A Big Loser

Chapter 75: Roast duck


Thinking of the taste of roast duck, Wankang’s mouth began to moist, and could not help chewing for a few mouthfuls and swallowing saliva. This action was repeated many times, until I entered the Hongyun Building and took a seat, I couldn't help but wipe the corners of his mouth, and the waiter pursed his lips and smiled. Wankang didn't care. Many times the seemingly ridiculous smile didn't mean mocking, it was just being teased, just cheer, it's not a big deal. If this kind of thing is true, it will be really tiring to live.

"Sister, please be happy with you." Wan Kang touched his mouth exaggeratedly, shaking his eyebrows and smiling: "Daily, I will pick a fatter one for me first."

"Okay." The waiter smiled secretly and whispered: "Is there any sauce, green onions and other ingredients? I'll add enough for you."

"Okay!" Wan Kang shook his head suddenly, proud.

But it was disappointing. Before the roast duck came up, Wang Meng came up. There were not many people, five or six, standing in front of him, Wan Kang knew what was going on, because the earring male Ruan was placed inside. Needless to say, Wang Meng was standing at the front. Miao Nan said that Wang Meng was a stubborn guy. He was really kind at first glance. From another angle, he was very cute. However, in the view of Wankang, this is not a silly word. After thinking for a long time, I came up with a good word.

"Your name is Wan Kang?" Wang Meng was very disdainful.

"Yes." Wan Kang rolled his eyelids, "What's the matter?"

"What's the matter?!" Wang Meng snorted, tilted his head to look at the few people who came with him, shook his head arrogantly, and looked at Wan Kang and said, "Come out, don't mess up other people's places."

"Then I think it's better to wait." Wankang didn't move. "The roast duck has just been ordered, and it hasn't come up yet. Just go out like this. After a meeting, you won't be able to get a big meal. What a pity!"

Wan Kang said this very truthfully, but to Wang Meng's words, it didn't sound like that. This was a contempt for him. In other words, in Wan Kang's eyes, he was not as important as a roast duck. "It's just a fucking stinky roast duck, look at your virtue!" Wang Meng couldn't help raising his tone, "Is there any promise?"

"Yo." Wankang raised his neck, "You said that you are too indifferent. If I tell the boss here that you preach that the test here is stinky, see if you can stand here. But then, I’m not that kind of person, don’t worry, I don’t need the tricks that can’t be put on the stage. Let’s just say, what are you going to do? Just ask me if I can get out, don’t give a valid reason, then I have to say I’m sorry. The roast duck smells good."

Wang Meng gritted his teeth very vigorously. Judging from the contraction of the cheek muscles, he was quite angry.

The tongue was not covered up. The diners heard clearly and saw them in their eyes. They all watched Wang Meng and Wang Meng stalking each other eagerly. Of course, some people hoped that their conflicts would intensify a little bit.

Wankang was unwilling to make such a foolish look. If he started his hands, the roast duck that reached his mouth would definitely fly away. It would be embarrassing for everyone to see it.

"Well, I'll accompany you out." Wankang stood up, sweeping his hands impatiently, "but let's say it first, don't delay my eating roast duck."

Or roast duck! Wang Meng felt that smoke was coming from above his head.

Not far from the door, Wankang stood by the corner of the wall. This position was good for defense. He was worried that Wang Meng and the others would rush him and entangle him. But worrying is superfluous, and Wang Meng is also interesting enough, saying that singled out, everyone else will watch the scene.

"How many rounds?" Wan Kang said, "Don't be endless."

"The winner will be divided, and we won't talk about a few rounds." Wang Meng said aggressively.

"Desperado." Wan Kang tilted his head, "I can't fight this kind of battle, and I'm not interested. To put it bluntly, you want to beat me to the ground. Do you think it's interesting to attack with this established idea."

"Originally, what's the point of playing regardless of the outcome?" Wang Meng said, "Besides, let's do it today, it's not just a move."

"That's right, that's the topic." Wan Kang chuckled, "But I can tell you that many things are contrived by myself, and in fact there is nothing wrong at all."

Of course, Wang Meng would not listen to what Wankang said, and he helped to find the Beijing Youth Political College to listen to. Could the relationship be normal? "Don't talk nonsense, since you come out, just go ahead." Wang Meng couldn't stand it anymore.

"Well, it's time to go ahead, man!" Wan Kang moved slightly, his figure was both offensive and defensive.

"It's not good here. It's not spacious enough and there are too many people. It's hard to fight." Wang Meng tried his best to suppress the urge to jump over. He was worried that there were so many people here, and it would be unhappy if any enthusiastic person called the police, although he was not afraid to enter the police station. , The front foot goes in and the back foot goes out, nothing more than a phone call.

"Well, you can tell me, where?" Wan Kang looked very impatient, "It's swift, it's so procrastinating."

Wang Meng continued to gritted his teeth, "Nanhu Park."

"Fuck me!" Wan Kang was angry and grinning, tilting his head and looking at Wang Meng and said, "You are sick, isn't it just a fight, you run so far!"

Nanhu Park is far from here, or near, but it's really a place of war, with lots of open space. Wang Meng’s attitude towards Wankang was unbearable, “Grandson, don’t give up your face. If you don’t beat you down today, you’re a seed!”

