A Big Loser

Chapter 60: Playground


After all, the boys didn’t say their heads, but they should look at the girls’ performance.

Wankang likes to watch girls' 100-meter test. Anyone running at a sprint speed will cause violent tremors in certain parts of the body, such as the buttocks, which are only covered by clothes, and the muscles on the buttocks are developed and have a certain absorption power. So it is not very obvious. For girls, there is a special place, especially the plump ones.

That turbulent wave!

Wan Kang had already selected a few people to follow with his eyes. When they were running, Wan Kang stood up excitedly and even clapped his hands.

This is blasphemy. At least this is the case for men with single and parallel bars, and it is a challenge to them. They are like the lion king in the lion group, facing the invading lion, they just want to tear them apart with their teeth.

"Which class?" The parallel bars man walked over gritted his teeth.

Only then did Wankang realize that something is not good, but no matter how it is done, it has to be concealed. If it is not for others, it has to be up for consideration. "Passing by." Wan Kang laughed and squatted down, "It's not in any class."

"Fuck me!" The parallel bars man hardened his saliva and fell close to Wankang, "Which class is it?"

"I'm not from this school." Wan Kang stopped smiling and said very seriously, "I came to find someone. I didn't find someone, so I went here."

"Look at you, too." The man on the parallel bars shook his shoulder. "Are you fucking outside?"

Wan Kang thought for a while, nodded, and shook his head, "I can't talk about being mixed up, just now in Beijing, I am not familiar with the place of my life, I want to find an acquaintance to rely on."

"Then you are a bastard." The parallel bars man tilted his head, "You fucking bastard don't come here, where is this, where can you come?"

The spit of the man on the parallel bars had already made Wan Kang uncomfortable, but now he keeps cursing, which is really unbearable. Wan Kang was about to get up, at least a few theoretical words, when the PE teacher's whistle sounded.

"Have you waited!" The parallel bars man shook his shoulders, "I'll take care of you when I look back, rascal!"

How much Wankang wanted to scold me at the parallel bars man, but no way. The man can bend and stretch. He has just arrived on the first day and can't cause trouble, or I am embarrassed to face it.

On the way back to the dormitory, Wankang couldn't think of it. In a civilized land, why would anyone want to make waves? I ran into King Kong in the dormitory, and I ran into a man with parallel bars on the playground. But Wankang thought about it and got through. The school is a small society, there are some in the society, and there are also in the school, so it's normal to meet a few bullies and the like. Didn't Shi Shangjin figure it out? He can figure it out, and he can endure it.

However, after Shi Shangjin and their get out of class, Wankang finally couldn't help it.

King Kong forced all resistance to a desperate situation, and not resisting is almost the same as being trampled to death.

"Who the hell took my money?" King Kong returned to the dormitory and flipped the pillow beside the bed. "I just took two thousand yesterday and put it under the pillow. I had a lesson in the afternoon and it was all gone?"

Wan Kang took a look at Shi Shangjin and saw that King Kong's intention was obvious, just to buckle him. Shi Shangjin frowned and motioned to Wan Kang to stop squeaking, not to draw the fire on himself.

"A thief, an inside thief or an outside thief?!" King Kong looked hard at Wan Kang.

Wankang got up, walked away from the edge of the bed, and stood on the largest part of the dormitory. This is a kind of self-protection, and when you start, there is at least as much room for maneuver as possible. Competing with King Kong is definitely not head-to-head. Speed and skill are the best choice against strong customers.

"There has been a movie filmed with a gorilla called King Kong, but in comparison, that King Kong is much smarter than yours." Wan Kang said in a calm voice.

King Kong couldn't believe his glasses, and looked at the people in the dormitory one by one with a look of astonishment, as if to get them to answer unanimously that there was a hearing problem. However, he was very disappointed, Shi Shangjin and they were also stupid. They didn't expect Wan Kang to be so ironic about King Kong.

"What are you talking about?" King Kong looked at Wan Kang at last, "I will listen to you if you talk about it."

"I said that King Kong Gorilla is much smarter than your King Kong." Wan Kang said unhurriedly, "Can't stand it, right? It doesn't matter, then let's bye bye, but it's better not to be in the dormitory, just find one. Land, just the two of us, quietly."

"Heh." King Kong shrugged, and sneered twice, "Hehe", "You fucking want to die?!"

"Fuck you?!" If you don't let it, you won't let it. Wan Kang is not willing to lose the slightest momentum, and it's swearing and swearing, no problem.

"Fuck me!" King Kong couldn't wait, and moved forward. Shi Shangjin was hard to see. If he was caught by King Kong, it would not be a joke, so he hurried forward and hugged King Kong, "Boss Kim, don't get angry, if you have something to say, speak well!"

"Say your mother!" King Kong yelled, pointing his finger at Wan Kang, "Today I discounted his legs and let him go!"

When the other four people in the dormitory saw the scene, they all came forward to persuade.

Wan Kang didn't appreciate it, suppressing the voice of the big guy, and said to King Kong: "It's still what I said just now. Let's try it somewhere, and we will be convinced if we win or lose."

