A Cat with a Red Envelope Group

Chapter 10: Top search


The next day, Xu Maomao was noticed by the students who entered the class early.

"There's a cat here!"

Xu Maomao got up from the radiator when he heard the sound, flicked his hind legs hard, and stretched his long lazy waist.


"Ah, so cute, so beautiful! It seems to be an expensive breed of cat!"

"I know, it's a puppet cat, my God, I really want to take it back!"

"Don't, did you forget that the dormitory aunt confiscated Sisi's rabbit?"

"It seems hungry?"

Xu Maomao licked her tongue, indicating that she was really hungry.

The girls happened to have breakfast in their hands. Seeing that he was docile, they dared to break the steamed buns and ham sausages for him to eat.

Every time Xu Maomao took a bite, they let out a cry of surprise.

[Get the favor value from Yang Mingzhu +150]

[Get the favorite value from Dong Bing +150]

[Get the favorite value from Xu Xiangxiang +100]

The girls also have a cute heart that loves small animals, and they earn 3,000 favorite points for one breakfast. If it wasn't for the bell for the class, they would be reluctant to leave.

However, Xu Maomao didn't feel comfortable eating this meal. After all, it was something that humans eat, and it tasted a little heavy for cats.

After eating, I felt dry mouth, so I ran to the water room and turned on the tap with my paws to drink water. The water room was specially used to make hot water for the students. The closer it was to the outside, the colder it became. However, it still burned her mouth.

He came out for food three times a day on time. Although it was no problem to be full, the quality was completely incomparable to Shen Yu's family.

Shen Yu…

Xu Maomao recited these two words silently, and lightly sniffed.

He must be worried about Oscar, right? Will you continue to find yourself? It's a pity that the male god doesn't know that the real cat uncle has gone to play, and now it is Xu Maomao living in the cat.

Thinking back on the bite she took on Shen Yu, Xu Maomao felt very sorry, and the more he wanted to change back into a human form to make up for him.

In order to earn love points as soon as possible, he abandoned his morals and licked his hair as cleanly as possible. When he had nothing to do, he stayed downstairs in the girls' dormitory, meowing at them diligently.

It's not easy to be cute, because the dormitory aunt sometimes drives him away.

He was hiding from his aunt like he was hiding from the city management, and painstakingly patrolled the gates of each dormitory building.

On the first day, the girls just fed him, and on the second day, some people began to take pictures of him.

Xu Maomao was dozing off, thinking about taking a nap, but when she saw them show their phones, she stood up professionally and posed for them to take pictures.

The heroic appearance of cats in my mind is pitiful, and after thinking about it, there is only a lucky cat. So Xu Maomao posed the most fortune cat pose, and because of his cuteness, he even won a lot of hearts.

"Wow, it's so camera-like!"

"Why is its owner willing to throw it away?",

"Why don't I discuss it with Mama and take it home to raise it."

Xu Maomao was startled and ran away meowing. Another person would probably be dragged to pick eggs, but he wouldn't dare to dig a hole for himself.

"Ouch, how did it run away?"

"It's cute to run too~~"

"Haha, Xiaoli, you laugh like an idiot~"

"Hey, look at Weibo, Qiao Lingfeng posted a cat-hunting revelation!? It's on the hot search!"

"Look at this cat..."

"Isn't it a bit like a..."

"It's not very similar, Qiao Lingfeng's cat looks very small~"

"Never mind, let's try sending him a private message."

"Okay, let's go, let's go to class first."

"It's going to be late! Stop playing with your phone!"

Xu Maomao ran so fast that he didn't hear the following conversation, but somehow, from this moment on, he kept hearing that his love value was rising. Although the amount was small, the id was also inexplicable. such as:

[Snow Favorite Value from Under the Starry Sky +2]

[Women from Fengjia's favorite value +5]

[From cloud favorite value +2]

Xu Maomao was at a loss, guessing that it might be because the girls' dormitory circulated his photos. Anyway, the increase in these favorite values does not require him to be busy, so he can enjoy it.

In this way, he stayed in his alma mater for two days and one night without incident, his favorite value soared to more than 30,000, and he was barely considered a well-off family in the red envelope group.

Although sitting on tens of thousands of assets, he did not dare to squander it, and just patiently waited for Dr. Mi to return to the arena.

Moreover, he was also vaguely worried that if the weather was cold, the activities of the students would be reduced. Maybe he would not pick up the meal, and he would definitely grab more cans of rice at that time.

