A Cat with a Red Envelope Group

Chapter 17: Phoebe the cat 1


As soon as Shen Yu went out the next morning, Xu Maomao first went for a stroll in the red envelope group. Because Su Ri was robbing too frequently, Xu Maomao also sent a big red envelope in the group, which deposited a thousand favorite points and sent it to the group. Set the number of extracted favorites to 0.

The cat group was shocked, and it was the first time they saw this kind of free play.

[Rice]: I got 100 favorite points!

[Migu]: Migu also has thirty

[Arale]: Ah, there is such a red envelope

[Mimihu]: Hahahaha I got one hundred and seventy

[Big Red Lantern]: I... There are only three special cats! Is it my poor quality


[車猊]: This seat only has 0.8, so there is actually a number like 0.8!

Xu Maomao looked at the crazy group owner and laughed until the whole cat was sick, but the next second, a big fork flashed on her screen.

[You have been banned by the administrator for 3 hours]

[苻猊]: I think there is a conspiracy, @oscar will reflect on it.

Xu Maomao: QAQ

Do you still blame me for not being able to grab it yourself

Angrily, Xu Maomao clicked the fork off angrily, and then found that his input box had turned gray, and he didn't respond no matter how he turned. He was bored and opened up the details of the red envelopes he had sent out. He sighed when he saw that Su Yan was indeed at the bottom of the list. Heh, he just won't compensate the group owner. He wants to be a noble cat, not like evil. The power bows his head, and he will not do things like bribery.

At this time, he suddenly saw the name of Dr. Mi in the list! And it actually grabbed 350, which is the king of red envelopes this time.

But the low-key and cold [Dr. Mi] didn't show off a few words in the group, just sent a private message, just two words: interesting

Interesting what? Does it mean that it's fun to like it? Or is it interesting because you made the red envelope king yourself

Meow! This is not the point, the point is that Dr. Mi actually took the initiative to chat with him privately!

I clicked on its avatar again and found that it had indeed cancelled the shielding of itself, which means that in its heart, Xu Maomao is a somewhat privileged cat!

So angry, but the owner of the spicy chicken group banned him.

Reluctantly quit the chat group, Xu Maomao started today's very important task, learning dance.

Just like yesterday, he first memorized a few movements in front of the screen, then turned up the music, and ran to the floor-to-ceiling window in the living room to practice the movements against the shadow.


Valley of the Winds Pet Shop.

Today is the first day of the official trial operation of the sanatorium. Many people have heard of this incredibly cheap service and brought their pets to experience it.

Shen Yu was wearing the same pink uniform as the employees, because the lines on his face were three-dimensional and crisp, and he did not feel feminine at all because of the pink color, but made him soft and warm. Several female customers came to buy pet food because the owner was too handsome, but they all secretly went back and hugged their owner to tease the guy.

Of course, no matter how they winked, Shen Yu was unmoved, and just introduced them to the services of the convalescent center with a serious face.

The first group of guests who came to experience the experience can be roughly divided into three categories: the first category is the over-stressed type. They all claim that their pets have a lack of appetite. As a result, they were checked by Shen Yu and another nursing staff. Where is the lack of appetite, it is clear It is the rhythm of eating and supporting, so I was advised by the sanatorium to exercise to lose weight and reduce food intake; or too nervous about the pet's every move, I wish to take them to the doctor if there is a slight disturbance, in fact, how can people eat whole grains and eat good food every day? The same is true for pets. Occasionally, they eat less and sleep more deeply. It's just their body's self-regulation.

The second type is the live-action type. They have only heard of human psychologists and never seen pet psychologists, so they came here to gain insight. Most of these guests are sent by Shen Yu.

The third category is the most irritating. They adopt or buy pets out of love, but after a few months of raising, they find that pets are cute and there are many troubles. It takes a lot of thought and patience. Remorse, but their sense of responsibility and conscience will not make them abandon them immediately. As soon as I hear that the price here is low (the price of recuperation is only one-tenth of the ordinary foster care), I want to leave the pets here temporarily, and when will I miss them? Hold it back again.

He is very disgusted by the pet store for the third type of people. Although Shen Yu feels a little distressed about the experience of their pets, he does not condone this kind of behavior, because this type of people will not lose their conscience, they are just not mature enough. Separating pets from them will make them consider pets more as a toy rather than a sweet responsibility, so Shen Yu righteously rejected such people, and asked the therapist to teach and enlighten them.

Busy until noon, they picked out three of the dozens of pets that really needed recuperation. They were two cats that were overweight and overweight, and a dog that was overly frightened after a fight with the cat...

The methods of the convalescent center include music therapy, touch therapy, contact with the same kind, etc. Shen Yu did not participate in specific matters. After he explained the task, he entered the office and turned on his mobile phone.

As soon as the monitor was connected, I heard a burst of cheerful music.

