A Big Loser

Chapter 42: Digital City


The traffic police in the distance saw this scene vaguely, thinking that there was an illusion, and when he was convinced that it was the truth, he rushed over. The taxi had gone, and only the trembling youth was crying in Xiaoq, "Damn, it's not a human... "

The matter was not a big deal, and Xiao Q didn't ask for anything. I tried the car and it started, and it sparked off. The traffic police didn't bother to adjust what surveillance video to watch. The parties didn't take it seriously, and they were also very active.

The Hengrou driver sent Wankang and Lin Daqiang to Jinhao's door, hurriedly pushed the car door and rushed down, opening the door for the two of them as if they had asked the God of Wealth. Wankang was also welcome, and after getting off the bus, he took out twenty yuan to the Hengrou driver. The Hengrou driver immediately lowered his face, "Don't you treat me as a human?"

Wan Kang smiled and was not welcome, and led Lin Daqiang into the hotel with a wave of his hand.

Without much wasted time, Wan Kang approached Pan Biao, said straightforwardly, and quit.

"Resign?" Pan Biao didn't expect Wankang to change so quickly.

"No." Wan Kang said hurriedly, "Minister Pan, I didn't mean that. There are some situations that I can't say easily. Anyway, I can't continue here for the time being, and I want to change."

Pan Biao looked at Wankang. From the look in his eyes, he knew that there was no room for persuasion, "Okay, you have a good idea. I respect you as a talent and will strongly support you! What do you want to do?"

"Minister Xie Pan!" Wankang said, "I'm not a talented person. I can't do anything now. I just want to learn some technology. I think that the digital city opposite is playing technology. I want to find a place to fight against it, so I can take the opportunity. study."

"Go there." Pan Biao scratched his head. "Wangkang, I thought you were going to a big company. That's okay. The digital city opposite our hotel is full of small vendors selling CD software, or Computer Operations Department, what can you learn?"

"Computer technology." Wankang came to the spirit, "At least, if your computer is broken, I can get better after learning the technology in twos or twos. That's it, there is no high requirement."

Pan Biao looked at Wankang with an extremely serious expression, and nodded: "Also, I know the security captain of the Cyber City, and I can talk to him. See which computer department can recommend it and let you in."

"Minister Pan, thank you so much." Wan Kang said, "I don't count as far away if I go. If you have anything to do, just say hello."

Pan Biao waited for these words, and hurriedly held Wan Kang's hand, "Okay, then it's a deal, and I'll contact you later!"

After Wankang thanked him, he packed his things and prepared to leave, so he had to find a place to live first. Pan Biao hurriedly stopped, saying that the hotel lacked a little space anyway, so he would live here first and not move out in a hurry. Resistant understands Pan Biao's intentions, but just wants to encircle him, so that's okay, I will leave some thoughts for everyone, and also save the place to find a rental house, which is a cost after all.

However, Lin Daqiang's problem caused Wankang a bit of a headache. When he started to go to the Digital City, he must be leaning on the ground to work and learn crafts. There is no time to take care of him, and bringing him by his side will cause constant trouble. However, Pan Biao was optimistic about Lin Daqiang, and if he said no, he put him in the hotel and acted as a mountain tiger. Wan Kang firmly disagreed, and with Lin Daqiang's intelligence, he could never act alone.

At this moment, Wan Kang thought of Shi Gengyu, he was the most worthy of trust. Wankang led Lin Daqiang to find Shi Gengyu, and Shi Gengyu agreed, "Follow me, it's okay!"

"Old Shi, what a great power has is strength." Wan Kangdao, "just let him do something, if he doesn't do it, it will be uncomfortable for him to be idle."

"Okay, you just have to do business!" Shi Gengyu was very satisfied with Wankang's work and study in the Digital City. He was learning well.

Everything is ready, and Dongfeng does not owe it. Pan Biao called at the right time and had already contacted the place to work. On the second floor of the Digital City, Qi Chuang Computer Company.

Huanhong Digital City, the largest digital product hypermarket in the urban area. Qi Chuang Computer Company is on the second floor. It is in a good location, close to the stairs. Customers can see it as soon as they come up by the elevator. It is easier to attract business.

"Six hundred in January, plus a commission." Boss Yu Jun helped the glasses on the bridge of his nose, "Sell a machine, according to the size of the profit commission, one more machine can raise a few hundred, and a few dozen less."

"Success!" Wankang nodded, "Yu, from the very beginning, I will hit the hand and do some physical work, such as moving something to deliver goods, etc., wait for a while to learn something and then work on it finely."

"Don't be called Mr. Yu." Yu Yun grinned. "It's called a computer company in name. It's a computer commissary, so it's called a poor man."

From Yu Yun's grin, Wan Kang immediately judged that he was a good person, at least not treacherous, treacherous people do not have this kind of laughter and can't pretend it. "Boss Yu, is this okay?" Wan Kang smiled. Yu Yun defaults.

The digital city is always sunny, the lights are bright and dazzling, the products are full of stars, and there is always music floating in the ears. Wankang felt that he had reached a place full of modern flavor. A few days before joining the company, it felt very good. But in less than a week, realistic helplessness destroyed his sense of fashion pleasure.

