A Cat with a Red Envelope Group

Chapter 84: Body and mind are itchy


Xu Maomao showed such a look in his eyes. Last time, the Moon Lord Rabbit mentioned that the breath on his bones was very close to his own, and asked, "Could it be a big cat demon?"

Hei Mang shook his head: "Forgive my shallow knowledge and I can't fully confirm the real body, but I remembered a past event in the upper realm. Perhaps this bone is related to that incident. Mr. Xu, please allow me to investigate this skeleton."

Xu Maomao nodded: "Okay."

"How did you get this bone? It's not ordinary."

"Ah, it's a dog, a Caucasian breed, so strong!" Xu Maomao drew a big circle in the air, but he was not enough to describe his shock when he saw the Caucasian, because that was him The most feared dog breed.

"It actually fell into the hands of the dog clan?" The black cat looked a little solemn.

Cats and dogs don't get along, Xu Maomao was afraid that it would do something extreme to the honest and stupid dog because of over-interpretation, and quickly said: "It is not yet civilized, and it is estimated that it was taken back from somewhere..."

"Just take it back?" The black cat was incredulous, "Such an extraordinary remains, not to mention offerings, at least one should be in awe!"

Xu Maomao was still a little ashamed when she thought of the scene that day, but she still said bravely: "It wasn't like this when the dog gave me this bone, it was just an ordinary bone... Uh, it said that it was given to me. I grind my teeth - don't get me wrong, I haven't grinded them once!"

Heimang: "..."

According to this, it can already imagine how the dog treated the bone before it was handed over to Xu Maomao...

That's it! It's just an uncivilized stupid dog, don't care about it.

The slightly raised hair on Heimang softened and said, "I see, I won't embarrass it, but it's a bit difficult to investigate out of thin air. Can I borrow it for a while?"

"How long will it take?"

Heimang calculated his next itinerary, in addition to settling for Oscar's follow-up, he also had to deal with some trivial matters of the kitten in the clan, and said: "Half a year."

"This, I'm afraid it won't work." Xu Maomao said regretfully, "I am now entering a critical period of transformation. I can feel it myself, so I have to strike while the iron is hot and continue to redouble my efforts to practice."

Heimang expressed his understanding, so he asked to scrape off a little bit of debris, and Xu Maomao agreed.

"One more thing," the black cat paused, looking hesitant.

"Tell me, there's nothing I can't accept anymore." He can accept that he will be a cat in the future. Could it be that Black Lightning can tell him more shocking things

Unexpectedly, what the black cat said next was really a crit level.

Hei Mang's tone was a little heavy: "Actually, there is another reason why I didn't break its soul during this period. It may make you uncomfortable, but I think you should know it."

Xu Maomao didn't know what to expect: "?"

"Oscar once said that the reason why he didn't return it was because he felt he deserved to be a human being. I have observed its soul body for a while. Not only did it not gradually separate because of my magic circle, but it became more and more stable," Heimang said lightly. Said, "Of course at the beginning I also thought it was a sophistry, and it was inseparable from the fact that I was not good at learning, but the 'Nine Furnace Array' I gave it in the end was the most domineering and safest spell in the division of souls. In other words, it can be taken out even if the body is taken or the soul is exchanged, unless…”

Xu Maomao listened carefully, and gradually developed an ominous premonition: "Unless?"

"Unless there are two special circumstances, one is that the soul power of the creatures in the formation is strong, such as ancient beasts, heavenly immortals, or human races with great merit, they are protected by luck and heaven, and they will not be roasted by the nine furnace formations, but Oscar's soul Weak strength, this possibility is relatively small, and another reason," Hei Mang paused and said solemnly, "It's this body, maybe it really belongs to it, or it has some other connection with it..."

Xu Maomao subconsciously retorted: "But I was Xu Maomao when I was born." Seeing that Heimang didn't respond, Xu Maomao became anxious and asked, "Isn't it wrong?"

Hei Mang did not know how to appease him. It would be cruel for a person to accept the fact that his body that he had lived in for more than 20 years might be someone else's. Besides, he didn't have enough evidence unless he went to the underworld to investigate it himself.

"It's just a guess. The next time the gate of hell opens, I will apply to the next world to check the reincarnation records, but... you have to be mentally prepared."

Xu Maomao stared at it blankly. Today, I was already very depressed when I heard that I couldn't go back. Who knows what was even more shocking, that is, a cat told him: You may have been wearing the wrong body for the past 20 years!

Heimang: "Are you okay?"

"Not good," Xu Maomao wanted to cry without tears, "I am trying to reshape the three views."

Heimang: "...Although my cat family does not have the title of 'Spirit of All Things', their bloodline is absolutely noble and has a high status in the demon world." The cat family includes leopards, lions, and tigers. Which one does not make other animals in the forest and grassland. A frightened existence? ! They are ferocious, good-looking, catch rabbits, sell cute, and have a super IQ and decathlon! Moreover, after becoming a spirit, it retains an elegant and proud nature, and has a strong physique, and can easily hang other spirits in the demon clan.

