A Cat with a Red Envelope Group

Chapter 5: Snail cat


Shen Yu was still asleep when he woke up the next day.

Although it was the season of late autumn, Shen Yu's house was full of heating, so he was covered with a thin quilt, and it was not covered honestly, revealing half of his chest muscles.

Oh oh oh, so fragrant early in the morning, do you want to tempt me to step on the milk!

Xu Maomao stared at the shiny skin with saliva, raised his paws, but dared not move. Although his mind has already stepped on the male god's chest muscles over and over again, he is actually a conservative little otaku. Stepping on milk is a little guilty!

Xu Maomao's small head silently moved away, and his eyes moved from his chest to his feet, but he saw a tall, vertical object again.

Although Xu Maomao is a man, he understands that this is a natural reaction, but seeing Chenbo as soon as we met was really exciting! And, that size...

Not inferior to the protagonist in his own writing, he can't run eighteen centimeters.

Looking at it, Xu Maomao was hot all over, and a damned, weird throbbing came from his abdomen—

OK, it seems like...


The hair all over his body exploded, he jumped out of bed like a convulsion, and instinctively ran out the door. However, as soon as he squatted into the cat litter tray, he woke up.

What am I doing!

If it's really here, it must be Shen Yusho in the end, QAQ, it's too shameless!

Xu Maomao had an idea, and immediately rushed into the bathroom, flexibly jumped onto the toilet, and meowing to solve the physiological problem.

The toilet lid still has an automatic cleaning function. Xu Maomao studied it for a while with a pair of cat eyes, and when he pressed the button, he heard a sound.

Standing at the door, Shen Yu was surprised to see her cat squatting on the toilet in a difficult posture... It can be said that she is very delicate and soft!

Shen Yu: "..."

Xu Maomao was so frightened that he didn't squat properly, and when he tilted his body, he slid into the toilet.

"Meow!" I'm going to fall off the toilet, I'm going to fall off the toilet!

Shen Yu quickly picked him up and caught him firmly. Xu Maomao was about to breathe a sigh of relief when she saw Shen Yu staring at the water in the toilet, there was nothing in it, the water was rippling, it looked like It's like it's just been washed over. Immediately, he said incredulously, "Are you using the toilet just now?"

Boo! Just after that, I was caught. Is there any shame in the cat's life? Fortunately, it has been washed away, otherwise it would not have been killed by one head.

"It's very dangerous, do you know when you go to your own toilet next time?"

Absolutely not.

Xu Maomao shook the cat's head firmly, Shen Yu chuckled and put him back on the ground: "Naughty."

[Obtain 'Shen Yu' Favorite Value +50]

It turns out that being looked at can increase the degree of love... Male god, is it really good for you to have such a strong taste

Shen Yu ignored that he was right next to him, went to the toilet by himself, and naturally opened the gate to release the water. After all, people are very relaxed in the presence of pets.

Xu Maomao was startled and ran away quickly, her heart pounding.

Thinking that she might have to face this kind of exciting life from time to time, Xu Maomao felt a little bit about to cry without tears.

If it goes on like this, I really can't stop, but when I think of being with Shen Yu, I will be stimulated by Oscar's hair to the point of nosebleed every day, and I immediately back off.

Or change back quickly and stay away from the land of right and wrong.

Taking advantage of the time when Shen Yu was preparing breakfast for him, he went to the cat group to take a look at the records. Hundreds of unread messages are displayed on it. It seems that after one night, the cats are swarming again.

He scrolled up and suddenly saw a message.

[Dr. Mi]: I can become a human being, I have a way

[Rice]: The doctor is out! @oscar

[Rice]: Where's the cat

There were several cats below helping to inquire, but the cold Dr. Mi did not respond, and only cheated the corpse once all night.

Xu Maomao withdrew from the group in disappointment.

It happened that Shen Yu was also preparing breakfast. One cat and one person bathed in the fresh air in the morning, sitting in rows at the dining table and happily finished eating.

Just like yesterday, Shen Yu just washed his cat's rice bowl, and threw the one he used into the sink to soak.

"Meow meow!" Male god, are you really okay with this? When do you want to wait until you wash it? Actually, a man like you especially needs a little cleaning expert like me. It's a pity that you have a cat, so I can only stay far away. view.

Xu Maomao was lying on the sofa in the "_(:з"∠)_" posture, watching Shen Yu change the water and cat litter, and then changed into a new set of home clothes. Yu has changed at least five or six sets of pajamas, which is simply a dressing maniac.

At this time the doorbell rang.

When I opened the door, I saw a tall man outside, wrapped tightly all over his body, with no mask or glasses pulled.

"Let me in, I was targeted by the paparazzi just now." The man said anxiously.

Shen Yu gave way, he couldn't wait to enter the door, then took off his mask and glasses, and let out a sigh of relief: "I'm finally free to come to you."

When Xu Maomao saw his face clearly, the cat's eyes glowed!

The guest turned out to be the popular Xiao Lingfeng Qiao Lingfeng, and Xu Maomao once wore a vest and wrote a fanfiction of the online TV series he starred in...

Shen Yu actually has celebrity friends!

"Meow meow!" Please sign the male god and male god!

"Yo, Oscar finally has some energy." Qiao Lingfeng bent down in surprise, picked up the cat, and took a deep breath of cat breath like a drug addict.

[Get 'Qiao Lingfeng' Favorite Value +50]

Wow, a lot of love value, Xu Maomao rubbed directly in his arms.

Qiao Lingfeng pouted and was about to bow his head to kiss his little nose, but Shen Yu slapped him with a palm, stretched out his hand and took him away, saying lightly, "Don't kiss my cat."

