A Big Loser

Chapter 81: Analysis


After comprehensive consideration and repeated weighing, Wankang felt that if he chose to associate, Miao Nan would be more real. It just so happens that there is nothing to do with Qian Jiajia, no further development in the future, at most to be a good friend of the opposite sex, and you have to be careful about this, if Miao Nan catches a cold, it will be troublesome.

Wan Kang thought very much, and completely forgot Shi Shangjin's reminder to him. When the two people invited by Wang Meng stood in front and blocked the way, they realized that something was going on.

In terms of body shape, the two are similar to Wang Meng. Wankang’s first reaction was not to fight hard, the best way was to turn around and run, the two of them must have nothing to do with each other. But Wankang was a little worried because it was passed to Wang Meng, and Wang Meng would say that after finding two people, he would run away with scared buttocks. If Miao Nan knew, the face would not look good.

He still used a circuitous split attack technique, saying that fleeing is not fleeing, but he also didn't deal with it directly.

Before that, Wankang wanted to try his luck and see if he could get the two to agree to a heads-up, so that there would be no trouble. Facts have proved very bad luck in this regard today, and the two sneered and disagreed.

"You have to be a bit moral in this industry." Wan Kangdao, "You are unruly."

"This business is about love and justice." One of them returned, "For love and justice, morality and justice are on both sides."

"Gou Ri's sentiment, I think it's an interest." Wan Kang didn't look at it and he was polite, "Wang Meng's promise of Gou Ri's promise will give you much benefit, and you two will come and give him a lot of effort?"

This kind of banter seemed to have never been encountered before, and the two of them frowned and looked at each other, and then rushed towards Wan Kang. Wan Kang turned around and ran. Of course, the speed was not very fast, and he had to keep a certain distance, or he would really escape.

One of the two people was not good at running, swaying a burly head for several tens of meters, and then slowed down. Wankang was overjoyed. When he circumvented a thinner street light pole, he stretched out his hands and grabbed it, his body flew around in a circle, just facing the guy running ahead, kicked out.

He missed a kick, and the guy kicked his hands apart in a panic. Wankang regretted that his kick was useless, otherwise he would not be framed. This one didn't matter, Wan Kang had no distance advantage, he looked at the guy in front of him with a grin and rushed over.

At this time, life and death are almost the same, and Wan Kang, regardless of the severity, squatted down and stabbed out obliquely. The guy who was so happy that he could hold Wankang in his hand, he didn't expect Wankang to shoot so quickly, he felt a hard blow in his throat, and fell into a coma on his back.

The guy who rushed back took a look, stopped to look at his colleague who fell on the ground, opened his mouth wide and groaned "vomiting", breathing was very difficult, and I don't know what the throat was like.

Only then did Wan Kang realize the seriousness of the problem, although he stopped the offensive in time, otherwise the guy's neck would not be able to keep it, but even so, the throat that was the point of effort would suffer.

"Fortunately, I didn't hit the center." Wan Kang was secretly thankful, in fact, when he shot it just now, he was slightly off, or his fragile throat might be shattered.

Still hit a 120, Wan Kang worried that the guy who fell to the ground could not hold it.

Before 120 came, he walked over to be cruel to the other guy, "You two don't have long eyes, now it's alright, it depends on how you end up."

"Brother, help, he can't hold it anymore, he might be suffocated to death."

"Just the two of you?" Wan Kang asked.

"There are two more, in the car."

"Ran Fang is here, right?" Wan Kang said, "That grandson is a brainless guy, just like his elder brother Wang Meng, his limbs are not very developed, and his mind is terribly simple. You said that this kind of person is still messing up and eating shit. They can’t keep up with the heat! But you still fool around with them stupidly, I don’t think you can even eat cold shit, you two grandchildren, great-grandchildren!"

Wankang left after speaking, and the 120 siren had come.

As expected, there were no waves in this incident. Wan Kang guessed that Wang Meng would settle everything secretly and couldn't make it public, otherwise Miao Nan would not be polite to him. Wan Kang didn't say to Miao Nan either.

Everything went on. After a period of peaceful days in Wan Kang, Wang Meng didn't look for anything anymore. One reason was that he was suppressing the limelight. Another reason was that he was fighting fiercely with the enemy army and couldn't tell.

During this period of time, Wan Kang only met with Miao Nan and only communicated with Qian Jiajia through text messages. He thought it was better to keep a certain distance with Qian Jiajia.

All this is of course to get closer to Miao Nan. When Miao Nan and Wankang were together, they also showed more and more tendencies.

"Wangkang, have you ever thought about staying in Beijing in the future?"

