I bought a computer in the village department, and something went wrong a few days ago, so I don't know what to do."

Wankang yelled badly when he heard it. The party secretary wanted him to repair the computer, but he couldn't do anything, and he couldn't install it. "Oh, you have to learn computer, but the course was not offered in the first semester, and it will not be offered until the next semester." Wan Kangdao, "I have learned some theories from books now, and I don't have much operation yet."

This matter was fooled, and he didn't go to the village to show his ugliness with the village party secretary, but Wan Kang was extremely unreliable in his heart. If he continued like this, sooner or later he would reveal his stuff. He decided to go to the city in the next year to learn something.