"Can you die with a kiss?" Qiao Lingfeng glared at him.

"If you want to kiss, kiss the ones in your family."

"Heh, I kissed my own too. I kiss Big Mi and Mi Mi every day." Qiao Lingfeng boasted, "They all love me so much that they will take the initiative to hug me every time they come back."

Shen Yu looked at him with a headache. This guy has to show off his relationship with the cat every time. He doesn't look for a girlfriend or a boyfriend, but the media still frame his scandals all day long.

"Okay, let's talk business, I have to go to the store in the afternoon." Shen Yu interrupted.

The two entered the study, and Xu Maomao followed curiously.

After listening for a long time, I realized what was going on. It turned out that Shen Yu's pet shop was actually opened by Qiao Lingfeng, but Qiao Lingfeng could only ask friends to name and help because of his sensitive identity. At present, the pet store has not been in trial operation for a long time. Shen Yu is responsible for keeping an eye on the performance, filling in all kinds of documents, looking for employees, and looking for channels. After finally stabilizing, Qiao Lingfeng is eager to open a pet hospital and combine it with the original store. .

"When the hospital opens, we can also open pet rescue stations, pet parks, pets..."

"Stop." Shen Yu waved his hand, "You said so much, don't you want me to do it?"

"Well," Qiao Lingfeng nodded vigorously and said confidently, "You rich second generation who doesn't need to worry about making a living, how much time do you have, who are you not looking for?"

"..." Shen Yu couldn't refute, and reluctantly discussed the details with him.

Xu Maomao felt a chill in his heart when he heard it. Shen Yu was going to fight to the end with the pets. He also thought that if the cat fairy didn't come back, he would still have a chance to recover if he became a human being. The male god! Who knew that in addition to Mao Daxian, pet stores, pet hospitals, and pet rescue stations waiting for Shen Yu to work...

"You're trying to kill me." Shen Yu said helplessly, "I can't get these documents from the pet hospital within a year and a half. This, this, and this, I'm going to S city. I can't leave home. For too long, Oscar needs me."

"What's so hard about it, give it to me."

Xu Maomao raised his tail alertly, and came to snatch the cat if he disagreed

"No." Shen Yu simply refused.

"Hey, I have a lot of cats in my house. It comes and there are many friends to play with. Anyway, you are busy and don't have time to take care of it and play with it. It will be depressed if it is kept at home."

"I have it with me."

With that said, Shen Yu stretched out his hand towards Xu Maomao, "Is it Oscar? Come on, paws."

The face of the male god must be given, and Xu Maomao resolutely returned the soft and tender meat pads.

Qiao Lingfeng was envious: "How did you train?"

"Without training, it's just so good." Shen Yu's tone was filled with a touch of pride, "Today I saw it using the toilet and flushing the water by itself. I usually play by myself at home, so I don't need to worry about it at all, so you just Don't even think about abducting it."

"Hey." Qiao Lingfeng said disdainfully, and stared at Xu Maomao with longing and loving eyes.

[Get the favorite value from 'Qiao Lingfeng' +100]

Hearing the prompt suddenly, Xu Maomao eats whales very much.

It seems that this Qiao Lingfeng really likes pets.

"Oscar, I want claws too." Qiao Lingfeng said with a smile.

After all, he is also a little fresh meat that he has cut himself, and he will also give him face. Xu Maomao then put the meat pad on his hand, and the big star Qiao was so cute that she couldn't help herself, and screamed several times.

[Qiao Lingfeng's favorite value +500]


You are so valuable!

Xu Maomao looked at him, and immediately seemed to see a human-shaped golden mountain. He just wanted to try his best to sell cuteness and make more money, but he didn't need to do anything at all. Big star Qiao's love value was continuously earned by bells one by one. .

In just a short meeting, he earned 1,500 Favorite Points.

Before leaving, Qiao Daxing did not forget to say to Shen Yu: "If you can't take care of it, leave it to me, and you must raise it up."

"Go home and cool down." His Oscar was very good, so he was reluctant.

In the afternoon, Shen Yu went to the pet store. Xu Maomao looked at the messy tableware and chopsticks in the kitchen, hesitated, turned on the tap, and tried to play a virtuous snail cat.

However, his claws were obviously not so good at washing dishes, and with a clang, the bowl shattered.

Xu Maomao was in a hurry to clean it up, but the fragments were too small and the cat's claws were inflexible. Not only did he not clean it up, but he broke several pieces one after another. The kitchen was full of water and debris, a mess. He hurriedly left the kitchen, the place of right and wrong, but there were water and oil on his claws, and even the carpet, sofa, and climbing frame in the living room were dirty claw prints.

As soon as he was praised for being good, he immediately destroyed it. Thinking of Shen Yu's strange cleanliness, Xu Maomao was suddenly worried that he would be disliked. I heard that the owner hates pets to destroy the house, will Shen Yu send me away when he is unhappy

... it is necessary to rescue.

Xu Maomao then clicked into the red envelope group, and was going to ask his friends how to please the shit shovel officer after they got into trouble, but found a golden red envelope appeared on the interface.

It's still from [Dr. Mi]!

Xu Maomao used the hand speed of a single gay and quickly poked in.

[The red envelope from 'Dr. Mi' needs to be deducted by 2000 Favorite Values, is it drawn? whether]

two thousand! So expensive! His savings is only 2350. But he still reluctantly decided to make sure, as if it was to earn a sense of existence for Dr. Mi.

After deducting the favorite value, I couldn't wait to open the big backpack, only to see a bottle of red potion in the third grid.

After the claws were moved up, there were only four words on it.

[Transformation Potion]