A Big Loser

Chapter 41: The whole process


However, this decision was abolished by Wan Kang only a few days later. He re-planned the matter with Lin Xiaofang and wanted to take her down before the "school" started. The new plan is not accidental. Wankang has also been carefully thought out. He feels that when he comes to the city, he may be tempted to think and act in the face of Luo Ying and Evel. Luo Ying may not be able to succeed, but Evel is a matter of course. thing. However, the premise of all this is to give Lin Xiaofang his first time!

Based on this, Wankang feels that he is a very great and amazing man! However, he believes that heroes have been lonely since ancient times. "Damn, I have to talk about it. It is estimated that only people with shit in their heads will understand me!" Wan Kang sighed, patting his head.

Understanding is just a process, and it's just a matter of length. It doesn't matter if you are misunderstood for a while. The key is to have a firm conviction and seize the opportunity to complete your great cause! Wankang thought about it, formed such a conclusion, and acted immediately.

"Don't leave it, no regrets, no regrets." Wankang launched a powerful offensive against Lin Xiaofang a few nights before the "school start", "It should be our own, we must take it first!"

Lin Xiaofang understood what Wankang said, even if he didn't understand it, his actions were very straightforward. "I have given you everything I should give you. For the rest, I have to wait until the bridal chamber." Lin Xiaofang was still very determined.

"If you don't give it to me now, it makes me feel that you are not at ease with me and you are on guard." Wankang insisted, "Then how can you make me feel at ease?"

Lin Xiaofang couldn't find words to refute for a while, only knowing that he couldn't hold the place with both hands. According to Wankang, people's resolute resistance can take two forms, one is verbal sternness, and the other is brutality in action. For these two points, Lin Xiaofang didn't raise a glass, so Wan Kang decided to push his beliefs hard.

In the face of women, many times through consultation, no problems can be solved.

"You can do it today, and you can do it if you don't." The strength of Anti-Magic really made it, and Lin Xiaofang had no room for resistance, "Fang, let me be an adult!"

The haystacks are very warm in winter. The sun has been basking for a day during the day, and the cold wind can't get in at night. Vankang and Lin Xiaofang gave each other adult gifts here. Because they were both young birds, without experience and no guidance, everything was going on bluntly, so Lin Xiaofang's pain was far greater than Vankang's comfort level.

"Kill you, kill you!" Lin Xiaofang couldn't move her body, as if it was fixed by a wooden stake. She could only wave her hands and constantly hammer the back of Wan Kang, which was regarded as a rough punishment to Wan Kang.

But Wankang lay on his body like a leech, and it lasted for a long time. Lin Xiaofang, who regards forbearance as a virtue in everything, couldn't help it in the end, "Wang Kang, come down quickly, I can't stand it, I'm going to die..."

Wan Kang was agitated by these words, anxious and frightened, his muscles loosened, and he shook for a while.

The whole process was perfect and lonely, at least for Wankang.

Just after the fifteenth year, the "holiday" is over.

"Mom, Xiaofang's house is too busy to do anything, you have time to take a look." Wan Kang said as he went out carrying the box, "she is still young, and she needs someone to help and guide her housework."

"Okay, Mom knows, let's go quickly, don't miss the bus!" Sun Yucai was reluctant, but urged.

Wan Chuanyi patted the bicycle, "Your mother is right, go early to get insurance."

"Dad, you should pay more attention in the future. Xiaofang has a lot of work in his home. If you are free, stretch out your hand." Wan Kang tied the box to the side of the bicycle and whispered.

"Hey, I said you kid, it's not a big deal, my parents are not looking at it anymore!" Wan Chuanyi smacked, "Do you love your little daughter-in-law?"

"Don't be so loud!" Sun Yucai hurriedly stopped. "What's the publicity?"

Wan Chuanyi chuckled, and muttered after getting on the bike, "This baby, don't be a white-eyed wolf..."

When we arrived at the township resident, the shuttle bus hadn't arrived yet, so Wankang asked Wan Chuanyi to go back first. Wan Chuan had no idea, and insisted until the shuttle bus arrived before stepping on the bicycle and leaving.

The conductor was still the eldest sister, and Wankang still had close ties, but it was not to save money on the tickets. "Eldest sister, the car is still comfortable!" Wan Kang smiled and asked the conductor while taking out a cigarette to the driver. The driver didn't plan to pick it up, but when he looked down and saw the word "China" on the cigarette handle, he hurriedly picked it up with a grin.

"Oh, in the first half of the year, did you learn to smoke?" The conductor's eldest sister licked melon seeds, leaning on the car door, and staring at Wankang.

"Where's the matter, isn't it the Chinese New Year? Put a box of cigarettes on your body to respect the guests." Wan Kang smiled, "You see, this driver brother is not easy, holding the steering wheel all year round, just to make it convenient for our passengers to come and go Respect."

"Look, I went to college, this little mouth has become more talkative now!"

Wan Kang smiled embarrassedly, "Sister, can you help me later?"

"Huh?" The conductor readily agreed, "I can help if I can help!"

"I will come to the front in a while. I have a friend who wants to get in the car and stop at halfway." Wankang said.