So Heimang didn't think there was anything wrong with being a cat at all. He could only say that he understood a little of Xu Maomao's worries. He felt that he might be nostalgic.

Xu Maomao really couldn't communicate with it, and he was already shaky from the blow. At this moment, I really hope that Shen Yu will be by my side and use his unique tenderness to soothe his injured little heart. But now Shen Yu is estimated to be re-examination, why is he embarrassed to cause trouble? The only one who can support him is the black cat, but he is already a family cat, so he can't hook up with other cats.

Fortunately, by nature, Xu Maomao rubbed his eyes and said, "It's better now, you can go back, don't worry about me."

After finishing speaking, Xu Maomao was a bit incredulous himself. Accepting the fact that it might be a cat was much easier than he thought. His reason told him that he should struggle, but his emotions were calm at the speed of light.

Hei Mang looked at him suspiciously, and stayed with him for a while until he confirmed that Xu Maomao's mood had calmed down. The cold black lightning is actually quite gentle.

"By the way, I hope you keep this matter a secret and don't tell Shen Yu."

What if Shen Yu felt that he was actually in a relationship with a cat (maybe), he should not make it difficult for him!

The black cat showed a puzzled look, but didn't ask why. Instead, he was a little happy, a kind of faint glee when he shared Xu Maomao's secret.

They didn't stay for a long time. Before leaving, Xu Maomao also asked, "Where will Oscar go next? My house is still there, so you can live there."

He told Shen Yu to stop the water, electricity and gas before, and only the property fee was still being paid, using Xu Maomao's own bank card. Although Xu Maomao is only a cat now, his ability to attract money should not be underestimated. The manuscript fees for many years of old articles, and the money from his fans who started live broadcasts, not to mention the property fees, are more than enough to raise a little white face.

It's not that he wants heroism, but that it's no big deal for him to pamper his original body considering the money. No matter what, it was his own body, maybe he could go back in the future, and he was reluctant to let it suffer.

Heimang said coldly: "Of course, go back with me."

How dare Oscar dare to say a word, he doesn't dare to think about Qiao Lingfeng's brother's house, and it is a bit scary to live alone in the world. Heiman is fierce, but he has never really abused him.

At the last farewell, Heimang was in Oscar's arms. Oscar treats him the same way he treats his master. From time to time, he has to comb his hair with his hands. He thought sadly in his heart: In fact, being a human is not that good. In the past, the shit shoveler used to comb his hair, but now it's his turn to serve him. Another cat, hey, life is not easy.

The wound on Shen Yu's forehead healed completely in a short time. The repairing ability of his skin is amazingly powerful. In just a few days, there are hardly any scars left, and even the red marks are not very obvious, but the little girls in the pet store are beating their chests with envy.

But the shit shoveling officer was just right here, and there was something wrong with Xu Maomao there.

The Ragdoll, who has always been healthy and fat, suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Spring is here, he feels itchy.

Especially the area near the base of the tail is particularly itchy, and Xu Maomao can't help scratching. Itching is a common thing for long-haired animals, especially now that the weather is getting warmer, Xu Maomao thought it was a normal physiological hair loss, so he didn't care much. It was so itchy for several days and scratched for several days. Until the hair was scratched by him a little bit.

Because the puppet cat has long hair, it is not very obvious during the day. When Shen Yu hugged him on the sofa watching TV and smoothed his hair at night, he found a small bald piece at the base of his tail, but the size of a fingertip, but it was bare. The pink skin is a little inflamed at this point.

"what happened?"

"It's a little itchy."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Shen Yu pressed the button with a frown, causing Xu Maomao to hum comfortably: "Use some force."

"… "

"Yes, it's there, scratch it."

Shen Yu let go of it speechlessly, found a bottle of cat-specific rash anti-itch spray in the medicine cabinet, sprayed it there twice, and the cold mint relieved Xu Maomao's discomfort.

"If it's still itchy, just spray it yourself. It shouldn't be serious if you don't have red spots here, but you have to restrain yourself and don't scratch any more."

Shen Yu judged that it was just the itching caused by the change of seasons. He thought it would get better in two days, but Xu Maomao became more and more itchy, and the entire base of his tail was red.

Even after taking a bath, there was no relief, so Shen Yu discussed it in a professional tone: "Mao Mao, let's trim the hair, you are a puppet cat, the hair is long, thick and dense, it will be very uncomfortable when the weather is hot. ."

Xu Maomao jumped up: "Meow!"

I do not! Don't think I haven't seen what pets look like after they've been sheared!

Only one hairy head, bare body and limbs, can be ugly enough to be depressed! Every time he sees those cats and dogs being sheared on the road, he will laugh, he must not become that stupid look!

Shen Yu smiled and grabbed the big tail he was trying to escape, and said softly but non-negotiable: "It's not okay to avoid medical treatment. The cat is supposed to have its hair trimmed in spring, so follow me to the store."