"It's been seven or eight days, and you haven't sold a single machine." Yu Yun's sister-in-law and company accountant said to Wan Kang, "I just covered my head to learn things, and I still get a basic salary for a month. This is quite a bargain. Learning in the school is much stronger, at least there is no need to pay tuition."

Wankang, who has already figured out the computer hardware, is exploring some software problems. Hearing what the accountant said, he was a little embarrassed and raised his head and smiled. I moved into the warehouse, as well as the usual delivery, almost all of my running legs."

"These are not very lively, and there is no benefit." The accountant said, "Look at the others, how enthusiastic you are at the door, and how much business does it attract?"

"If they were allowed to run errands often, would they still have time to greet customers and solicit business?" The more Wang Kang looked at the little accountant, the more angry he became, stupid, so stupid that it made him angry, if it wasn't for his kind face. Turn face with her immediately.

The little accountant was said to roll his eyes and ignored all resistance. Wankang also tried to clean up and continued to work on the computer. It didn't take long for Wankang's ability to fiddle with computers so that common problems can be solved easily, even surpassing the previous migrant workers. This is the difference between adaptability and understanding.

In the following time, Wankang also began to go out to attract customers.

"The brand is still Zanji?" Wankang also took the initiative in the red line at the door. "There is no room for the price of brand machines, Zanji is easy to discuss, and it is a low price and high configuration!"

If you tell a lie to a hundred people, if you have two believers, you will be satisfied with your merits. Wankang did it, greeted someone for a long time, and tried to persuade him, and the business was completed. This machine earned nearly 400 yuan. Because Wankang was introduced by the Minister of Security, the boss, Yu Jun, gave it to Wankang at a 30% rate.

Hundred yuan is no longer a big bill for Wankang, and there is no excitement in it. However, due to hard work, Wankang is still very happy, and the sense of accomplishment is from the so-called. When Wankang was happy, he fantasised it. If it followed this, wouldn't it be very profitable to sell computers in large quantities

Open the market. Wan Kang was thinking about this matter a little bit crazy, and couldn't go to the street to beg his grandfather. Everything depends on relationships, and find acquaintances for everything. Wankang decided to start with acquaintances, and to find those acquaintances who have some ability.

Luo Ying, or Luo Ying. In the eyes of Wankang, Luo Ying seems to be omnipotent. And looking to her just to explain one thing: he is no longer working in the hotel, now he is a serious technician, learning craftsmanship.

Last time I didn't drink the coffee, Wankang would like to drink tea this time. The phone opened up clearly, saying that he had changed his evil spirits and left the hotel.

West Lake Longjing, a small pot of eighty yuan, really fragrant and moist. Wankang snorted very well and looked at Luo Ying, "Sister Luo, I am working in the digital city now. Earning money is secondary. The main thing is to learn some skills, and I will be able to decorate myself in the future. "

"Very good." Luo Ying nodded slightly, "the tea is very fragrant."

After observing his words, Wankang knew that Luo Ying was in a good mood, and it should be the right time to make a request, "Sister Luo, the computer company I work for, usually revenue is tied to sales, and how much you sell will increase your success."

"Want to find me a way out?" Luo Ying was unambiguous at all.

"Yes." Wankang was also very straightforward, and said whether it succeeded or not. Anyway, it must be clear, "The bigger the road, the better!"

"I will give it a try, but there is no guarantee that it will work." Luo Ying said, "I will contact you if there is a result."

At this point in Luo Ying's words, Wan Kang was confident in his heart. He clearly felt that Luo Ying should be in favor of the work he is currently engaged in, at least not as clear as he would be a security guard.

After returning to the company, Wankang stopped again, no longer soliciting business with excitement like taking drugs. It just stood at the door symbolically, as long as Yu Yun's accounting sister-in-law was not allowed to talk coldly. In fact, Wankang is very dissatisfied with this big brainless accountant, but he is the boss’s sister-in-law, and the boss treats him nicely, so he is embarrassed to ridicule the accountant. That is not to give the boss face, so he has to bear it. Focus. Men, if you don't have a broad mind, you won't be able to become a climate.

In addition to looking at the door, Wankang’s greatest pleasure is to hold a computer book to read. He thinks that the computer is really magical. When it is taken apart, there is a pile of scrap copper and iron, which can be put together and it is another world. .

Yu Jun was aware of Wan Kang's strong learning ability, but unfortunately he is an individual talent, and would usually guide him more. But no matter how you guide, there are some things that you won’t be able to teach. Which masters and bosses will not keep a few hands on the house? Moreover, Yu Jun's own computer technology is not so superb, and he is just a master. Of course, this is not to say that Yu Jun is unreliable, he is quite real, Wan Kang can see it.

Therefore, Wan Kang wanted to make a "big deal" so that it would be good for Jun and himself.

In a little anxiety, Wankang waited for Luo Ying's call. It was a business of a middle school in Huanhong City. He had to go to several computer rooms, at least 80 machines!