The days of wandering outside are so hard, every penny worth of love has to be saved.

On the third night, Xu Maomao wanted to sneak into the teaching building just like the previous two days, but he found out that the building was closed early.

When he ran to other teaching buildings, he found that they were all closed early.

Xu Maomao suddenly remembered the school's tradition. Today is Friday, the teaching area will be closed an hour earlier, and only the library will be open.

But the library is more strictly guarded, and it is impossible for him to sneak in.

In desperation, he approached a girls' dormitory and squatted outside to see if any girls were willing to take him in.

It's a pity that waiting, waiting, their hurried figures drifted past, no one dared to lead the cat squatting in the corner.

The couples were saying goodbye downstairs in twos and threes. There were fewer and fewer people. Xu Maomao decided to sneak in while the night was heavy.

He took aim at a female man who was carrying four pots of boiling water, and planned to use those pots to cover up and hide from the sky.

The female classmate didn't even notice it, and while carrying four pots of water, she was still talking on the phone with her phone on her head.

Xu Maomao followed behind her, shrinking in her shadow as much as possible.

Who would have guessed that he had just stepped in with a front paw, and the thick hand of the observant host aunt fell from the sky, grabbed him by the neck, and carried him out.

"Lock the door when you come in and out! Don't let cats and dogs enter the building!" The dormitory aunt roared angrily.

Xu Maomao meowed aggrievedly, and the aunt waved her hand to signal him to go away.

Xu Maomao didn't give up and wanted to find other dormitories, but one by one, several aunts caught them and threw them out.

Aunts don't care about their age, but their skills are comparable to martial arts masters, and there is nothing to be afraid of, such as taijiquan.

One of the dormitory aunts said to him: "Little cat, don't bother. A few months ago, a wild cat ran in and scratched a lot of people, so now the control is strict, you know?"

Xu Maomao let out a thin meow in grievance.

"Hey, you don't understand either." The dormitory aunt sighed, rubbed her hands, and was so cold that she wanted to hurry back to the house to warm up.

But after two steps, she felt pity for the lonely cat, so she went into the house to get a cardboard box, put some old clothes in it, built a temporary shelter and hid it in a hidden corner.

"Kitten, I can only help you here, come in."

Xu Maomao gave her a meow.

thanks. Anyway, there is a nest tonight.

He indented into the humble nest, still shivering with cold. In desperation, I ate the remaining few mouthfuls of high-grade canned food in an attempt to resist the heavy frost in the middle of the night.

Fortunately, the puppet cat has thick hair, and although it is cold, it can barely fall asleep in a daze.

However, in the early morning, the sky began to snow.

The first snow in City B came so unexpectedly. Although Xu Maomao's nest was covered, it was exposed to the cold and humid air, and the water vapor brought by the snow added to the burden on the body. He was freezing to the point of freezing, sneezing and running nose, even though the cans kept the cold out.

In the early morning of four or five o'clock, the students did not get up at all, and the teaching building was not open. It would take at least three or four hours for him to have heating, but by then the whole cat would be frozen.

Finally he thought of another place that might open the door - the dining room kitchen. There is a tent there for employees to put bicycles, because it is warmer near the kitchen, the only problem is that there are mice.

Xu Maomao was afraid of mice, especially those fat squeaks as long as their arms in the kitchen. They were not only hairy, but also very fast and aggressive.

But now there is no choice.

He grabbed the nest made of the cardboard box and walked towards the back of the dining room.

The cardboard box was too heavy for him, and as he walked and rested, the snow fell on his back, covering most of the gray hair on his body.

Because of the low temperature, the cardboard box became very brittle and was torn in half during the dragging process, making it unusable.

Xu Maomao stared blankly at his only warm tool, the whole cat was so cold that he wanted to cry.

There was a deep longing in his heart to go back. But thinking of that knife, he didn't dare to make this decision.

He raised his head and glanced at the horizon, the sun was slowly tearing apart the dark night, thinking that the cold would soon be over and that he would be able to sneak into the teaching building soon, Xu Maomao decided to abandon the nest.

He casually found a horn in Xiangyang, shrunk into a small ball, and was so fascinated by it.

After an unknown time, a shadow blocked the faint morning light, and someone picked him up.

The warm embrace carried a familiar smell, and Xu Maomao was abruptly woken up, only to see a large gauze sticker on his hand holding him.

The low and hoarse voice of the visitor suppressed the excitement of being lost and regained.

"finally found you."