"Your great-grandson!" Wankang doesn't want to suffer from being scolded, no matter if it's habitual spoken language or whatever, you have to earn it back anyway, "If you don't beat me down, you are my great-grandson, and I am your wife!"

"You!" Wang Meng gasped, "It's pretty good to hit you!"

"Me!" Wan Kang pointed to himself and Wang Meng, "Hit you brother-in-law!"

Wang Meng was outraged. Without saying a word, he stared at Wan Kang, "Ask one last time, whether you want to go heads-up or not, you can make a quick decision here, don't blame me for being unruly."

This is a threat to Wankang. Wang Meng's meaning is very obvious. If it is not in Nanhu Park, they will get together and fight to solve the problem. Wan Kang didn't know it in his heart. Of course he wouldn't be afraid if he changed to a big venue, but the alley he was currently in was really not good. Two people at the corner of the wall were okay. If there were too many people, they would definitely be messy.

Chaotic war does not show skill.

Wankang nodded, "Okay, just go to Nanhu Park, but I have something to say. The roast duck in Hongyun Building can be skipped, but I have already ordered it and have to pay the bill. Who will go?"

Wang Meng was so angry that he breathed in the air again, and shot the bullet at Ruan, "Hurry up and settle the bill."

The group left and went straight to Nanhu Park.

I found a good place, near the lake, with slopes and flat ground, and surrounded by a one-person tall green material. It was a natural arena.

Without the opening remarks, Wang Meng was so depressed that he couldn't suppress it anymore. After a while standing still, he jumped up and punched his hand, "If you don't beat your grandson, I will change my surname today!"

"Fuck, you great grandson!" Wan Kang leaned away, "Your mother is more shameless than shameless, and you are quite righteous, it turns out that you are a fucking kid!"

After several talks, Wang Meng knew that his controversy was not an opponent of Anti-Magic, so he didn't say anything, he just started his hand, and he wanted to beat All Anti-Magic with a ferocious move.

Wang Meng's fist is very powerful, and Wan Kang has a feeling in his arm after blocking a few strokes from the side. If you want to fight hard, you can't guarantee anyone will break, at least one.

After dodge for a while, Wan Kang's agility prevailed, and it seemed easy to dodge, so that he could calmly move out to control the enemy. But Wang Meng's reaction speed was not slow, and with brute force he could always defuse the offense of Wan Kang.

Wang Meng also felt the situation of the matter. It was not his own imagination. Originally, he thought that a few tricks would be able to take the Ten Thousand Resistances, and after a violent beating, he could leave vigorously, and then show his grace in front of Miao Nan. But I didn't expect it to be true, as Ruan Fang said, this Wankang is indeed a big deal, and I can't hold it. Wang Meng regretted his carelessness and made it difficult to step down, not to mention that he might not be able to deal with Wan Kang, but on the other hand, when Wan Kang was able to deal with it, what kind of face was left in front of the younger brother.

Wan Kang has also been thinking about what to do at this time, and it took Wang Meng down for a while, but it wasn't necessarily a good thing. In case he is not good enough to give up, it will be troublesome to gather people to find things all day long, and make a mess at school by then and listen to the fart. It's better to find a chance and get a tie. Wankang thinks this is the best choice.

However, in Wang Meng's view, that is not the best choice. A tie is actually a failure for the strong and active side. Wang Meng assumed a posture of winning, and opened his arms to pounce on Wankang. Wang Meng's speed was not very fast, and his purpose was obvious. It was to catch Wan Kang for a close fight, which was obviously his strong point. Wankang knew how powerful it was, and how could it be possible for Wang to pounce on it, so he dodged from left to right.

The picture is not serious, like a children's game of eagle catching chicks. Wang Meng opened his arms and danced and pounced, and Wan Kang jumped and dodged.

"Grandson, don't hide!" Wang Meng was furious.

"Great-grandson, you are like a black box, you don't look like a person!" Wan Kang wanted to give Wang a violent blow. Only in this way can he subdue it. But then I am afraid that things will make a big mess. A small injury, he can't get rid of the relationship, because he is a person with a background, and he can't eat it with just a relationship.

During the jump, Wankang saw the lake water, and his brain was a shining spirit. With a method, he could solve the problem by entering the water with Wang Meng!

Wan Kang judged that Wang Meng's water quality is definitely not good, even if it is good, it is not good for him, so as long as he falls into the water, he can restrain Wang Meng softly, so that it can't hurt people, and let Wang Meng drink a few sips of lake water at most.

Wan Kang deliberately hid on the slope, and Wang Meng followed closely. After several tens of meters, Wankang found a good terrain a few meters away from the lake, a good slope, and there were many bushes and greenery around it. When Wankang jumped up, one could even see the lovers sitting in twos and threes inside. They weren't disturbed, because Wankang and Wang Meng's fight didn't move much, and the people Wang Meng brought did not booze.

Taking a look at the opportunity, Wan Kang deliberately put out a hand for Wang Meng to seize it. Wang Meng was overjoyed and pulled hard. Wankang's explosive power came in handy at this time, and he must have a head-on fight with Wang Meng.

Wang Meng was dragged backwards, Wan Kang took advantage of the momentum and got up again, and together with Wang Meng, he rolled over the short fir. There is a three or four-meter lake slope on the side of Aia Shan, Wan Kang is very sure that after turning over, he can smash into the water with Wang fiercely.