A Contemptuous Beauty

Chapter 46


As a result, I still failed to move into a house the next day.

Things have been sorted out halfway, Cheng Yan received a call from Cheng Mei.

"...Parents and I will arrive around noon tomorrow," Cheng Mei's voice sounded sassy, "Parents will live with you, and I will take Congcong to the hotel."

The family has bought a new house, and just after the renovation, the old couple came out to play and relax. It just so happened that Cong Cong was going to elementary school in September, and Cheng Mei took him out for a trip together, which was a commemoration. The family planned their route and passed by Cheng Yan's place to see him by the way.

Cheng Yan called Cheng Mei to live with him. Anyway, when his parents come, his family can't move.

"Is there enough space?"

"There are two rooms, one for parents, one for you and Cong Cong. I will sleep in the small study." Cheng Yan felt that his arrangement was good. "It doesn't matter if you bring two more people. The living room is still empty. You can lie down for two."

Cheng Mei scolded him in turn: "It's amazing that you live in such a big house by yourself!"

Cheng Yan laughed dryly: "Be prepared."

"Who is the trouble? Who is the trouble?" Cheng Mei laughed twice.

After Xia Shaoqian found out, although he was unhappy, there was nothing he could do. What's more depressing than not being able to move here temporarily is that Cheng Yan couldn't even meet Xia Shaoqian when Cheng Yan's parents were there.

As soon as Cheng Yan's mother and Cheng Mei arrived, they took a look at the house and began to help clean it up. Cheng Yan felt that his home was well maintained, not too dirty. As a result, the mother and daughter received countless blank stares: "Look at the screen curtains, look at the corner of the balcony... and look under the sofa..."

"I call for cleaning once a month..." Cheng Yan defended.

So I was educated in chaos again.

Cheng Yan finally determined that they were traveling by chance, and their real purpose was to torture him.

Xia Shaoqian laughed when he heard him say this on the phone: "Is this torturing you?"

Cheng Yan suddenly realized that he was acting like a baby for comfort, so he was speechless. After hanging up the phone, I heard Chengmei giggling wildly, and when I turned around, I suddenly saw my mother-in-law approaching the balcony stealthily behind.

Cheng Yan also couldn't help laughing: "Mom, what are you doing sneaking around?"

Cheng Yan's mother spoke confidently: "You were the one who sneaked around first, and even hid on the balcony after answering the phone call."

Cheng Mei smiled and said, "You don't care about him. He is such an adult, hasn't he made friends by himself?" Cheng Yan's father hugged Congcong to express his agreement.

Cheng Yan's mother scolded them: "I'm worried that someone will deceive Yanyan."

Cheng Mei had a "here we are" expression, obviously he had heard his mother talk about it more than once. Cheng Yan is also funny, in his mother's heart, he will always be the tail that follows his sister, and is played around by the older children.

"Don't take it lightly," Cheng Yan's mother said to Cheng Yanyu earnestly, "You are much more famous now than in the past, maybe someone wants to take advantage of your fame... Not long ago, you had a cousin who didn't talk to us for many years. Walked around, and now came to pull me to do business together, blowing the hype."

Cheng Yan quickly said: "This kind of person can't be trusted, it's a surprise..." He got stuck in the middle of speaking.

He himself had just been hit by a piece of pie.

"... There are so many good things about cakes and so on." He barely finished.

Fortunately, others did not notice his strangeness.

Cheng Yan's mother also euphemistically said that there is a kind of little girl who is scheming. Cheng Yan seemed to be afraid that she would be cheated by a woman. It was funny and sad, so she vowed that she would never be cheated by a woman.

Going back to the small study and lying down, Cheng Yan was lost in thought with the script in his hand. That's a decent amount of pie. But Cheng Yan couldn't think of any trap behind this pie.

With a high-level director and screenwriter, and a crew that burns money seriously, if it weren't for Xia Shaoqian, he might not have received this drama at all.

"Cheng Yan." Cheng Mei knocked on the door of the small study.

Cheng Yan opened the door for her: "Come to talk at night?"

Before Chengmei went to junior high school, the two siblings lived in the same room, so it can be said that they are very close.

"What's this?"

Cheng Yan handed it to her: "You give the appraisal..."

"Oh," Cheng Mei sighed, "This is the legendary script!"

Cheng Mei teaches English and usually likes to read novels. It was she who brought up Cheng Yan's liking for reading novels.

After Cheng's eyebrows turned for ten minutes, Cheng Yan asked, "How is it?"

Cheng Mei slapped her over, "Don't make noise!"

Cheng Yan lay on the floor waiting until he fell asleep, and was pushed awake again in a daze.

"What's next?" Cheng Mei asked eagerly.

"...not anymore." Cheng Yan smiled secretly, there was no need to ask what was going on.

Cheng Mei was stunned for a moment: "What do you mean, no more?"

Cheng Yan replied straightforwardly: "I only got the first five episodes."

Cheng Mei thumped him twice to vent his anger, and then asked: "Which one do you want to play?"

Cheng Yan pondered for a while: "Zhou Xinchun."

Cheng Mei was noncommittal. Cheng Yan knew her very well, and when he saw her eyes, he knew that he was being despised.

"What's wrong? Think I can't hold it up?"

Cheng Mei patted his head: "What do you think? You are not domineering at all..."

This time it was Cheng Yan's turn to be noncommittal. Who said that Zhou Xinchun must act aggressively? Besides, who can say that a domineering person can be domineering all the time.

He had a strange dream at night.

I dreamed of Ouyang Zhiyi, he was sitting under the stage, watching himself perform a stage play, and it was Zhou Xinchun who was playing. Suddenly all the audience booed, only Ouyang Zhiyi laughed loudly: "Actually, all of this is my arrangement! It's just to let everyone see that your acting skills are nothing more than that!"

When Cheng Yan woke up, he recollected the dream for a long time, and finally smiled.

Parents and Cheng Mei will leave this morning, and the move, which has been delayed for several days, finally continues. He needs to believe that he can go forward without fear.

To celebrate the official cohabitation, Xia Shaoqian opened a bottle of good wine. Taking advantage of the wine, Cheng Yan finally said, "Thank you... I like this drama very much."

Xia Shaoqian was startled: "Yang Shibin told you?"

Cheng Yan shook his head: "No."

"Who else can do it for me but you?"

Xia Shaoqian was suddenly very relaxed and happy: "Are you really happy?"

"I'm very happy," Cheng Yan said solemnly, "I can't wait to play this role."

But there are more imminent things. When Xia Shaoqian pressed him up, Cheng Yan's hands reached into his shirt, just touching that layer of skin made him feel hot all over.

Two days after moving, Xia Shaoqian told him to spare the evening, and he invited two guests over for dinner.

Xia Shaoqian occasionally entertained guests in this mansion on the roof, Cheng Yan was surprised that he insisted on being there by himself.

But Xia Shaoqian refused to tell who the guest was.

"I want to surprise you."

Generally, surprises are deliberately mentioned in movies, and half of them will turn into disasters. However, Cheng Yan didn't feel the disaster at that time.