A Big Loser

Chapter 50: The treat is postponed


"That's naturally no problem." Yin Yueyan smiled, "Little Kangzi, I invite you to dinner!"

This is absolutely impossible to promise, Wan Kang knows that to go to the banquet is to make a contribution to Yin Yueyan as a dish. But in the face of Yin Yueyan's invitation, what reason should he use to refuse? Improper handling will disappoint her, and some things are not easy to handle.

At the critical moment, Pan Biao's phone call was released. He told Wankang that it happened that there was an Internet cafe to expand 30 machines. He had already greeted him and gave Wankang a number to contact him quickly.

"Sister Yueyan, I'm sorry, let's make another day." Wan Kang smiled, "I will invite you to dinner another day."

"Something?" Yin Yueyan never expected Wankang to refuse.

"My friend helped contact a small order." Wankang said, "For thirty machines, I have to contact them now to talk about the specific situation, Yueyan sister, you know, this kind of matter should be sooner than later, in case. It’s not good to get in touch with people late and let other computer companies step in, so I can only stare."

"Oh." Yin Yueyan nodded reluctantly, "Then you should be busy first, will you have time tomorrow?"

"It's probably not tomorrow." Wankang said, "If this business is negotiated, you will have to be busy in the next few days. You have to prepare for the purchase and receipt, assembly and delivery, and software installation to keep up. It must be busy. very."

"Then you have to eat." Yin Yueyan said, "You will contact someone tonight. It is inevitable to have a treat and drink. There should be time tomorrow."

"Sister Yueyan, didn't you say it just now." Wan Kang said, "If you get busy tomorrow, you won't be free. If you spare some time to have a box lunch, you can eat it. Look at this, wait for the busy days to pass, I Please be good, you are."

Yin Yueyan saw that Wankang was telling the truth, and didn't force it anymore, "Okay, then you invite me."

Wankang nodded again and again as soon as he heard it, and hurriedly made the appearance of making a call. Yin Yueyan saw that there was no need to stay in this posture, so she twisted her fat body and swayed a lot of extravagance and left.

After Yin Yueyan left, Wankang sighed, but she really didn't have the time to sigh. Contacting customers is the most important thing.

In fact, it is a customer, it is better to deliver meat to the door. Wankang called, and the other party was the owner of the Internet cafe. He said with a smile that since it was introduced by Brother Biao, there is no need to talk about it, it's basically appropriate. Wankang is also unambiguous, saying that it will be based on the general market price, and the low is not high.

Both parties were very happy, and finally negotiated the price and set a profit of 300 per unit. This kind of relationship list, each earning 3 million yuan, is willing to accept it.

Things need to be done neatly and neatly. Thirty machines are not too many. It should be completed within two days of busy work. But this requires a good manual worker, and Lin Daqiang is a suitable candidate. Nothing else, if you want to work hard, I'm afraid no one can match him.

After buying two cigarettes, Wan Kang went to see Shi Gengyu.

"I buy cigarettes every time I come, and what do I spend that money for." Shi Gengyu felt sorry for him.

Wankang waved his hand casually, "Old Shi, tell me why these things are, I have the ability to buy cigarettes, and I have eaten before I have been a problem, and you just want me to buy it."

Shi Gengyu smiled and said no more.

Wankang said that the store will be busy these two days, and Daqiang has to be used. Shi Gengyu didn't say anything, and if Wan Kang brought him along, he had to ask questions.

"You are busy with you, don't worry about my business." Wan Kangdao.

"What's this? Isn't it normal for me to go to work on your side?" Shi Gengyu said, "Think about it in a different position. Do you think I can live without it?"

Wan Kang thought about it, nodded, no matter if Shi Gengyu went, he happened to be commanding a strong point, or the silly boy might always make mistakes.

In the afternoon of the next day, the host accessories arrived. No one else had any use to stretch out their hands. Lin Daqiang screamed all by himself, and moved to the door of the store on the second floor within ten minutes before and after. The next step was assembling, and Wankang took the two young men and started to work.

Thirty machines occupies a large area, and a lot of land is occupied by the entrances of the left and right stores. It stands to reason that it doesn't matter, and Wankang is usually familiar with them, sometimes borrowing a screwdriver, pliers, etc., to listen to it harmoniously. But most people have a "red eye disease." Watching Wankang walked away with dozens of machines, the two shopkeepers were a little bit unable to sit still, and they formed an alliance. They had to move their machines to hinder business.

Wan Kang was very angry, but thinking that he couldn't behave like them, he asked Lin Daqiang to move the installed machine into the house.

Lin Daqiang's mind doesn't turn around, he is happy after listening to Wankang's command, and is busy moving the machine cheerfully. The two shopkeepers on the left and right made it clear that they wanted to show off their faces. They were too slow to move, and they kept saying sarcastically. One of the shopkeepers surnamed Dai murmured that Lin Daqiang was stupid.

Wan Kang couldn't stand it a little, and was pressed down by Shi Gengyu. Shi Gengyu knew Wankang's temperament and ability, and if he didn't stop him, things would be big. "You can make money with harmony." Shi Gengyu patted Wan Kang on the shoulder, and then moved the camera into the house with Lin Daqiang.