Speaking of this, King Kong couldn't help but said angrily. However, it was not the two of them who went out. Shi Shangjin and the other four roommates also followed.

The venue is not very easy to choose, the national customs are limited, and there are many people in the playground and amusement park. Later, a roommate said that it would be better to go to the open-air tennis court on the top floor, where it might be more secluded.

Shi Shangjin was a little bit complaining that the person was talking too much. He might have just tried it out of his mind, but after saying that, it seems that he has to do it.

Very worried, Shi Shangjin worried that Wankang would be grabbed by King Kong and threw it like a shot. However, Shi Gengyu said on the phone that Wan Kang is very skilled and must watch him and not let him do it. "Wangkang, how are you doing?" Shi Shangjin asked secretly.



"It's okay, most people can't beat me." Wan Kang said, "Motivate, don't be afraid, if you can't beat him, you won't lose badly."

The tennis court happened to be unoccupied, and a triumphant smile appeared on King Kong's face. He turned his head to look at Wan Kang, "Boy, let's get started."

This can be said to be an original ecological fight, but in terms of size, it is also a contest of great disparity in field strength. Shi Shangjin and their four roommates were uneasy. They hoped that a miracle would happen and let Wan Kang beat King Kong like bullshit.

Get started. King Kong spread out his mighty arms, wanting Wan Kang to rush, wanting to clamp him in close hand-to-hand combat. Of course, Wankang would not let King Kong succeed. There was no way to get close.

Jumping and twisting, Wan Kang dodges left and right, King Kong really can't even touch his clothes for a while. "Do you want to fight or not?" King Kong couldn't help it, and roared.

"You're a dog, isn't this already started." Wan Kang smiled hippiely, "This is also part of the fight!"

King Kong shook his head twice and tried to catch up. But it didn't take much time, King Kong panted, and his huge body made him a little unable to move.

As soon as the time is right, Wankang is ready to do it. If you don't wait until King Kong is too tired to walk, it won't be difficult to take advantage of your strength.

"King Kong, you are not as good as a gorilla!" Wan Kang laughed and scolded, "I don't have good intelligence, but the gorillas have at least individual strength. You stupid thing, you don't even have individual strength. I'm bluffing, I'll fuck you grandson!"

When did King Kong suffer such "insults"? Suddenly he became angry with Tian Ling Gai, yelling and rushing towards Wan Kang.

One leaned sharply, stumbling with legs stretched out. With the speed of Wankang, King Kong certainly cannot prevent it. Of course, it is not so easy to say that a dog gnaws on the shit.

However, just a stagger is enough.

King Kong was stumbled by Wan Kang and jumped forward a few random steps. Wan Kang had already adjusted his figure and followed it up. The scene was simply funny, just like driving a pig, Wan Kang kept raising his foot and kicking his butt after King Kong.

This time it's a dog gnawing shit.

King Kong smashed his teeth and grinned. Before he looked back, Wan Kang caught up with him and grabbed his hair. "I can slap your face for half an hour now, believe it or not?" Wan Kang's voice was very cold.

"I'm not convinced." King Kong was dragged by his hair, unable to move, "You are shameless."

"According to what you mean, it's not shameful to face you head-on?" Wan Kang grinned, "You just want to use your strengths, but others don't want it? But those are useless. Anyway, you lose. You can't blame it. Others, blame your strengths for not being long enough."

After Wan Kang let go, King Kong got up. If it weren't for Shi Shangjin and the onlookers, it is estimated that King Kong would definitely pounce on Wankang again immediately. How could he be so abused

Back to the dormitory, the atmosphere is much more peaceful. No one said much, but when it was time to eat, they greeted.

Shi Shangjin brought Wankang to the cafeteria for dinner, and said that he would go inside after eating. Wankang said just play around and don't go far.

"Our place is too close to the scenic tourist area, so there is a lack of various entertainment venues around." Shi Shang Jindao, "It doesn't take time to play inside. The transportation is convenient. The subway and bus are just outside the school gate."

"Farewell then." Wan Kang said, "Don't toss about it today, just behave." Shi Shangjin thinks about it, and then gives up. You don't need to go inside. Anyway, the back door of the school is still a prosperous place, you can go and transfer. a while.

The canteen restaurant is clean and bright, with bright green integrated dining stools arranged in rows, which is pleasing to the eye. No one made loud noises during the meal. The environment was very good. Wankang ate a lot. At noon and Shi Shangjin, they didn't eat much at the **, and the stomach was empty.

After the meal, Shi Shangjin and Wankang returned to the dormitory, only King Kong was there. When King Kong saw Wan Kang coming in, his body moved. Wan Kang didn't care, he just walked inside and thought of getting a cigarette by the bedside.

Passing by King Kong, King Kong hugged Wankang from behind, "I'm not convinced when I think about it, this time I will let you see what I can do!" After King Kong finished speaking, he squeezed his arms and hugged Wankang tightly. , And then lifted him up in the air, wanting to throw it out.

Wankang didn't have to think much about it. When he was suspended in the air, he lifted his foot and kicked, and he heard King Kong's "Hey" and loosened his arms.