A Big Loser

Chapter 89: Wow


Jin Hao's days are really smooth, and the guests' troubles and the occasional messengers are not worth mentioning. Wan Kang always frightened them with the look of judgment, and then it was ruthlessly devastated. As long as Wan Kang took action, it would be difficult to think that it was not ruthless.

"It is said that I have been mixed in the capital, and it is impossible to say that it is not showing a little thunder." Wankang reminded himself.

The facts have worked well. No matter what the opponent thinks, at least the morale of Jinhao's security team is high, and one by one said vigorously that it was someone who was making trouble, and he would break his leg first.

This situation is a performance for Jinhao, but the benefits belong to Pan Biao, and the benefits belong to the leadership, no matter how big or small. But Pan Biao didn't enjoy the fruit this time. Perhaps it was his second job that made him disdain the 20,000 instant prize Jinhao gave him, and all of it was lost to Wankang.

"This is your credit." Pan Biao said, "Wangkang, I haven't had this effect in Jinhao for so long. Now that you let go of your hands and feet, you will have this gain in such a short time, which fully shows that you are strong. , But it is also very capable, so we must be prepared to leave now. I have many opportunities here. Of course, I am not tearing down the boss’s desk. The boss treats me well and appreciates it, but it’s just the security. , I can do it even if I change to someone else, it won’t cause any loss to the hotel."

Wankang shook with 20,000 yuan, and threw a wad of money to Pan Biao, "Minister Pan, no matter what you say, it costs half of one person, although not much. Don't say no, based on your understanding of me, do you think I will take it all?"

Pan Biao looked at Wankang and smiled, "Well, listen to you, how do you say this is a small amount of money, don't take it seriously."

Small money? Don't Wankang think that if he had ten thousand on the night he came back from Beijing, how could he look for small hotels everywhere? Where to say something, maybe Pan Biao is really confused now.

Before he left, Pan Biao asked Wankang if he was proficient in computer technology. Wankang said it should be okay, but he went out and did nothing else. Pan Biao said yes. He has a friend in Lihua Real Estate Company. He is the manager of the engineering department. His name is Wang Bingming. Recently, the computer is not very easy to use. Go to the company to help.

The computer is not easy to use, but use it to solve it? Wan Kang felt that it was not easy to understand, Tangtang Lihua Real Estate Company, didn't even fiddle with the computer

However, when Wankang arrived at Wang Bingming's office, he understood everything. This guy was poisoned by browsing pornographic websites, he couldn't figure it out, and he was embarrassed to call the company's people.

Wankang stayed quiet and lay down in front of the computer for a long time. This was just to show Wang Bingming. He had to let him know that it took a certain amount of effort to get things done, or it was done in twos or twos. Not much love.

After the computer was repaired, Wang Bing opened his eyes and smiled, "Is it a professional, if you don't want to be frustrated, then the computer will not be scrapped?"

"Manager Wang, it's like a mountain, especially in the IT industry. It's not in this industry. You can't even touch the door." Wan Kang took out the Furong King and handed one to Wang Bingming. "It's the same for everyone."

"Smoked me, it happened that a friend came from Nanjing and brought a box of Ninety-Five Supreme." Wang Bingming pressed down Wankang's hand and took out the cigarette from the drawer. Whatever industry you look at, you can say that everyone can do real estate, as long as you have money to invest in the early stage, or even if you don’t have money, you can do it!"

"Look, Manager Wang, I don't understand what you are talking about." Wan Kang smiled, "It's okay if you don't have money to invest? Just kidding."

"Hehe." Wang Bingming squinted his eyes and smiled, he stopped talking, "I won't talk about that."

Wankang felt that this opportunity was good, and if he had a relationship with Wang Bingming, he might also be able to do some tricks. "Manager Wang, you just said that the computer should be scrapped, so you have to be careful. The hard disk should not be littered to prevent the information in the computer from being transmitted. It will be difficult to prevent."

"Well, that is, thank you for reminding." Wang Bingming said, "I have to remove the hard drive after it is scrapped. Even when it is not scrapped, I am very careful that others can't get on my computer."

"There are a lot of goods in it, right." Wan Kang smiled, "Is it downloaded or made by myself?"

"Hey, do you know a lot, just watched it?"

"No, didn't you look at it when you repaired the computer just now? I didn't open your folders." Wankang said, "According to my experience in repairing computers, there are usually many in them."

"Hehe, mine is hidden." Wang Bingming said, "Hidden files, I still understand that."

"That's useless." Wankang said, "There is no difference between hiding and not hiding such popular knowledge points. You should add a secret to them."


"Just get an encrypted file to protect them. You can only open them every time you enter the password." Wan Kang laughed, "With so much insurance, even if you send the computer to someone's home, you won't be seen that there is anything inappropriate. ."

"Is it complicated?"

"Absolutely simple, one learns it, and it doesn't take a minute."

"Well, give me one!" Wang Bingming smiled, "If it's complicated, forget it, otherwise, it's hard for me, a forty or fifty-year-old person."