"You are my little apple, I can't love you too much. The little red face warms my heart and lights up my life.~~~"

On the screen, a beautiful puppet cat is dancing to the music, twisting its waist and stepping, lifting its left leg—boom, slamming on the carpet, raising its right leg—boom, and falling on the carpet again!

Oscar seemed a little angry, he stood up, his front paws on his hips, as if he was thinking about the philosophy of cat life. After a while, it ran back to the study to replay the music and danced again, but when it jumped to the foot-lifting action, it finally stopped raising its legs so high.

Shen Yu;…

Since the hello kitty with the hidden camera has been placed in the study, this time he clearly and intuitively witnessed Oscar jumping onto the desk, squatting in front of the computer, moving the mouse, and studying seriously.

Shen Yu's eyes have been opened from the original long and narrow shape to almond eyes, his fingers trembled slightly, and he pressed the video recording function.

This video will definitely be a mess when it is posted on the Internet!

But Shen Yu didn't have this idea. His only impulse now is to go home and attack this dance king cat! He has no doubts that his Oscar is on the way to perfection!

When did it become so wise? Is it something to do with the escape? What happened? Does it understand its own words? And did it actually speak that night? How would it react if I showed it this video I recorded

Shen Yu had a lot of questions, and could not wait to be arraigned immediately, ah no, it was to interview the master cat, but when he pulled out his chair, he really planned to go home immediately to "arrest" this animal that became a sperm after the founding of the People's Republic of China. , His mind returned to the scene on the day Oscar escaped—this delicate kitten would dance quietly, and after finishing the case, he deliberately covered up his traces, probably not wanting to be discovered.

What if I suddenly attack and scare the little guy

So he was a little undecided, and at the same time he didn't stop guessing, why did Oscar learn from Apple? And secretly, waiting for me to go to work before I learn, is it because... to show myself

Thinking of this, Shen Yu couldn't help but press his fist to his lips, and decided not to scare the snake for the time being.

At this time, there was a commotion outside the pet shop.

The rash clerk Xiaoguan pushed open the door and said anxiously, "Manager Shen! There are a lot of reporters outside!"

Shen Yu put away the phone: "Reporter?"

He didn't notify the media at all. This is just a newly opened pet store, and all the documents are fully equipped. What are the reporters doing here

"It's not to interview us, it's that one, the female singer who was recently 3rd came to our store!"

Shen Yu didn't follow the lace news, and said at a loss: "Who's here?"

"Zhang Meimei, her husband cheated on her agent and transferred her assets, and she went crazy in the scarf. Don't you watch entertainment news, boss?" Xiaoguan gossips, "Because it's too embarrassing, she keeps hiding. She didn't go out, so she came to our store today without a mask for some reason, and brought her pet cat with her."

Shen Yu nodded calmly: "I see, since they are all guests, I will deal with the reporters."

As soon as he left the office, he saw that the clerk was pushing and shoving reporters from entering, and there was a thin and beautiful woman standing in the store, with a very familiar face, it was singer Zhang Meimei.

Because the reporter chased after her to interview her, the scene was very noisy, and the other pets in the store seemed to be frightened and kept barking. Zhang Meimei's face was covered in sweat, looking both angry and overwhelmed.

Shen Yu lived a tall and noble life. The reporters regarded him as an unknown 18th-line star for a while. They thought that Zhang Meimei came to see him when she went out today, and was about to hold the camera to shoot him. He walked to the door without hesitation, and pushed the two reporters who were about to break in without hesitation.

He was always in the gym, and he was still in the dark stage, so his strength and speed were much higher than ordinary people. The two reporters were pushed out several meters, and the people behind them also collided, and fell back like a boneless nume card. go.

"You, you hit someone!"

The reporter yelled angrily.

Shen Yu's face was cold, and he said coldly: "This store does not accept reporters, and it is forbidden to make noise here. If we continue to harass our normal business, I will call the police."

He picked up the phone and gestured to press it.

The reporters were actually not afraid of him calling the police, but they felt that the man looked really hard to mess with, so they backed away until they were out of sight.

Shen Yu knew that they didn't go far, and it was estimated that Zhang Meimei would be photographed on the way back, but he couldn't control these, he just needed to ensure that the pets in the store were not affected.

When he returned to the store, Zhang Meimei looked grateful: "Thank you."

Shen Yu didn't treat her as a special guest, but nodded and said, "You brought a pet, do you need any help?"

Zhang Mei was sullen and seemed a little uncomfortable with his calmness, but she quickly reacted, and hurriedly opened her take-out cage, and then carefully took out a cat.

It was a Garfield, but all the clerks couldn't help but feel tight when they saw it.

The author has something to say: The gentle Shen Chen decided to let Mao Mao Yi Ma temporarily~o( =∩ω∩= )m