A Billion Stars Can’t Amount to You

Chapter 115: I don’t deserve to do this 5


Ji Yi seemed to be suddenly awakened. When he heard what He Jichen said, he suddenly stood up and pushed the chair behind him.

When she bent to pick up the bag, she pulled the wound on her wrist.

He clearly saw her frowning and biting her lower lip because of the pain. The corners of his lips pursed instinctively. Before he could react, she had already run away in disorder.

He Jichen was the only one left in the dilapidated and dirty classroom.

The bright sunshine passed through the window and hit him quietly.

He remained in the position where he was squatting in front of the chair to untie the rope for her, as if he was in a frozen scene, motionless.

After a long time, he blinked gently and looked away from the direction she just ran away from.

He knew that he had done something wrong again and said the wrong thing.

He didn't want to get into this kind of trouble with her. When he saw her withdrawing her hand and heard what she said, he really tried his best to control his temper, but in the end he still couldn't hold it back.

After all, he still didn't want to let her know some things, such as that he loved her; for example, he missed her very much during the years she left him.

He understood that the reason why he had such thoughts was because he still cared about those "afterglows" she called out that night four years ago.

How much he loves her, how much she made him embarrassed and embarrassed that night, and the last thing he wants is to let her know about those embarrassments and embarrassments, so he always uses duplicity to hurt others. Cover up the truest side of your heart.

He knew very well that this was due to his own pride and unwillingness.

After a long time, He Jichen stood up unsteadily and left the abandoned teaching building.

After getting in the car, he looked at the time and saw that it was almost nine o'clock. She wanted the role of "Xiao Jiu" so much that she would definitely rush to the set as soon as possible.

Even though she had made him so sad not long ago, he still couldn't ignore her at the moment.

He was always confused because she was so conflicted.

He Jichen suddenly felt sad. He lowered his eyes and was silent for a moment. He still followed his inner thoughts, took out his cell phone and made a call to Director Liang.

The call was quickly connected. He said a few polite words and went straight to the topic: "I was busy just now, so I looked up the actor who played Xiao Jiu today. She may arrive at the set a little later..."

After hanging up the phone, He Jichen sat quietly in the car for a moment before starting the car and driving out of the campus with ease.

On the way to the set, while waiting for a traffic light, he saw a drugstore on the roadside through the passenger window, and her injured wrist suddenly flashed through his mind.

He stepped on the accelerator and drove forward slowly for a distance. Finally, he stopped on the side of the road, got out of the car and went to the pharmacy.


When Ji Yi got into the taxi, it was already 8:40, which was the morning rush hour in Beijing. The traffic was very heavy. By the time she arrived at the set of "The King's City", it was already close to 10 o'clock.