A Billion Stars Can’t Amount to You

Chapter 85: How are you doing? We don't care


Fatty has known He Jichen since elementary school. When He Jichen was "conquering the world" in the first year of junior high school, Fatty stayed by his side and "will never leave him."

In all these years, Fatty had never seen He Jichen treat any woman well, oh, no, he had seen it with his eyes.

Ji Yi was the first one and the last one Fatty knew.

No matter how many years have passed, whenever someone mentions how a man treats a woman, the fat man will always think of "Brother Chen". It's true, he has never seen a man treat a woman like that in his life. It's better to dig your heart out with all your heart.

Fatty always thought that it was good enough for He Jichen to let his group protect Ji Yi in the "secret of great publicity" at Kaixin Internet Cafe. Later, he realized that that was just the beginning.

One month after the incident with Sun Zhang, He Jichen, who had never read a textbook or written any homework since the first grade of junior high school, began to study hard.

As He Jichen's deskmate, the fat man thought that He Jichen was just joking. But week after week passed, He Jichen passed the mid-term exam and passed the top 100 in age. Only then did the fat man realize that Brother Chen was not joking, he was serious. .

The fat man asked He Jichen: "Brother Chen, after becoming the boss of the first middle school, are you going to become the hegemon of the first middle school?"

He Jichen, who was flipping through the math book, replied to the fat man in a calm tone: "No."

No, why are you studying so hard in such a cold window? Before the fat man could even ask, He Jichen spoke again: "I want to help someone."

"If you help someone, who should you help?"

He Jichen didn't answer.

The fat man at that time, not the fat man he became later, didn't understand that everything He Jichen did was because of the two words "Ji Yi". He continued to ask, which made He Jichen impatient and slapped the book hard. At the back of his head, he obediently shut up.

He Jichen had a smart mind. When he studied hard, his grades improved dramatically. In the final exam, he ranked among the top twenty in his age group, fifth behind Ji Yi.

Then the first half of the first semester of high school came to an end, and everyone went on winter vacation. After the Spring Festival, everyone ushered in the second semester of high school.

When school started again, He Jichen, in addition to still studying seriously, began to study the key points of each course.

The fat man felt that He Jichen was doing something unnecessary, and muttered in a low voice: "You know how to do it, Brother Chen, who are you going to show these key points to? To me? I've learned everything about picking up girls, but I just can't learn..."

He Jichen seemed to be indifferent and continued to draw the key points in the textbook, but his thoughts were taken away by the fat man's words.

Who is he showing these key points to? Do you still need to ask? It must be Ji Yi, the person he wants to help.

He had such an idea because in the first half of the first semester of high school, after he returned home, he overheard Ji Yi complaining to He Yuguang: "Brother Yu Guang, I think the high school courses are so difficult..."