A Contemptuous Beauty

Chapter 47


When the guests entered, Cheng Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not someone I don't know. One is director Cai Mengxin. The other was a man whom Xia Shaoqian met at a reception and who had been to Xia's family gatherings a few times. He was in his late thirties, tall and thin, so he looked a little hunchbacked.

Cheng Yan remembered that Xia Shaoqian introduced him, saying that this person was the youngest son of the Qin family, named Qin Heng. His two elder brothers are not ordinary roles in social and shopping malls, but Qin Heng has no talent, and he also studied the unpopular history department. It seems that he intends to be the rice bug of the Qin family.

Cheng Yan only knew that Xia Shaoqian and Qin Heng's eldest brother had a good relationship, so it was a bit strange why Qin Heng came here today.

Qin Heng also brought his fiancée, the little girl is still studying at the University of the United States, she is a well-matched daughter.

In short, these three guests are indeed a slightly strange combination.

Qin Heng had known each other for a long time, and knew the relationship between Xia Shaoqian and Cheng Yan, so he greeted him politely and said, "I've heard that your house has a famous wall, and I can finally take a look today."

Xia Shaoqian led the guests to watch the famous scenic spots.

Cheng Yan was still a little worried about Director Cai's reaction. However, the old man is old and knowledgeable, so his reaction is very calm. He even commented on the layout with Qin Heng.

Zhao Xu and the other two supporting roles in Tang Bohu have been sprayed on. Because none of them are the main characters, the three characters are connected in a long and thin line and appear as a transitional screen.

"The next one is Zhou Xinchun, right?" Director Cai said kindly to Cheng Yan with a smile.

Qin Heng also smiled at Cheng Yan. Cheng Yan only took it as a polite smile.

However, Qin Heng opened his mouth: "It's better to be the image of Zhou Xinchun standing by the pier at the beginning."

Cheng Yan was puzzled for a moment. It was obviously an original script, why did Qin Heng know... He could only look at Xia Shaoqian.

Xia Shaoqian pressed Cheng Yan's back: "Vince is Qin Heng's pen name, I thought you should have guessed it."

Qin Heng and Cheng Yan shook hands again, and joked to Xia Shaoqian: "You hid me too deeply, not to mention that Cheng Yan couldn't guess it, even my elder brother couldn't guess it!"

Cheng Yan felt a very strange feeling.

The dinner was delicious, but he didn't seem to appreciate much of it. There must still be a smile on his face, Director Cai has been praising him, and chatting and laughing with Xia Shaoqian.

"I've wanted to make a film like this for a long time... By the way, do you remember that we once had a Republic of China theme? I collected a lot of good things at that time, and I can use them this time."

Xia Shaoqian was very happy: "Why don't we start the Baoxiang meeting again, I will be the initiator..."

Only then did Cheng Yan slowly come to his senses. Whether it's Director Cai, Qin Heng-Vince, it's not the first day I met Xia Shaoqian, they are very familiar with each other, and they have been planning this drama for a long time.

The only person who doesn't know is himself. At least that Qianjin lady can still talk about how hard Qin Heng was writing the script, and even had less time to accompany him.

At the end of the meal, Cheng Yan was silent and smiling.

After seeing off the guests, Cheng Yan went to wash the dishes.

Xia Shaoqian stood by the counter and watched him wash and brush, and said, "I invited them here to let you get acquainted with them so that your work will be smoother in the future."

Cheng Yan didn't speak.

Xia Shaoqian teased him again: "Cheng Yan?" He walked over and hugged Cheng Yan's waist from behind.

Cheng Yan froze.

"Cheng Yan," Xia Shaoqian's voice deepened, "I'm doing this for your own good."

Cheng Yan turned on the water to the maximum, rinsed it vigorously, and the water splashed everywhere. Xia Shaoqian had no choice but to let go of him.

When the sound of the water gradually died down, Cheng Yan finally said, "Aren't you..."


When Cheng Yan opened his mouth, he was unusually calm, as if he had been preparing for a long time, but after the first sentence, he spoke faster and faster.

"Maybe you do have a little thought that this will make my work easier, but what you want to see most is how surprised I am? How surprised these powerful directors and screenwriters are all arranged by you. How can you be surprised? So capable, so great!"

Xia Shaoqian laughed: "I said it all to surprise you, of course I just want to see you surprised. As for how capable I am... It's not the first day you know."

Cheng Yan wiped his hands clean: "Have you been planning for a long time?"

Xia Shaoqian held him back: "It's been long enough. But I'm satisfied to hear you say you're happy."

It was only then that Cheng Yan remembered that he had indeed said "happy" two days ago. At that time, he was really happy, because he didn't know that Xia Shaoqian's hands were so long and he had arranged so many things.

And at the moment he wasn't happy at all.

"You don't want to satisfy me, you just want to satisfy yourself." Cheng Yan broke away from Xia Shaoqian's hand, "I said before that I don't want you to help me choose a role, you are very dissatisfied."

He raised his eyes and looked directly at Xia Shaoqian: "Is it?"

Xia Shaoqian couldn't find a trace of smile on his face, he looked at Cheng Yan quietly: "What's wrong with you? You said that only I can do this for you. Now that you know, I can I will do whatever I can for you... "

He paused: "What else do you want?"

"I want to go." Cheng Yan's answer was concise and clear.

Xia Shaoqian pushed him down on the sofa like a beast: "Let's go? Have you forgotten that we are already living together?"

Cheng Yan smiled: "Didn't you also marry Qiu Yunnan?"

"So," Xia Shaoqian pressed Cheng Yan firmly, "I can only help you within the range you can accept. You want to use me, but you don't want me to take too much care."

He tried his best to suppress Cheng Yan who was trying to break free while speaking, his voice almost turned into a voice in Cheng Yan's ear.

"Cheng Yan, you are too hypocritical, aren't you?"