"Manager Wang, now that a man is in his 40s or 50s is a great youth." Wan Kangdao said, "You should learn what you should learn, and you should do it!"

"From then on, I will ask you a lot. Anyway, computers and the Internet are slower for me to accept." Wang Bingming said, "I have never contacted before. At first there was a little resistance, and then I couldn't use it."

"Get used to it." Wankang said, "Manager Wang, you can make a note of my phone number and call whenever there is something to do. As long as there are no special circumstances, we will be there as soon as possible." Wankang finished speaking, took out the USB and got it. Install the simplest encrypted file, and then demonstrate it again.

"It's so simple!" Wang Bingming was overjoyed, he fiddled with it twice, and was so happy from ear to ear, "Okay, good! Now it's okay, there are some things you can take home to see!"

The ensuing conversation atmosphere was surprisingly enthusiastic. Wang Bingming asked where Wankang worked. Wankang said that he had just returned from Beijing and hadn't started much yet.

Wang Bingming’s question was a good opportunity. Wankang took the opportunity to ask, “Manager Wang, your company should have a lot of small jobs. See if it’s suitable, and also introduce it to you. How much money you can earn at that time? The manager drinks and sings."

Wang Bingming squinted his eyes and smiled, "There is work, but by chance there is one. I just don't know if you can do it."

"Just now you said that in your real estate, everyone can do it." Wan Kang smiled. "Manager Wang, don't you laugh at me but I'm not a human?"

"No, no, just look at what you said." Wang Bingming laughed, "Young people have a bright mind, OK, I'll help you grow your eyes first, and wait for my call."

After leaving Lihua Real Estate Company, Wankang suddenly felt very energetic. It would be nice to use this opportunity to infiltrate the real estate engineering field. If you encounter a good opportunity, and cooperate with Pan Biao, you may also make a lot of money.

Back to Jinhao, Wan Kang thought about it, and the key to the matter was Wang Bingming. To take him down, everything was a matter of course. However, how to win Wang Bingming must be counted up. It can be inferred that Wang Bingming certainly has no shortage of young ladies. As the manager of the Lihua Real Estate Company’s engineering department, countless contractors can be buckled up just by checking and accepting that piece. It’s common to have dinners and sing songs and call chickens.

"Or, let Eve's arrange a higher grade?" Wankang sat on the sofa and lit a cigarette and began to ponder. Maybe the first-class goods can give Wang Bingming a new feeling, but among the many construction companies, there is no Has anyone made him a good lady? Yes, there must be. Wan Kang sighed, it seems that this method is not in urgent use. No matter how advanced the young lady is, she will always be a young lady. In Wang Bingming's view, it may be a public toilet. There are simple and luxurious, but there is no essential difference.

This is difficult, but when thinking about repairing the computer today, Wan Kang's brows suddenly stretched out: Judging from the webpages browsed by Wang Bingming, he likes that kind of exciting video, and the more abnormal the better!

Many things are difficult not because the road is not easy, but because there is no way at all. Now that the way has been found, the right medicine can be prescribed.

Wankang called Yu Jun and asked what website could download the irritating pornographic video. Yu Jun is not surprised that Wankang asked about this. Computer people are accustomed to them. Many customers even have this requirement when buying computers: random 10g movies!

"Website, what is under the general website?" Yu Yun said, "How can you say that you are a person who has engaged in it, and you don't even know this. Go and download a vagaa, download it there, and enter the keyword."

"Do you have any? Just count it directly for me." Wan Kang said, "I want to give someone away, I'm very anxious."

"I never save those. It's convenient to watch and download." Yu Yun said, "You just do as I say, it's very convenient soon. Let me remind you, don't use those sensitive words when you are comfortable with keywords, what? **Ah, there are some mature women and young women. These are sometimes blocked and can’t be found. Just enter words like classic, absolute, super, weird, amazing, etc., which is more general, if there is something special Hobbies, such as those who are old and young, black and white, fat and thin, and animals, just type those words."

With Yu Jun's guidance, Wankang quickly got on the road, and downloaded a lot in one night. Some of them were enthusiastic and wanted to call Eveler!

The phone didn't make a call, and I remembered Luo Ying. Wan Kang doesn't understand, what Luo Ying does all day long as a woman, and there is no man to take care of him, isn't it boring? Thinking of this, Wankang wanted to call Luo Ying again. No way, it's such a good thing for the person in the heart. But thinking about the words when we met in Beijing, Wankang stopped again. It's not the time yet.

Let's do something tangible first, and the immediate task is to serve Wang Bingming well. Wankang classified dozens of downloaded videos according to different types and built four folders. Wankang is particularly satisfied with the self and that piece, which is almost non-performing and very real!

Wan Kang believes that his good intentions will definitely work, and it is impossible for Wang Bingming not to be destroyed. Next, waiting for Wang Bingming's guidance, and taking a small project to work on is a small step into the field of construction engineering.