A Contemptuous Beauty

Chapter 19


Li Yu is not the only one who is troubled.

Cheng Yan was also very troubled.

As soon as they went to other places to shoot, the matter of Shen Leming and Xu Ningyi gradually became clear - it turned out that the two of them will star in a drama, Princess Loves Money. Before eating together was for work.

The princess loves money, which is the ancient light comedy that Cheng Yan saw before. But Teacher Yang rejected it and asked him to pick up Fu Canglong.

Unexpectedly, the company turned around and gave Shen Le the name.

However, it can be said that his first leading role was cut off from Shen Leming, so there is nothing to complain about.

Cheng Yan was somewhat concerned about Teacher Yang's attitude. Covering it too tightly, in fact, even if there are some twists and turns in it, he can't understand it. Although he prefers the princess' script, once he accepts Bie Canglong, he will naturally go all out.

But these are just occasional thoughts, Cheng Yan's bigger worry is Xia Shaoqian.

Upset, in short, is upset.

You can only forget everything when you are shooting. When I look at the camera, my eyes straighten. Chu Tong could already see that something was wrong with him: "You can't be hit like this by Shen Leming, are you? It's like losing your soul."

"I'm thinking."

Chu Tong hugged her stomach and laughed wildly: "Thinking hahaha... thinking..."

At night, when I think of Xia Shaoqian, I can't help but want to smoke, and at the same time I want to restrain myself from smoking less, so I feel even more uncomfortable.

Cheng Yan pondered whether Xia Shaoqian was real...

Really... Cheng Yan didn't dare to fill in the thing represented by the ellipsis.

Cheng Yan's plan at the beginning was to defend the middle and embrace one. No matter what kind of person Xia Shaoqian is, it doesn't matter what tricks he plays, as long as he tries his best to play his role well. It was originally a transaction, Xia Shaoqian gave him a chance, and he served Xia Shaoqian.

Even if they do it, do it, and show affection, it's just a good impression of each other's bodies.

But, if, just in case, Xia Shaoqian is real... Then he is only willing to give his body, isn't he too stingy.

The question Cheng Yan has been thinking about is whether he wants to love Xia Shaoqian.

When the phone rang, he hesitated for a moment, but still answered it.

"Mr. Xia."

"What happened to your voice?"

Cheng Yan didn't speak for too long, his voice was a little hoarse, he took away the phone and cleared his throat: "It's fine now."

"Isn't it a cold?"


"I'll come to see you the day after tomorrow."

"Ah?" Cheng Yan said hurriedly, "I'm fine here."

Xia Shaoqian smiled: "I just want to attend a meeting, so drop by." Then he told Cheng Yan to pay attention to his health outside.

Cheng Yan hung up the phone and picked up the cigarette case, which was already empty. He threw away the cigarette case, lay down on the bed, and suddenly felt that he was ridiculous, what else did he need to think about. If you really didn't feel it, you wouldn't be so upset. It's not that he doesn't know how to play true love.

The next day, Shen Leming flew back to attend the press conference of Princess Ai Cai. Cheng Yan didn't care too much, as long as Shen Leming didn't delay the progress here. He is more nervous now that Xia Shaoqian is coming over.

Cheng Yan often feels that when he falls in love, he becomes a different person.

For the sake of first love, the whole life path has been changed. Although the second time was not so vigorous, it was not much worse.

This time it was so weird and tangled from the beginning, he really didn't know how it would develop.

Teacher Yang seemed to be worried about his emotions, and took him out for dinner in the evening. During the meal, both of them had something on their minds and didn't talk much.

After drinking two glasses of beer, Teacher Yang finally said, "The matter about Shen Leming..."

"I understand," Cheng Yan said, "I just want to play Lin Bushi well now. Other things have nothing to do with me."

Teacher Yang didn't expect him to speak so bluntly, it didn't seem like he was speaking against his will, but thinking of Cheng Yan's recent depression, he was a little confused: "He is a newcomer, and the company always has to work hard at the beginning to try to win. Now industry, you know..."

Cheng Yan knew that Teacher Yang had started to do his ideological work again.

It seems that no matter what he says, it's okay, Teacher Yang will finish the long speech he has prepared.

So he simply said, "Mr. Xia will come over tomorrow."

Cheng Yan's original intention was to sacrifice Xia Shaoqian, a great god, so that Teacher Yang would let him go back to rest early.

Unexpectedly, Teacher Yang was stunned instead, silently lit a cigarette, and said in a deliberate way: "Don't be angry with Mr. Xia, this matter is what I and the company wanted to ask Mr. Xia first."

Cheng Yan didn't react for a while, but just listened.

"Mr. Xia admires you very much, and of course appreciates your performance as an actor... It's understandable for you to act in the type he likes. It doesn't do you any harm. Like the Daisy at the beginning, or the Bound Canglong now, which one is not flattering?" Xi's role. It just so happens that you also starred, and Mr. Xia is also satisfied. It's a win-win for everyone."

"Daisy, just started?"

Teacher Yang simply said: "Mr. Xia said he wants to see you play a student role, so be clear."

"...feeling like first love."

Cheng Yan came up with such a sentence.

After dinner, Teacher Yang took a taxi back, but Cheng Yan didn't get in the car with him.

"I want to take a walk."

Against the warm spring night wind, he walked slowly.

Suddenly, I thought of that spray-painted wall, and all the emotions that day were wiped out.

He remembers card games being popular in elementary school. Every boy collects more and rarer cards than anyone else, and they fight cards at recess. He also worked hard to collect a set, and borrowed pocket money from his sister... He couldn't put it down.

It seems to be the richest and happiest person in the world.

Maybe he is Xia Shaoqian's set of cards.