The owner of the shop surnamed Dai must be a bit of a trick. Seeing that Wankang is so bullying, he became more arrogant, "Good luck, bringing a bunch of old, sick and stupid people can take such a list."

What can I say.

Wan Kang stood up silently and walked to the shopkeeper surnamed Dai. With just such a light kick, the poor little shopkeeper threw himself out flat, hitting the plastic-steel glass counter with a "clang", and fainted directly.

As if nothing happened, Wankang turned around and squatted down to continue installing the machine, not forgetting to smile at the other small shop owner, "It's very open, and the installed machine will be moved in immediately."

The little shopkeeper shuddered, and immediately smiled, "It's okay, it's okay. Anyway, I'm empty here." After speaking, he turned and walked into the shop, never showing up again.

After seeing all this, Shi Gengyu panicked again, and hurriedly ran over to see the shopkeeper surnamed Dai.

"Old Shi, come back." Wan Kang didn't lift his head, "Don't look at it, the dog can't die."

"Hey." Shi Gengyu frowned and ran over, he was really worried, it would be difficult to handle something if something happened.

The security of the Cyber City is good, with surveillance. People from the security department arrived quickly, but because Pan Biao greeted their security manager, everyone knew a little bit about Wankang, and they didn't know what to do when faced with this situation. Finally, they asked the boss for instructions.

After the security manager heard about it, he first asked the shopkeeper who was beaten about his injuries. Pan Biao told him about Wan Kang's skill, but he was afraid that Wan Kang would be too heavy to deal with it, and it would be difficult for him to mutilate or kill people. The security reported that the shopkeeper was okay, and he woke up after being in a coma for a while.

"Then let him go, you can withdraw it." The security manager gave instructions.

The security guard quickly escaped. The shopkeeper surnamed Dai, who woke up, was very aggrieved, but he didn't dare to say anything. After all, the shocking force given to him by this boring guy in Wankang was too strong to let him. scared. "Wait, you wait." The shopkeeper surnamed Dai touched his chest and entered the shop, holding the phone for a while, as if moving rescue soldiers.

It's just to save some face. After all, there are spectators, and it would be too embarrassing to show off without showing their teeth. Wan Kang understands the shopkeeper Dai in this way, but things are slightly different. The shopkeeper Dai does have some kind of relationship, but the people involved are not people, to be precise, they are harder than Xiao Yisan.

Soon, two black modern Sonatas and ten people came on the Cyber City Plaza.

None of this has escaped the eyes of the security guards. Generally, after disputes have occurred, they are very vigilant, and the only thing they can do is to prevent the situation from expanding. But this time, the security guards didn't move. Including the manager, they wanted to see how powerful Pan Biao's Anti-Fighting method was.

The word aggressive is not enough to describe the figures and expressions of those ten people. Many people on the second floor were very curious when seeing such a group of people, and they followed all the way to watch the excitement.

The owner of the shop surnamed Dai had long been peeping at the door, and when he saw the rescuers coming, he jumped out to greet him, and when he passed the Wankang shop, he did not forget to point his finger inside, "Waiting for you to look good." !"

"Big brother!" The shopkeeper surnamed Dai rushed to the people, trying to please the young and strong man with a fierce face, "That kid is too bullying, you help me teach him a lesson!"

"Take me there!" The young and strong man is still quite arrogant.

The owner of the shop surnamed Dai hurriedly turned around and led the people to the entrance of Wankang shop. It was installing systems and commonly used software on the machine, and Wankang simply ignored it. Although he was not a veteran, this kind of scene seemed a bit immature to him.

Perhaps this scene is extremely misleading. The shopkeeper surnamed Dai thought that Wan Kang was afraid of pretending to be naive, so he walked over with his hips akimbo and his chest straight, "Damn, this time you are pretending to be forced!"

This Wankang was fiddled with the keyboard, suddenly got up and kicked again. The owner of the surname Dai was caught off guard and staged a scene of flying out in a funny way.

Wankang still turned around and continued to operate the computer, without even squinting at the young man.

Blue veins broke out on the young man's neck. He had never seen such a shameless guy, and he didn't even look at him straight. And even kicking the little brother into the air in front of him, how can he stand this breath? !

With a "clang", a console inside the door was overturned, "I'm so stupid!"

Wan Kang looked up and lowered his head again. He deliberately wanted to exercise his mood, and said to Lin Daqiang, who was already full of anger, "Daqiang, that guy is scolding you, go and beat him."

Don't look at Lin Daqiang being so kind in the village, he never shot his neighbors, he was out, and the village is where he grew up, he has feelings, and has no hatred for the whole village. But now it's coming out, the situation is different, hitting someone? As long as there is a word from Wan Kang, he doesn't even know what fear is.

"Oh!" With a cry, Lin Daqiang rushed up like a hill.

The poor young man didn't even have time to meet Lin Daqiang, he was grabbed by Lin Daqiang abruptly, and he fell out like a brick.

There was a sigh from the crowd, and the young and strong man struggling in the air for a while, then fell to the ground like a torn sack. Fortunately, it fell on the empty ground. If it were a glass counter, it would probably be crushed.