"Stay in Beijing?" Wankang hasn't really thought about this issue, or even thought about staying in Beijing at all. However, when Miao Nan mentioned it, it really made him think about it. Hearing Miao Nan's tone, he wanted him to stay in Beijing, and his purpose was obvious, which was to stay together. But Wan Kang thinks this is very mysterious, Miao Nan is interested in him, but can her family accept him as a guy like a hunzi? If this is the case, then staying in Beijing is tantamount to making fun of yourself. In the end, it is estimated that it is a joke and a happy life. But he said categorically that he didn’t want to keep it. It seemed to be a shame for Miao Nan. Moreover, if Miao Nan accepted the truth about the matter with him, and forced her family to be unable to do anything, it might actually be possible. If that’s the case, it’s pretty good. , So don’t worry about not staying in Beijing. However, Wan Kang felt that he stayed in Beijing and relied on Miao Nan for his work, and he was a little bit soft. Even if it was not considered soft, his neck might not be tough when he looked up in front of others. After much deliberation, Wankang felt that it was still adopting a vague and circuitous method, first to find a reason to say not to keep Beijing Huihuanhong, and later it was really impossible to return to Beijing. "Miao Nan, I thought about staying in Beijing, especially when I met you," Wan Kang said seriously, "but I have a knot in my heart, I have to solve it."


"Yes, knot!" Wan Kang said, "Didn't I flop for a while in Huanhong, I didn't flop, I stumbled, and I was unwilling. If I don't go back and try again, I won't let it go for the rest of my life."

"Oh, then you don't want to stay in Beijing." Miao Nan nodded thoughtfully.

"It's not that I don't want to stay in Beijing." Wankang said, "Wait for Huihuanhong and work harder, no matter whether the result is good or bad, in the end, if possible, I would like to come to Beijing!"

"Everyone has their own way." Miao Nan smiled, "We have to go if you want to go."

With Miao Nan's words, Wan Kang felt relieved. However, Wang Meng still couldn't let go of the matter. According to my understanding, his person would not give up until he failed to achieve his goal. If he accidentally calculates it one day, the bad luck will be bad.

Instead of defensively, it is better to attack actively. You have to find Wang Meng to settle the matter. If the negotiation is not right, you will do a game. Try hard to get him to the ground before talking.

Finding Wang Meng doesn't take much trouble, just ask for a number through Liu Liu and just dial it. However, Liu Liu heard that Wankang asked Wang Meng to call, and wanted to talk to him. He felt that Wankang was asking for trouble. "Brother Kang, although you are powerful, we all know this, but it's probably inappropriate for you to ask him to talk so rashly." Liu Liu said, "Maybe it's Huluoyuan."

"That's no way." Wan Kang said, "This matter will be resolved sooner or later. Rather than being uncomfortable passively, it is better to take the initiative, and it will pass."

"Well, this is also true." Liu Liu pondered, nodding.

Wang Meng was surprised by Wankang's call. He didn't expect Wankang to call him to solve the problem. "There is really a kid who is not afraid of death!" Wang Meng squeezed his mobile phone for a while. The two buddies I looked for before did not help but went to the hospital. He has been thinking about this, and he can't wait to catch Wankang. He snapped his leg abruptly.

"You are cruel to me, it's actually not the business of your two friends." When Wan Kang and Wang Meng sat in the tea house, facing Wang Meng's gritted teeth, Wan Kang hit the nail on the head, "In the final analysis, it is Miao Nan, she is you. Can’t let go of the core."

Wang Meng looked at Wan Kang and nodded, "Yes, I admit, whoever robs Miao Nan with me, I will compete with him for the rest of my life!"

"It's better, what's worse, you!" Wankang said, "There are you without others, and others without you, right? Tell you, I don't want to be angry with you today. In the wilderness, there are knives and knives, and guns and guns. They are arrogant, but is that interesting

"Then what do you want?"

"Talk, talk calmly." Wan Kangdao, "I know there are a lot of you outside, but I take the attitude of solving the problem peacefully, and I don't care how many ambushes you set up."

"Wangkang, don't say I have a bad temper." Wang Meng said angrily, "What do you think I can have a peaceful talk with you?"

"Talk about Miao Nan." Wan Kang said, "I don't deny that you really like Miao Nan, and you really mean it, but have you ever thought that burning a stick is so hot that it is useless."

"You don't need to worry about this!" Wang Meng said, "All you have to do is to leave Miao Nan and stay away from her!"

"I'm leaving Miao Nan." Wan Kang chuckled, "Can you guarantee that after I leave Miao Nan, there will be no other men next to her? Can she see you?"

"What do you mean?!" Wang Meng squeezed his teacup firmly.

"Calm down, the saddest thing about a man is not being calm. It seems proud, but it's not." Wan Kang said, "You don't know Miao Nan for a day or two. How does she care about her? You should understand and do something. Why useless work?"

Wang Meng moved, and Wan Kang hurriedly pressed his hands, "Wait, wait until I finish speaking, and you can hear whether it makes sense, and then you can do whatever you want, and I will stay with him to the end."

The corners of Wang Meng's mouth twitched, "Say!"

"The matter between men and women is very subtle. You have to admit that Miao Nan doesn't feel that way to you." Wan Kang said, "but you still don't want to be forgiving, and you're like a savior to entangle others, and you don't blush. ? That is now Miao Nan is still not old. When she graduates and starts to work, if you are so unreasonable to make trouble, then you are hurting her! You are sincere to her, I don’t tell you the truth, but since you are sincere and sincere , You have to think about her, don’t you? It’s not very good for you to perfect her and let her find a loved one to live happily together! But you just don’t get the hang of it, you have been a stalker, but in the end you broke the world. When it gets entangled, will Miao Nan be really happy? Hasn't she been harmed like this, and it's more serious!"