A Billion Stars Can’t Amount to You

Chapter 104: Choose to marry me


"He Yuguang" saw that Ji Yi didn't reply for a long time, so he took the phone back and started typing again: "When you solve the problem, we can dissolve this marriage at any time."

"I myself have been having a headache because of this matter recently. I just heard your call and came up with this plan. Of course, you don't need to give me an answer right now. You can contact me after you think about it clearly."

Ji Yi lost sleep that night. She lay on her bed and tossed and turned all night long, and finally agreed to He Yuguang's proposal.

Those who went on a blind date were all here for a stable marriage, and He Yuguang's agreement to marry was really suitable for her. Moreover, time was running out, and if she continued to hesitate, the casting for Director Liang's film would be finalized. The most important thing is that He Yuguang is someone she knows very well, and she doesn't have to worry about the dangers of marrying him.

Not long after Ji Yi sent He Yuguang a message promising to marry him, He Yuguang came to see her.

He took her to a photo studio, took wedding photos, asked for her electronic signature, and then told her that he had already contacted people from the Sioux City Civil Affairs Bureau and that he could just go back and apply for a marriage certificate.

The He family is so powerful in Su City, so it is not difficult for her to apply for a marriage certificate without her having to go there in person. What's more, it saves her the trouble of asking for leave from school and then traveling to Su City, so when Ji Yi sees He Yuguang After typing these words, without any doubt or hesitation, he handed over the household registration book to He Yuguang for full processing.

Five days later, Ji Yi received the express delivery from Su City. When she opened it, in addition to the household registration book she handed to He Yuguang, there was also a red marriage certificate. When she opened it, she saw a photo of her and He Yuguang, below. Their names are: He Yuguang and Ji Yi.

Ji Yi stared at the marriage certificate for a moment, then picked up the phone and sent a text message to He Yuguang: "Brother Yu Guang, I received your express delivery."

After a while, she received a reply from He Yuguang: "My father and mother are not in the country now. When they return to the country, you can come back to Su City to see them."

Her marriage was originally intended to break the dilemma set by Qiange. Because she didn't expect it to last long, she didn't want to let her parents know.

If Uncle He and Aunt He knew that she and He Yuguang were married, they would definitely contact her parents as soon as possible. Now that they are not in the country, He Yuguang also said that he would wait until they come back to inform her. This would save her from having to go back and explain to her parents. Maybe by the time Uncle He and Aunt He return to China, the marriage agreement between her and He Yuguang will have ended.

Thinking of this, Ji Yi tapped twice on his phone and sent a text message: "I understand, Brother Yu Guang."


"I understand, Brother Yu Guang."

After He Jichen saw Ji Yi's words on He Yuguang's cell phone, he did not reply to her, but turned his eyes to the desk.

There were three marriage certificates spread out on it.

The photos on the marriage certificates are all the same, but the names underneath are a little different.

The red book on the far left is: He Yuguang, Ji Yi.

The remaining two red books read: He Jichen, Ji Yi.

He thought that she would never have thought that the marriage certificate she got was a fake marriage certificate that he spent 500 yuan on.

The two marriage certificates signed "He Jichen, Ji Yi" in front of him were the real marriage certificates issued by the Civil Affairs Bureau.

She rejects him so much that even if it is an agreed marriage, she will definitely not want to enter into an agreed marriage with him. But he couldn't do it while watching her get a certificate with someone else, even if it was a fake marriage. Therefore, the only way he could think of was to use his brother's identity to trick her into getting the certificate with him.