"This matter." The conductor laughed, "It's too easy, don't say one, stop even if it is ten or eight!"

"Hey, sister, you are so kind." Wan Kang nodded, "When I come back from the summer vacation this summer, I will take your car to the county seat and ask you to eat a big ice cream!"

"Okay, I can wait!" The conductor girl raised her eyebrows.

The train started, and after a quarter of an hour, Wankang saw two people standing on a urinal crossing. "Sister, stop, stop!" Wan Kang greeted anxiously. He saw clearly that the two were Lin Xiaofang and Lin Daqiang.

There is nothing to say. After getting out of the car, Wan Kang looked at Lin Xiaofang and nodded at her, "You go back, Daqiang will let me rest assured!"

Lin Xiaofang stood by the side of the road, watching the car start until it disappeared into the distance.

Wan Kang took Lin Daqiang without riding a black car, and bought a serious ticket at the county bus station. When arriving in Huanhong City, Wankang called the Hengrou driver in the afternoon and asked him to pick up people at the station. The Hengrou driver was soliciting passengers and threw the passengers halfway after receiving the call. The passenger screamed for a complaint, and the Hengrou driver took out ten yuan and said that he was really in a hurry and asked the passenger to take another taxi.

The Hengrou driver was so loyal to Wankang that he was so loyal to him.

This is an era in which heroes are declining. Coupled with a lack of faith, the worship of heroes is easy to go crazy. The Hengrou driver believes that with people like Wankang, the sky will be supported.

Wankang has already violently brainwashed Lin Daqiang on the road, "People in the city look down on our country folks and will bully people, so we have to be tough. Don't you have strength. Whoever wants to be polite with you, you just use strength Who live! Otherwise, they will let you eat shit every day!" Lin Daqiang nodded with angry eyes. In his eyes, all the people in the city are class enemies.

Therefore, when the Hengrou driver saw Lin Daqiang behind Wan Kang, he immediately felt a strange hostility. His eyes were angry, or he was angry to the point of zero IQ, which was very scary. "Oh, this brother, can you smile?" Hengrou driver looked at Lin Daqiang, then looked forward to Wan Kang, "Your friend?"

"I am a little brother." Wan Kang said, "the master who specializes in playing strength."

"Oh, please get in the car, please!" The Hengrou driver didn't look at anything else, but Lin Daqiang's size was enough to scare him.

For Lin Daqiang, the city is a treasure full of strange interest. Wankang asked Lin Daqiang to sit in the co-pilot position so that he could see the scenery more. Lin Daqiang got in the car and stretched out his head, but he couldn't see enough. Wankang taught him how to open the door and told him that the car should never be opened without stopping.

Seeing that Lin Daqiang was hostile to Hengrou driver, Wan Kang told him that Hengrou driver was a good person. Lin Daqiang's expression changed when he saw the Hengrou driver, his anger disappeared, leaving only his eyes with a zero IQ. It is easy for people to see that Lin Daqiang is actually a fool.

"Oh, this buddy..." Hengrou driver was amused.

Wan Kang immediately stopped him from saying, "Drive your car, or I won't care if something goes wrong."

The Hengrou driver was absolutely submissive to Wankang and immediately held his face, but he was amused by the stupid man sitting in the co-pilot position in his heart.

When marching towards Jinhao, a QQ with two big eyes bulged and drilled around in the traffic, continuing to overtake. A young man in the car with a cigarette shook his head while twisting the steering wheel, enjoying himself extremely. It looks like a small bastard who has won some money by betting, and when he is happy to buy a q, he will be cool.

The Hengrou driver was very upset. In the urban area, except for the big buses, who did the taxi climb over? "Damn, get in our way!" The Hengrou driver holds the steering wheel in one hand and the gear lever in the other. The clutch, brake, and accelerator under his feet are absolutely top-notch coordination, and soon surpassed q.

"Don't have general knowledge with him." Wan Kang said, "Let's just relax."

Who knows that the overtaken q was very annoyed. Eight meters away before the red light, he pressed a double yellow line and inserted it from the back to the front.

The Hengrou driver slammed the brakes, "Fuck him, second uncle, hell!"

Lin Daqiang leaned forward when he braked sharply, and almost pushed his head against the front of the car. "Is it bullying us?" Lin Daqiang tilted his head and asked the Hengrou driver. The Hengrou driver was helpless, sighed and nodded.

At this moment, Lin Daqiang rolled the corners of his mouth and rushed out after opening the car door.

No one thought that Lin Daqiang would use such a method to teach Xiao Q, including Wan Kang was also dumbfounded. Lin Daqiang rushed to Xiao Q without saying anything, bent over and lifted the site on the side of the car vigorously.

A total of four times before and after, Xiao Q was stunned and rolled on the ground, and stood firmly on the reverse road. The young man in the car started to see Lin Daqiang moving the car and was still very angry, but at this time he was shaking with the steering wheel in both hands and burst into tears, "Master, please forgive me!"

Wankang came back to his senses and quickly rolled down the window to greet Lin Daqiang to come back.

The eyeballs of the Hengrou driver were about to fall off. He really didn't expect the force value of this simple and big man to be so powerful that he was so perverted!